God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 339: Full of Li Xiaoli!

The whole text has no advertising, the third hundred and thirty-ninth chapter is full of Li Xiaoli!

Yue Zhongqiang pressed the anger in his heart and released a signal flare into the sky. Full text without ads

"Yue Boda has already released the signal! Come with me!!" Zheng Minghe saw the signal bullet in the sky and immediately led the more than 50 soldiers to rush in the direction of the town.

Yue Zhong alone can annihilate an elite company soldier but want to control a town with more than a thousand people. It is impossible to do it alone. Even protecting the Chinese who have just been saved is very difficult, so Yue Zhong must get the help of Zheng Minghe and his party.

Yue Zhong looked at the more than 200 Chinese prisoners who had been escorted and said: "I am Yue Zhong!! I am Chinese, I am here to save you! From today, you are my people. I will do my best. The greatest effort is to protect you. Wu Yanhong is a beast, I will not let him go."

The Chinese prisoners all cried aloud, and many of them squatted in front of Yue Zhong and kept gimmicks. If Yue Zhong came one step late, they would all be slaughtered clean. At this moment, almost everyone is full of gratitude and awe of Yue Zhong.

After Yue Zhong waved the black knife to cut off the ropes of several Chinese prisoners, the Chinese prisoners also went to help other Chinese prisoners to untie the ropes.

Yue Zhong looked at the survivors and said: "Whoever has the strength, he takes the gun and fights. It is only you who can protect you now."

Among the survivors, more than 20 men quickly came out. They went to pick up the equipment of the 12 Vietnamese soldiers and then quietly watched Yue Zhong waiting for his orders.

These Chinese survivors have already seen the strength of Yue Zhongqiang, and without a backbone, they unconsciously began to listen to the command of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong looked at the twelve gunmen and asked: "Who of you have had the experience of shooting?"

A middle-aged man with a height of one meter six, his eyes narrowly sunken, shaved his head and a sly face, said: "My name is Li Guangguo! I am a retired soldier in China."

Yue Zhong looked at Li Guangguo and screamed: "Good! Li Guangguo, I appointed you as the temporary commander of these survivors. You are responsible for organizing our Chinese compatriots. Hold on here, don't let those Vietnamese come to insult our compatriots. I am going to kill those Vietnamese animals! Then come back and take you out of here."

At this time, the town has been in chaos, and there are Vietnamese mobs everywhere, if no one is here. I am afraid that those Chinese survivors will suffer a bitter suffering. Yue Zhong must go after the beasts of Wu Yanhong, and there is no time to stay here.

Li Guangguo’s loud response: “Yes! Chief!!”

Yue Zhong saw that Li Guangguo took over his own orders and his body flashed and continued to pursue the remnants of Wu Yanhong in the town.

This elite stationed in the town has a total of more than 150 people who are a strengthening company. Yue Zhong alone killed more than 80 people.

Li Xiaoli is also an officer with a very rich combat experience. At first sight, Yue Zhong was unmatched, and immediately ordered the retreat. The surviving elite company was quickly taken to the outside of the town by a transport vehicle under the command of Li Xiaoli.

Yue Zhong spent a period of time saving the Chinese survivors and waiting for him to catch up with Li Xiaoli’s remnants. He saw a transporter full of Vietnamese soldiers evacuating in an orderly manner.

"Damn!! You will never let these beasts escape!" Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a glimpse of his anger, and he launched a skillful step-by-step madness to chase up the carrier.

After launching the skill step, Yue Zhong has nearly 14 times the agility of ordinary people, and his full speed of Mercedes-Benz is far above the personnel carrier in a short time.

On the full chase of Yue Zhong, the distance between the two sides is constantly drawing closer. With 14 times the agility of ordinary people, Yue Zhong can be regarded as a little superman before the end of the world. Of course, it is extremely costly to run the car at a speed that exceeds the speed of the car. Yue Zhong cannot hold on for an hour.

"Is that human? You can catch up with the car in the flesh!!" Li Xiaoli quickly saw a horror in the eyes of Yue Zhong, who was constantly chasing him from the rearview mirror. For the first time, he saw a fortifier using the body to chase the car, and the car was to be caught up by Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong's full speed gallop quickly caught up with a transporting vehicle that was fleeing. He pointed at a transporter, and a group of magic flames slammed into the transporter as if they were bombarded. The horrible flame directly swallowed the transporter and exploded. It turned into a fireball. The fifteen Vietnamese soldiers who sat on the transport carrier were also swallowed up by the flames and turned into ashes.

After killing a personnel carrier, Yue Zhong looked cold and continued to launch the magical skills, pointing to the front. A fireball broke out again and another caravan was swallowed up and exploded.

Around the transport trucks, there were five machine guns, and the five machine guns madly poured firepower and fired at Yue Zhong.

The Vietnamese soldiers who were sitting on the transport vehicles were not willing to die. They fired their guns at Yue Zhong.

Under the cover of countless metal barrage, Yue Zhong continued to shuttle to avoid the intensive bullet speed and could not help but slow down. However, Yue Zhong constantly mobilized the skills of magic, a group of magical fire like a cannonball rushed on those transport vehicles, directly blasting the transport vehicle together with the soldiers inside.

"Damn!! I ordered! Machine gun car cover! Transporter parking!! All the soldiers scattered to the jungle direction to escape!" Li Xiaoli looked at the famous Vietnamese army soldier was swallowed into a gray ash, smashed, loud Hey. He could not hesitate to order the killing of hundreds of unarmed Chinese, but he watched the good brothers in his hands being hunted by Yue Zhong, and his heart was bleeding.

The five machine guns as guards were blocked in front of those personnel carriers in accordance with Li Xiaoli’s orders, knowingly dying.

The group of magical forces that Yue Zhong manipulated was on top of those machine guns, and all the machine guns were smashed into ashes.

The remaining two personnel carriers stopped, and the remaining 30 soldiers followed the time when Yue Zhong destroyed the machine gun and dispersed in the direction of the jungle.

Li Xiaoli saw through the weakness of Yue Zhong. That is, Yue Zhong is alone. In the face of the Vietnamese soldiers who have fled to the Quartet, they can kill a total of seven or eight people. Most of the rest should be able to escape from this place.

"Want to escape! How simple!!" Yue Zhong looked at the 30 Vietnamese soldiers, and smiled coldly, giving a sharp whistle.

Almost for a moment, a mutant leopard cat rushed out of the jungle and rushed toward the Vietnamese soldiers.

Those Vietnamese soldiers are elite, if there are bunkers and fortifications. Thirty Vietnamese soldiers can also kill 100 headed leopard cats. But in this wilderness without fortifications, they are not the opponents of the mutant leopard cats at all. Those mutant leopard cats easily plunged the Vietnamese soldiers to the ground and snapped their pipes.

"The beast! You **** beast!!! I will never let you go!!" Li Xiaoli saw that his elite subordinates were smashed into the throat by the mutant leopard cat, and his eyes were red. He is also a 20-level intensifier. He launched his skills to move at high speed and madly rushed toward Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong couldn't understand Li Xiaoli's Vietnamese. He looked at Li Xiaoli who rushed over to him. His brow wrinkled and raised the stinger toward Li Xiaoli.

A loud bang, Li Xiaoli did not rush to Yue Zhong, his head burst open.

"All killed! Do not leave alive!" Yue Zhong looked coldly at the Vietnamese beggars commanding the lightning. He did not have a good impression on the Vietnamese army that ordered the massacre of Chinese. Naturally, he did not want to leave a living.

Upon receiving the order of Yue Zhong, the lightning in the body with the brutal blood of the mutant beast was very happy. He led the younger brothers to quickly kill the surviving Li Xiaoli soldiers and eat them on the spot.

Yue Zhong collected all the weapons of Li Xiaoli's soldiers and threw them on a transporter. He left the dead body and headed for the town.

At that time, the town had become a mess. Under the orders of Li Xiaoli, there were many Vietnamese thugs in the town, and countless Vietnamese survivors fled in all directions.

When Yue Zhong took Zheng Minghe and Li Guangguo to kill the thugs in the whole town and stabilize the order of the town, there were only more than 200 Chinese survivors and more than 600 Vietnamese in the town. survivor.

After the situation was slightly stabilized, Yue Zhong took the person out of the town. Before leaving, he put a big fire in the town~www.readwn.com~ burned the town clean. Nothing left.

The most luxurious villa in the county has become the center of the great Vietnamese emperor. All the instructions are issued from here.

In the conference hall of the luxury villa, a tall and sturdy, well-rounded, with a long shoulders, about twenty-seven years old, a young man with a suffocating brow between the eyebrows A middle-aged man kneeling in front of him said coldly: "What!! The soldiers of the three battalions were annihilated by Huaxing. How is it possible? How can they have that strength? Is this true, Song Weiyun?"

Song Weiyun has a cold sweat on his back, and he dares not to have any scornful and respectful saying: "It’s true! Your Majesty, according to the description of those who have escaped. They were led by a strong raid who manipulated a large number of mutant beasts. The strong can even manipulate second-order mutant beasts."

The young man with a suffocating scent between the eyebrows was Wu Yanhong, the leader of the great Vietnamese emperor. He had just heard the news of the three battalions from the hunting of the mutant beast in the jungle, which made him very angry.


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