God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 450: Destroyed tank!

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The devourer had just flew the three sharp bones, and a spear of magical fire came from the rear. It ran through its head and exploded, directly exploding the head of the devourer.

“Congratulations on your upgrade to level 62 and two points of free reinforcement points.”

Yue Zhongyi killed the 70-level devourer, and a large group of glory did not enter his body, allowing him to advance again and gain reinforcement.

Yue Zhong quickly strengthened the two points of agility, and then a dangerous feeling was born in an instant, he was a little under his feet, and went backwards madly.

I saw it in the dense sea-like corpse, and suddenly jumped out of a devourer with a level of 70 to the top.

The devourer of the seventy-level slayer has the power to destroy the tank under the cover of the corpse formed by ordinary zombies. Although they still can't face the outer armor of the tank, they can tear the top of the tank and hit the tankers inside.

Seeing the seventy-level devourers who suddenly jumped out, all the armored soldiers had a hint of fear in their hearts. The monsters who even connected the tank guards were able to get rid of them, making them very insecure. You know, in the past, the tanks were invincible in the corpse. Even though the main guns were not used, no zombies could withstand the charge and crushing of those tanks.

Twenty-three infantry fighting vehicles that followed the tanks opened fire. The 25-mm guns plunged a large number of shells and bombarded the 70-level devourers.

Under the bombardment of the intensive artillery shells, a large number of zombies were directly smashed. @Seventy-level devourers were also thrown out by the shells of the cannon.

It was just a terrible scene. The seventy-level devourers were thrown out by the 25-mm guns, but they quickly climbed from the ground and continued to charge toward this side. Come over, the 25mm cannons were not able to cause any effective damage to them.

"Cannon!! Shelling!!"

The remaining 19 tanks also began to shell the devourers with the main gun. Under the bombardment of the artillery, a devourer was directly bombarded by the shells and was blown apart.

However, the speed of the devourers was too fast, and the bombardment of the 19 tanks only killed the other devourers of the two devourers and immediately rushed to the side.

Almost immediately, there were twenty 70-level devourers who crossed the blockade and rushed toward the tanks.

As long as the remaining 19 tanks were destroyed, the heavy armor of Yue Zhong was abolished.

Yue Zhong looked at the eyes of the twenty devourers who rushed to the side and shouted loudly: "Damn! Eagles open the mountain, come help me!!"

After Yingchao followed Yue Zhong, he experienced the hardship of the town and the hardened level of the first battle. He was promoted to the forty-ninth level, and he has rich combat experience and strong fighting power.

Upon hearing the command of Yue Zhong, Ying Kaishan immediately came to his side, looking at the twenty devourers who rushed over and gave orders to the subordinates: "To release gravity control!! Restrictive skills such as air lock!"

Among the masters of the eagle-winged mountain, the strong ones with restrictive skills released their abilities to the 20 devourers.

A number of restrictive skills such as gravity shackles, air locks, and decelerations swept away toward the 20 devourers.

Under the limit of the skill bombardment, the speed of the 20 devourers who can match the second-order lightning has dropped a lot.

Yue Zhong took a deep breath and held the magical sword to the 20th and 70th level devourers.

Between a few flashes, Yue Zhong appeared next to the sound of a tank. The sword of the huge magical sword with a length of four meters in the hand directly went to the devourer who had just jumped onto a tank, and at the same time It also launched the gravity manipulation skill, which doubled the gravity to the body of the devourer.

The devourer’s body was twice as heavy as gravity, and Yue Zhong was released by gravity. Its body weight was as high as three times the heavy gravity, making it ghostly slower. It was terrible, and it was directly smashed by Yue Zhongyi’s sword into two pieces of black blood, which blackened the outer armor of the tank.

Originally, it took a lot of effort to kill a devouring person with the strength of Yue Zhong, but with the cooperation of all people, he was able to kill a devouring person with such a simple sword.

Yue Zhong had just killed a devourer with a sword, and the six- and seventy-level devourers rushed toward him.

Although the devourers have no eyes, they have evolved an extremely sensitive sense of smell and hearing, and have extremely terrible danger perception. They can feel that this human being in front of them has a great threat to them, so this has jumped over.

Just as Yue Zhong was about to be surrounded by the six devourers, the distant eagle opened the mountain with a wave of hands, and numerous sharp ice cones bombarded the six 70-level devourers like cannonballs.

The six seventy-level devourers did not succumb to the sharp ice cones smashing over their bodies, and the sharp ice cones were not enough to tear them against the scales of the 25mm cannon.

The eagle-opening eyes condensed and continued to mobilize. The sharp ice cones shattered and immediately became a layer of thin thin ice attached to the devourers' bodies, adding to their body weight.

A sharp spur blasted from one side and rushed toward the six 70-level devourers.

Faced with the sharp spurs, the six seventy-level devourers waved their claws and smashed the spurs.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Yue Zhong’s figure flashed and appeared behind a 70-level devourer, launching gravity control skills on the devourer’s body and then directly smashing the devourer into two .

After a sword killed the devourer, Yue Zhong’s left hand flashed a flash of light, and a magical spear emerged out of thin air, and then turned into a streamer and directly penetrated into the head of another devourer to burst open.

Almost at the same time, a figure that surpassed the speed of sound jumped out of the corpse, biting on the head of a devourer, biting the head of the devourer, which was the third-order lightning.

As soon as the third-order lightning appeared, the devourers were continually slammed at the speed of transcending the speed of sound. One head and even Yue Zhong felt that the head of the seventy-level devourer who had some troubles kept rolling down to the ground.

The distant eagle opened the mountain to see this scene, and the heart was shocked: "It's amazing!!"

At the speed of the supersonic speed at the full speed of the third-order lightning, only one face is needed. The Eagle Mountain will be killed directly.

In the city of Guining, in addition to those agile evolvers, other types of evolutionists will be killed by third-order lightning unless they are prepared in the morning.

In less than ten seconds, the remaining 14 devourers who were attacked by various restrictive skills were immediately killed by lightning.

When the fourteen devourers died, the entire corpse would no longer be able to withstand the arms of the steel torrent.

A large number of zombies were directly crushed into bolognese by the torrent of steel led by 19 tanks.

The huge corpse was actually pushed back by the steel torrents for 15 kilometers.

After the huge corpse was forced back 15 miles, the steel torrents quickly withdrew and returned to the city of Guining.

After a hard day's battle, the oil and ammunition of the steel torrent need to be replenished, and the driver inside needs rest.

At the same time, the Eagle Mountain Department experienced a hard day and needs a rest.

The three million zombies are not a small number. Yue Zhong did not plan to be able to take it all in one day. He mobilized the ace to crush the zombie army in the near evening, and he just wanted to fight for his troops to take a breather. After all, night battles are too bad for humans.

The fifteen-kilometer journey will take more than a dozen hours for the slow-moving ordinary zombies to be able to finish. Ordinary zombies walk slowly, with an average of only about 1 km per hour. But they are also the main force fighting humans. If there is no ordinary zombie interference, Yue Zhong has already been smashed by the attacking zombie army.匾

The night finally came slowly, and countless steaming dinners were sent to the front line. The dinner was a large second-order mutant meat and open white rice. There are also a variety of non-staple foods that have been produced by the merchants in the city of Guining.

Everyone in the whole city of Guining knows that this war is of great importance. Once they fail, they will be displaced again. The newly established order will also collapse completely.

Many people have experienced the dark time of disorder, which is the collapse of human nature, the easy to eat and the food. For a piece of bread can take a terrible time. In order to protect their homeland, everyone has spontaneously moved. Young and middle-aged people are constantly building various fortifications in the city of Guining. Women and children are responsible for making all kinds of steaming food for the frontline soldiers. . There is a benefit to fighting in your own territory, that is, the soldiers do not have to eat canned food.

Zheng Minghe reported to Yue Zhonghui with a piece of information: "Today, three hundred and twenty-seven people were killed, 900,000 bullets were consumed, and six hundred rounds of artillery shells were fired. We are currently stocking bullets and even reloading bullets. Counted together. There are only 1.3 million rounds left. Rockets and bombs of 122mm caliber are 500 rounds."

Yue Zhong listened to Zheng Minghe's report and his face was dignified. Today he tried his best and the number of zombies killed by the cards was estimated to be more than 700,000. However, his ammunition consumption is also extremely serious.

The remaining 1.3 million bullets, even one shot at a time, can kill up to 1.3 million zombies. But that is impossible.

Logistics is the lifeblood of modern firepower. If there are enough ammunition, more than a dozen 40-tube rocket launchers will continue to fire rockets to kill a large number of zombies.

Today, it is capable of killing 700,000 zombies. The heavy artillery and armored battalion are the main force for hunting zombies. The zombies that killed 900,000 rounds of bullets were only about 60,000.

Yue Zhong waved his hand and let Zheng Minghe retreat. He looked directly at the distance and frowned. He thought quietly: "I can only see if the trap can succeed!"

"Wait a minute!!" Suddenly, Yue Zhongguang flashed and suddenly thought of something, but the inspiration was fleeting and his brow wrinkled.

It’s just that no matter how Yue Zhong thinks, the inspiration for disappearing is still missing, which makes him a little depressed.

"Big brother, have a meal!!" At this moment, Miao Xiangling came to Yue Zhong’s body and walked toward the table in the direction of the dining table.

"Yeah!" Yue Zhong was pulled to the table by Miao Xiangling, and the mechanically sent the third-order mutant beast into his mouth.

The third-order mutant animal meat was processed by the famous chef, and the entrance was instantized. Once it fell into the abdomen, it turned into a warmth of silk to supplement the physical strength and spirit consumed by Yue Zhong today. This is the best tonic to restore your strength.

Ning Yuxin saw that the heavy-hearted Yue Zhong looked worried and asked: "What happened?"

"It must be difficult to hunt and kill the zombies!" Ms. Xiang Ling took a look at Yue Zhong: "Big brother, aren't the zombies commanded by Z-type zombies? You just have to eliminate the Z-type zombies?"

Yue Zhong heard the words and shook his head: "Which is so simple!! The two million corpses stretched for dozens of miles, and all of them were zombies. Those Z-shaped zombies have wisdom, how can they be so simple? Their location? And they always like to stay in a safe place.

"Wait a minute!! A safe place?" Yue Zhong said that suddenly there was a flash of thought in his mind that suddenly came to his mind. He was excited. He hugged the side of the screen and kissed her on the pretty face: "Thank you so much!! Xiao Xiangling!! Haha!!"

Miaoxiang Lingyi was held in the arms of Yue Zhong and kissed him twice. www.readwn.com~ It was struggling, and the pretty face was slightly blushing with a voice that only people around could hear: "Loli control !! Metamorphosis, let me go!! Never let me go, I will yell!!"

"Ha ha!!" Yue Zhong smiled, and the mood was very comfortable, let go of the screen Xiang Ling.

"The leader!! The zombies started the night attack!" Just as Yue Zhong had just put down the curtain of Xiang Ling, a communications officer came here and said anxiously.

"What? I will go!" Yue Zhong changed his face and put down the curtain. He directly grabbed a large piece of third-order mutant animal meat and rushed to the outside with a big step without any image.

Ning Yuxin and Xin Jiarou looked at each other and hurriedly finished the barbecue in their plates, which followed the past.

Yue Zhong quickly came to the forefront, only to see under the dark cover, 10,000 SZ rushed toward the position of Yue Zhong as a ghost.

The huge corpse was driven out by Yue Zhong’s armored forces for more than a dozen kilometers. Those ordinary zombies were slow to move so fast. Only the evolutionary zombies can return to this side so quickly.

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