God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 346: Cross the river!

The 336th chapter crosses the river!

A large number of evolutionary zombies rushed over and threw down the surviving Vietnamese survivors to the ground, opening up a stinking **** mouth and biting on the bodies of those Vietnamese survivors. A large piece of flesh and blood bites down. Above the battlefield are the fierce sorrows of the survivors of Vietnam. The blood and internal organs are scattered all over the place. The whole area is like blood and horror in hell.

Originally, if Ray was able to lead the master team to kill the three hunters 2, then the east front line could still be maintained for a while, and would not collapse as simple as that. However, after being disturbed by Yue Zhong, the master team almost could not support the front line and could not support it. It became a scene of **** on earth.

After the sea-like corpse swallowed up all the survivors in the east, it ran along a bridge toward the west side of Gaoping.

boom! A loud bang, the bridge was blown up and smashed, and thousands of zombies crammed over the bridge fell into the water. The mutant beasts in the water were all probed out, swallowing the flesh and blood of those falling into the water. .

"Go!" Yue Zhong glanced at the huge corpse in the distance and rode on the back of the lightning to reach the order to leave. There is not much that he can do now. So quickly lost the position in the east, it is definitely a big blow to Li Guangyi, and the loss of a large number of personnel and equipment is enough to make Li Guangyi's difficulty in resisting this huge corpse increase by three or four times.

Upon receiving the order of Yue Zhong, the lightning immediately fled with a few flashes of Yue Zhong.

Gao Ping. In the city, a middle-aged man looks far away at the huge bodies of the corpses that are raging in the east. This middle-aged man is Li Guangyi, the leader of the Vietnam Renewal Army.

Li Guangyi looked at the thunder who stood beside him and said: "Is that person Chinese?"

"Yes! He used Chinese. It should be Chinese." Lei, who was obviously tired with his face, looked up at Li Guangyi. He uses a lot of powerful skills and is very expensive.

Li Guangyi looked like a face, and his eyes were full of anger and gnash his teeth. "These **** Chinese dogs are really not a big picture. Even the life of 40,000 people is disregarded, and the zombies attack humans. It is a group of animals!!"

Lu Sun, a staff member standing behind Li Guangyi, forgot to listen to Li Guangyi’s words, and his eyes flashed a strange color. Although Li Guangyi did not like Tu Yanhua like Wu Yanhong, he is not a good person. Under Li Guangyi’s majesty, Chinese and other foreigners are slaves and are inferior to any Vietnamese. I do not know how many Chinese, foreigners in Europe and the United States have been humiliated and killed themselves.

Lei can look at Li Guangyi and ask directly: "The head of state, what do we do now?"

Gao Ping. The city was attacked by the East. Li Guangyi lost more than 1,600 infantry battalions. At the same time, all kinds of equipment, ammunition and food also suffered heavy losses.

At present, in the western part of Gaoping City, the elite of Li Guangyi and the 40,000 survivors are still able to support, but if there is no reinforcement. Gao Ping. The city is only afraid that there will be a 90% chance of falling.

Li Guangyi's eyes flashed and comforted: "Don't worry!! Wu Yanhong promised to come to the rescue team to help us! As long as Wu Yanhong's reinforcements arrive, we will be safe!"

If Li Guangyi and Wu Yanhong united together to resist the 500,000 zombie army, there is still hope that the terrain will block the attack of the zombie army.

Lu Sun forgot to go forward and reminded: "The head of the family!! Wu Yanhong, this person is very heart-wrenching. If we are weak, it is difficult to ensure that he will not give birth to the heart of annexation."

Li Guangyi’s words immediately became silent. In this end of the world, it is quite common for powerful forces to annex weak forces. If Li Guangyi’s troops really fight against the zombies, Wu Yanhong is afraid that he will immediately turn over and swallow them.

Li Guangyi asked Lu Sun to forget and asked: "What good idea do you have?"

Lu Sun forgot to go to Li Guangyi's side and whispered a very hot suggestion: "We are now leaving a battalion responsible for the promotion of the zombies. We immediately left the warriors and our people to break out in the direction of Xuanguang City. Now Gaoping The corpses in the city's jurisdiction have already gathered here, and there are very few corpses in other places. We will be able to break out easily. As long as we have guns, there is absolutely no problem in finding a foothold in the future."

If it is not to protect the 40,000 survivors of the Gaoping City, Li Guangyi can definitely bring people to a **** way. After all, the huge corpse was organized, but the z-shaped zombies still have no human beings and cleverness.

Li Guangyi's eyes were condensed, and his sharp eyes stared at Lu Sun's forgotten, staring at Lu Sun's unforgettable confusion.

For a while, Li Guangyi regained his gaze slowly: "The 40,000 survivors are all our compatriots. How can we abandon our compatriots and run away alone? If you say it later, don't blame me for being ruthless." !"

Lu Sun was forgotten by the cold sweat, and he repeatedly said: "Yes! Yes!!"

Li Guangyi can become a hegemon in the last days and is not a kind person. Lu Sun forgets that if he mentions it again, he will not be able to protect his life.

After warning Lu Sun’s forgotten, Li Guangyi issued a series of orders: “Go and organize all the Chinese survivors, send them cold weapons, and let them reach the forefront. If they dare to resist, they will be shot on the spot. Let the two battalions of Wu Yanhong be at the forefront. Immediately organize all survivors to prepare for breakout. Tell them to break out from the corpse and immediately flee around, don't concentrate together. The second battalion and the third battalion do well Prepare and prepare to cover the survivors' main force to break through!"

Li Guangyi is very clear that the situation is now bad and he will continue to hold Gaoping. The city can only hold on for a day or two, and breakthrough is their best choice. As long as he can take the soldiers to cover, most survivors can break through. However, in this way, many materials must be abandoned, and after the breakout, he can not escape with most of the survivors, otherwise the huge taste will attract the corpse and smash them.

Lu Sun forgot to respectfully responded and retired: "Yes!"

Li Guangyi looked at the distant face and whispered a whisper: "Damn Chinese dog!!!"

If it is not Yue Zhong, Li Guangyi can still support, and may still be able to consume a lot of zombies, and has always adhered to the arrival of Wu Yanhong. However, due to the chaos of Yue Zhong, Li Guangyi’s plan was completely shattered, and his heart was full of anger against Yue Zhong.

Zheng Minghe is very familiar with the geographical location of Gaoping City and Lang Son City. Under his leadership, Wei Ningguo led the more than 1,000 survivors and a car to the block to block their access. Before the small river on the border of Guangxi.

The Xiaohegou River is nearly six meters wide, that is, the distance of six meters will stop the survivors of more than a thousand people, so that they can not enter.

"What should I do?" Wei Ningguo looked at the six-meter-wide river and seemed to be at a loss. He is a tougher with a level of up to 34. He has a lot of combat experience, but his ability to adapt is very lacking. It can be said that he has some talent in combat, but as a leader, he is very incompetent!

Yue Zhong chose Wei Ningguo to become the leader of this team. He also saw that the performance of Zhongwei Ningguo was still sincerely able to fully execute his orders. As for the ability of Wei Ningguo, he was not very clear.

Due to the hesitation of Wei Ningguo, more than a thousand survivors stopped near the Xiaohegou. I don’t know what to do.

Seeing this situation, Ming Jiajia came to the side of Wei Ningguo and asked directly: "Uncle Wei! The host is not letting you cross the river? Why are you stopping here now?"

Wei Ningguo looked at Ming Jiajia in front of him and did not dare to yell at each other. He smiled and said: "Ming Jiajia, you also saw it. There is no boat here, I don't know how to cross the river."

Ming Jiajia brows slightly wrinkled, looked at the small river and immediately suggested: "We can make a pontoon to cross the river. First we can let people go to the opposite side, then use the steel cable inside the car to lay a A pontoon that people spend."

Wei Ningguo’s eyes lit up and shouted: “Good idea! But this pontoon can only make people pass. This vehicle can’t go in the past! Without these supplies, it’s hard to survive.”

Yue Zhong has a fleet of dozens of large trucks and tank trucks filled with fuel, food and weapons. If those vehicles are abandoned, more than a thousand people will not be able to support them for a few days.

Wei Ningguo is a person who has no idea. He does not mind asking Ming Jiajia, who is twice as young as him.

Ming Jiajia frowned and thought for a while before saying: "First think of ways to let people cross the river!! As for the problem of the vehicle ~www.readwn.com~ let me think about it!"

"Good!" Wei Ningguo immediately responded, and immediately went to organize personnel to cross the river.

Zheng Ming and Master Archery, he tied an arrow to the rope and shot an arrow across the river, then used the rope to climb over with a steel rope. After coming to the other side, he nailed the steel rope to the ground.

After Zheng Minghe nailed the six steel cables to the ground, he climbed over the six steel cables and bundled the pieces of wood. A simple pontoon was formed.

Yue Zhong knew that he had to cross the river this time, so he made a lot of preparations. A large truck was filled with steel cables, ropes and wooden boards. In case of emergency, the materials of the crossing rivers came in handy.

After the simple pontoon was reached, a survivor began to walk towards the other side through the pontoon.

When Yue Zhong returned to the place with lightning, he saw that most of the survivors had already passed the pontoon, leaving only a hundred survivors and a large number of cars still in place.


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