God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 374: Heavenly God!

The 376th chapter of the heavens!

Bai Xiaosheng also has a pair of eyes, a little under the foot, like a string of arrows off the front shot, it is only a short period of ten, after the first arrival, more than Zheng Ming and silently rushed into that The edge of the battlefield. M(_彩&虹&文&学)

Zheng Minghe’s slightest shock in his heart also fell silently to Bai Xiaosheng’s side: “Fast! The first master of the new county in the past is really worthy of the name!”

I saw that in the snow-covered snow in the distance, the two groups of people were struggling to kill. A group of people wore all kinds of clothes, and the other group of people wore gray-black clothes and wore strange hats on their heads.

Most of those wearing all kinds of costumes are armed with guns. Those wearing gray-black clothes are mostly cold weapons such as machete.

The two sides struggled to fight against those who wore gray-black clothes and wore strange hats on their heads, and they were beaten and retreated. At the same time, many women and children wearing colorful pleated skirts were thrown away, so that those who wore them were broken. The tattered armed elements caught it.

When the armed militants caught the women and children, they immediately gave a harsh laugh, and the women and children were stringed together and continued to attack the militants dressed in gray and black clothes.

Zheng Minghe and Bai Xiaosheng ordered: "You are here to monitor! I am going to report the leader!"

"You don't have to report the leader! These miscellaneous fish, I can solve it alone!" Bai Xiaosheng glanced at the militants and picked a corner of his mouth, revealing a sinister smile. His hands were turned, one to one long and one short. Two cyan daggers appeared in his hands, and a little under his feet rushed down like a ghost.

"This bastard!!" Zheng Minghe looked at the white Xiaosheng who rushed out, could not help but swear. He hates this kind of warrior who does not listen to the command on the battlefield.

"However! Really fast!" Zheng Minghe looked at Bai Xiaosheng between a dozen breaths, and he had already rushed to a crowd more than three hundred meters away. He couldn’t help but feel a slight shock and understood the terrible speed of Bai Xiaosheng. .

Bai Xiaosheng suddenly rushed into the armed militant. He was like a ghost. The two daggers in his hand flashed wildly.

The key point of the gunman’s guns, the heart and other key points immediately became a blood hole, and the blood spewed out and fell to the ground.

Thirty seconds!

Bai Xiaosheng broke into the militants and killed only 19 armed militants in just 30 seconds. The remaining three militants also succumbed to chills, dropped their weapons, and held their hands high, for fear of being killed by Bai Xiaosheng.

Zheng Minghe glanced at Bai Xiaosheng, his eyes flashed in the air, and his heart quietly thought: "Sure enough!!"

Seeing that Bai Xiaosheng exhibited the ghostly speed, Zheng Minghe also recognized that he was not the opponent of Bai Xiaosheng. More than one hundred elite warriors were covered with bullets, otherwise the ordinary soldiers could not grasp the movement track of Bai Xiaosheng.

Bai Xiaosheng is an agile evolutionary person. At the same time, he has a level of enhancement of up to forty-six levels. Once his speed is fully activated, he even goes far beyond Yue Zhong. It was because of his terrible speed that he became the first master of Tianxin County.

Zheng Minghe looked at Bai Xiaosheng, and his heart flashed a strange impression: "I am afraid that the leader is worried that they can't hold back this white win, only bring him out!"

Zheng Minghe’s guess guessed the fact that Yue Zhong did not put the master of Bai Xiaosheng in Tianxin County and Jingxi County, which were not completely stable.

If Yue Zhong leaves, Bei Mingyang provokes a master like Bai Xiaosheng to carry out the rebellion. If the right time is found, the success rate is absolutely not small. Therefore, this time, Yue Zhong’s commanding team left Tianxin County, and most of them led the masters who followed Bei Mingyang.

On the one hand, Yue Zhong brought the unstable factors out of Tianxin County and Jingxi County. On the other hand, he also wanted to see if he could completely conquer the hearts of these masters.

Those who follow Bei Mingyang only bowed down under the heavy military command of Yue Zhong, and their hearts did not completely surrender Yue Zhong.

Soon after, Yue Zhong came here with a large army.

Yue Zhongyi came to the scene and looked at the body of the land. The brow wrinkled: "What about the mouth?"

"The leader! Live here!" Bai Xiaosheng kicked the three captives and came to Yue Zhong.

Bai Xiaosheng was standing, his color eyes couldn't help but fall on Ning Yuxin, who was standing next to Yue Zhong, and Ming Jiajia, who was wearing a military uniform. He said with a voice: "A good and beautiful girl, a good one." Handsome Loli!! The leader, how about giving that loli to me? I am willing to take ten beautiful people to exchange with you."

"Shut up!" Yue Zhong's eyes were cold, and he reached out and grabbed the neck of Bai Xiaosheng as fast as lightning.

Bai Xiaosheng is an agile evolutionary person. His equipment is all accelerating equipment. When Yue Zhong just moved, he gave birth to a reaction. His body shape turned to the side of the side, and the eyes were cold, and he would fight back like Yue Zhong.

At this moment, Yue Zhong's eyes condensed and launched fear. A terrible wave of horror followed his eyes and slammed into the sea of ​​Bai Xiaosheng.

Waist squats, Ling Chi, fried, broken intestines, daggers, and in an instant, Bai Xiaosheng was tortured for ten years by endless torture, almost causing him to collapse.

"Illusion!!" Although Bai Xiaosheng is frivolous, he is also a strong player in the nerves. Before the spirit is about to collapse, he finally reluctantly gets a clear line. He bites his lip, bites his lips, and flows out of the silk. Silk blood, with that real pain, barely broke free from that illusion.

Bai Xiaosheng has just emerged from the illusion and found that his neck has been caught by Yue Zhong’s right hand like a steel tong. Bai Xiaosheng's body is only stronger than ordinary people. As long as Yue Zhong squeezes hard, he can pinch his throat.

Yue Zhong’s eyes are as cold as a knife, and it seems to be piercing into the heart of Bai Xiaosheng: “I don’t like to hear this joke! If there is another time! Bai Xiaosheng, don’t blame me!”

Bai Xiaosheng seems to be close to the murderous beast. He is very difficult to say: "Yes! I know!"

Yue Zhong’s mental strength has reached 165 points, which is equivalent to sixteen times the ordinary people’s mental power. Under such a huge mental power, he launched fear technology, which is enough to make Bai Xiaosheng’s mentally weak and agile evolutionary immersed in fantasy 1 to 2 second. Masters fight, this 1, 2 seconds is enough to determine the key to winning.

Yue heavy hand loose, loosened the white Xiaosheng's neck, and then patted Bai Xiaosheng's shoulders faintly said: "Do it well! You like beautiful women, as long as you have the ability, this world is beautiful. But I don't want to see you. Because of beauty, I have delayed my business. If that is the case, I will personally send you to hell."

Bai Xiaosheng had a cold sweat on his back and became honest. "I know!"

Bai Xiaosheng is an evolutionary and has unparalleled combat power. He is also full of confidence and conceit, and he is very despised by ordinary people. Even if Bei Mingyang had some disdain in his heart, this was frivolous and lazy, and most of the time he played with the beauty.

Bei Mingyang wants to rely on Bai Xiaosheng's powerful combat power, and also a frivolous lazy who tolerates Bai Xiaosheng. It’s just that he never imagined that Bai Xiaosheng would drop the chain at a critical time and let him easily lose Tianxin County.

Tianxin County was lost, and Bai Xiaosheng did not care. He confidently changed his team with his strength, and another owner would certainly be inseparable from him. Therefore, he did not respect the Shang Yuezhong. Now he was picked up by Yue Zhong, and this only knows the terribleness of this new owner. Once he has changed, I am afraid that this fierce new owner will cut his head and kick it.

Zheng Minghe looked at Yue Zhong’s blow and defeated Bai Xiaosheng. His heart was full of horror and awe: “The leader is really unfathomable! Too powerful!”

"It's terrible! Even Bai Xiaosheng can't walk in his hands! The leader is terrible!"


Looking at the self-satisfied Bai Xiaosheng surrendered in front of Yue Zhong, the soldiers who followed Yue Zhong and left Tianxin County were shocked. They all know that Yue Zhong is very strong, but it is not very clear to what extent. Seeing that the former master of Tianxin County, Bai Xiaosheng lost in the hands of Yue Zhong, they really felt what Yue Zhongqiang had reached.

Before Yue Zhong came to the three prisoners, he asked, "Who are you?"

"Hey!!" A prisoner’s eyes flashed a hatred and spit out a spit.

A loud bang, Yue Zhong directly took out the stinger and fired a shot at the head of the captive. The head of the captive immediately exploded like a watermelon. The red white directly spattered the ground, without a head. The body also fell weakly on the ground.

Looking at Yue Zhong is very fierce and decisive to kill the prisoner of life, Bai Xiaosheng's heart is also slightly cold, glad that he did not follow the fierce god, or his head is estimated to have been bombarded.

"Who are you?" Yue Zhong pointed the stinger at the head of another captive, and asked coldly.

"I said!! I said!! Don't kill me!! I said everything!!" The captive was scared to pee in his pants. He cried and yelled loudly, answering Yue’s question: "I am Lu Ningshui, the believer of the Heavenly Gods!! This time we came to hunt the Miao Man with the orders of Zheng Qiu’s alchemist. Give them as sacrifices and dedicate them to the Lord!!"

Another prisoner shouted at Luning Water: "Lu Ningshui! You are a traitor! You have sold out the gods, you must not die, you will fall into the 18th floor after death, and you will never be super-born!!"

Yue Zhong brows slightly wrinkled, smashed another stubborn captive, and threw a copy of the Tang knife to Lu Ningshui: "Cut his head! You can live!"

"Go to death!!" After Lu Ning water took over the imitation Tang knife, he struggled for a while, immediately twisted his face, roared, and slammed the head of his companion down, then kneel Yue Zhong’s big voice in front of him: “Lu Ningshui is willing to work for adults, and also invites adults to take over.”

Yue Zhong slammed Lu Ningshui and immediately ordered: "I am Yue Zhong. From today, you are my own person. Tell you everything about Tongtianism!"

"Yes! Great man!!" Lu Ning water gnawed his teeth and told Yue Zhong, the whole brain of the gods. He completely sold out the master of the past and fell to Yue Zhong.

Tongtianism is a sect founded by a famous man like a fox. Lu Ningshui, the origin of the fox, did not know. He only knows that the fox has the same Buddha light, and the knife and the gun are inaccessible.

With those three abilities, the fox is like a Christian, Buddhist, Taoist and other three teachings. He organized a god-god, he confessed to the lord, claiming to be the apostle of God, and the gods of heaven walked the world to save the world. Those who believe in him can enter the blissful kingdom after death, and the soul is immortal. And if you destroy his enemies, you will fall into the 18th floor of Hell, and you must not live forever.

In such an end, this cult is very tempting and attractive to people who have no spiritual support. As soon as the fox-like gods were taught, it attracted the survivors from all directions to join his gods, making this Tongism a existence with more than 8,000 Christians. The most terrifying thing is that more than 8,000 believers have nearly 3,000 devout devout believers. For the lord, those mad believers can even dedicate their lives directly.

In such an end, the power of faith is also a terrible force. Especially at the beginning of the last days, the voice of God is a testament to the existence of God in this world. This has caused many rational people to fall into reason and join the Heavenly God.

Among the 19 members of Lu Ningshui who came out to hunt Miao, 13 out of 19 were mad believers~www.readwn.com~Lu Ningshui is the one who keeps awake. Although he asked the slang to pass the cult, it is a cult, but in order to survive, he can only become a believer and serve the cult.

Lu Ning’s eyes flashed a touch of fear: “In addition to teaching the Lord’s fox, the strength is unfathomable. In that teaching, the eight elders, seventy-two guardians, one hundred and eight altars. Every A person is a high-level intensive person, and the strength is terrible!"

Yue Zhong continued to ask: "How many guns does the Tongtian **** teach? Heavy weapons?"

Lu Ningshui thought for a while before saying: "In the heavens, there are not many guns. There are only two or three hundred old rifles. Heavy weapons, I have not seen them! There should not be much!"

Yue Zhong nodded slightly and turned to look at a middle-aged man who was brought in and asked: "Who are you?"

"My name is Wushanyan! The owner of the village of Jiu Dongzhai. They are the Miao people who have a stockade with me. It is these people who can't help but attack our stockade, not only stealing our food, but also the women in our stockade and The children are robbed! These beasts!!" Wushanyan looked at Luning water standing on one side, and his eyes flashed a hateful voice.


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