God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 432: Defeat Zhu Lei Department!

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Zhu Lei glanced at Di's teeth and pointed at the naked body and squatted in the room. The beautiful woman grinned and said, "These girls, you choose which one to choose! I count you!!"

There are a total of twenty naked women standing in the room, surrounded by a thin ring of fat, acting as a vase of the room.

After the end of the world, the order collapsed, and many of the inner darkness expanded wildly. Zhu Lei likes female color. When Du Shanxiong was there, he still had some scruples. Now he is really unscrupulous.

Di's face humbled and said: "How can the younger brother dare to go to your eldest brother?"

Zhu Lei grinned, his eyes flashed in glare, and pushed the gorgeous woman in her arms to the glass table: "You are my good brother! What can't you!! Come, let's go together. This woman is in!"

In the eyes of Di's teeth, she also took off her pants and immediately took off her pants: "That would be more respectful than death!"

At this moment, an officer suddenly slammed into an anxious cry: "The battalion commander!! I have important information to report to you!"

Zhu Lei had just taken off his pants, and when the sword was squirting, he was very tall. When he saw the officer who came in, he suddenly changed his face and shouted: "Get out of the way!! Liu Xiong, this company commander still wants to do not want to Thousands?"

The officer was stunned by Zhu Lei's face, and a sigh of resentment rose from his heart. He clenched his fists and smashed the scene in the room. He lowered his head and said, "Yes!"

"Come on!!" Zhu Lei smiled and caught the naked girl and entered her body.

On the other side, Diya also smirked and hugged the naked woman's head.

When Liu Xiong returned to his own company, he screamed and shouted: "Zhu Lei, you are a bastard!! Is this still playing with women? You will definitely die without a burial place!!"

The deputy director Zhou Zixuan came to Liu Xiong and asked directly: "Lao Liu! What does the battalion commander say?"

Liu Xiong looked cold and cold: "He let me roll!!"

Zhou Zixuan's face changed aloud: "How is he doing this? Zhang Xue forgets them but he is coming over! No more preparation, what to fight with them?"

The willow bear was silent for a while and stared at Zhou Zixuan: "Old Zhou!! Zhu Lei is a **** bastard! I decided to pull the troops out! You will not follow me?"

Zhou Zixuan heard his eyes wide open, and some unbelievable and hard roads: "Old Liu! You are like a mutiny! Rebellion!!"

The military entered the order to obey the order. This sentence has been engraved in the body of the regular army. The main force of the Willow Bear is also the field army before the end of the world. Therefore, although Zhu Lei is a violent red-generation three generations, he is indeed a camp appointed by the leaders of the military region. Liu Xiong, these junior officers, although they do not care for him, still have to work for him.

Liu Xiong’s current proposal to pull the troops away is equivalent to a mutiny, which makes Zhou Zixuan not change his mind.

Liu Xiong looked disgusted: "If you want to sell for Zhu Lei! I would rather rebel!!"

As long as a sense of justice and bloodyness are not willing to become a ruthless and rude leader. Before the Liu Xiong could not understand Zhu Lei’s actions, the military and the country’s behemoth acted as Zhu Lei’s backing. Now that the military was destroyed, the country was cracked, and the dissatisfaction accumulated in the heart of the bear was completely ignited by the rudeness of Zhu Lei.

Zhou Zixuan was silent for a moment, and his eyes flashed a stern way: "Good!! I will go with you!"

"Great!!" Liu Xiong’s eyes flashed a touch of joy.

Zhou Zixuan continued to ask suddenly: "What about the Chen political commissar?"

In the eyes of the bear, a flash of fierce light flashed: "Since Zhu Lei turned his face, then he lost him!!"

The political commissar of Chen was sent by the Liu Xiong to monitor the willows and they were not very good.

At this moment, the political commissar of Chen strode into the military camp. As soon as he saw the willow bear, his face became very ugly: "Wang Xiong! Why are you still here? Not ready to organize troops to resist Zhang Xue forget?"

Liu Xiong and Zhou Zixuan looked at each other and immediately stepped forward: "Chen Zhengwei!! I have something to tell you!!"

"What? Let's talk about it later! The urgent task now is to organize troops to resist Zhang Xue's forgotten attack."

The words of Chen Zhengwei have not completely fallen. Liu Xiong grabbed his head and twisted it. He snorted and he fell to the ground with an incredulous face.


Thousands of Chen political commissars, Liu Xiong and Zhou Zixuan quickly gathered troops to escape to the outside.

The llustane had just fled the military camp with the troops, and the situation changed steeply.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

Almost in a flash, countless shells shrouded the military camp of the Zhu Lei Department. Under the bombardment of the heavy artillery, a house was directly blown up and crushed. A variety of armored vehicles were bombarded by artillery. Under the direct transformation into a group of fireballs burst open.

A shell fell on the side of the Julei barracks, and a loud bang blew up a house and collapsed. Most of the soldiers inside were buried in the rubble.

In the shelling of the mountains and the mountains, countless smoke scattered, scattered in the room, as if a huge earthquake occurred.

Those beautiful women who were naked as bodies were treated under the huge shelling, and they entered the flower color, and they did not care about Ju Lei’s arrogance, and they turned to the outside.

"What happened? What happened to this shelling??"

Zhu Lei was also stunned by the sudden bombardment of the impotence. He didn't even wear his trousers, and he fled naked and naked to the outside.

As soon as Di tooth heard the thrilling shelling sound, he kicked the female squatting in front of him and ran straight to the window: "Damn!!! What happened?"

Almost as soon as Zhu Lei and Diya had just acted, two shells slammed into the house and there was a huge explosion of horror. The entire barracks were directly blown up by the explosion and shattered. It was blown up and smashed, and even the evolutionary level of Di tooth, which has a level of forty-eight, was blown up and broken, and there was no resistance.



Suddenly bombarded by the heavy artillery, I escaped many soldiers from various barracks in the military camp, and even had 300 intensifiers with a low level of reinforcement. The more than 300 intensifiers who did not have a low level of reinforcement were recruited by Difang in the name of the dragon gang and then transported to the Zhu Lei camp. Zhu Lei relied on those intensifiers to also hunted many mutant beasts and zombies.

boom! ! boom! ! boom! !

Five consecutive artillery shells were among the 300 intensifiers whose level of reinforcement was not low. The intensifiers of large blocks were swept away by the power of the explosion, and the two evolutionists in them were directly bombed. dead.

"Help!! I don't want to die!!"

"Flee o!!"


The constant horror artillery smashed the self-confidence of the intensifiers and evolutionists who were originally proud and self-righteous. Under the bombardment of the heavy artillery, they felt the powerlessness in their own.

Even though there is a danger of heavy artillery bombardment, the scope of the heavy artillery bombardment is too large, and it is still bombarded by several heavy artillery pieces. Even if it is the evolution of the agile system, it is very difficult to avoid it.

Those intensifiers were originally ordinary in the end of the world, and they did not have much training. Most of them were not experienced in the battle of zombies and mutant beasts.

Zhu Lei was bombed into ashes because of the highest commander. In addition to the spontaneous organization of resistance by some field army officers, the rest of the troops completely collapsed and fled in all directions.

Hu Yi has led Yue Zhong to form a very complicated mixed-armed regiment to surround the Zhu Lei Department. Those who have broken the intensifiers have all been arrested by him and locked into the prison camp.

In the command center, Yue Zhong looked at the horror in the Zhu Lei military camp and walked to Zhang Xue, who was standing beside him, and ordered to say: "Yes! Send it to persuade!"

Zhang Xue forgot to look at the horrors of the Zhu Lei military camp photographed from the non-intrusion reconnaissance plane. His heart was full of complexity, and those who were not long ago could still be his comrades-in-arms. Now he has become such a terrible in the fire of his troops, which makes his heart very uneasy.

However, Zhang Xue’s forgotten life was in the grasp of Yue Zhong, so he did not hesitate and ordered the officer to the side: “Immediately sent to persuade!”

An officer yelled at Zhu Lei’s military camp through a snoring device: "The inside listens! Zhu Lei organizes the assassination of Du Shanxiong Du!! He is now a rebellion against the country! You are surrendering immediately, and there is still a way to live! Otherwise, we will no longer be merciful, and we can only treat you as rebellious and strangled!!"

At this time, in the military camp of Zhu Lei ~www.readwn.com~ there are more than two hundred troops of the former field army scattered in various positions. They are not crushed by shells like the intensifiers.

Although Zhu Lei’s dead field army still had the power of a war, but they did not have the goal of fighting and the will to fight, they all came out from one position and became the prisoner of Yue Zhong.

After defeating the Zhu Lei Department, Yue Zhong did not stop the direct command: "Continue! Attack the horse!!"

Under the command of Yue Zhong, Zhang Xue’s first camp, who forgot to command the commander, continued to march toward the horse.

In the horse to the military.

The horse in a military uniform grabbed a cup and slammed it on the ground, and threw the cup into a roaring scream that smashed his anger: "Damn!! How is the Zhu Leina **** so weak!! No support! Fuck!! Zhang Xue forgets to be a bastard, and he wants Yue Zhong to be sincere!! Mom!! Damn!! Damn!!"

A staff member said to the horse: "The battalion commander is angry!! We can go with Chen Yu, Murong and Wang He!! As long as we join forces with four battalions, Zhang Xue forgets and Yue Zhong, they are definitely not our opponents. !"

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