God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 440: The corpse is changing!

The forty-fourth chapter of the corpse change!

Chapter 340

One of the four major gangs in Guining City, under the leadership of Ding Mei, was when Yue Zhong had just launched a sweep of dàng, he had already surrendered to Yue Zhong, and all the force was accepted, accepting the reorganization of Yue Zhong. Become an armed force under Yue Zhong. TXT e-book download

Yue Zhong swept all the gangs in the city of Guining with black and evil. The whole atmosphere of Guining City has changed, and the world has become more prosperous. Those ambitions who want to take advantage of the luàn world to dominate the king have converged their ambitions.

There are many private intensifiers in the city of Guining and those who specialize in hunting for zombies. However, Yue Zhong did not force the compilation of the folk intensifiers and some companies that specialize in hunting for zombies. Because the existence of the folk strong can actively clean up the dead ends that some large forces can't clean up, and they have high enthusiasm and can provide many supplies for the development of Guining.

For these forces, as long as they do not develop to threaten the rule of Yue Zhong, he will basically not move them.

Yue Zhong put all those inferior blacks and gangs into the scum camp. Those who are black, who help a member but do not do too many evil things, are added to the reserve for training, while the intensifiers are directly incorporated into the team for special forces training. After such a comprehensive reorganization, Yue Zhong’s hands added two hundred masters with a level of enhancement above level 20.

After Yue Zhong destroyed all the gangs in Guining City, he did not give up. He also sent a large number of police officers to constantly smash the gangsters on the street, and the thieves and thieves arrested them all. Once caught, they are thrown directly into the scum camp for intense training.

The scum camp, which was originally only a few hundred people, passed through Yue Zhong, so it became a big battalion with more than 2,000 people. It was filled with thieves, robbers, hooligans, metamorphosis, sè wolves, liar. After entering the scum camp, although they can eat enough, they must undergo strict military training, training, and training every day. That kind of rigorous training almost made them feel worse than death.

In the scum camp, those scums are only slightly rebellious, waiting for them are whip and bullets, there is no human rights to speak. All the scum was under the rigorous training, as if it had become a robot that was painful and numb. I just want to kill enough zombies or be killed by zombies as soon as possible, and then free from the pain.

After this sweeping dàng, the entire public security of Guining City was one of the clear, almost reached the point where the night was not picked up. Everyone talked about the crime, and when they thought of being caught in the scum camp, everyone had a chill in their hearts.

Although a small number of people complain that Yue Zhong is too strict. But more ordinary people are very happy. Because no one has come to them to collect protection fees, no one dares to eat the tyrants under the sun and smash.

After Yue Zhong completely stabilized the order in Guining City, he trained the troops desperately. It is a cold winter, and the big troops cannot travel far. He can only train the troops continuously and improve the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Time passed, more than a month passed.

On this day, an unmanned reconnaissance aircraft flew over the city of Nanning.

As long as the weather is good, Yue Zhong will send people to investigate in the direction of Nan. Ning.

The three million corpses that had been stagnant in the south of Ningxia City slowly gathered together and moved toward the direction of Guining City.

This change was quickly detected by the unmanned reconnaissance aircraft in the sky, and the information was fed back into the city of Guining.

Although Yue Zhong did not master the satellite, he could not monitor the entire earth. However, there are unmanned reconnaissance planes, and it is not a problem for him to monitor places within a few hundred miles.

After receiving the three million zombies attacking in the direction of Guining City, Yue Zhong did not dare to neglect, and summoned all the high-level all together.

Yue Zhong looked around and asked: "I received the information! There are three million zombies in the direction of Nan. Ning City to move to our city of Guining. With their speed of movement, we are only able to come to our city in Guining for five days. Do you have any good ideas?"

Hu Yi directly proposed: "The leader! How do we take the initiative to attack them all over the Changyueling area? The open terrain of Changyueling is very suitable for tanks to carry out group assault. We can use tanks to smash them all over there. ”

Murong and Brow wrinkled: "The long cross is indeed suitable for the tank group to charge. But the main problem is the weather! Once the blizzard is coming, our troops there will easily lose their supplies and backups and become a lonely army. In that case, I am afraid that I will be completely shackled by the corpse. I propose that I should stick to it in Guining City."

Zhang Xue forgot the cold and cold road: "It is too dangerous to stick to the city in Guining!! Once the defense line is broken! More than 800,000 survivors in the city have no place to escape. And we have not many shells in stock. The number of zombies over Ning City is more than three million. There is not enough bomb yào. What do we take to keep? Ròu beat?"

The biggest factor that constrains the modernization force is logistics supply. Du Shanxiong has a division of the jīng sharp armed forces, the reason why he can only be trapped in the city of Guining, one of the biggest problems is that his bomb yào supplement gives the problem.

Du Shanxiong took the soldiers to recover the city of Guining, and then took the soldiers into the city of Nanning. They fought in and around the city of Guining and destroyed millions of zombies. However, his troops also burned almost all the shells, and now there are only two bases left in the stock of the shells. It is very difficult to deal with three million zombies.

Everyone's brows are wrinkled, and Zhang Xue’s words are hard to hear. But it is true that three million zombies are like a boulder on the hearts of people, making them almost breathless.

Guining City is not an industrial center. In this city of Guining, the only thing that can be done at present is the reloading of bullets. Every month, Guining City can repack 100,000 rounds of bullets. At present, the number of stockpiled bullets in Guining City has reached 300,000. These reloaded bullets are poorly swayed and easily damage the guns. Most of them are used by the civilian search teams. No one in the military loves to use such reloaded bullets, so the inventory is not small. As for the most critical shells, there is no way to produce them, and there is no way to reassemble them.

Shen Ying, who was on the side of Yue Zhong, asked directly: "How is the work of building walls?"

When Yue Zhongyi took power, he mobilized many young and middle-aged people to build the city wall. The city wall has withdrawn from the stage of history because it is difficult to withstand the attacks of modern artillery. However, in this end of the world, a hard wall can effectively resist the corpse of the sea and the mutant beast, so it has been valued by Yue Zhong. After all, repairing a wall can be much simpler than making a shell.

Shen Ying said directly: "The wall that has been up to five meters has been repaired in the direction of Nanning. The time is rushed and it can only be repaired so high."

Most of the zombies around the city of Guining have been defeated by Du Shanxiong and shattered. Only the millions of zombies squatting in the steering wheel of Nan. Ning City made Du Shanxiong dare not provoke. Therefore, Yue Zhong will let Shen Ying build the city wall in the direction of Nan. Ning.

"Five meters! Reluctantly!" Yue Zhong heard his brows slightly wrinkled slowly.

The five-meter wall does not seem to block the huge corpse in Yue Zhong. However, it is not easy to build a long five-meter-long city wall in just over a month.

Yue Zhong thought about the direct command: "Shen Ying, you organize the manpower, immediately build the fortifications outside the city of Guining! Dig the trap!! There are also residents who organize the direction of the west of the district. The city wants to move south of the city. Try to put Hong Kong West. The area is vacant as a buffer."


Yue Zhong ordered: "Hu Yi! You bring two hundred masters to the first line to smash the corpse! Do your best! If you don't see it, you can retreat immediately! Try to save the power!"

In the weather where snowstorms may occur at any time, it is already the limit for Yue Zhong to mobilize two hundred troops to attack the corpse. If it is not in the winter, he really wants to bring a large army to attack the corpse.

"Yes! The leader!" Hu Yi was very excited to promise.

Yue Zhong looked around and said: "The rest of the people continue to train and wait for the order! I decided to fight in the battle outside of Guining. This battle determines our life and death. I hope everyone will prepare for it!"

Everyone’s heart sighed and said: “Yes!”

Under the command of Yue Zhong, everyone moved.

Under the organization of Shen Ying, the people in the Gangxi District began to move to the southern part of the city.

At the same time, more than 100,000 males were all organized and began to build fortifications outside the Hong Kong West.

Many people are powerful. Under the efforts of the hundreds of thousands of male survivors, countless simple work was built almost overnight and spread out of Guining.

In the city of Guining ~www.readwn.com~ countless nvxìng are also mobilized, boiled hot rice hot dishes sent to the forefront of the men who survived to protect their homes.

On the other hand, Hu Yi is carrying more than 100 kilograms of equipment on two hundred masters.

Nano combat suits, riding a motorcycle to the forefront.

Yue Zhong originally planned to go to the front line to fight, but he did not take long to seize the city of Guining, the heart is not stable, and his heart is too little. Once he leaves here, there may be a ambition to jump out. Therefore, in order to stabilize the overall situation, he chose to sit in the center of the town. He will never be defeated in this battle. Once defeated, nearly 900,000 survivors will die most of those zombies.

Hu Yi and his team rode the motorcycle at full speed and only appeared for four hours before the three million corpses.

"It’s so spectacular!!" Hu Yi and the two hundred masters stood on a high ground and looked at the three million corpses below. They saw that the three million corpses stretched for dozens of miles, almost endless. It seems that cháo water can swallow everything that blocks the way.


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