God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 331:

Chapter 331

If the average person is afraid that he has already touched the pocket with the petite figure, Yue Zhong is a terrible strong man with ten times the speed of ordinary people. He easily grabbed the smaller slender arm and said coldly: What do you want to do?"

Yue Zhong looked at the petite figure that he had seized. The man was a black face, covered with dust, loose and fluffy hair, and a lot of dirt, long hair covering her face, wearing a ragged t-shirt.

Yue Zhong brows a wrinkle: "thief?"

The child saw Yue Zhong grabbed her right hand, and a flash of horror in her eyes, while struggling, screamed loudly: "Ah!!! Let me go! I am not a thief!! I am not a thief!! !"

In the child's fierce screaming struggle, Wei Ningguo took out a pistol directly on the child's head and used the Chinese cold ice command: "Shut up! Then quiet, waiting for our Yue boss to fall!" Otherwise I will blow your head in one shot."

After the end of the world, human life is like an ant. It is also a common occurrence for old people, women, and children to anger their killings. There is even a metamorphosis in the Wu Yanhong department that likes to abuse and kill children.

Wei Ningguo was born in the hands of the Wolf's Tooth Camp. He also had many lives. He did not have any psychological burden to kill people, even children.

The child looked at the guns of Wei Ningguoding in her head, and her eyes were full of fear, and she dared not talk about it again. She is also a cruel child who has seen the end of the world. She is very clear that some people kill and kill people. If she is not careful, she may become a body.

"What happened?" With a magnetic voice, Shu Tianya, Zhang Dianwen, and Hu Yan walked over. The master of the voice is the bright and moving Shu Tianya.

Yue Zhong pointed to the dirty little devil who said to Shu Tianya: "Miss Shu! Hello! I don't know how you Huaxing will deal with stealing things. This little guy is trying to steal my things, being I caught it on the spot."

Shu Tianya’s eyes were full of incomparable oppression and asked the little sister: “Is it true? Are you really stealing his things?”

The little boy hesitated for a while and said: "Yes!!"

Shu Tianya sighed slightly, and looked at Yue Zhong with a complicated look: "Yue Zhong, if a thief is caught here, you can kill the thief on the spot. Or take him as a slave. But once you put it He is accepted as a slave, and his food will be handed over to you. After that, everything has nothing to do with Huaxing."

Yue Zhong brows slightly wrinkled his heart and thought: "Slaves!! Is the criminal law here like this?"

Now in this end of the world, most of the forces have been cracked down on crimes such as theft and robbery. If these behaviors occur during the war, they will be directly killed if they are caught on the spot. If it is caught in the ordinary period, the method of dealing with Yue Zhong’s forces is to throw it into the scum camp, let it fight to death, or accumulate military skills to become civilians again. The treatment here is to turn people into slaves, and life and death are controlled by the owner.

Even in the Chinese organization of Huaxing, the criminal law is extremely heavy. After all, no heavy punishment can not suppress the end of the world that has collapsed.

Yue Zhong brows slightly wrinkled and looked at the little devil to look at a burden. Under the support of a big power, the child is a burden in this last world. Unless the child is an agile genius evolver like the distant one.

The little child looked at the brow wrinkled Yue Zhong was scared to kneel on the ground, holding Yue Zhong’s thigh and pleading: "Don’t kill me!! I beg you!! Uncle!! I am willing to be you. Slave. Don't kill me!!"

Yue Zhong looked at the little devil holding his thigh and waved to Wei Ningguo: "Okay!! I will accept you as a slave! You are my person from today."

When Wei Ningguo received the order, he took off his backpack and found a piece of cake with a bag and a bottle of milk handed to the little devil.

The child took the cake and milk as soon as possible, and immediately ruthlessly tore open the bag, eating and drinking. The cake and milk are luxuries after the end of the world, and one will be taken away if they are not careful.

The children around the Huaxing Club watched the child become a slave to Yue Zhong and even ate the cake and drank the milk. Everyone has red eyes, they also want to eat cakes and drink milk.

The children who walked around were immediately surrounded by Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong looked at the children who were surrounded and smiled at Shu Tianya: "Miss Shu!! These guys are please!"

There was a glimmer of light in Shu Tianya’s star, and he smiled at Yue Zhong: “Yue Zhong. You called me Miss Shu, it’s too much to see. Call me Tianya, unless you don’t treat me as Your friend."

Yue Zhongyi smiled: "Tianya!! These guys are pleased!"

Hearing Yue Zhong called Shu Tianya Tianya, there was a glimpse of Zhang Dianwen and Hu Yan’s eyes behind Shu Tianya. Both of them are pursuing Shu Tianya, and they are all very clear that only the person who can be seen by Shu Tianya will allow her to call her name. Apparently, Shu Tianya valued Yue Zhong very much, which made them a little embarrassed.

Shu Tianya reveals a splendid smile. In the beautiful world, the light of the gods turns to Zhang Shuwen and glances at it: "Several texts!"

Zhang Shuwen immediately took out a pistol and pointed at the children who were surrounded. The fierce and sullen shouted: "Go back! Don't make any mistakes. Be careful to lose your life."

The children were so sullen and sullen, and their faces were scared, and the birds and beasts were scattered.

Hu Yan took a step forward and came to Yue Zhong, who was full of war and looked at Yue Zhong. He challenged Yue Zhong: "Yue Zhong!! I heard that your strength is very strong. Can you talk to me!! ”

Yue Zhong’s ability to manipulate mutant beasts is strong. This is the consensus of everyone in Huaxing. But no one is perfect, one person is very strong in one aspect, and that person has its weak side. Hu Yan recognized Yue Zhong’s ability to manipulate the mutant beast, but he singled out Yue Zhong’s deity, but he was fearless.

Yue Zhong slightly shook his head and directly rejected Hu Yan’s proposal: "Hu brother! Sorry, I am not interested in this kind of lack of color, meaningless discussion. You go to other people to discuss."

Hu Yan’s burning eyes continue to be aggressive: “Are you afraid? Yue Zhong!! I know that your ability to manipulate the mutant beast is very strong. I am also grateful to you for saving us with the mutant beast. But the real strong is Will not escape any challenges!! Let us fight for a fair fight!! You can rest assured that my Hu Yan is bright and upright, as long as you feel that you are not able to rival me, immediately admit defeat, I will stop directly. Never do those things that fall into the rocks. !"

Although Hu Yan has been grateful to Yue Zhong for saving them with the mutant beast. However, he even wants to show his face in front of his sweetheart Shu Tianya, proving that he is definitely better than Yue Zhong himself. Yue Zhong is just a dog, and luckily has the ability to manipulate the mutant beast.

Yue Zhong smiled a little, and said carelessly: "So I admit defeat! You won! Hu brother!!"

This kind of unhelpful battle Yue Zhong really does not want to take any effort.

Hu Yan heard Yue Zhong’s alternative refusal. His face was red and red. He clenched his fists and burst into blue veins. His body was constantly trembled.

Shu Tianya heard Yue Zhong’s refusal, and there was a deep disappointment in the beauty. She is full of curiosity about Yue Zhong, a strong man who can control more than a hundred mutant beasts and is praised by Zheng Qiang. Now Yue Zhong’s refusal has disappointed her.

Zhang Shuwen came out and yelled at Yue Zhong and said slowly: "Yue Zhong! You just said that you don't want to fight without a color head. Then this way! As long as you can beat Hu Yan, then Hu Yan and I will listen to you for a month. If you lose to Hu Yan, then the food that Huaxing will provide to you for dispatch will be 200 tons from 300 tons. How do you see it?"

Zhang Shuwen is much smarter than Hu Yan. He quickly saw the truth that Yue Zhong was unwilling to fight. Proposed a proposal to impress Yue Zhong.

Both Zhang Wenwen and Hu Yan are intensifiers of the 30th grade or above. Yue Zhong’s one-month command of the two strong players can do a lot of things.

Yue Zhong pondered for a while: "Good!! I agree! Hu brother, do you agree with this proposal?"

Hu Yan confidently put forward a condition: "I agree!! But you can't use those mutant beasts. If you use those mutant beasts, I am not the opponent of the second-order mutant leopard cat."

Yue Zhong Shen said: "No problem!! I will not use the mutant beast."

Hu Yandao: "Good! Let's go!!"

Yue Zhong followed Hu Yan and his entourage to the direction of Wudouping, which was specially used for discussion. ~www.readwn.com~ The Wudouping was specially used by the masters of the Huaxing Association to learn from each other. Many Huaxing masters will learn from this Wudouping, constantly improve their actual combat capabilities and develop new combat skills.

The battle between Yue Zhong and Hu Yan soon spread to this small gathering place, and the masters of the entire Huaxing Association gathered in this Wudouping to watch this battle.

Shu Wenyan looked at Yue Zhong and Hu Yan in Wu Doping, and asked Wang Xingchun, the deputy gang around him, to ask: "Xingchun, who will win this battle?"

Wang Xingchun looked at Yue Zhong and Hu Yan in the mouth of Wu Doping. His eyes were slightly stunned: "Hu Yan!! If Yue Zhong does not use the mutant beast! On this Wudouping, he will not be Hu Yan. Opponent."

Hu Yan's intensive level of 38 is the fourth master of Huaxing, second only to Shu Wenyan, Wang Xingchun and Chu Hu. He has the skills of close combat and has been strengthened to the third level. In this Wudouping, one careless, Shu Wenyan will be defeated in the hands of Hu Yan.


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