God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 417: Gathering the squad!

The 417th chapter gathers the squadron!

"Help me cure the wound!" After Yue Zhongyi returned to the camp, he immediately called the curtain Xiang Ling.

Yue Zhong has the ability to regenerate this level 4 skill as long as it does not reach the state of sudden death. The leg bones that were bitten by the second-order mutated green snake can also heal automatically within a day. However, in this dangerous battlefield, the leg fracture has a great influence on the strength of Yue Zhong.

In the eyes of the screen, there was a worry in the eyes of the eyes. The hands pressed toward Yue Zhong’s wounds to treat the bone injury skills. A white light did not enter Yue’s leg bones: “Well!! Yue Zhong brother, you have to be careful! I only I can treat you once!"

Under the repair of the bone injury treatment, Yue Zhong's left leg bone injury quickly recovered. In less than a minute, the bone that he was bitten by the second-order mutated green snake had completely healed.

Yue Zhong looked around for a circle. I saw that under the efforts of many powerful people, relying on the simple constructions that were constantly being built, his troops barely resisted the constantly changing mutant herd.

This is mainly because Yue Zhong hunted several second-order mutant beasts, which led to the collapse of several mutant herds. Many mutant beasts dispersed, and lightning with the younger brother joined the battle group, which barely supported.

However, this is the case, the situation at this time is already very critical. In Yue Zhong’s hands, there are only ten intensifiers with more than 30 levels of reinforcement and two hundred who are building fortifications, strengthening the average level, and having no intensive skills and weak combat experience.

Workers who have no intensive skills and weak combat experience can build their fortifications, so that they can be killed by the mutant beasts. They are not the evolutionary of the luxury demon system suits like Xin Jiarou. They are just ordinary people. They want to let them challenge the advanced mutant beasts. They don't have the ability at all.

Yue Zhong stunned Ning Yuxin, who was standing beside him, and threw a few three-level skills books he had just won to her. At the same time, he threw the equipment of a magical system to her: "Learn!" Then put on this set of equipment!!"

Ning Yuxin’s performance during this period of time is quite satisfactory. At the juncture of this crisis, more strength is also good. There are not many people who can be trusted by Yue Zhong at this time, and Ning Yuxin is barely one.

Ning Yuxin took over a few three-level skill books that Yue Zhong had thrown over and a set of gods and demon system equipment flashed a slap in the eye and made a beautiful smile toward Yue Zhonglu: "Thank you!"

Have a good set of magical system equipment, good skills, can make people reborn, challenge the advanced mutant beast. The reason why Xin Jiarou was able to challenge the advanced mutant beast was because she obtained the advanced demon system equipment provided by Yue Zhong.

Miao Xiangling looked at Ning Yuxin and got a few three-level skills books and a set of magical system equipment could not help but hugged Yue Zhong's one arm and said: "Brother is eccentric!! Xiang Ling also wants!"

Yue Zhong touched the small head of Xiangling Ling and said: "It is not the time! Wait until there is a chance to say it later!"

"Yeah!" Muxiang Ling was only slightly spoiled and did not mean much with Yue Zhong.

After treating the injury, Yue Zhong immediately took out the Shenquan tea and sipped it. Although Shenquan Tea can't strengthen the spirit of Yue Zhong now, it can improve the recovery speed of his mental strength. In such a situation, it is good to be able to recover a little mental strength.

In that small town, because Tianlongbang and Qingzhubang gave up their positions, they were full of mutant beasts everywhere.

A level of reinforcement of up to forty-five levels violently grabbed an escaped human intensifier and pulled the human head directly.

The six-variant civet smashed into the body of a human intruder and directly bit the throat of a human strengthener and began to swallow the body of the human strengthener.

A head-changing lizard shuttles across various buildings, slamming the humans and tearing the human power directly!

A burly man, holding a huge man with a weight of hundreds of kilograms of mace, made the mace in his hand a whirlwind like a toothpick, guarding the seven. As long as the mutant beast is rubbed by the mace in his hand, the body will burst and fly straight out.

This big man is a small gang named Guisi Gang in Guining City. The gangster Zheng Tu is a power evolutionary, brave and unparalleled.

Zheng Tu bombarded the mutant beasts and shouted loudly: ". He has eight generations of Di ancestors!! If Laozi can live back to Guining City, Laozi must kill the genius of Tianlong!!"

Because Tianlongbang and Qingzhubang took the lead in fleeing, countless mutant beasts poured in from their gaps, and people were in chaos. The gang of Zheng Tuzhen also killed eight people.

Now there are only Zheng Tu and his seven good brothers still alive, which makes Zheng Tu full of anger and resentment against Tianlong and Qingzhu.

A man with blood and broken bones in his body smashed Zheng Tu’s eyes and looked sad: “Help the Lord to escape!! Leave us alone! We can’t escape! Let’s go on, help you. Will die here too!"

Zheng Tu has some rude shouts: "Don't talk nonsense!! Is the old man Zheng Tu abandoning the kind of people who escaped alone?"

Zheng Tu was a butcher before the end of the world. After the end of the world, he awakened to become an evolutionary, and he gathered dozens of subordinates to create a giant **** gang. This gang is small, but the feelings of helping the brothers are excellent. Zheng Tu is also a guy with no big ambitions. He founded this giant **** gang just to be able to protect himself in the last days. He is really eager to help the brothers in the Gang.

After listening to Zheng Tu’s words, two of the seven men took a breath and took the imitation Tang knife and went out, killing the mutant beast that was surrounded, and taking some pressure on the Zheng Tu.

At this moment, dozens of mutated cattle formed a battle, and fiercely rushed toward this side. Looking at the dozens of mutant cows that are launching the charge, the seven people have a desperate flash of heart: "It's over!!"

Although Zheng Tu is strong, it is not realistic to resist the dozens of mutated cattle. However, if he avoids, the four wounded people behind him will all die under the iron hoof of the mutant cow.

At this moment, a strong figure shuttled through the herd, and when the knife flashed, the head of a mutated cow was directly smashed, and a headless cow fell directly on the ground. .

Zheng Tu looked at the head of a headless cow that fell directly to the ground: "Master!!"

The knife flashed, and the master who killed dozens of mutant cows between several breaths stopped in front of Zheng Tu and showed his body shape as a white victory for the agile evolver.

Zheng Tuzheng Bai Xiaosheng glanced forward and said: "This brother!! Thank you! The help of life, Zheng Tu will never forget!"

Bai Xiaosheng stunned the seven soldiers behind Zheng Tu and said: "You are welcome! I am Bai Xiaosheng of Qingshi Gang! I am ordered to gather the masters of the town. You are called Zheng Tu! Take your brothers to my bluestone. Help the position! Then they have a way to live. Otherwise they are dead! I have to contact other people, goodbye!"

After the completion of the speech, Bai Xiaosheng flashed his body and continued to leap toward the depths of the town. If you don't waste too much energy on a woman's belly, Bai Xiaosheng is very reliable in doing things. Being a senior hitter is the most suitable candidate.

A soldier hesitated and asked Zheng Tu: "What to do, help the Lord? Do you want to go to Yue Zhong?"

Zheng Tu did not hesitate to smash the railroad: "Go!! Of course, go! Even if Yue is important to my giant gods, it doesn't matter, as long as everyone is alive, that's enough!"

Zheng Tu quickly made his decision and immediately took his seven good brothers all the way to the direction of Yue Zhong.

After Bai Xiaosheng did not enter the town, he constantly rescued the intensifiers in the town and persuaded them to gather around the Qingshi gang of Commander Yue Zhong.

Those who were originally intensified like headless flies, while hearing the heavy stone of Yue Zhong, were still holding their positions and immediately rushed to the position of Yue Zhong.

There are 3,000 human intensifiers in the town, and there are many great masters with amazing strength. However, no one is organized, and the strength of the individual is stronger than the mutant herd. If he is as strong as Yue Zhong and fights with the mutant herd, he can't support it for too long.

The masters of a small town poured into Yue Zhong’s position. Yue Zhong changed the wounded and physically exhausted warriors among them to rest temporarily. Those who have combat power are directly adjusted. Go to the front line and mutant beasts.

With the addition of those masters, under the command of Yue Zhong, the front line has become more stable. With the help of the master who manipulated the earth's abilities, the earthen wall rises from the ground and blocks the path of many small mutant beasts. With the help of the master of ice power, the ground in the area is covered with a thin layer of ice. Many agile mutant beasts can't exert their speed advantage on the ice, and they can only be slaughtered by Yue Zhong's masters.

Yue Zhong uses the masters to change the terrain and maintain the terrain. The rest of the strong is to use the terrain to kill a lot of mutant beasts. The large mutant beasts that can destroy the terrain were killed by Hu Yi with a team of elite evolutionists. Those small mutant beasts are not strong enough to destroy the terrain at all. The beasts that are like the tides are actually blocked by Yue Zhong’s commanding masters and using simple constructions that are constantly being built.

Just when Yue Zhong took a little breath, Ying Kaishan came to Yue Zhong’s side and looked strange: “Boss!! Cai Feng Bang also came over!!”

Yue Zhong heard his brows wrinkled: "Caifeng Bang is also here?"

Among the four gangs in Guining City, Tianlong Bang and Qingzhu Gang first gave up their positions and fled to the town in order to preserve their strength.

Cai Fengbang is now relying on it, and Yue Zhong does not know whether this is good or bad. After all, Caifeng Gang is also one of the four major gangs in Guining City, and has the qualification to compete with Yue Zhong for the dominant position.

Yue Zhong was silent for a while and walked toward the direction of Caifeng Gang: "Go! Take me to see Ding Mei!"

When Yue Zhongyi came to the place where the Caifeng gang was located, he saw more than one hundred phoenix gangs helping them. At this time, everyone was contaminated with a lot of blood. Many people were also seriously injured. Gasping and looking very miserable.

Cai Fengbang originally had more than 200 core gang members to participate in the action of hunting the third-order mutant beast, but the traces of the third-order mutant beast have not been seen yet, and they have already killed more than 100 sisters. The losses are extremely heavy.

The Caifeng gang is not prepared to have full Yue, and they have no lightning. The leopard cat group led by the second-order leopard cat helps. After Tianlong and Qingzhu helped to abandon the front, they faced the siege of a large number of mutant beasts. After the death, only a hundred sisters remained alive. The rest of the people died in battle.

Ding Mei looked at Yue Zhong who walked in front of her and said directly: "Yue Zhong! Our Caifeng help can listen to your transfer! Just let your sisters take a rest!! Let the wounded get treatment!"

Yue Zhong saw that Ding Mei was so refreshing, and nodded his orders without any politeness: "Good! Please ask Ding to help you to go there and support, let the soldiers in front rest!"

"Sisters! Come with me!" Ding Mei stunned Yue Zhong and ordered more than 30 female masters behind him.

Soon, Ding Mei took people to the front line and replaced a group of soldiers who were very exhausted.

In the depths of the town, a large number of intensifiers gathered in the camp of Yue Zhong, a large number of mutant beasts madly besieged the Tianlong gang of Di's teeth, let their soldiers die and hurt.

"Ah!!" A Tianlong helper has just issued a roar ~www.readwn.com~ a knife to kill a mutant monkey. The next moment, a mutant violent monkey suddenly jumped out and slammed into the head of the soldier of the Tianlong gang, who slammed the head of the dragon to help the soldier.

A mutated big civet pounced on a dragon to help the warrior's body, opened a **** mouth and bite a bite, the sharp teeth directly penetrated the throat of the dragon to help the warrior, the burning blood spattered in the big variation The civet's body makes it look very incomparable.

"What to do? Song Xin!!" Di tooth looked at his own constant death and flashed a horror in his eyes.

Song Xin looked around and looked around. He lowered his voice and said to Difang: "Boss! For the present, only to go to the top! As long as you are still alive, there is a chance to make a comeback!! Let's flee now!"

Di's face screamed: "What? You let me leave my brothers to escape alone?"

Song Xin said emotionally: "Boss! Don't escape now! If you can, you will never have a chance to escape! You are the master of our Tianlong help! You have Tianlong help!! Others can die, boss you can Can't die!! For the Tianlong help, please live."

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