God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 434: Start in Guining City!

The 430th chapter of Guining City!

Yue Zhong directly opened the price code of Murong and his heart: "Good!! How about being a lieutenant in China? Your brother is still led by you!"

Murong and his face are happy: "Thank you! I am willing to die for the leader!!"

Yue Zhong turned to look at the messenger sent by Chen Yu and asked: "What is Chen Yu sending you?"

The messenger of Chen Yu turned to Yue Zhongdao: "I am Luoyang River! Yue Zhong leader! As long as you promise us a few conditions! Our fourth camp is also willing to listen to your command. ~~"

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed in the cold, and his face did not change: "Good! You said!"

Luoyang River said three times in a row: "First: we must not disband our troops! Second: the human rights of our fourth battalion are controlled by ourselves. Third: If you make things that are sorry for the people of Guining City, or order We have the right to refuse to do things that we are sorry for the country and we are sorry for the people."

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the flash of light flashed and promised: "Yes! No problem! I have promised!!"

Chen Yu, he did not want to put out the troops. He had to hold the fourth battalion firmly in his hands and become a system. In other words, he did not listen to the announcement.

When Luo Yanghe heard that Yue Zhong had promised his condition, he gave a sigh of relief and marched to Yue Yue with a military ceremony: "Thank you!"

Wang He and Murong and a little pity took a look at Luoyang River. Once Yue Zhong holds the entire Guining City in his hands, he can make the soldiers of the 4th Battalion wear countless pairs of small shoes as long as they move small means. Chen Yu can't even wear this point, and his political vision is too low.

Yue Zhong looked around the commanding room and said, "The next step, our goal is to defeat Liu Jiuming's rebellious armed forces in Guining City! Who wants to be a pioneer?"

"I am willing to be a pioneer!!" Wang He (Mu Ronghe) shouted loudly.

Wang He and Murong He have just rushed to Yue Zhong, and each one is very eager to make meritorious deeds for the new owner.

Yue Zhong smiled at Wang He and Murong and smiled slightly: "Then please visit Wang Yingchang and Murong battalion commander!"

"Yes! The leader!"

After receiving the order of Yue Zhong, Wang He and Murong and the two men immediately commanded the army to crush in the city of Guining.

Almost instantaneously, an armored vehicle drove into the city of Guining, and at the same time, a radio vehicle continually released a message: "Li Jiu Ming organized the murder of Du Shanxiong Du, and betrayed the country and the people. Now that I have been declared a rebel party! After hearing this news, please ask all the people who were deceived by Ms. Li Jiuming to immediately put down their weapons and surrender to us! Otherwise, they will be regarded as a rebel party, killing them!!"

"That is the army!!"

"Is it really assassinated by Mayor Li?"

"Damn!! We were cheated!!"


Looking at the military armored vehicle that opened into the city, the joint force of the police, the armed police, and the special police who followed Li Jiuming’s battle with Shen Ying was immediately broken, and they gave up their resistance, and most of them surrendered to the troops.

Li Jiu-ming’s power immediately fell apart, and only a dozen confidants were still with him.

Li Jiu Ming is able to drive so many masters. That is because he is the mayor of Nan. Ning. After the title was taken off, he was not a shit. At this time, the military announced that he was a rebellious Li Qiming. He did not have the title of the mayor of Nan. Ning, and naturally no one else would listen to his orders.

Li Jiu-ming looked at the situation where people continued to surrender to the military and collapsed. The face was gray and sullen: "Damn!! Why do you betray me!! Why are you betraying me!! I am the mayor of Nanning." I am the mayor!!!"

A Li Jiu-ming’s confidant pulled Li Jiu-ming and fled to the outside of Guining City: “Mayor! Escape!! If you don’t escape, they will come over and catch you!!”

Li Jiu-Ming has been operating in Guining for so long, and naturally he has some confidant masters. Those confidant masters guarded the disappointing Li Jiu-ming and fled to the outside.

Suddenly, two figures flashed, and two military masters in military uniforms were in front of Li Jiu-Ming.

A military master stared at Li Jiu-ming and laughed. "Is this not the mayor of Li Jiu-ming? Haha, I caught a big fish!"

Seeing the two military masters who suddenly appeared, everyone’s heart was slightly cold.

"Go to death!!" A confidant next to Li Jiu-ming suddenly took out a pistol and fired two shots at the two military masters.

The name of Li Jiu-ming’s confession was just a move, and the two military masters immediately moved.

"Go to death!" The speedy laughing master of the military is extremely horrible. The distance between the ten meters is a cross between the two seconds. The long knife in his hand instantly turns a few knives toward the Li Jiming. A famous heart, directly smashed several of Li Jiu-ming’s confidants into several pieces, and the blood splattered.

Li Jiu-ming was shocked by the cruel scene. His body trembled and pleaded loudly: "Don't kill me!! Don't kill me!! I will do anything!! Don't kill me!!"

The laughing military master put his long knife in the neck of Li Jiu-ming and asked another military master: "Can you marry him?"

Another military master said coldly: "The above requirements, no matter what you live! Happy with you!"

The master of the military flashed a brutal ray of light, and with a wave of force, the long knife directly smashed Li Jiu-ming’s first level: “That’s killing him! To such a disgusting official, I hate it the most. It!"

Li Jiu-ming's head slammed on the ground, and his eyes were full of incredible and endless remorse.

The military master who killed Li Jiu-ming asked another senior military expert: "You said why the battalion commander should take us to Yue Zhong! With our strength, we can completely control Guining City."

Another cool military master said coldly: "Your power is strong, and a missile can also call you back to the West. The battalion commander's vision is much stronger than you and me! Let's go!"

After the speech, he turned and strode away.

"Wait for me!!" The military master who killed Li Jiu-ming shouted loudly and immediately chased the past.

In the alley, there were only Li Jiu-ming and his confidant corpses, blood-stained everywhere, miserable.

Shortly after the departure of the two military masters, a figure appeared in this alley, it was Gao Minghao, the helper of Qingzhu.

Gao Minghao glanced at Li Jiu-ming’s body and sighed slightly: “Unfortunately!”

In the next moment, Gao Minghao’s eyes immediately ignited a burning flame: “Yue Zhong is this time you won! Next time, I definitely want to win you!!”

After the speech, Gao Minghao’s figure flashed and disappeared from the alley.

The army army entered Guining City, Li Jiu-ming was defeated, and Gao Minghao also fled the city of Guining directly with the remaining members of Qingzhu.

Under the strong suppression of the military, the mobs in Guining City were shot on the spot. The entire city of Guining has gradually recovered its calm.

Just because Du Shanxiong was assassinated, the movement has caused more than 2,000 deaths.

The city of Guining has returned to calm, but there is still a problem that has not been resolved. That is in the city of Guining, and the defense force of Guining Municipality led by Shen Ying.

This force consists of the police, armed police, special police in Guining City and the civil masters recruited by the Guining Municipal Government. Although the combat power is not as good as any one of the military, it is not a small force.

In the conference hall of Guining Municipality, on both sides of the long conference table, Yue Zhong and his men were sitting on the other side, while the other side was sitting on the high floors of Shen Ying and Guining City.

Yue Zhong smashed Shen Ying and many high-ranking officials in Guining City. They said very strongly in the tone of the command: "I am Yue Zhong!! It is also the leader of the current military. I hope that you can all be armed and accept my Reorganization! As a change, I will protect your personal and property safety."

At this time, the troops in Yue Zhong’s hands were enough to crush anyone’s resistance. This was a direct and powerful command to the high-level officials of Shen Ying and Guining City.

When Yue Zhong’s voice fell, the high-rises of Guining City suddenly became stunned, and no one wanted to give up the power in his hands. They put their eyes on Shen Ying.

Shen Ying was silent for a while and said slowly: "Good! We can all arm out! Accept your reorganization. But you must guarantee the safety of our personal and property and the order of Guining City."

Yue Zhong heard his words and nodded and said: "Yes!!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man stood up and screamed at Yue Zhong: "Wait a minute!! I don't agree!! This is the party's Guining City! Not your Yuezhong's Guining City! What do you have? The right to let us arm out and accept your reorganization?"

Yue Zhong brows a wrinkled hand, a military master directly went forward and grabbed the middle-aged man's neck and twisted. With a bang, the middle-aged man’s head was twisted and died directly.

Seeing that scene, all the high-rises in the Guining City in the conference hall were born with a cold sweat.

Yue Zhong looked around the people in the conference hall and said: "Is there anyone else against it?"

Everyone in the original high-rise of Guining City closed his mouth and didn’t dare to say anything more.

After Shen Ying’s armed forces in his hands, Yue Zhong also let those senior officials of the former Guining City continue to live in this city of Guining with their sī property, becoming a rich family.

At the same time, from the second day, Yue Zhong began a large-scale integration of troops.

The first armored battalion originally ordered by Zhang Xue has become the direct battalion of Yue Zhong. The deputy battalion commander is Hu Yi, and among the first armored battalions, many of the masters he brought from Tianxin. And cadres. Among them, the foreign army of Lalman was also incorporated into the first battalion. At the same time, Yue Zhong chōu adjusted from the field army captains surrendered by Zhu Lei and Ma Fang, together with some of the masters of Tianmeng and the backbone of Qingshi Gang, formed the second battalion, and the battalion commander was Zheng Minghe. The third battalion was formed by some of the backbones of the Qingshi gang and some of the masters who surrendered from Zhu Lei and Ma Fang. The battalion commander is the Eagle Mountain. The fourth battalion is Yue Zhong, chōu adjusted the Tianmeng part of the jīng sharp master, Zhang Xue forgot part of the jīng sharp master and the battalion part of the various qi ying sharp masters formed the special war camp battalion by Bai Xiaosheng. The fifth battalion is the Chaizi warehouse department. The sixth battalion is Wang Hebu. The seventh camp is Murong and the Ministry. The eighth battalion was formed by Yue Zhong, who had adjusted many surrendered armed police, special police and many masters. The battalion commander is Chen Shenggang. The ninth battalion is composed of new recruits, Zhang Xue Forgot. The 17th battalion is Chen Yu, who does not listen to the announcement. In addition to this, there is a reserve infantry battalion consisting of four new recruits.

After a series of adjustments, Yue Zhong barely took the troops firmly in their hands.

In addition to the Chen Yu Department of the 17th Battalion, other camps are able to move freely. Even Chen Yu, Yue Zhong can be freely transferred. However, he also firmly adhered to his previous agreement, and did not have the human rights of Chen Yu.

When the troops were reorganized in this way, Yue Zhong had 10,000 troops in his hands. This 10,000-year-old force is not a combination of the modern forces built by the legacy of the last days and the intensifiers created by the demon system after the end of the world. The combat power is extraordinary, whether it is against the mutant beast, or against the zombies, humans. They all have strong fighting power.

The population base of Guining City is large, so there are many evolvers. After Yue Zhong reorganized the troops, he was able to call it a master like this, and he was able to mobilize more than 20 evolutionists.

After fully reorganizing the troops, Yue Zhong ordered the troops to train on the spot and began to rebuild the government.

In this aspect of the government, Yue Zhong directly asked Shen Ying, who had been deprived of all his rights, to preside over the overall situation. Shen Ying, the mayor, Yue Zhong still quite appreciates. At least his son nv has a measure of ~www.readwn.com~ and does not look like a actor like other officials. And Shen Ying’s ability to govern is still quite good. Although Yue Zhong is also growing and his political ability is also enhanced, he is not as good as the old politician of Shen Ying.

With the help of Shen Ying, the shelf of the government was quickly set up. Ten days later, the city of Guining completely recovered its calmness and began to prosper.

During this time, Yue Zhong also sent people to transport the bodies of more than 10,000 mutant beasts from the town. This is the winter season, the weather is colder than the ordinary winter, the whole world is like a natural In general, the mutants ròu have not deteriorated for ten days.

The bodies of those mutant beasts were shipped back. Under the organization of Shen Ying, a mutant beast processing factory emerged from the air and began to process the body of the mutant beasts with various equipment and civilian products. The skin máo of those mutant beasts is also a superior tool for keeping warm.

Gained the huge mutant animal body resources, the entire city of Guining has received great benefits. Many people have found a job and got more food. Yue Zhong also obtained more variants of the animal skin and various cold weapons made from the body of the mutant animal. That is a win-win situation and a mutually beneficial situation.


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