God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 426: Threat!

Full text without advertising 426th threat!

When Du Shanxiong’s troops had just surrounded the grain depot, Chaizi Cang came out of Yue Zhong’s troops and returned to Du Shanxiong’s troops.

In a temporary command center, Chai Zicang saw his top boss Du Shanxiong.

Du Shanxiong is an old man dressed in neat military uniform, full of majesty between the eyebrows and his hair, and his body is also murderous with a soldier. After quietly listening to the Chaizi warehouse, he described the basic situation and frowned. "He really threatened to burn the grain depot?"

Nearly 900,000 survivors in the whole of Guining City can count on the hundreds of thousands of tons of food in the grain depot. Once hundreds of tons of grain in the grain depot are burned, the city of Guining will collapse immediately.

Chai Zicang took Du Xiong’s eyes and knew that the old boss was very angry. He had to blush and said: “Yes!”

Du Shanxiong was furious and couldn't help but slap a slap on the table, shaking his right hand and numb: "Hey! I really don't know the big news!!"

In this end of the world, not all high-level executives are tyrannical intensifiers. Strong tyrannical intensifiers are good at fighting and are generally fighters fighting on the first line. Most of the military executives are ordinary people. Under the dangerous wall, you can't expect the old man under the guardianship of many military masters to take a fake Tang knife to cut the zombies.

Yue Zhong’s leaders in many powers are intensified by strong players. That's because in a world where the order is completely collapsed, only the strong leader can serve the public. You don't have the ability to lead everyone to find food, who will bird you.

A staff member named Liu Xuan went forward and asked Du Shanxiong: "Director! Do you want to continue to annihilate them?"

Du Shanxiong’s face became a purple scream and shouted: “Destroy them? If they burned the grain with a fire. What do you eat? Pig brain!!”

After the chief of staff was stunned by the teacher, his face turned red and then silently retreated to the side.

The swearing of the army is basically a very common thing. Although Du Shanxiong is a teacher, he is also from the grassroots. Once angry, it is very difficult to pick up people.

Du Shanxiong calmed down and stared at the firewood warehouse and asked: "What conditions does he have?"

Chaizi warehouse hesitated for a moment, only to bite his teeth: "Teacher! He wants you to take the soldiers back immediately ten miles, otherwise he will start burning food after an hour! Once we attack him, he will kill the brothers captured by him! ”

Du Shanxiong was even more angry. He stood up and almost snarled and said: "He thought!! I will never be threatened by Du Shanxiong! Chai Zicang, you immediately went to Yue Zhong and said, let him bring people. Come out and surrender immediately! Otherwise, when my army arrives, he will die without a place of burial. There is no advertisement in the whole text."

"Teacher!! No!!"

"Teacher!! I am angry!!"


The consultants around Du Shanxiong rushed to persuade. They don't think that their troops will be able to annihilate Yue Zhong's small army. However, once Yue Zhong really burned the grain depot, their army fell apart in only a few days. If there is no food to eat, who will help you fight.

Du Shanxiong's staff advised him, he was even more angry. He pulled out his waist and shouted loudly: "Don't persuade!! Who will persuade me! I immediately smashed him! I will look at him." I dare not burn the grain store!!"

Du Shanxiong’s staff around the anger was silent. Du Shanxiong has a violent temper, and once angered, almost no one can stop him. If it is because you are angered by him, it is not worth it.

At this moment, an officer rushed into the loud report: "Master!! Not good! Yue Zhong began to burn the grain!! A granary has been ignited!!!"

Du Shanxiong felt that the cold hands and feet were cold, and the body kept shaking: "What!! He burned the granary!!"

Although Du Shanxiong is violent, he is not an idiot. He is very aware of the consequences of Yue Zhong burning the whole grain depot. That is, the entire order of the entire city of Guining has completely collapsed into a **** on earth, and a division of the division that he governs will also fall apart.

Chai Zicang’s eyes blushed and came to Du Shanxiong’s front and knees and pleaded: “Teacher!! Withdraw!! He will actually burn the whole grain depot!! For our eighth division’s brother and Guining City 100,000 people, please withdraw it!!"

"Teacher!! Let's go!!"



Those staff members pleaded with Du Shanxiong.

Du Shanxiong lifted his hand and touched his forehead with some weakness. He closed his eyes and said painfully: "Remove!!"


Upon receiving an order from Du Shanxiong, a famous staff member immediately issued an order to the large army.

The army of Guining City, which surrounded Yue Zhong, quickly retreated in the direction of Guining City.

"I finally got it!!" In the grain depot, Yue Zhong looked at Du Shanxiong's troops and quickly withdrew the centrifugation.

Yue Zhong also knows the consequences of burning the whole grain depot. Then the order of Guining City will collapse immediately, and the troops under Du Shanxiong will not be able to sustain for a long time.

But as a result, even if Yue Zhong is fully committed to rescue, tens of thousands of people will die in hunger and the next riots and turmoil. Yue Zhong also does not want to see such a scene.

Bai Xiaosheng came to Yue Zhong and asked very loudly: "The leader, why not burn the grain depot directly? As long as the grain depot is burned, Guining City will fall into a collapse and chaos. Du Shanxiong can not maintain the troops, so not Is our best time?"

Bai Xiaosheng is also a smarter person. When he saw that Yue Zhong burned a tens of tons of grain in a granary, Du Shanxiong took the troops back and changed his mind to understand the truth. For those outsiders whose foundations are unstable and their strength is not strong, the chaos in Guining City is most beneficial to them.

Yue Zhong smashed Bai Xiaosheng and said a long way: "When the grain depot is burned, at least 10,000 people in Guining City will die here. Here is China!"

If it is in a foreign country, Yue Zhong can kill no matter how many grain depots and how many people die. As long as he can achieve his goal, he will do it. If he can burn Wu Yanhong's grain depot in a fire, he will never be soft.

Bai Xiaosheng asked curiously: "The leader!! Why don't you take the opportunity to force Du Shanxiong to let them surrender directly? Then the whole city of Guining is not in our hands?"

Yue Zhong looked at the retreating tank in the distance and the self-propelled artillery slowly said: "What if they really want to fight a broken net? On the real strength, we are not yet their opponents. Even if they are completely afterwards Crash, we can survive today. People can have two achievements that are already amazing."

It’s not difficult for Du Shanxiong to use his heavy artillery to annihilate Yue Zhong. Under the cover of the heavy artillery, even if Yue Zhong’s luck is not good, he will be directly hit by the center. More than the other strong.

Moreover, Yue Zhong created Tianmeng to force the masters of many masters to be willing to play for Yue Zhong. Some masters are reluctant to just rely on Yue Zhong’s fierceness to surrender. More masters are wall grasses, who Strong, who they will trust. Heavy artillery blasts, and the Tianmeng reorganized by Yue is only afraid that it will fall apart immediately.

This year is no longer a life-saving life, others will be grateful to you, and will swear to make you an ancient horse. It is to help the old lady who falls down and the other party to tell you that you deliberately smashed the morality of the people. You may not be grateful to Dade if you save someone. Therefore, Yue Zhong was extremely utilitarian in his work. When he first saved the Xiang Xiang Ling mother and daughter, they had to use each other's life to work.

Good people are also in the last days, and quite a lot. However, it is difficult for them to become a qualified leader and it is difficult to become a last-generation hero.

The reason why Du Shanxiong did not dare to do this is because this area is a grain depot. Yue Zhong burned it here. Everyone was also shot and scattered. The two sides were able to have equal qualifications.

Yue Zhong pondered for a while and told Bai Xiaosheng: "Go and call me alone!!"

Shan Hong was called by Bai Xiaosheng and cautiously asked Yue Zhong: "Yue Boss, you call me??"

Shan Hong is also a smart person. He will definitely be deprived of the post of director of the police station in Guining City. Without the position of the director of the police station, he is not a shit, and the use value becomes extremely low. He can only hold the thigh of Yue Zhong at the moment and put his posture very low. Otherwise, Yue Zhongyi throws him out, and he will never see the sun the next day.

Yue Zhong took a single eye and said: "You represent me to negotiate with them! My bottom line is that this grain depot has 20,000 tons of grain is mine! Who else is the food? I can do it every day. Let people send enough food out~www.readwn.com~ But the grain depot must be guarded by my people. At the same time, Guining City must be completely open, so I can recruit workers, and I can’t stop it. If someone hurts me People, we must deal with my rules. Finally, let them bring the head of the incident, Tian Long, help the heads of Di Ji, Lu Tao, Shen Luo, Shen Jianghe, Gao Minghao... You must do it. Beautiful, I won't treat you badly!"

There were nearly 500,000 tons of grain in the grain depot, and those who were Du Shanxiong attacked on all sides, and recovered the accumulated grain after the grain depot. Yue Zhong also knows that he may all swallow the grain of the grain store, so there is no demand to swallow all the grain in the grain store.

"Yes! Under the guarantee to complete the task!" Hearing the words of Yue Zhong, Shan Hong is excited and chilling. He is excited that Yue Zhong is finally willing to reuse him. If the errands of this negotiation are completed, he will definitely be able to occupy a place on Yue Zhong. His chills are that Yue Zhong actually asked so many Tianlong help, Qingzhu to help the top level of the high-level, apparently ruthless. Such a master can not serve well.


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