God and Devil World

Chapter 30: Save people

The school bus galloped on the road, Yue Zhong took out two cakes from the backpack and I ate one by one. After a fierce battle, he was also hungry and tired.

Lu Wen came over and said to Yue Zhong: "Yue Zhong brother, I am hungry. Give me a cake too."

Yue Zhong took out a cake from the bag and handed it to Lu Wen.

Lu Wen sat down at Yue Zhong’s side and ate it.

Watching Yue Zhong and his party eating all kinds of dry food, Su Ruxue also swallowed a bit of saliva. She has not eaten for more than a day.

Su Ruxue hesitated for a moment before he said to Yue Zhong: "Please give me something to eat. I have not eaten for a day."

Yue Zhong took a look at Su Ruxue and took a can of porridge from the backpack and threw it to Su Ruxue.

"Thank you!" After Su Ruxue's courtesy thank you, he immediately opened the can of eight-treasure porridge, regardless of the image of the big mouth and eat it. She only thinks that the eight-treasure porridge from the small to the big is the most delicious food she has ever eaten.

The school bus galloped again to Yunhua University.

Attracted by the sound of the school bus, the zombies outside Yunhua University moved towards this side.

There were dozens of zombies flying all the way, and the school bus parked in front of the female dormitory door.

The zombies around the girls’ dormitory immediately swayed towards this side.

Yue Zhong and Chi Yang opened the insurance for the 79-type submachine gun, and they were crazy shots against the zombies.

Under the fire of two assault rifles, the zombies that were surrounded were shot down on the ground.

After the fire tongue stopped, the zombies who had been shot down on the ground by the impact of the bullets swayed or stood up, or crawled toward Yue Zhong and Chi Yang.

The zombies can only kill them if they destroy their heads. Yue Zhong and Chi Yang have shot hundreds of bullets, and the only zombies that have been killed are only five. After all, the shooting methods of the two of them are impossible to compare with professional soldiers.

"Use the hot weapon to kill the enemy and you can't get the aura!" Yue Zhong looked at the zombies who had climbed up again, and his brow wrinkled. Although his gunwork was rotten, the intensive bullets also ran through the heads of the two zombies, making them fall to the ground, but he did not see the aura coming into his body.

And the zombies killed by Yue Zhong with bullets did not explode anything, and even the survival coins did not burst out. Yue Zhong uses novice sticks and imitation Tang knife to kill every zombie will explode things, at least a survival coin with a face value of 1.

"Stop shooting! Chi Yang, we are on!" Yue Zhong immediately stopped shooting and said to Chi Yang.

Chiyang nodded and picked up the imitation Tang knife and Yue Zhong rushed toward the corpse.

After the intensification, the white bones were fierce. Before Yue Zhong and Chi Yang, they broke into the corpse. The big axe in the hand seemed to fly in the corpse as if it were a whirlwind. The zombie in the whirlwind of the bone was immediately limb. Cracked the skull splash.

"Monster! It's terrible!" On the school bus, Su Ruxue looked at the fierce bones and was so scared that his eyes were wide.

"How good! How can Yue Zhong’s cockroaches become so powerful?" On the school bus, Chen Yao looked at the uninhabited land in the zombie group, slaughtered the bones of those zombies, and flashed a glimpse in his eyes. Unbelievable. She has also seen the bones of the bones, but it is still an acceptable range, at this time the strength of the bones has far exceeded that of ordinary humans.

The dozens of zombies around the girls' dormitory were quickly eliminated by Baizhu, Yuezhong and Chiyang. Among them, Baizhu killed more than 20 zombies, and the rest were Yue Zhong and Chi Yang. The two were eliminated.

Dozens of zombies are very embarrassing and only contribute dozens of living coins and a vibrant apple.

Leaving Chi Yangshou next to the school bus, Yue Zhong took the lead and rushed upstairs to the girls' dormitory.

In a female dormitory on the fourth floor, the front of the dormitory was full of various heavy objects to block the door. Four girls were squeezed into a bed and filled with fear and exhaustion.

The entire dormitory was silent, as if there were no living people in it, and the atmosphere was extremely depressed. The four girls knew that the zombies outside could judge the human position based on the sound, and they did not dare to speak loudly.

A girl Chen Ying whispered: "Zhang Li, I am hungry, what else do you eat?"

Zhang Li smiled bitterly: "The last piece of chocolate we didn't just have to eat this morning?"

"Zhang Li, you said that we will die?" Suddenly, Lin Qi said to Zhang Li, one side of the weak. Her heart is full of fear and uneasiness.

Zhang Li comforted: "Don't worry. We will be saved. Someone will come to save us soon. Does Yue Zhong say that he will come back to save us? We must believe him."

Even so, Zhang Li did not report any hopes~www.readwn.com~ After all, the world has become like this, and it is extremely dangerous to save people with great danger. .

"If anyone comes to save me now, I will be his girlfriend." Yuan Ying, a girl with a beautiful long black hair, a melon face, big and beautiful eyes, tall and plump, suddenly said.

Yuan Yingke is the most beautiful girl in the dormitory of Yunhua University's Conservatory of Music. He usually has a large number of pursuers. However, her eyes are also high, and a boyfriend has not paid, just like a white swan proud of the high.

Zhang Li smiled and said: "Be able to be the boyfriend of our Swan Princess, I don't know who is so lucky?"

"Hey! Yingying, don't you say that you don't make a boyfriend during college?"


The suffocating atmosphere in this female dormitory was broken, and several girls forgot the fear and laughed in a moment.

Just then, there was a sudden sound of zombies hitting the dormitory door. Several girls suddenly shut up and their eyes were filled with fear. The four of them were hugged together and their bodies were shaking, fearing the dormitory door. Broken by the zombies. As soon as the dormitory door was broken, they would all become food in the zombie mouth.

Soon after, there was a roar of the school bus engine, and the sound of the zombie hitting the door in front of the girls’ dormitory disappeared.

"Someone! Someone came to save us!" Hearing the sound of the school bus engine, an unparalleled joy lingered in the hearts of the four girls, and they immediately rushed to the window next to the washroom to look outside.

"It is Yue Zhong! Yue Zhong, he came back to save us!" Far away, Zhang Li saw the figure of Yue Zhong in the school bus, she suddenly shed tears.

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