God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 313: Great Vietnamese Imperial Army!

When the door opened, Hunchun spent an anxious rushing in and shouted loudly at Yue Zhong: "There are people coming from Yue people. They are the pioneers of the great Vietnamese emperor. They are coming to catch you. You are going to escape."

Yue Zhong looked behind the spring flowers and said: "It’s too late for them to come."

As soon as the spring flowers returned, I was shocked to see that Wu Yuwen’s eight warriors with the great Vietnamese emperor appeared outside the door. Wu Yuwen is looking at Yue Zhong and Chen Yao coldly with the sinister eyes of snakes.

When the Vietnamese military officer named the first saw Chen Yao, his eyes flashed a smattering of his face and licked his lips. N smiled and said: "A beautiful Chinese woman, I want to teach her to be a mother. Dog hahaha"

Another Vietnamese soldier’s eyes flashed in the eyes, n smiled: “The company commander will let everyone play a few rounds before you teach her to become a mother.

"Yes, the company commander let everyone have fun."

"The company commander let us play with her"


The seven Vietnamese soldiers all shouted loudly. Like Chen Yao, who is so beautiful and temperament, they have never seen them.

Chen Yao looked at the eight wretched Vietnamese fighters. The brows wrinkled slightly and asked Xiangchunhua: "What are they talking about?"

Hunchunhua hid in the side of Yue Zhong, and all the words of the Vietnamese soldiers were translated in horror. I heard that Chen Yao was pretty and blue, and the glory of the glory flashed in the beautiful.

Wu Yuwen pointed to Hunchun, and the Vietnamese and the Vietnamese officer nodded and said: "Can this woman give me this sir?"

The Vietnamese military officer said casually: "You can play for a few times. But unless you make other merits, you don't have to think about this woman."

"Thank you..." Wu Yuwen nodded and bowed to the Vietnamese military officer. When he screamed, his skull burst directly, and the red and white spattered onto the wall. The body without the half of his head fell. On the ground.

Almost everyone did not react. Only Yue Zhong took the stinger and ordered the cold bones of the bones: "Except for the leader, kill the rest of the people."

In an instant, the bones rushed into the remaining eight Vietnamese soldiers like a hurricane. The big hands stretched out and five sharp spurs burst out. They directly penetrated the heads of five Vietnamese soldiers and put their heads. Throughout, the brains are smashed.

Yue Zhong picked up the 03-type rifle and carried out two shots with great agility. Two bullets passed through the eyebrows of the two soldiers, killing the two soldiers directly.

At one time, seven people died in the hands of Yue Zhong. The Vietnamese officer responded and tried to pull out the pistol at the waist to fight back.

Only the Vietnamese military officer had just moved, and Yue Zhong immediately launched the fear technique. A shock of the spirit was in the mind of the Vietnamese military officer, and he was fainted.

"It's so powerful." Hunchun spent watching Yue Zhong and Bai Biao easily killing eight people, stunned one person with strange methods, and the body was shuddered with excitement. Some of them were so wet that this person was absolutely terrifying. Super strong, this time she can bet on the spring flowers.

Hunchun is a clever woman, she and her brother have a gap with the Vietnamese army. If she is caught and recognized, she will definitely not have any good end. Therefore, she decided to gamble on Yue Zhong, who was able to easily enter and kill from the corpse. She saw the corpse of the land and she knew that she had won.

"Bundled him up" Yue Zhong took a look at the spring flowers, and pulled out a lot of ropes from the backpack and threw them to the spring flowers.

"It's an adult," Hunchun said very graciously. She is now full of worship and awe in Yue Zhong. That is the worship and awe of powerful power.

Hunchun spent a very good job of tying up the Vietnamese military officers who fell to the ground.

"Go, go."

Yue Zhong left the white bone guardian Chen Yao, and he took the lead to walk downstairs.

At this time, no one was guarding downstairs, and the Vietnamese military soldiers were on the woman's body and their bodies. The gunshots upstairs all thought that Yue Zhong, the Chinese man, was executed directly on the spot. They have already asked, there is only one Chinese man in this small building. They have seven well-equipped fighters who go upstairs. No one thinks that the seven well-equipped fighters will not solve a Chinese.

Yue Zhong directly shuttled through the crowd, with a dark magic knife flashing in his hand, the head of a Vietnamese soldier was easily squatted, and their heads spewed a lot of blood, and they pressed them under the woman. The body is dyed red.

"Ah," a woman saw the head of the person who was rolling around her, and couldn't help but scream.

The screaming screams attracted the attention of the Vietnamese fighters who were humiliating other women like beasts.

Yue Zhong stunned the six Vietnamese soldiers with a faint command: "Chen Yao has six people."

Yue Zhong’s ability to kill, the destructive power is super strong, killing people is much simpler than arresting people. Chen Yao’s ability is more suitable for arresting people.

Chen Yao received the order of Yue Zhong and launched the skills. The seeds of the tree vines in his hand burst out six tree vines. They shot at the six Vietnamese soldiers like a snake, and firmly tied them.

Yue Zhong is a rushing forward, playing the horror speed of his nearly ten times ordinary people, like a ghost in the crowd, the dark magic knife knife flashes continuously, a skull suddenly fell to the ground The blood that spewed out was red on the ground.

Yue Zhongru, the same **** of killing, usually shuttled in the small building. Those Vietnamese military soldiers soon died in his hands.

Among the small buildings, there is a headless body that looks like a sultry person.

"Good, terrible, okay, I didn't anger him."

At this time, Fan Tongxuan had come over with the remaining six male survivors. He looked at the headless body and the Yue Zhong who was holding a dark magic knife and his face was not red and not breathing. His heart was full of shock.

The Vietnamese emperor also needs to replenish the population, so Fan Tengxuan, the survivors, just tied them up and did not kill them. Basically, the most violent bandits will not kill anyone without any reason for no reason. Of course, some strong psychopaths are not listed here.

The six male survivors were all pale, and looked at Yue Zhong’s eyes, full of awe.

The women who had been shackled had climbed from the ground at this time. They did not have a look to die, but dragged the bodies of the Vietnamese military soldiers and began to dig and bury them.

It’s not how good the survivors are, but if they don’t deal with them in time, the **** smell of the corpse is likely to attract some large-scale carnivorous mutants with a sense of smell.

Yue Zhong sat in a chair and looked at the seven prisoners he had seized. He asked coldly: "Who are you?"

The Hunchun flower is translated on one side, and the meaning of Yue Zhong is translated synchronously with the meaning of those captured.

"Hey, your mother, Chinese dog," a captive yelled at Yue Zhong's glare and shouted loudly.

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a touch of cold light, and the cold iced order said: “A good hard sweat will let you taste the lumbosacral punishment and get a good bone.

The white bone directly waved the big axe, and an axe broke the body of the captive.


The captive suddenly made a horrible scream, and his intestines, blood, and internal organs flowed out of the waist. He himself did not die for a while, but he struggled for a while in constant pain before he died in front of everyone.

The waist is one of the most cruel tortures in the feudal society, and it can make the most of the pain of death. Seeing the painful expression of the captive after being shackled, the remaining six captives flashed incomparably with fear.

Fan Tongxuan and all the survivors in this small building looked at Yue Zhong’s eyes full of fear. Yue Zhong in front of them is no longer the strongest in the daytime, but a devil who resorts to poisoning and decisive.

Yue Zhong smashed the Vietnamese soldiers who were shivering and shivering. They pointed directly to a Vietnamese soldier who shook his body the most. He said, "Who are you? You?"

The Vietnamese soldier was arrested by Yue Zhong, and his face turned pale. He said, "I said I said."

At the side of the cartilage head ~www.readwn.com~ Another Vietnamese soldier yelled: "Wu talks with you, this traitor, you traitor"

Yue Zhong waved his hand, and the white bone directly shot a bone blade, directly smashing the head of the hard-boned Vietnam soldier into two halves, and the white red sprinkled the ground.

Looking at this horrible scene, Wu Guantong, the cross-armed soldier of the cartilage head, completely collapsed. He cried and said: "The adults don't kill me. I said that I said everything."

Then Wu Tantong said all the information he knew honestly.

This forward army is a small force that the Great Vietnamese emperor sent to the city of Lang Son to search for survivors and collect intelligence.

After Wu Yanhong took the troops into the town of Friendship, he caught many Chinese survivors all the way. But he is a determined racist, just using those Chinese survivors as slaves. As a result, his army, government officials, factory workers and other important departments have experienced a lack of manpower. He then sent people to conduct exploratory investigations in the direction of Lang Son City, and by the way search for Vietnamese survivors to supplement his system.

From Wu talks about the body of this cartilage, Yue Zhong also got information about Wu Yanhong's department.

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