God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 361: 12 tanks!

The thirty-seventh chapter of twelve tanks!

As soon as the troops entered the city, they began to search for survivors and systematically cleared the zombies in the county. M. Most of the zombies in this Jingxi County have been summoned by the z-type zombies. However, some zombies stayed at home in such a closed environment before the end of the world. They wanted to go and could not go. This zombie is the focus of those troops.

Yue’s major step walked in the Jingxi County, and he only followed the little bones of the bones and Ming Jiajia. He himself is the strongest of the troops, and one person can match the elite warrior of a company, naturally no one needs to guard.

Unless it is a tens of thousands of elites like the Wolf's Tooth Camp, or the lucky one of Chen Liang's series, there are three or four ambushes on Yue Zhong. Otherwise, it is very difficult to kill him. He is no longer a weak person who has just stepped into the world of intensifiers, but a terrible powerhouse.

Zhang Zhi quickly chased Yue Zhong’s side and said excitedly: “The leader!! I remembered, there is a barracks in Jingxi County, where a border defense group is stationed!!”

Yue Zhong heard the words and excited at once: "What!! Border defense group? Great!!"

This warfare not only consumes more than ten tons of fuel, but also consumes a large amount of weapons such as ammunition, barrels, and grenade. If he can get the weaponry of a border defense group, then his strength can be further strengthened.

A military jeep quickly stopped in front of Yue Zhong and his class. After Zhang Zhi got on the bus, he took Yue Zhong and his entourage toward the defense group.

Zhang Zhiyi apologized: "The leader! Sorry, I was confused for a moment, did not remember the border defense group. Also ask the leader to redeem!"

Zhang Zhi is a platoon leader and is also an officer. Most of the ordinary border guards are only stationed in their stations and rarely mobilized. However, Zhang Zhi once came to the Jingxi County Border Defense Group to meet, but his temper was a bit embarrassed, until Yue Zhong attacked Jingxi County, he remembered this embarrassment.

Yue Zhong smiled slightly and felt very comfortable: "Nothing! Just think of it!"

After the equipment of the border defense group began, Yue Zhong would continue to expand the size of the army. Now that he has five thousand survivors, the army has a thousand. If it was before the end of the world, so poor and arrogant, the financial situation has long gone bankrupt.

But this is the end of the world, and there are supplies everywhere in the town. As long as you can capture a town, you will be able to get a lot of supplies. Moreover, now the food cannot be planted, the attack is constantly being attacked, and the materials are harvested, which will enable the base to continue to exist. Otherwise, sit on the mountain, and the food will end up eating one day.

All the way to gallop, Zhang Zhi with a company of soldiers and Yue Zhong came to a military camp on the outskirts of Jingxi County.

Yue Zhong went straight to the military camp and walked over.

A border defense group has a maximum of more than a thousand people. With Yue Zhong’s current strength, killing more than a thousand zombies is not a problem.

When Yue Zhongyi entered the military camp, he saw a group of zombies wearing military uniforms wandering. The zombies heard the sound of footsteps from Yue Zhong, and smelled the flesh and blood of Yue Zhong’s body, and immediately rushed toward him.

"Solve them!" Yue Zhong took a sneak peek at the zombies.

A row of soldiers holding the Tang knife stood up and killed the corpse under the command of the bones. Under the leadership of the bones, they seem to cut the cake in the corpse and rush to the right, easily slaughter the zombies.

The other two rows of fighters took out the rifle and fired close-up shots at the zombies on the other side. This is also an opportunity to exercise their shooting skills.

Ming Jiajia also summoned five heads of wolves, and the zombies who rushed over smashed their heads.

Suddenly, from the corpse woven, leaping out ten s2 as a ghost, rushed toward the row of soldiers holding the imitation Tang knife.

Yue Zhong sits in the middle of the town and has been paying attention to the surrounding area. The ten s2s have just appeared. He waved his hand. The ten groups of magical smoldering like a meteor slammed on the head of the ten s2, directly burning the heads of the ten s2s. Ashes.

The l2 in the corpse just appeared, and was immediately bombarded by Yue Zhongyi.

The corpse did not have a z-type zombie organization, and it could not form a corpse tide. It was only able to be easily encircled by Yue Zhong with a piece of film. The corpse in the barracks was soon annihilated by Yue Zhong.

After destroying the corpse, Yue Zhong opened four white treasure chests and obtained two imitation Tang knives. He casually threw the imitation Tang knife to the side of Ming Jiajia, and strode to the depths of the military camp.

"Hey! There seems to be a living person here!!"

Yue Zhong walked for a while, and immediately browed and looked down to the ground. I saw a dozen or so zombies falling down the ground in the same way, and continued to extend in the direction of a warehouse. Apparently, when the change occurred, someone hid in the warehouse.

Before Yue Zhong came to the warehouse, he ordered to the bones: "Open it!!"

The bones waved with a big axe and an axe squatted on the warehouse. It fell with an axe, accompanied by a fierce metal friction, and the warehouse door was pulled out by a hard-mouthed big mouth. .

After a dozen or so, the door of the warehouse was smashed by the bones.

"Don't move!! You will shoot me again!!" As the bones pushed open the warehouse door, there was a weak voice from the warehouse.

Yue Zhong brows slightly wrinkled, and ordered to the white bones: "Go to disarm the people inside! Be careful not to hurt them!"

In the eyes of the white bones, the soul of the fire flashed, and quickly rushed into the warehouse.

There was a roar in the warehouse, and then a few gunshots were heard, and there was no gunshot.

Yue Zhong took Ming Jiajia into the warehouse.

In the warehouse, twelve soldiers wearing military uniforms and scented bodies were wary of Yue Zhong and Ming Jiajia. A large number of cans, compressed biscuits, and mineral water bottles can be seen in the corner of the warehouse. Obviously these twelve warriors have been hiding in this warehouse, relying on the food in the warehouse for strength.

A soldier in the shape of an officer stunned Yue Zhong and asked slowly: "Who are you?"

Yue Zhong asked: "I am Yue Zhong, who saved you! Who are you?"

The officer was silent for a while before his eyes were red and asked to Yue Zhong: "I am the frontier guard **** regiment and the long-term leader of the tank! They are my men. What happened outside, how could it suddenly become like this? ?"

At the beginning, the violent friends who looked at themselves suddenly went crazy, biting other comrades, and biting the surrounding comrades. In the end, those comrades who had been killed also stood up and became a Zombies, that kind of situation, such as a nightmare, is terrible. If he did not decisively bring people back into the food warehouse, I am afraid they will die under the siege of the corpse.

Yue Zhong sighed slowly and shook his head slowly: "I don't know!! Since you have survived, you must have heard that voice. All this may be God's mischief!"

Kongzi murmurs: "Is there really a god?"

Many people in modern society are atheists, but this time a world-scale disaster has made all people clearly understand that there may be a **** in this world.

Yue Zhong didn't think much about God's problem, and asked directly to Kongzi Ming: "Zhang Ziming! I saved you! What are you going to do in the future? Is it for me to join me, or to leave?"

The **** is far away from Yue Zhong, and he is now more concerned with the real problem.

Kongzi heard the words, returned to God, looked at Yue Zhong and asked directly: "Do you kill the zombies of this barracks?"

Yue Zhong looked at Kong Ziming and used the killer directly: "Well! I have been killed by me! Yes, Beijing has fallen, the military and the central government have ceased to exist. Now we can only live on our own."

If the central and military departments still exist, many troops will obey the instructions of the central authorities. It is very difficult for Yue to want to convince Kong Ziming that these soldiers will be.

Kong Ziming’s words are also a bit stunned: “Has Beijing also fallen?”

Without the guidance of the military and the central authorities, the loopholes were obviously a bit dazed.

Kongzi suddenly hesitated for a while before he said to Yue Zhong: "I want to take a look and make a decision, can I?"

Kong Ziming does not know what it looks like outside. He also did not want to bring the soldiers to loyalty to Yue Zhongzhong, a person who did not know the temperament, who did not know.

Yue Zhong is very refreshing and responsive: "Yes! But you and your men will help me to train a tank soldier. As long as you help me train a company of tank soldiers, you can freely leave with your subordinates."

What Yue Zhong values ​​is the empty tanker's tank driving skills of these veterans, as long as they can train a company's tank soldiers. Kong Ziming, they will not stop when they leave him~www.readwn.com~ Kong Ziming nodded with a slight sigh of relief: "Good!"

Zhang Zhichong came over and excitedly shouted to Yue: "The leader!! The leader! This time we sent!! It is a tank!! Twelve tanks!! So many tanks, let us form a tank!! ”

The tank is the king of the land war. It has twelve tanks at a time. If it can start it, in this end of the world, the zombie sea can crush a **** road. It is a fierce and fierce killer. Zhang Zhi is naturally excited. If the first battalion can form a tank company, then the strength of the first battalion will be far above the second battalion.

Kong Zi looked at the excited Zhang Zhi, hesitating for a while: "You are Zhang Zhi??"

Zhang Zhi hesitated, and looked at Kong Ziming and asked for a moment: "Who are you?"

Kongzi Mingdao: "I am empty!!"

Zhang Zhi ate a surprise: "Air company!!"


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