God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 341: The secret of Huaxing Club!

The 341th chapter of the Huaxing Association's secret discussion!

After Ming Jiajia drank the snake's fruit juice, he soon had a fever and then stunned again.

Yue Zhong left the white bone guardian Ming Jia, and then strode out to the outside.

At that time, outside of Li Guangguo and Zheng Ming, the two men were training their subordinates. All Chinese survivors and some Vietnamese survivors were strictly trained according to military standards.

Yue Zhong is a Chinese, and people can only trust Chinese in a foreign country. Therefore, more than 700 Chinese survivors, both men and women, were included in the warriors and conducted rigorous training. The Chinese survivors, both men and women, experienced the cruel training of the last days, and they all grew up. There is no complaint about the strict training of Yue Zhong.

The female Chinese survivors and the modern girls of the girls are not so squeaky, and many have withstood the same arduous military training as men. Those who have not withstood the training are not that they are not willing to practice hard, but that their weak body can't stand such a rigorous training.

Yue Zhong looked at a famous female soldier who stood under the sun and was still firm. He nodded slightly. Many of these female survivors have been cruelly tortured, not only have not eaten enough, but also have been subjected to men’s sinfulness and disgrace. Now they have the opportunity to have dignity and strength, and everyone cherishes them. Many male soldiers before the end of the world Be good.

Yue Zhong has some masculinity and thinks that war is a man's business. He has always liked to fight with female soldiers. However, in this rare Chinese, he can only train women. Otherwise he will be in a state of paralysis where no one is available.

Yue Zhong’s department also has a small number of Vietnamese survivors, but the Vietnamese survivors he uses are Vietnamese survivors who have a family. This can reduce the chance of the opponent's rebellion. Even so, he did not dare to use too many Vietnamese, otherwise the Vietnamese would be in trouble if they rebelled.

Yue Zhong looked at the Chinese survivor who insisted on training under the sun. The brows were slightly wrinkled and thought to be pity: "Unfortunately! If there is a body of a second-order mutant beast!"

If there are enough second-order mutant beasts, those survivors will be able to recover quickly and be able to carry out higher-intensity military training and improve their combat skills.

Just as Yue Zhong looked at the Chinese survivors who were constantly training, the elevation of the Huaxing Club was holding a secret meeting.

Shu Wenyan sighed slightly: "A few days have not seen, this Yue Zhong has integrated a force of over a thousand. He is really capable!"

Yue Zhong borrowed a hundred soldiers from the Huaxing Association to go out, but brought back more people than Huaxing, and also seized a battalion of equipment. Let the high-level people of Huaxing meet stunned.

Chen San was a little dissatisfied with the air: "Hey!! Yue Zhong that the army is just a rabble, where is comparable to the elite of our Huaxing Association!! He has more than a thousand people, we only need more than two hundred The warrior can defeat it!!"

The unit that Yue Zhong has just integrated is indeed a group of rabble as Chen San said. Not only has it not undergone rigorous military training, but also no combat experience. I really can't beat the warriors of Huaxing.

Feng Qingtian’s face was dignified: “The troops are indeed a rabble. But they have enough weapons and equipment, and Yue Zhong’s tiger will be responsible for the training. After two or three months of training, they will be Only one can fight the troops."

Liu Niujin said with a relaxed face: "That's not right! They are also the forces that are united with Wu Yanhong. They become stronger. As an ally, our pressure can be reduced."

Wu Yanhong is the enemy of the Huaxing Association. In Vietnam, where Vietnam is a survivor everywhere, it is difficult for Huaxing to fight hard to fight Wu Yanhong. As time goes by, if there is no problem inside Wu Yanhong, Wu Yanhong will become more and more powerful, and Huaxing will become weaker and smaller.

Luo Ming, who has a dead face, sullenly said: "But this Yue Zhong is afraid that it is not a good tea! When he meets, he ruthlessly kills Peng Lingbo and assembles his armor. After he is full of wings, is it? Will it kill us and swallow our deployment?"

When I heard this, the top management of the Huaxing Club was silent. When Yue Zhong met, he killed Peng Lingbo, forcibly compiled the deployment of Hongmen, and also ordered a massacre for Vietnamese surrender. All of this shows that he is definitely a sultry generation, which makes Huaxing will be a high-spirited mind. Yue Zhong is the enemy of Wu Yanhong, but how can he guarantee that he will be an ally of Huaxing?

Luo Yi's eyes flashed, and he proposed a very vicious suggestion: "Or, we will kill him now. Then he will swallow his people. How about? In this way, we Huaxing will have four battalion equipment. More than 3,000 people, even if Wu Yanhong sent three battalions to attack, we can also repel it."

When Luo Yi’s words came out, many high-level members of the Huaxing Association were moved. If he can kill Yue Zhong and annex his deployment, the strength of Huaxing will double. In the end times, except for their own strength, everything else is virtual. Rushing other forces, swallowing the deployment of other forces, such things Huaxing will not have done it.

Shu Wenyan’s eyebrows are picking up, and the righteousness says: “No! Luo Yi, we and Yue Zhong are allies. He also saved our Huaxing meeting once, and we Huaxing will definitely not be able to do such ruthless things. You don’t want this thing. Let me mention it again. The next time you mention this matter, it will be dealt with directly."

When I heard Shu Wenyan’s words, several of the top executives of the Huaxing Club showed a happy smile, and several others were relieved. After all, not everyone is a wolf.

"Yes!! President!!" Luo Yi was a bit shy and should be silent.

Niu Weidao, who is responsible for managing logistics: "President! Yue Zhong sent people to ask us for the equipment of the two infantry battalions. Do we give it?"

Shu Wenyan smiled softly: "Of course, the equipment of the two infantry battalions was originally stored here by us. He asked for it now, then give it back to him. We can't cold the hearts of our allies."

Niu Wei nodded a little and said: "Yes!"

That is the equipment of the two infantry battalions. In this end of the world, this represents a powerful force. Niu Wei is naturally reluctant to return it to Yue Zhong.

After discussing a few things in the meeting, the rest of the Huaxing meeting executives retired, leaving only Shu Wenyan and two vice presidents of Huaxing.

"Wen Yan! Why don't you agree with Luo Yi's proposal! I want to know the real reason!" Wang Xingchun looked at Shu Wenyan. He knows that Shu Wenyan in front of him is not a modest gentleman. It is impossible for the modest gentlemen who are sinful and upright to establish an organization like Huaxing in the land of Vietnam in the end of the wolves.

After listening to Luo Yi’s proposal, Wang Xingchun also had some intentions to kill Yue Zhong and annex Yue Zhong’s deployment and equipment.

Shu Wenyan reached for a cup of tea and took a sip of grace. He said: "Xingchun! I ask you, if you want to get rid of Yuezhong. How much do you have to grasp?"

Wang Xingchun's brow wrinkled, and the silence was calculated for a while. He said: "According to Zheng Qiang's dictation. If we sneak into the ambush, the three of us should have a 70% grasp to easily defeat him. But if this level is strong, if it is hidden It’s hard to kill him if he kills him. I’m afraid it will be a stunned snake. As for the positive hands, we want to kill him, even if we don’t have a grasp.”

"Yes! It is easy to defeat him! It is very difficult to kill him. If it is impossible to kill, he will become the biggest enemy of our Huaxing Association. At present we have the common enemy Wu Yanhong, and the killing will only be in vain. Wu Yanhong is cheaper. His power is too weak. To deal with Wu Yanhong, it also needs our existence and containment. In a short time, he should not do it to us. Unless we are weak, it is as unsuccessful as Hongmen. Therefore, at least until Wu Yanhong is eliminated, our allies will be very stable." Shu Wenyan's eyes flashed in the eyes, and Yue Zhong's mind was very clear.

Yue Zhong did not play the idea of ​​Huaxing Club at this time, because the pressure of Wu Yanhong was too great. He really needs an ally who can fight to attract the main force of Wu Yanhong. The Hongmen led by Peng Lingbo is simply a rabble, and there is no use for the overall situation. This is why he is eliminated and captured.

Chu Hu suddenly asked: "What if Wu Yanhong was really killed by him?"

Shu Wenyan smiled dumbly: "If he annihilates Wu Yanhong~www.readwn.com~ then Huaxing will trust him. It is Vietnam. He wants to rule this area and must rely on us Chinese. We built it. The purpose of Huaxing will be to preserve the vitality and dignity of the Chinese. If he is doing better than us, then it is no big deal for us to vote for him."

Chu Hu and Wang Xingchun heard the silence for a while and nodded slightly. If Yue Chonglian Wu Yanhong is gone, they will continue to fight against Yue Zhong, and they will only be the car. Moreover, Yue Zhong is a Chinese, mainly a Chinese, and they have no psychological barriers. Of course, the premise of all is that Yue Zhong really has the ability to eliminate Wu Yanhong. If not, they will not rely on an incompetent generation.

The high-level plan has been decided, and the Huaxing Association has not made it difficult for Yue Zhong to return the equipment of the two battalions to Yue Zhong. The three hundred tons of food was also quickly sent to Yue Zhong. Huaxing would be so refreshing, and Yue Zhong had some slight surprises. He thought that he had to slap for a long time, and even use force to get back these things.

After a day passed, Ming Jiajia, who had been lying in bed and was unconscious, finally woke up.

"How are you doing now?" Yue Zhong sat in front of Ming Jiajia's window and looked at the waking Ming Jiajia out loudly.


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