God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 382: Longan County!

The 318th chapter of Longan County!

"Yes! Chen Elder!!" The four believers responded with respect and respect, and left, and walked toward the town.

Chen Shenggang took Yue Zhong and his entourage to the green garden community for deployment.

A middle-aged man with a medium-sized body and a slightly yellow skin and a very ordinary appearance would rather come to the villa in the green garden community with the altar of the seven altar masters. He looked at Chen Shenggang and asked: "Chen Chen Are you supposed to support Yu Ye Yang now? How come you are back now?"

Chen Shenggang looked at Ningyi's eyes and condensed his face. He said with a face: "I am teaching the main mouth, there is a top secret task to be explained to you! All under the command, listen to the teacher's mouth!!"

"The master of the gods is vast, the world is invincible, long live long live!!"

Ning Yi’s eyes and the seven altar owners squatted on the ground, and shouted slogans in the mouth and looked at Chen Shenggang.

"The mouth of the teacher is, you are going to die!" Chen Shenggang flashed a slap in his eyes, and launched his ability to manipulate the earth. In a flash, two sharp thorns smashed out from the ground and directly The body of the two altars runs through.

"Chen..." Ning Yi looked at the two altar owners directly through the body, and died in front of his eyes. There was a strong anger and fear in his heart. He just shouted a word, a knife in the light. He crossed his neck and his head fell to the ground, and a blood rose to the sky.

After Yue Zhong launched the shadow step skills and killed Ning Yi, he also cut a protective head around Ning Yi.

The white Xiaosheng standing on one side also started the skill at the same time. His figure flashed, and the blue dagger in his hand flashed three times in a row. It would be the throat of the altar owner.

On one side, Song Miaoyi also stabbed an extremely fierce spear, directly piercing the head of the altar who was kneeling on the ground.

Just between a few breaths, Ning Yi and the seven powerful altars have been killed by Yue Zhong.

"Hands!" After killing Ning Yi and the seven powerful altar owners, Yue Zhong went outside the room and ordered Zheng Minghe.

The warriors hidden in the green garden community are about to aim at the machine guns and aim at the neatly motivated believers who have stood neatly and pulled the trigger!

For a moment, those who stood neatly and tidyly were covered by the metal storm, and they were **** and fuzzy. They stood neatly and were the best targets. They could not escape the rain cover under Yue Zhong. .

After a round of shooting, the 50 mad believers of the Tongtian gods all fell into the pool of blood. Zheng Minghe walked out of the hidden place with the men to walk to the corpse, and looked coldly to the bodies of the mad believers. Filled with a knife, cut off the throat of those crazy believers.

All the high-ranking people in Xining Town were killed and the Heavenly Gods believers who were the cornerstones were all killed by Yue Zhong. The ordinary believers who survived the existence of the gods were also deceived by Chen Shenggang into the green garden community, all of them were born. The entire Xinning Town was also controlled by Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong tasted the sweetness and directly directed Chen Shenggang to order: "Chen Shenggang, you immediately report to the Tongtian Shenjiao headquarters! It is said that the enemy has been completely smashed, but the elders of the cows and the elders of Luo are killed! Your subordinates also suffered heavy losses, let The headquarters will send you some people!"

"Yes! The leader!! I will report to the other side!!" Chen Shenggang also successfully converted the role, regarded himself as the subordinate of Yue Zhong, and conveyed the words of Yue Zhong to the above through the radio station.

Yue Zhong thought for a while and said: "Wait a minute! After six o'clock, you will report to there again!"

Yue Zhong’s men fought for almost a day. Although they were all strong protectors, they also felt exhausted. It is even more unbearable for the cyber traitor led by Yan Yeyang. What they need now is rest.

After six o'clock, it will take a little time for the Tongtian headquarters to respond. The people they sent will not be able to come to Xinning Town at least until the next day. This gave Yue Zhong a day off time.

"Place on the ground! Wait for the order!"

After Chen Shenggang reported the lie of Yue Zhong’s woven to the Tongtianism headquarters, he only got this simple order. The headquarters of the Heavenly Gods did not issue any further orders.

Yue Zhong did not waste that night. He would have included all the Miao people rescued from Xinning Town and Taomu Town, and handed over the 200 Miao people, both men and women, directly to one. Shang Lun came to command. There are more than 600 people who have been captured by the gods. He divided the six hundred more gods and believers into six, which were handed over to Chen Shenggang, Qi Yeyang, Bai Xiaosheng, Lu Ningshui, Luo Chifeng and Ming Jiajia.

Chen Shenggang and Yan Yeyang have become the great traitors of the Tongtian gods. Their hands are already covered with the blood of the gods. Even if they betray Yue Zhong again, it is difficult to integrate into the Heavenly Gods, so Yue Zhong can still use them.

Yue Zhong stayed up all night and patrolled around Xinning Town alone. Xinning Town is less than 20 kilometers away from Tongtianism. It can be said that they are almost under the eyes of the enemy, and the newly-dropped Chen Shenggang and Yan Yeyang cannot fully trust him. He can only Acting as a night patrol, patrolling the vigil around Xinning Town to prevent accidents.

At the same time, in the radio station, the town gate and other important places, Yue Zhong also sent a confidant master to guard, for fear of accidents.

This evening, a very calm past.

The next morning, the day was just bright, and Yue Zhong received an order from the Tongtian Shenjiao headquarters.

"I will carry all the weapons with you in the direction of the headquarters and go forward in the direction of the headquarters! Encounter the enemy, destroy it!"

Chen Shenggang asked directly to Yue Zhong: "What to do, the leader?"

Yue Zhong was silent for a while and asked Chen Shenggang: "How is the strength of the Tongtian Gods Headquarters?"

Chen Shenggang quickly replied: "There are four elders, 40 guardians, and 60 altars in the Tongtianism headquarters. They are all high-level intensifiers. Besides, in the Tongtian gods headquarters. There are also 5,000 believers, among them there are a thousand white soldiers, that is, mad believers. Among the one thousand white soldiers, there are fifty masters wearing third-order mutant leather armor. They are the direct forces of the fox-like sorcerer's sword. The fifty masters each have the strength to protect the masters of the law, and they are extremely admired by the foxes, reaching a level of madness. The fighting power is terrible. ""

The third-order variant leather armor is also an extremely rare treasure in the Nathan. Even the masters who protect the law and the altar have not done a manpower. The master of the apostle's sword has a set of third-order variant leather armor, which is obviously a terrible force.

When Chen Shenggang talked about Linghu Xiangru, his eyes flashed a bit of fear: "But in the Heavenly Gods, the most terrible thing is to teach the Lord to make a fox like him. He is born with Buddha light, and he can’t get in. The man he shot at all was dead! When he came to recruit me, I knew that he was not his opponent, and he surrendered directly to him. What is his specific ability, I don’t know. The whole Tongtianism also No one knows, but according to my personal speculation, he is very likely to be a powerful evolutionist."

Yue Zhong pondered for a while and said directly: "I know! According to his orders, we sent troops to see it!"

Under Yue Zhong’s order, the number of troops with more than 800 people came out of Xinning Town and headed for the headquarters of Tongtianism.

Yue Zhong himself is sitting with Ming Jiajia and Chen Shenggang in the direction of the headquarters of Tongtianism.

Under the leadership of Chen Shenggang, the elder of the Heavenly God, Yue Zhong and his party quickly sneaked into the vicinity of Tongtianism.

Yue Zhong and his entourage had just arrived near the Tongtian gods, and they heard the sound of gunshots and the sound of explosion.

"Sure enough, there is a problem!" Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a cold light, and his heart quietly thought, and accelerated his pace.

Yue Zhong and his entourage climbed a small hill and saw everything that happened in the direction of Long'an County.

I saw that in the direction of Long'an County, a group of armed men armed with rifles and dressed in messy clothes were attacking Long'an County insanely.

The armed elements are well equipped with rifles, light machine guns, heavy machine guns, grenade launchers, rocket launchers, grenades, and mortars. They rely on sophisticated equipment to make the Tongtian priests in the direction of Long'an County almost dare not take the lead.

Yue Zhong took out a pair of telescopes and looked at the battle of the militants far away. He quietly thought: "This army is not weak in combat! But it is not the opponent of the elite camp in my hands! They should not go through strict Military training is a wild path learned from actual combat."

"The gods protect the body! The swords and guns do not enter! The gods protect the body! The guns and guns do not enter!"

Just in the direction of Longan County, the Heavenly Gods were beaten to death. www.readwn.com~ From the county seat, there were four hundred mad believers dressed in white. They held machete and their mouth was high. Shouting the slogan, they launched a decisive charge toward the militants outside the county.

Unlike the mad believers who Yue Zhong is dealing with, these mad believers have launched a deadly charge, but they are very scattered among themselves, and it is a little difficult to break them all out.

Seeing that the mad believers launched the charge, the militants also fired all kinds of firepower to the crazy believers.

Under the cover of the dense rain, many white mad believers were screened by the bullet. However, most of the militants’ shooting skills are not superb. The white mad believers are scattered. Their shooting is just killing dozens of mad believers. In addition, some whimsical believers are hit by bullets. And can't hurt them. Under such circumstances, a white mad believer rushed through the bullets and rushed into the positions of the militants, wielding a large knife and cutting them toward the militants.


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