God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 378: Save people!

The 378th chapter saves people!

The more than one hundred gods who followed the Niu Xinghe’s breathing also became heavy. They looked like the beasts in the Song Miaoyi, who was tied to the ground, and the eyes flashed with heart. Kinky. Color @虹*文¥学% netmWwW. NgWeNXuE. M, they haven't played such top quality yet!

Niu Xinghe is tyrannical, but it is a reward for his own department. In addition to a few, the women he played will be rewarded to the subordinates for playing, which is also a means he used to gather people's hearts.

Song Miaoyi listened to the tyrannical words of Niu Xinghe, feeling the heavy breathing of more than 100 Tongtian gods and the glare of flashing in her eyes. She finally gave birth to a hint of fear. She was not afraid of death, but she But afraid of the humiliation that made her more embarrassed than death. She could feel the countless knives on her body and make her shudder.

Song Miaoyi flashed a ray of light in the eyes of the Niu Xinghe: "I am dead! I will not give in to you!!"

Niu Xinghe reveals a terrible smile and threats: "Oh, if you want to die! I will kill you all! I have arrested your people for a total of 76 people. If you die, I will put it." Before they grab your body, they cut off their heads and told them that they killed you because of this monk!! Oh!! If you are dead, your uncle, uncle, including your brother. You will die together because of your horror! You can only live if we are alive, our dogs!!"

Hearing the threat of Niu Xinghe, Song Miaoyi finally flashed a fear in his eyes. Among the 76 people’s lives, including her younger brother, she could never ignore it. Her strong will also began in Niuxinghe. The threat began to shake.

Niu Xinghe hands up his hands and smashed his upper body clothes. He took a violent smile and walked toward Song Miaoyi. "Ha ha ha!! I will do it for you once!! Enjoy the spear witch." Taste!! Haha!!"

"Elder!! Don't kill her! Wait until we have played and you will kill her."

"Yes! Elder! Don't break her! The big guy wants to play with her spear witch!"


The few guardians snarled on one side, and their eyes were fixed on Song Miaoyi’s body as if they were going to swallow her belly.

"Don't come over!! Don't come over!!" Looking at the approaching Niu Xinghe, Song Miaoyi finally brought a hint of fear in her eyes. She constantly moved her body and struggled to move backwards. It’s just that no matter how much she struggles to move, it’s not big. Her struggle can only bring a more violent pleasure to Niu Xinghe.

"Ha ha!!" Niu Xinghe looked at the fullness and youthful charm of Song Miaoyi's eyes flashing endless excitement, this series of beautiful women he has not played in the past, and the spear witch's fighting power is not Unusual, the temper has a reluctance to be a hero, and for him, that is the most noble object of abuse.

Looking at the more and more close to Niu Xinghe, Song Miaoyi’s eyes flashed a desperate moment, and she kept screaming in her heart: "Who will save me!!"

Just at the moment when Niu Xingheng was about to seize Song Miaoyi, Niu Xinghe suddenly changed his face and jumped madly toward the rear. He jumped out of the meter in an instant.

A slamming shot, a Tongtian priest standing next to Niu Xinghe was directly hit by a stinger, and directly intercepted him, leaving only the upper half of the body to fall to the ground.

Almost at the moment when the gunshots sounded, the four-headed shadow wolf emerged silently from behind the four Tongtian gods, and opened the **** mouth and bit the neck of the four guards.

Among the four Tongtian gods' guardians, there were two guards who had not had time to react and had already bitten their necks by the shadow wolf that suddenly emerged from behind.

The other two guards have a first-class vigilance and combat experience.

When one of the guards, the shadow wolf, just plunged over his neck, the six sharp-edged daggers burst out and shattered the shadow wolf.

Another law-abiding law is to reach out and grab the shadow wolf, and then tear it hard with a violent force, tearing the shadow wolf into two halves, turning into ash and disappearing into the world.

A shot did not kill the Niu Xinghe, Yue Zhong’s hands flashed, and a qjz89-type 12.7-mm heavy machine gun appeared in his hands. His eyes fixed the muzzle coldly, and madly directed toward the Tongtian gods. Crazy sweep!

"The Immortal Body..." A Tongtian believer just screamed, and a 12.7 mm large-caliber bullet slammed into his head and directly blew his head away.

"The gods protect the body, the swords and guns do not enter!!" Another Tongtian gods slogan rushed a few steps toward Yue Zhong, and a large-caliber machine gun hit him at the waist, directly to him The waist was interrupted into two pieces, and blood and internal organs were spattered on the ground. For a moment, he did not die, but he made a painful cry of mourning.

The power of the large-caliber bullet is extremely terrifying. As long as it is shot in a certain part of the body, it will be smashed. The Tongtian cultists gathered in a group in front of the power of the heavy machine guns, as if they were waiting for the massacre of pigs and dogs, were smashed and broken, and suffered heavy casualties.

Under the cruel reality of blood and limbs, the gods of the gods finally broke away. Except for more than 30 devout believers, the rest of the gods were hiding. One by one shivering in the bunker.

Yue Zhong took out the command of the offensive machine to attack: "Immediately launch a full-scale attack! Destroy any enemy who blocks the road!"

Zheng Minghe, who was hiding outside the town of Taomu, immediately issued an offensive order to the whole army after receiving the order: "The leader has ordered! Attack! Destroy any enemy who blocks the road!"

Under the leadership of the infantry fighting vehicle, the machine gun team was killed by the heavily armed master of Yue Zhong.

In the town of Taomu, the continuous operation of the surgeon was lost, and the fortified fish line **** on Song Miaoyi was loosened. She grabbed the black spear inserted on the ground like a civet. After looking at the direction, I immediately chased the two guards of the Tongtianism.

Song Miaoyi is also a very intelligent woman. She knows very well that if Yue Zhong is shooting at her, she will definitely have only one dead end. The target of Yue Zhong’s choice is the Taoist gods. Obviously there is still room for cooperation between them.

"A smart woman!" Yue Zhong looked at Song Miaoyi and praised him.

"Who are you?" At this moment, the voice of Niu Xinghe was full of anger and tyranny.

Yue Zhong turned his head and saw that Niu Xinghe, who had become distorted by his anger, was watching him.

The Tongtian cultists who gathered in the group just now, in front of Yue Zhong’s heavy machine guns, suffered heavy casualties and almost interrupted the backbone of the Niu Xinghe Guard. This made the Niu Xinghe full of endless anger.

"Your Majesty! Or go to hell!" Yue Zhong looked at Niu Xinghe coldly, his eyes condensed, and he launched the skill fear technique.

In an instant, a spirit that contained the spirit of Yue Zhong’s spirit slammed into the Niu Xing River.

Under the powerful spiritual impact, Niu Xinghe only frowned, and immediately showed a sly smile: "Is the intensive type of mental attack? Today I will tear your body and then do it in front of you." Dead woman around you!!"

Niu Xinghe smiled and smiled at the foot. He rushed toward Yue Zhong like a cannonball.

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the light flashed, and the skill was moved. The speed climbed to the extreme, lifting the stinger toward the Niu Xinghe.

Suddenly, the Niu Xing River, the body constantly swaying, the pace of the footsteps, and approaching Yue Zhong.

"Is the strongman of the close combat system? But if so, how can he stop my fear?" In the face of his strange and mysterious pace, Yue Zhong could not completely lock his body, only by instinct. Six shots were fired in an instant.

"Ha ha! Go to die!! Dregs!" Niu Xinghe body swayed, very surprised to avoid the six poisonous thorns popped up now on the right side of Yue Zhong, with a sly smile, the two-meter-long giant axe in his hand Going forward to Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong turned his right hand, and the crocodile saw blade appeared in front of him in the trajectory of the huge axe.

The huge axe with the power of terror is on the blade of the crocodile tooth of Yue Zhong, and the horrible power is uploaded from the giant axe.

"Good guy!!" The strength between the two sides is high. ~www.readwn.com~ Yue Zhong was beaten by a hit and then retired the meter. This unloaded the horrible power, and his right hand was also Shocked numb, if not his physical strength is strong enough, Niu Xinghe's blow will shatter his right arm bones.

"Ha ha ha! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!!" Niu Xinghe madly laughed, like a madman, stepping on the pace of mysteriousness approaching Yue Zhong, the giant axe in his hand kept cutting towards Yue Zhong.

Even if Yue Zhong launched the shadow-stepping skills, he could only barely support it. He was repeatedly retreated by Niu Xinghe, and his arms were shocked and numb. I don’t know when the defense would be smashed. Under the fierce and fierce attack of Niu Xinghe, Yue Zhong had almost no breathing power, and even a knife attack could not be done.

Niu Xinghe, an axe, yelled at Yue Zhongyu, and used his language to shake Yue Zhong’s mind: “Give me the woman behind you! Then be my running dog! I can let you live a life!! Otherwise, today I You are going to beheaded directly here!!"

Yue Zhong was able to stick to the defensive circle for so long, and it was also very unexpected for Niu Xinghe. The enemies that Niu Xinghe had encountered in the past, once he was close, he was able to kill the enemy within twenty seconds. Yue Zhong has been holding on for more than 1 minute at this time, which makes Niu Xinghe also slightly guilty.


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