God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 477: Join hands!

> The 477th chapter joins hands!

If Qito’s words are naked threats. Color @虹*文¥学%网 If Chen Shengyong does not return, their first legion and the second legion will be able to uproot Chen Shengyong.

Chen Shengyong also left three battalions in the old nest. But only one of the three battalions can be called elite. Most of the remaining two battalions were recruits and also armed with cold weapons. It is impossible to be a well-equipped paradise **** warrior opponent.

Chen Shengyong’s face was gloomy. His fists were clenched, and his anger was almost raging in his heart. He couldn’t help but punch a fist in front of him. Joining the Kingdom of Heaven, then his power will be swallowed up by the gods of heaven, and these foreigners are not good men and women.

Chen Shengyong is more silent for a while and slowly said: "Okay, I promise you!!"

Qito’s face showed a strange smile. He took out a small box and handed it to Chen Shengyong. “Congratulations, you made the right choice. This is the Tianshen pill we developed. As long as you take it, you can Be a core member of us."

Chen Shengyong’s face turned to stare at Qito’s words: “You don’t believe me?”

Chen Shengyong naturally knows what is in his hands. On that day, Shenmao was actually a poison that was extracted from the variegated plants in the last days and some rare mutant animals. This is also one of the means used by Heavenly Kingdom to control peripheral personnel. The non-my ethnic group has a different heart. This sentence is also very clear to Europeans.

The Heavenly Kingdom of God will control the heads of foreign forces with the magical poison of Tenjin Pill. If no antidote is taken within a month, the heads of foreign forces will be poisoned and killed.

Qito’s face still smiles with a courteous smile: “No! We trust your character under the Royal Highness of the Eagle King. But after you take this Tianshen Pill, our cooperation can be more enjoyable.”

Chen Shengyong looked at the Tianshen Pill and silenced it. Once this poison is swallowed, his life and death will be mastered by the gods of heaven, and he will no longer be able to escape from the control of the gods of heaven.

At this moment, an officer was very excited to walk into the loud report: "Eagle!! Your Royal Highness!! The army that Wu Yanhong is out is coming back!! They are fighting fierce battle with the First Army of Heaven in the Kingdom of Heaven!"

"What! Haha! Great!!" Hearing this news, Chen Shengyong’s face was full of blood, and he shouted at Qito: "Hello! You heard it? Now Wu Yanhong’s troops I am fighting with the First Army of Vietnam in your Heavenly Kingdom. If I am joining forces with Wu Yanhong, what do you think?"

Qito’s face, which has always been polite and pleasing, has become a bit ugly. He still smiles and continues to say: “His Royal Highness! You won’t do that! We are good friends with you! I hope that you can Our paradise gods together join forces to annihilate Wu Yanhong's troops! After Wu Yan Hong Department, we can divide the city of Lang Son."

Even though the situation is unfavorable to the gods of heaven, Qito’s eyes have thrown the words of Chen Shengyong, who had just threatened the export, to the outside of the clouds and continue to persuade Chen Shengyong.

Chen Shengyong slammed Qito’s cold-eyed order: “Mr. Qito!! I will consider your proposal! Please leave now! Drop off!”

Two eagle warriors stepped forward and left the room.

A staff member came to Chen Shengyong’s body and asked, “What should I do now, Royal Highness the Eagle King?”

Chen Shengyong ironed his face and ordered: "Through my command, all the troops immediately withdraw from the city of Lang Son and build fortifications on the spot!"

When Chen Shengyong issued this order, his heart seemed to be bleeding. Only one step away, he will be able to take Lang Son City into his hands. Now his best choice is to concentrate on building the fortifications on the spot and waiting for things to develop.

"Damn 1,!! Yue Zhong, this **** yellow-skinned monkey! Sure enough, the monkeys of Huaxia are all villains who are betrayal!!" Qito left Chen Shengyong's room and his face became very blue. When he was not stupid, he thought that Yue replayed the pigeons of their heavenly kingdom and allowed Zhao Yuanshuang’s troops to return in time.

Of course, they are not going to think that they are also a squatting pit, Chen Shengyong, and cut off the road of Chen Shengyong.

In the front line, Zhao Yuanshuang loudly spurred the elite troops: "Give me a rush!! Kill those foreign beasts!! They are all invaders who came to destroy our race. Once they were attacked into Lang Son City, Our wives and children will be the targets of their enslavement!! Kill the light invaders!!"

"killing the aggressor!!"

"kill those white pigs!! Fight for the great Vietnamese people!!"

"Stop those white pigs!! Revival Vietnam!!"


Under the instigation of Zhao Yuanshuang, the elite morale of Wu Yanhong, who has experienced a hundred wars, launched a wave of attacks against the troops of the Kingdom of Heaven under the command of the officers.

This army is the elite of Wu Yanhong, and also a crazy force washed by extreme nationalism. Such combat forces will be equally tenacious, and after they have undergone rigorous militarization training, there are veterans in the ranks who are extremely tyrannical.

Under the cover of the 122 self-propelled artillery, a tank was crushed toward the position of the Kingdom of Heaven. Around the tank were a group of armed rifles, and the Vietnamese infantry who did not fear death.

Among the paradise of the Kingdom of Heaven, the golden long-haired shawl, the head of the First Army Corps of the Vietnamese Army of the Kingdom of Heaven, Alex, looked at the tank that was crushed under the gunfire banquet and smiled: "It’s a bunch of idiots! We competed for firepower! These Vietnamese monkeys are really stupid! The Black Hawk First Team is dispatched!"

Under the orders of Alex, twenty-four armed helicopters flew out of the paradise of the Kingdom of Heaven and flew to the area where the Vietnamese army’s tanks were located.

Almost at the same time, in the paradise of the Kingdom of Heaven, thirty-six forty-tube rocket launchers fired rockets in the direction of the war.

Twenty-four 122 self-propelled artillery pieces were also continuously bombarded. The terrible shells landed in the areas where the tanks were located, causing a huge explosion.

Almost immediately, the troops of the Vietnamese army were shrouded in gunfire.

Under the horrific artillery cover of the Heavenly Kingdom, the 20 tanks assembled by Zhao Yuanshuang were killed by twelve.

The remaining eight tanks had not had time to play, and the twenty-four armed helicopters in the sky locked the target, shot an anti-tank missile and blasted over the six tanks, directly putting six tanks. The fried bones are broken.

The remaining two tanks were desperately fleeing, and one of them was bombarded by a later-launched anti-tank missile. The other one was lucky enough to escape into the jungle.

In less than twenty minutes, Zhao Yuanshuang assembled and destroyed the invincible tank battalion before it was completely destroyed.

This is completely an asymmetrical battle. The firepower of the Kingdom of Heaven completely suppresses the troops of the Vietnamese army. This is the sufficiency of those Alex. The talents of the Heavenly Kingdom can help mobilize 24 armed helicopters to fight. The entire Wuyan Hong Department has only eight armed helicopters, and they can only operate two armed helicopters. Without talent, even armed helicopters can't move.

Just as Alex was full of enthusiasm, a sudden flash of light flashed a 12.7 mm large-caliber sniper bullet on a helicopter gunship and erupted a terrible explosion.

In an instant, the helicopter gunship turned into a ball of fire and fell to the ground.

At the side of Zhao Yuanshuang, a Vietnamese army master of the Sirius Camp filled with hatred and stunned the remaining 23 armed helicopters in the sky and immediately hid in the direction of the jungle. It was he who launched the skill sniper, which shot the armed helicopter in the sky. Ordinary sniper rifles are not so easy to kill armed helicopters.

After defeating Zhao Yuanshuang’s attack, 40 tanks from the camp of Heaven’s Kingdom of God formed a terrible steel torrent that was crushed toward Zhao Yuan’s doubles with the cooperation of elite infantry.

"Retreat into the jungle!!" Zhao Yuanshuang looked at the steel torrents sent by the gods of heaven and screamed. In the frontal battle they are not opponents of the heavenly kingdom of sovereignty and powerful firepower. The only thing they can get is the jungle guerrilla warfare.

In the Vietnam War, the Vietnam Army’s frontal battle was not an opponent of the US military. The reason why they can win is that there are two big countries behind them to support them~www.readwn.com~ and the US military is unstable. The only thing they can do is to rely on the terrain to familiarize with guerrilla warfare to consume the power of the US military.

Under the command of Zhao Yuanshuang, Wu Yanhong's very orderly division became six parts scattered into the jungle. This area of ​​Vietnam is originally a place where mountains and jungles are dense.

When Zhao Yuanshuang’s troops collapsed and hid in the nearby jungle, it was difficult for the tanks of Heaven’s Kingdom to exert the terrible power of the group’s assault.

However, the twenty-three armed helicopters flew directly into the jungle and fired a burst of incendiary bombs into the jungle.

A burst of incendiary bombs fell into the jungle, bursting open, and turned into a raging fire to completely devour everything around. Even though it was in the cold winter, there were still large patches of grass and the trees were burned. Many Vietnamese soldiers were swallowed by the flame and burned directly.


A sniper bullet containing the skills of a strong sniper blasted a helicopter gunship and again bombed a gunship into a ball of fire and fell from the sky.


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