God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 466: Cooperation!

Chapter 646 Cooperation!

"Damn!! They are too savage! Those Vietnamese monkeys!!"

"Cruel, rude, barbaric. These are the Vietnamese monkeys!! They simply can't listen to people! Are we going to cooperate with Vietnamese monkeys who can't listen to people?"

"Our messengers were locked into the pigsty! This is an insult to our heavenly kingdom. The **** Vietnamese monkey not only put our compatriots in the pigsty, but also our messengers. This is really It’s too damn!!”

After Ferrus was placed in the pig pen by Wu Yanhong, the news soon spread to the Vietnamese branch of the Kingdom of Heaven specializing in Vietnamese affairs.

After hearing the news, the Vietnamese branch of the entire heavenly kingdom was boiling. All the high-level people in that branch are Europeans, and they originally thought they were superior. After the end of the world, after the establishment of the transnational organization of the Kingdom of Heaven, it has continued to expand within the scope of the world. At this time, the messengers they sent were actually thrown into the pig pen by Wu Yanhong, who was naked and hit their faces.

"Quiet!!" At this moment, a Western man with a short blond hair, a suit, and a eagle-eyed look is very gentle.

This western man is the minister of the Vietnamese branch of the Paradise Gods, Enteto.

A sword eyebrow star, a deep sword mark on his face, a beautiful man with a long blond shawl bowed to Enteto: "The Minister!! We must not let Wu Yanhong! He is really awful." !! We must avenge!! Please let me lead the Vietnamese army to eliminate Wu Yanhong and let him know the consequences of violating our heavenly kingdom!"

The beautiful man in the blonde shawl is the head of the Vietnamese Army Corps, the Vietnamese branch of the Vietnamese Emperor. He is a double attribute intensifier of agility and strength. At the same time, the strict special forces and killer training. He once had the glorious record of a fully-armed Vietnamese elite with his own strength and was a terrible strongman.

In the eyes of Ente, a glimmer of wise light flashed slowly: "No!! Alex! Wu Yanhong is not a waste. Although he is arrogant, cruel, embarrassing, arrogant, his troops are very strong. He himself It is also a terrible powerhouse. Our Vietnamese army can destroy him, but it also costs a lot. This is not in the interest of our heavenly kingdom. We need to master the whole of Vietnam, if our power is too much, then It is very unfavorable for us to master Vietnam. In a period of time, the focus is on Europe, Africa and the Middle East! It is difficult for us to get reinforcements."

Although the Kingdom of Heaven has begun to carry out global layout, but their core of interests is their home Europe. The first thing they did after getting a respite from the attack of the zombie and the mutant beast was to recover the major cities of Europe. They have deployed troops around the world, but more elites are assembled in Europe.

Alex flashed the light in the eyes and continued to ask the war: "Wu Yanhong provokes the great heaven of the gods. This is an intolerable thing. I must give him the punishment he deserved! Minister! I am willing to take the first battalion of the Vietnamese Army. Destroy Wu Yanhong! Let him see our power!"

Alex is full of confidence in his elite camp, those are the best guys. He is also the most brave soldier. He is confident to defeat Wu Yanhong with the strength of a battalion. In his view, Wu Yanhong and the great Vietnamese emperor are just a group of indigenous and jokes, as long as

In the eyes of Ente, a flash of cold light and cold cold shouted: "No!! Alex! You are not allowed to play in private, this is the order!!"

In the eyes of Alex, the light flashed slowly and sat down: "Yes! Minister!!"

A cadre directly questioned: "So the minister! Do we have to look at the Vietnamese monkeys who are cruel to our messengers and do nothing?"

Enteto showed a confident smile: "No! I will let Wu Yanhong pay a painful price for her arrogance and arrogance. We don't need to shoot, someone will help us."

Among the mountains of Da Luo.

A blond middle-aged man, An Leite, straight toward the cave hidden by Yue Zhong and his entourage.

"Hands up! Otherwise we fired!" Suddenly two rifles outstretched from the bushes were directed at Andre.

Anret said with high hands and not humble: "I am not malicious!! I am the messenger of the **** of heaven, Anreet, I want to discuss with your leader Yue Zhong! I know that he is here, please let me Meet him!"

At this time, it is the end of the world, not the orderly world. Andreet did not put any shelf, otherwise it would be big if it was killed by a barbarian. There is no government to protect foreign ambassadors now.

If before the end of the world, Ferrus had the status of a foreigner, the Vietnamese police did not dare to move him, let alone throw him into the pig pen.

"Wait a minute!" A soldier said to Anret, and quickly turned into the jungle.

"The messenger of the Kingdom of Heaven? It is really powerful, they can find it here!!" Yue Zhong heard the warnings of the soldiers flashed a glimmer of light and thought quietly.

After Yue Zhong took people into Daluoshan, he had tried very hard to erase all traces. It’s just that he never imagined that he was discovered by his hiding place.

In fact, this is also a bit of luck. When Yue Zhong led the people to hide in the Daluo Mountains, the huge crowd was photographed by the European spy satellites, and they were discovered.

"Let him come over!!" Yue Zhong said silently for a while and said directly to the soldier.

Soon, Anret was immediately taken to Yue Zhong.

Anreet carefully looked at the nickname tyrant, and the Chinese people who had murdered more than 4,000 Vietnamese people with a respectful smile on their faces: "Mr. Yue Zhong, respected! I am the messenger of the Kingdom of Heaven. Leite! Nice to see you!"

No matter how Anerett spoke of Yue Zhong’s actions in his heart, he would not be on his face. Because he has not lived enough.

Yue Zhong slammed Anlet and asked him to open the door directly. "Anlet! What are you doing?"

At this moment, Chen Yao put two cups of black tea in front of Anreit and Yue Zhong, and then sat down with Yue Xiang in a fragrant wind, quietly watching Anlite.

"Thank you!" Anlite looked at Yingying and sat next to Yue Zhong. He was mixed with noble and heroic temperament. Chen Yao, a beautiful and unpredictable object, flashed a strange look in his eyes. Then he turned to Yue Zhong and smiled and handed a document to Yue Zhong: "Mr. Yue Zhong!! Our Paradise God Kingdom hopes to cooperate with you to eliminate Wu Yanhong, a villain with strong racial discrimination. This is the distribution map of Wu Yanhong, I hope it will be useful to you."

Yue Zhong took the document and saw that the document was a detailed map of Vietnam. On the map, detailed information on the forces of Wu Yanhong, the number of troops stationed, and the population were marked.

The value of this document is more than the equipment of a battalion. This kind of information is that the heavenly kingdom has laid many pieces and it takes a lot of energy to get it. Many hidden forces, even Yue Zhong, do not know.

Yue Zhong licked the document and directly dropped the document on the table and stared at Anreite. "Not enough!! This power map is not enough!! You must take me as a knife, at least Let me make this knife sharp enough. Our people and equipment, even with this map of power, can only cause him a little trouble at most. I need weapons, a lot of weapons! Only have a lot of weapons and equipment. I was able to arm my men and Wu Yanhong to fight! Without weapons, I can only transfer troops immediately to leave."

Anret's brow was picked, his face still had a perfect smile, and another document was taken from his arms and pushed to Yue Zhong: "Mr. Yue Zhong! Please look at this document again. The documentation should be able to meet your requirements."

When Yue Zhong took the document and saw it, his heart suddenly burst into a storm. In that document, the location of the Vietnam Army’s resident and weapons stockpile is detailed. With this document, Yue Zhong can easily find those side-stays and weapons stockpiles. As long as he destroys the zombies in those places, he can get a lot of weapons.

The Kingdom of Heaven can develop rapidly around the world, because many of the multinational corporations that make up the Kingdom of Heaven still secretly part-time spies. The residences of many ordinary military camps around the world are under their control.

The secret bases hidden in the deep forests and deep underground can not be found, but they are very clear about the military camps around the city.

It is through the intelligence advantage that the **** of heaven can grow rapidly in the world and grow stronger.

Yue Zhong carefully looked at the document for a while and then said coldly: "What are your requirements?"

Anret said with sincerity: "We don't have any requirements!! We are sincerely working with you~www.readwn.com~ I just hope that after you wipe out Wu Yanhong, the villain, you can return our abused compatriots. We!! and allow us to freely trade in your territory!"

In fact, Anret did not have any interest in rescuing those who were captured by Wu Yanhong. However, if he did not raise a few conditions, he worried that Yue Zhong would doubt his motives.

Yue Zhong pondered for a while and said slowly: "I can return your compatriots to you. But free trade also let me think about it!"

Anreet pretended to hesitate for a while and nodded: "Okay!!"

Yue Zhong reached out and smiled at Annette: "I hope we can cooperate happily!!"

Anlite also gave a sincere smile to Yue Zhonglu and took the heavy hand of Yue Zhong: "Happy cooperation!!"


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