God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 325:

Full text without advertising Chapter 326

"He will have a fever for a day! After a day, he will have new strength. Before that, you should take good care of him!" Yue Zhong said, and Pan Jinyong was called again.

Yue Zhong directly turned the three-level skill book into a jungle ranger to Pan Jinyong: "I have given you this skill book! Use it to kill the enemy."

Pan Jinyong took over the skill book and immediately said with excitement: "Thank you for your father!! I will definitely kill the enemy! I will never let down your expectations."

The third-level skill book is very rare. After Pan Jinyong obtained the skill book, if he can make good use of the skill book, he can grow into a strong person.

At this time, Yue Zhong is in a different place, and there are too few people who can use it. He can only give valuable snake fruit and third-level skill books to these warriors who have not been together for too long. In the hope of forming combat effectiveness as soon as possible. It is good to be able to get a strong point.

Yue Zhong patted Pan Jinyong's shoulder and strode out to the outside to go out with the bones to the entrance to Nabo Town.

At this time, at the entrance to the town of Nabu, there were already more lightning and more than a hundred mutant leopards that it had led.

As a second-order mutant beast lightning, it has the ability to command the mutants of the local group near the commander. These mutant leopard cats are its men.

Xiaoqing and Xiaogui also have the same ability. It’s just that Xiaoqing is a lone traveler who will not be able to find a companion for a while. The small tortoise is a low-level mutant beast with no natives nearby, but it can only be used by other mutant beasts.

Yue Zhong patted the head of the lightning and pointed to the town: "Please, lightning, kill the zombies in this town!"

The lightning smashed for a while, and immediately whispered to the leopard cats.

Under the command of the lightning, the more than one hundred mutant leopard cats rushed toward the zombies in the town like a sharp arrow.

These mutant leopard cats are organisms that adapt to the mutation of the gene after the virus. The viruses carried on the zombies simply can't hurt them. This is also their biggest advantage for the zombies. Many mutant beasts feed on zombies. As long as those zombies do not have a z-type zombie command to form a huge corpse, those zombies can only become the food of the mutant beast.

After the mutated leopard cat rushed into the town, it immediately began to madly kill the zombies. If in the past, they will only eat enough zombies and leave the town. Full text without ads This time under the command of their boss lightning, these mutant leopard cats are constantly waving their claws and cutting off the heads of those zombies one by one.

Lightning also rushed into the town, killing the evolutionary zombies very easily and gracefully. N2, or s2 can't escape it.

In just one morning, more than two thousand zombies in the town of Nabu have been killed by lightning with the younger brother.

After Yue Zhong saw the lightning gracefully coming out of the town, this gave the survivors an order to enter the town: "Go into the town!"

Under the organization of Chen Yao, the more than a thousand survivors slowly entered the town.

Fan Tongxuan walked in the town of Nabu. He looked at the zombies and wrecks of those places. He was shocked and thought: "It’s amazing! The thousands of zombies in the town of Nabu are as easy as him. It’s so bad!”

Wu Tantong was also shocked by the situation of the towns and women watching the town. When he was outside the town, he did not escape. On the one hand, he as a traitor can not be accepted by the brutal Wu Yanhong, and fled to the jungle, with his strength is also a nine-death life situation, on the other hand he also has a little fantasies about Yue Zhong.

Out of Wu’s expectation, Yue Zhong not only destroyed the striker’s camp, but also brought back more than a thousand survivors from the town’s resident town to Nabu Town, and smashed the town of Nabu. Corpse. This made him decide to rely on Yue Zhong.

After entering the town of Nabu, the zombie wreckage in the town was gathered and put on the dead leaves and burned.

The various material warehouses in the town were taken over by Chen Yao.

The Vietnamese survivors were rushed into a building and were firmly in control after each person got a bowl of sticky porridge.

These Vietnamese survivors are not dependent on existence, they are likely to launch a rebellion at any time.

After the Vietnamese survivors were placed, the soldiers who were made up of Chinese, blacks and whites got the opportunity to take a break.

When the soldiers returned to the barracks, they immediately fell asleep. Everyone fell to bed and slept like a dead pig. They were physically weak and dragged their tired bodies for a night of marching. They couldn’t stand it. If there is a master who sneak into the camp now, one person can kill the hundred soldiers in his sleep.

After Yue Zhong himself experienced a series of hard battles, he was equally exhausted. After leaving the white bones to keep the door, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep. He is not a monster like the demon at this time. Although he has strong power, he is still a mortal. After a series of intense battles, you will get tired and tired.

On the other hand, Wu Yanhong’s reaction was also very rapid. The next morning, two soldiers from the county of Jixian were sent to the station of the striker’s camp.

Yue Zhong sneaked into the front camp, Wu Yanhong has learned from the mouth of the Vietnamese army. They are very clear that the soldiers of the two battalions are equipped with twenty wolf battalions and have the ability to completely crush Yue Zhong.

boom! !

Along with the huge explosion of his life, the two battalion soldiers who were in the march were immediately killed two people, and the three were blown up to be disabled.

"There are mines!! Everyone is careful!!"

With the huge snoring of a lifetime, the Vietnamese soldiers of the two battalions became careful and the action was stagnant. The great Vietnamese emperor founded by Wu Yanhong is also a very new army, including some Vietnamese military fighters. More is the average Vietnamese survivor. They don't have much experience in dealing with humans, especially the invisible threat of landmines that makes them cringe.

The three Vietnamese soldiers who were blown up by the limbs continued to make a tragic howl, which greatly affected the morale of the troops. In this end of the world, not only is China lacking drugs, but Vietnam is also lacking. The Vietnamese soldiers who were blown up by the limbs were waiting for them only to be shot. Wu Yanhong will not waste food to raise these soldiers who have turned into waste in his opinion.

"Engineering!! Mine!! Engineers go to mine!!" A battalion commander of the Vietnam Army screamed at the staff around him.

The staff member said cautiously: "The battalion commander!! We don't have special demining engineers and equipment!"

In fact, among the great Vietnamese emperors, there are mine-clearing equipment and the presence of demining engineers. However, they are veterans and belong to Wu Yanhong's first direct brigade. Other camps are rarely equipped with specialized demining engineers. After all, their main battle targets are positioned as jungle mutations and zombies in the city. Rather than a human warrior with modern firepower.

And in the hinterland of Vietnam, there is no place where mines appear. They ignored this.

"Damn!! What do you do now?" The battalion commander of the Vietnam Army screamed at the violent voice. He originally thought that this attack on Yue Zhong Department would be as simple as drinking water, and it would be easy to crush the resistance of Yue Zhong. After all, Yue Zhong had laid down the town where the striker was stationed, and there was no one to hold the town. But I did not expect a small mine to block him.

The staff member hesitated, and now the safest method is naturally to go back and transfer the mine-clearing engineers back, and then carefully derailed while demining. It’s just that he doesn’t know how angry his violent chief would hear this proposal.

One of the staff's brows screamed: "How about we find some animals like cattle and horses to open the way to detonate mines?"

The use of animals to detonate mines is also a very common method. In addition to this, there is a blasting demining method, a special demining vehicle demining method, and an engineering demining method.

The battalion commander of the Vietnam military screamed: "*! Now this kind of ghost condition, where do you go to find beasts like cattle and horses?"

The animal demining method is indeed good, but it is the end of the world. Animals such as cattle and horses are hard to find. Even if they are found, they are all valuable meat granaries and cannot be wasted in such suicide exploration.

A famous staff member put forward a lot of opinions, and they were all vetoed by the battalion commander of the Vietnam Army.

In the end, the two battalion commanders of the Vietnam Army discussed it and chose to send someone back to ask for help. Let Wu Yanhong send an engineering unit to help mine.

After the engineering unit came here, ~www.readwn.com~ immediately started demining. Just let the battalion commander of the Vietnamese army vomit blood, the Yue Lei side of the mine is not dense, and is mixed with a large number of fake mines. Greatly delayed the speed of their troops.

When the two battalion commanders of the Vietnam Army came to the town, the night had already arrived.

In the town, there were buildings and human bodies destroyed by cannons. Before Yue Zhong left, he put a fire to burn the unburned buildings in the town. The whole town was like a ghost. . Let the two battalion battalion commanders are extremely angry.

Because he did not know where Yue Zhong had fled, the two battalions of the great Vietnamese emperor could only be temporarily stationed in the abandoned town.

This time, with the previous lesson, the two battalion fighters of the great Vietnamese emperor did not dare to neglect at the moment. It was also the patrol squad in the entire camp at night to prevent Yue Zhong’s night attack.

Because of the timely escape, Yue Zhongbu finally got a valuable breathing time, and was not completely smashed by the great Vietnamese emperor.


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