God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 462: Doll fire point!

>The 426th chapter of the humanoid fire point!

Those Vietnamese soldiers watched Yue Zhong and his party directly killed their comrades, and immediately violently fired a gun at Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhongxin read a move, a tens of meters of the spirit of the Qing dynasty, the second line, opened a huge snake mouth to spurt a huge poisonous mist to the crowd.

As soon as the green poisonous mist fell into the army, the body of the eight Vietnamese soldiers immediately seemed to be splashed with concentrated sulfuric acid to the body and the skin was rotted. It turned into a large chunk of pus and fell to the ground, and it was thrilling. The voice of sorrow.

Numerous bullets were shot on the green spirit, and they were quickly blown away. Ordinary rifle bullets have no way to damage this highly defensive second-order mutant beast.

Ming Jiajia slammed the name of the Vietnamese army soldier, and the five-headed second-order shadow wolf was thrown to the ground and directly bit the throat.

The white bone directly hit the ordinary bullet and broke into the crowd within three seconds. The bone blade flew and the head of a famous Vietnamese soldier was directly pierced.

Yue Zhong took a grenade launcher in one hand and the 05-type micro-rush in the other hand and followed the giant scorpion spirit to the depths of the military camp.

The rushing army of the Vietnam Army soldiers just appeared not to be corroded by poisonous fog and became a pus, or was pierced by a white bone. It is impossible to stop the advancement of Yue Zhong.

A top sniper came to a high-rise building, and he took out his beloved Batley sniper rifle and aimed at Yue Zhong. He is one of the top ten top snipers under Wu Yanhong's squad. He is a master who has hunted many troubles in the dark, and he is also assassinated by a strongman above forty.

The sniper is also the most terrible power in this last age. Many strong players even have a higher level of reinforcement than a sniper, but they will still be shot by the sniper on the battlefield.

The top sniper suppressed the murderousness, aimed at Yue Zhong, held his breath, and pulled the trigger.


A sniper-piercing projectile that specializes in hunting and killing the strong man smashed the void into the head of Yue Zhong.

When he saw that Yue Zhong’s head was exploding, a bronze ring clock flew out instantly, releasing a layer of blue shield to directly block the smashing armor.

Yue Zhong quickly looked up and looked at the sniper on the high-rise building. He took a picture of his right hand and lifted it to the sniper.


With the sound of an explosion, the sniper's head lying on the ground was directly blown away.

"Huaxia dog!! You **** it!!" At this moment, with a loud roar, the earth cracked, and a sharp thorn stabbed toward Yue Zhong and Ming Jiajia.

Yue Zhong picked up Ming Jiajia's figure and flashed. Under the dangerous sense of abilities, he strode through the thorns. Numerous sharp thorns rubbed his body, but did not hurt him.

With a bang, from the windows on both sides, two agile intensifiers suddenly burst out. Each of them had a speed that was higher than s2, and the hand held a dagger and slammed toward Yue.

In Yue Zhong’s eyes, the cold light flashed, and the right hand first opened a shot directly to the right agile intensive head with a residual image, and then turned to the left at the ghostly speed to directly trigger the trigger.

With the two gunshots, the two agile intensifiers that flew over directly exploded, and the blood splashed.

This is the speed of Yue Zhong at this time. With his speed of 18 people, if he is fully launched, it is enough to do many things in one second.

The two Vietnamese army intensifiers flashed in two buildings, but they did not move. Yue Zhong directly shot their heads with two shots.

Four Vietnamese army intruders hidden in the alleys were trying to jump out and attacked Yue Zhong. The four second-order shadow wolves suddenly jumped out of their shadows and bite them over their necks. The neck is directly bitten.

The white bones are flashing, and the body's bone spurs are constantly ejected. Like the whirlwind, those Vietnamese strongmen are directly nailed to the wall. The big axe in the hand of the hand directly smashed a Vietnamese strongman directly into two.

Among the great Vietnamese emperors, each unit is basically equipped with a master unit composed of intensifiers. Those intensifiers are far better than ordinary people. Once they have undergone rigorous training, they will become the most outstanding special forces and sharp knife units.

In this Luocun town, the name of the Vietnamese army officer who led the battalion intensive master was Wu Chenyi. He looked far away at the anger of Yue Zhong who constantly smothered his subordinates like a rooster and a dog. Constantly shaking: "Damn Chinese dog!! Damn beast!!"

Yang Zhiqing, the deputy of Wu Chenyi, asked anxiously: "What should I do? The company commander!! We have nearly half of the brothers who died in the hands of that person!!"

Wu Chen intended to bite his teeth and said: "Is the brothers assembled?"

Yang Zhiqing said: "Brothers have already assembled!! Just wait for your order."

In the eyes of Wu Chen, there was a sigh of resolute voice: "Come with me!! For the big Vietnamese empire! No matter what the price, we must kill the Chinese dog!!! All for the revival of the great Vietnamese Empire!!"

In the eyes of Yang Zhiqing, there is also an infinite burning enthusiasm to the military court of Wu Chen. "All for the revival of the great Vietnamese Empire!!"

The great Vietnamese emperor led by Wu Yanhong aims to revitalize Vietnam and become the world's largest country. Under the magnificent goal, countless **** Vietnamese are willing to throw blood for him.

Everyone has their own strengths and weaknesses. Wu Yanhong is a discriminatory Chinese who wants to use the Chinese as slaves as a stepping stone for Vietnam. In the eyes of the Chinese, he is a butcher, a demon! However, in the eyes of Vietnamese, Wu Yanhong is their hero. Just like the war criminals in the Yasukuni Shrine in Japan, those war criminals are unscrupulous butchers for the Chinese people, but for the Japanese, those are the heroes they admire.

Under the determination of Wu Chenyi, forty intensifiers with more than 20 levels of intensiveness followed him and flew toward Yue Zhong.

Most of the elites of the Greater Vietnam Emperor who have strengthened their level by more than 30 will be transferred to the Wolf's Camp. Most of the battalions in the battalion are intensified with more than 20 levels.

"It's time!!" Yue Zhong immediately slammed the head of a Vietnamese army strongman and immediately took out a signal gun and fired a shot in the sky.

"It's our turn!! Brothers kill me!!" After seeing the signal bullet, Gan Tao, who was hiding around Luocun Town, flashed a trace of bloodthirsty and burning roar!

After the completion of the language, Gan Tao immediately rushed to the direction of Naluo Village.

Immediately after Gan Tao, five hundred tactical soldiers armed with rifles without heavy weapons immediately followed Gan Tao, filled with hatred and roared toward Luocun Town. There are many women among them, and even children, but everyone is filled with hatred of the Vietnamese.

In this foreign country, Yue Zhong’s strength is lacking, so whether he is a woman or a child, he concentrates them on training and trains them all into wolves. Can launch an attack, even if you die, you must bite the enemy's wolf.

Most of the Chinese survivors were rescued by Chen Yao and Yue Zhong from the Vietnamese. They suffered from the abuses in the hands of the Vietnamese. At this time, both men, women and children have no hesitation in Yue Zhong’s command to train them to become a warrior. In this end of the world, without power, it can only be bullied.

Under the leadership of Gan Tao, the soldiers of the 500 Tianhuahuis broke into the town of Luo Village. Because Yue Zhong was the pioneer to pull out the fire points that were kept in the Guanzhong, the soldiers of the Tianhua Club had already entered the village of Luo Village without being hit hard.

In the village of Naro, although suddenly attacked, but the Vietnamese people know that things are not good, one by one male stand up and stand out, holding a machete, arrow, pistol and Gan Tao troops killed together. Even a lot of women and children rushed out with weapons, and they were fighting together with Gan Tao.

In this village, all the Vietnamese know that they have already formed a dead and hate with the Chinese. There will be a fight between the two sides. So almost every strong man walked out and Gan Tao and they were killed together.

Only the chopper, the arrow, the spear can not match the power of the rifle. The Vietnamese who rushed over were killed directly by Gan Tao, and the Vietnamese were in a pool of blood.

Among the fierce gunshots, more than 400 Vietnamese were in a pool of blood, and they were so painful. The courage of those Vietnamese people is dying out with the death of their compatriots.

A large number of Vietnamese survivors collapsed and fled in all directions.

"Offensive!! Destroy the Vietnamese army, victory belongs to us!!" Gan Tao shot a Vietnamese woman who rushed to death and shouted loudly.

Although these ordinary Vietnamese survivors have the courage, but the fighting power is too weak, they have only one dead end to Shang Gantao. Only the one of the battalion soldiers in Luocun Town is the enemy of Gan Tao. As long as the battalion of the Vietnam Army soldiers is annihilated, they will have no rivals in the entire Luo Village.




The soldiers of the Tianhuahui also killed their eyes and shouted loudly and followed Gan Tao in the direction of the barracks.

In the direction of the military camp, after Yue Zhong all the way to kill dozens of Vietnamese soldiers, Wu Chen immediately appeared in front of him with more than forty intensive masters.

"For the revival of the big Vietnamese empire!! Let's go together!! Kill him!!" Wu Chen said that Yue Zhong glanced at the loud voice.

More than forty intensifiers with a level of up to 20 levels launched their skills and attacked Yue Zhong from all directions.

Among those who are intensified, 90% of the intensifiers are ordinary strength, agile intensifiers, and only about 10% hold special third-level skills. Of the more than forty intensifiers, thirty are intensifiers of strength and agility. Their physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people. They are armed with various weapons and rushed toward Yue Zhong.

"A group of idiots!" Yue Zhong looked at the forty intensifiers who rushed toward him. He smiled coldly and turned his hand. A heavy 12.7 mm machine gun appeared in his hand.

Yue Zhong took the heavy machine gun and turned to the crazy inspector of the forty intensifiers.

The 12.7 mm large-caliber bullets immediately poured into the forty fortifiers like a waterfall.

An agile intensifier was hit by a large 12.7 mm bullet, and he was directly hit by the huge force.

A strength intensive person just took a step forward, and a 12.mm large caliber heavy machine gun bullet slammed over his neck, his head bursting into the sky.

A spiritual intruder launched the power barrier and just blocked more than a dozen heavy machine gun bullets. Immediately, his face changed and the power barrier collapsed. He himself also squirted a blood directly, and the next moment, the body was more than a few times. A huge blood hole.

Yue Zhong has the power of 7 people. The weight of the heavy machine gun and the recoil are not a problem for him. The heavy machine gun was used in his hands to get ridiculous, madly swallowing the lives of the forty intensifiers. In just one face, fifteen intensifiers were blown up by Yue Zhong.

The rest of the intensifiers were very sensitive to hiding in a bunker, and did not dare to show their heads. Fifteen comrades were killed in an instant, and they were full of jealousy for Yue Zhong.

Wu Chenyi’s eyes were red and red and shouted: “The **** beast! How he used the gun so well!!”

Generally high-level intensifiers will work hard to develop their own magic system skills ~www.readwn.com~ is not very important for modern firepower. However, Yue Zhong is different. He not only worked hard to develop his own magical system skills, but also did not give up research on modern weapons.

After all, the skills of the demon system are white, which is a means of killing the enemy. The destructive power of a fireball is far less than the power of a rocket. And the skills of using the magic system will consume a lot of mental and physical strength. It is very debilitating in a protracted war.

The remaining twenty-five intruders had just sneaked into one bunker, and the five-headed shadow wolf flew out of the shadows and threw their targets on the ground, biting off the target's throat.

On the other side, the bones suddenly jumped from the sky above a living room, and the bone blade in his hand instantly penetrated the head of a fortifier.

"These guys! It’s really troublesome!!" Yue Zhong looked at the brows of the Vietnam Army intensifiers who were hiding in the bunker. If those Vietnamese masters are fighting with him positively, he is confident that he will soon kill him. But when the other person hid in the bunker, he felt very tricky. After all, those **** are not cleaned up, and he wants to destroy the enemy's command.

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