God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 335:

Full text without advertising 335th chapter

Yue Zhong’s eyes are cold and cold, and he said: “If you betray me and become my enemy! I will cut down your head. Give your family as a slave to my subordinates. Let them live in the world and become a low-lying and humble slave. Throughout this life, as the first person to follow me, you will gain a lot of wealth and glory. You are willing to follow me to fight, or want to be my enemy, all of which are chosen by you."

Yue Zhong waved his hand and said: "Now, I will give you strength! Give a gun!"

A soldier borrowed from the Huaxing Club by a famous Yue Zhong took a box of ak onto the high platform and began to give the guns to the Hongmen soldiers he had just compiled.

"A lot of guns!!"

The survivors in the town saw the box of firearms, and there was a stun in their eyes. At the time of the flood gate, there were only a dozen aks at the most, and the rest of the guns were all pistols. Now Yue Zhong took out more than a hundred ak and sent it to the soldiers he had left, so that the survivors were filled with horror. They will be honest until there is no new powerful force to overthrow Yue Zhong.

The warriors who had just been picked up by Yue Zhong had taken over the one only ak, and they also had some conviction in their hearts, and their faces were full of excitement and joy. In this end of the world, only the strong can live a good life, an ak rifle, enough to make those soldiers a terrorist presence in front of ordinary survivors.

After looking at the gun, Yue Zhong shouted loudly: "So now, let's go hunting the first prey. Come with me!! Let's kill Wu Yanhong's men and grab everything in their hands. Come over. As long as Wu Yanhong is destroyed, food, woman, wealth, status, I will give it to you!"

Zheng Ming and loudly shouted: "Kill!! Kill!! Kill!! Kill them!! Take them all!!"

Zheng Minghe wanted to kill Wu Yanhong, and Yue Zhong’s slogan was right for him. At this moment, as long as Yue Zhong can kill Wu Yanhong, he is willing to become the heart of Yue Zhong.

"Kill!! Kill!! Kill!! Kill them!!" The soldiers below smashed together with Zheng Minghe, and the more they screamed, the fierce slogans were also stimulated. Come out. It made a sound of howling like a wolf.

"Depart!" Yue Zhong’s eyes chilled and issued an order to send troops.

This one has been provoked by the fierce army and followed Yue Zhong to attack in the distance.

The defense of the small village, Yue Zhong was handed over to the three Huaxing Club cadres Hu Yan, Zhang Dianwen, Zheng Qiang and the 100 soldiers borrowed from the Huaxing Association. (full text e-book free download)

Shu Wenyan is also qualified to lend the 100 Huaxing soldiers to Yue Zhong. Within ten people, he is not responsible. In addition to the death of ten people, the extra person Yue Zhong must be responsible for helping the Huaxing Association to add in. Each dead person must be two and must be Chinese. Therefore, these Huaxing soldiers who borrowed from Yue Zhong only intended to use them as guards in the town to maintain the security and defense of the town.

Zheng Minghe is an agile intensifier who has been a scout. Therefore, he took several soldiers and volunteered to act as a scout for the Yue Zhong Department, and investigated intelligence.

The soldiers were all those who had their wives and children in the village, and Yue Zhong did not worry that they would run away. In fact, the Vietnamese soldiers selected by Yue Zhong are also people with wives and children, if they dare to defect. Yue Zhong will never be merciless.

Zheng Ming and carefully shuttled through the jungle. He was coated with a strange sap of sap, exuding an unpleasant smell, but was able to dispel the mosquito grasshopper. The remaining four soldiers also painted the sap, otherwise the poisonous insects in the jungle could easily take their lives.

"That is!!" During the march, Zheng Minghe suddenly heard the sound of the roar of the car. He browed his head and quickly led the person to the place where the sound of the car roared.

Zheng Minghe soon squatted on a small hill and saw a huge fleet of cars on the lower highway.

The huge fleet consisted of a large truck. Zheng Minghe looked at it from the top of the hill. You can see that there was a pile of piles of survivors and men and women in the big truck. .

On both sides of the huge fleet of large trucks, there is a battalion of soldiers who are fully armed and marching.

In this end of the world, the team transport must be guarded by the soldiers, otherwise the mutant beasts in the jungle will be attracted by the sound of the engine, swallowing the team.

"A big fish with a good fat!! Unfortunately, it is a little too big, and there are many thorns. I don't know how Yue Zhong will handle this big fish!" Zheng Minghe looked at the huge fleet below, and his eyes flashed and shook out. The military walkie-talkie reported to Yue Zhong the first time he discovered the situation.

"A battalion has no heavy weapons!! It is a big fat fish!! Let us kill them!!" After Yue Zhong heard the report of Zheng Minghe, his eyes flashed and his determination was immediately made.

The direction of the team was driving in the direction of the Yue Zhong troops. Yue Zhong quickly let the troops choose a small hill to hide.

The team continued to move forward unconsciously into the ambush circle of Yue Zhong and his entourage.

"Hot!!!" Yue Zhong took out a heavy machine gun and madly directed toward the team below. A large number of heavy machine gun bullets landed on the soldiers around the guardian team and directly smashed the soldiers, the intestines. Splash.

Wei Ningguo, Yi Shuixiong, Zhou Dali, and Ning Changshui also led their own subordinates to shoot on the ground with guns in front of the soldiers of the team.

Between the defense and the defense, the soldiers of a battalion of the guardian team were immediately defeated by more than 30 people.

"Hidden!! Hidden!!!" The guardian battalion commander’s face turned loud and loud. He did not expect to be attacked in this place.

However, a battalion warrior of the guardian team is not an elite force, but a group of rabble who have not undergone much training. When they are ambushed, morale collapses. Most of them have left their weapons and fled, and some of them are Obeying the command of the team battalion commander, using a truck as a cover, resisting on the spot.

Yue Zhong saw that the battalion soldier below collapsed most of the time. He was happy in his heart and gave a scream to the sky.

The lightning that led a group of younger brothers ambushing nearby immediately gave a low voice and led the more than one hundred younger brothers to rush out from the jungle like lightning, and soon broke into the defensive circle of the battalion soldier. Among them.

The more than one hundred mutant leopard cats were really unstoppable under the command of lightning, constantly throwing a famous resistance fighter to the ground and biting their throats.

"Damn beast!!!" There are also three intensive men of the 30th level in the camp. They are responsible for solving some of the powerful mutant beasts. When they see the mutant leopard cats, they immediately rushed out.

Among the three intensifiers of the 30th level, one is a strength-type intensifier. He holds a giant shield and the other hand holds a huge hammer. The weight of the two weapons is as high as seven hundred kilograms. The big hammer can smash a small car. The huge alloy steel shield is able to withstand the shooting of heavy machine guns, but the ordinary people who have a few hundred pounds of steel shield can't get it.

One is an agile intensifier who holds a dagger with a blue light and moves in a crowd.

Another one is the intruder who has the power to manipulate the ice. The ice intensifier is pointing towards a mutant leopard cat. Eight ice cones are instantly formed and smashed into the body of the mutant leopard cat. The bursting of the ice, the huge ice and cold force to freeze the blood of the mutant leopard cat, fell to the ground.

Lightning noticed the three distinctive intensifiers in the first place. It jumped and suddenly appeared on the side of the agile intensifier. One claw was shot, and the sharp claws directly took the name. Agile intensifiers smashed the waist.

After the lightning quickly killed the agile intensifier, several consecutive jumps, avoiding countless bullets, flew toward the power-type intensifier holding the giant shield.

The power-type intensifier of the giant shield is just a flash of lightning and the face is greatly changed: "Second-order mutant leopard cat!! Damn! How can there be a second-order mutant beast!!"

The power-type intensifier had a flower, and the lightning disappeared from his vision. The next moment, a sharp claw came from behind his back, and a claw easily smashed his head.

The intensifier who manipulated the power of ice looked at the lightning, his eyes filled with horror, and he turned and ran wildly toward a military jeep. He is definitely not the opponent of the second-order mutant beast. There is only one way to escape.

A slamming shot! The intruder who manipulated the power of ice immediately had a big hole, and he himself fell to the ground and became a body.

Yue Zhong looked at the body of the intensifier who manipulated the power of ice ~www.readwn.com~ put down the Batley in his hand, picked up a heavy machine gun and madly fired at the remnants of the battalion.

"Supply does not kill!! Put down the weapon!! Surrender does not kill!!" Zheng Ming and loudly shouted.

"Supply does not kill!! Put down the weapon!! Surrender does not kill!!"

There was a scream of screaming in the air, and the slogan of forcing the enemy to surrender was the best. Whenever this slogan sounds, it is the time of victory in the war.

Under the double attack of the mutant beast and human beings, a battalion that has basically collapsed can no longer be assembled. Many people have left their weapons, their hands clasped their heads, and they shivered and looked at the mutant beasts.

Others are trying to escape from the direction of the jungle, but the speed of human beings can't be compared with the mutant leopard cats. Those people are easily thrown to the ground by the mutant leopard cats and bite the throat.


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