God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 352: Enter the town!

The 352th chapter enters the town!

"It's really a group of people!" Yue Zhong looked at the situation in the town and thought. Uploaded by friends ==

The defense of this town is that Yue Zhong has seen the worst town in the police. It seems that there is no defense. If there is no mystery, a soldier in a battalion can easily take this town down.

"let's go!!"

Yue Zhong took a few people, including Ming Jiajia, and made a simple make-up and walked in the direction of the town. Here is China is not Vietnam, Yue Zhong can also pretend that survivors hún into the town. If it is in Vietnam, it will be very difficult for Yue, who does not speak Vietnamese, to hún into any military heavy area.

"Stand up! Who are you??" Just before Yue Zhong came to the town, the four soldiers who were playing poker stood up and shouted in front of Yue Zhong.

Luo Qiang lowered his body and explained to the soldier who stopped him: "We are survivors of Dongping Village. I heard that there is a survivor base established by the government, so I came to go."

The soldier carefully looked at Yue Zhong’s several people. As soon as he saw the backpacks of Yue Zhong’s people, his eyes turned bright and pointed to the backpacks of Yue Zhong’s people: “Take those bags and ask Entering the base must be checked! No contraband can be brought into the base!"

Luo Qiang looked at Yue Zhong and saw that Yue Zhong had no objection. He turned the backpacks on his back and put them on the table on one side.

"Cake!! Niu nǎi!! There is smoke!! Good things!! This old man can be sent!!" The soldier saw the cake in the backpack of Yue Zhong, the food such as cow nǎi, face On the l, the greedy **** sè, desperately stuffed those things into his arms.

A warrior also leaned over. As soon as he saw the contents of the bag, he also licked the greedy god, and reached out and grabbed those things: "I look!! By! Xue Gang! There are so many Good things, you don't want to swallow!!"

When the city's ménménwei only has the advantage of being able to search for survivors who attempt to enter the town, they naturally will not miss this opportunity. The other two fighters also came up, and they reached out and grabbed those things and stuffed them into their arms.

Yue Zhong looked at this scene, his brow slightly wrinkled. The performance of these fighters is like a group of bandits.

Luo Qiang pretended to be a timid and sorrowful look: "Brother!! Leave it to me!! Please, please!! I have to rely on those things to live!!"

Xue Gang glanced at Luo Qiang, his face sè pulled, yelled and shouted: "Paralyzed! You don't want to face your face! I can take your things, that is to see you! Then again, be careful, I shot you!" Go in!"

Luo Qiang was relieved, and he was so sad that he and Yue Zhong went to the town.

"Slow!!" At this moment, a soldier suddenly called a stop.

Hearing the cry of the soldier, the muscles of Yue Zhong and his team began to tighten, ready to kill the four soldiers. If you do it yourself, you must destroy all the enemies who dare to resist with the thunder. I don’t know how to make a good start in the case of Longteng Town. If you are not careful, Yue Zhong may be trapped here.

Luo Qiang bent over and whispered a timid look at the soldier and asked: "What? Big brother!!"

The soldier's eyes yín flashed, and looked up and down Shu Tianya behind Yue Zhong.

Although Shu Tianya has already smeared a lot of mud on her face, her full body is unable to be covered by her clothes. At the same time, she has a self-confident temperament and charm, and she has not deliberately gone. cover.

When the soldier saw Shu Tianya, she was firmly attracted by her temperament and body. His glasses did not leave Shu Tianya's plump ōng department for a moment.

The soldier pointed to the side of the hut and smiled at Shu Tianya yín: "You are with me over the past!!"

"Tian Duming! You can see that ugly? This nv person is afraid that he will not take a shower for a few weeks!"

"Tian Duming, you really didn't save it!! But this ugly nv figure is not bad."


The other three soldiers screamed and laughed as they ate the food scraped from Yue Zhong.

Listening to the laughter of the four soldiers who put làng, Shu Tianya was so angry that he almost wanted to shoot the four soldiers directly into ice. For the first time, she has been swaying and insulting even after the end of the world.

Tian Duming looked at Shu Tianya, who was still standing still. His face sighed and shouted loudly: "Mom! You still don't leave! Don't give your face a shame!!"

Shu Tianya thought about the electric turn. When she turned her head and saw it, she saw that Yue Zhong, who stood in front of her, didn’t mean anything for her. She took her heart and grabbed Yue Zhong’s left arm. The timid and fearful little shù person said: "This is my husband!!"

Yue Zhong made a slight glimpse, and he did not think that Shu Tianya would actually launch him as a shield.

"You are her man?" Tian Duming squinted at Yue Zhong and threatened: "Let your nv people accompany me for one night! Otherwise, Laozi is here to marry you!"

After the end of the world, human life is like an ant. Tian Duming is a desperate person who has had several lives in his hands. He does not look at ordinary survivors at all. In this Longteng town, except for those who have backgrounds, they dare not provoke them, and other survivors are not in their eyes.

Yue Zhong turned his head and looked at the left and right, and found that there was almost no survivor around the mén mouth of the city, as if it were a dead town. At 100 meters, there was a sandbag and barbed wire fence, where a heavy machine gun was driven, only the two machine gunners were slumbering, but no one paid attention to it. side.

"*! You dare to ignore Laozi! Lao Tzu yelled at you!" Tian Duming looked at Yue Zhong as a party, and his heart was furious. He immediately shot his gun at Yue Zhong. He has always been used to it, and almost no survivors dare to anger him. Yue Zhong’s faction makes him feel that his dignity has been greatly challenged.

Yue Zhongyi turned and his eyes flickered. His right hand stretched his claws and grabbed it on Tian Duming's throat. He squeezed it with force, and the huge force broke out, instantly crushing Tian Duming's throat.

Tian Duming’s eyes flashed a horror, and he did not think that he would be killed.

Yue Zhong’s cold command: “Do it! Don’t let them talk! I want to live!”

Wu Yin instantly burst out, such as the same cheetah rushed to a soldier in front of a hand knife smashed behind a soldier, stunned it.

Zheng Minghe is a strong man with rich combat experience. He prepared for the battle before Yue Zhong gave orders and chose favorable terrain. Upon receiving the order, he rushed over and smashed the two soldiers with two hand knives.

Yue Zhong looked at the two machine gunners who were 100 meters away. They both condensed their eyes and launched two fears in succession. Two powerful and powerful jīng gods rushed into the sea of ​​the two warriors with countless horror scenes, directly scaring them to death.

To solve these six fighters, no sound was heard.

Yue Zhong left Zheng Minghe and Bai Bing to stay outside, dragging Xue Gang three into the small room on the side.

Wu Yin directly took a sip of water on the three soldiers and woke up the three soldiers.

"Be honest! Otherwise, I will kill you!" Xue Gang just woke up and heard the sound of Yue Zhong's cold ice, while holding a muzzle on the back of their head. They all became very honest, and did not yell and scream to the people in the town. After all, nothing is so precious to your own life.

Yue Zhong looked at Xue Gang three people cold and ice: "I want to know the information of this Longteng town. If you are honest, I can give you a living path. If you refuse to say it, then you will die!"

Xue Gang was blessed to the soul, and he squatted in front of Yue Zhong’s body and said: "The villain must know everything and say nothing!! Adults please! As long as I know, I am willing to tell the adults!"

"I am willing to say anything!!"

"As long as I know it! I will not hide it from you!"


The three warriors screamed at Yue Zhong’s head with no bones. Just ask for a living road, not a hard bone.

Yue Zhong began to ask about the truth of this Longteng town. The Xue Gang trio also rushed to tell everything they knew about Yue Zhong.

There are about two thousand and hundreds of survivors in the town of Longteng~www.readwn.com~ There are 400 people under Chen Liang's subordinates, but most of the 400 people are like Wu Gang. Chen Liang’s hands can only be played by more than 40 confidants. His forty-nine confidants are equipped with advanced mutant beasts, almost invulnerable, and they are all intensifiers of ten or more. Thanks to more than forty confidants and their own powerful fighting power, Chen Liang became the master of this town.

Among the more than forty confidants, Chen Liang was named as the four intensive senior intensifiers of the four King Kong. The four King Kongs were respectively Li Wang Ma Xiong, Huo Wang He Sheng, Tian Wang Yuan Zhen, and Qing Wang Xu Jin.

After Chen Liang seized this Longteng Town, he did not have the ability to manage. The whole town was smothered by him, and he and his men spent most of the time playing nv. Therefore, the whole town is like a dead town. The nv people with a little sè and dignity are afraid to make mén, or they will be dirty and smelly, and people will not be interested. If it weren’t for the strong fighting power of Chen Liang’s gang, the whole town would have been reversed.

From Xue Gang, Yue Zhong also got a valuable intelligence, that is, after Chen Liang captured the Longteng Town, he caught a company of the border guards. He just put the one of the border guards into the prison. I want to conquer this side army. But until now, he has only conquered six or seven border guard soldiers.

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