God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 479: A fierce battle!

The 479th chapter of the fierce battle!

On this night, the Vietnamese army organized a total of eight night raids and killed more than 60 warriors from the Heavenly Kingdom. He has also lost more than 100 fighters and 21 masters with more than 20 levels of reinforcement.

Under the harassment of the Vietnamese army, the Heavenly Kingdom of God spent a quiet night.

The next morning, the **** of heaven immediately launched a fierce attack on the city of Lang Son.

Under the cover of heavy artillery, the steel torrent of the Kingdom of Heaven continues to attack within the city of Lang Son.

Although both Wu Yanhong and Chen Shengyong have been forced to desperate, they are still very tenacious. A large number of Vietnamese young adults have been mobilized and directly added to the army as a cannon fodder filled into the battle of the front line.

Under the encouragement of Wu Yanhong and Chen Shengyong, the Vietnamese youths were full of hostility towards the alien aggressor of the Paradise Gods. Although they had low combat skills, they bravely fought with the troops of the Kingdom of Heaven.

However, it is a great pity that countless war cases have proved that in the current war, there is courage to win the war. The **** Vietnamese youths fell into a pool of blood shortly after they entered the battle.

At the same time, not all Vietnamese are afraid of death. Under the fierce fire of the paradise of the Kingdom of Heaven, many Vietnamese survivors were directly frightened and smashed and fled directly on the battlefield.

Under the crush of the Heavenly Kingdom, the casualties of Wu Yanhong and Chen Shengyong went up straight. Of course, their hard work also brought a lot of trouble to Alex.

In just one day, the elite of the Kingdom of Heaven killed more than 300 people. At the same time, there were six tanks and five armed helicopters were destroyed. In the city of Lang Son, the Vietnam Army killed and injured 5,000 people in one day. Most of the Vietnamese troops who died in battle were young Vietnamese who had just been pulled up. The young Vietnamese who were stretched out were not very strong, but they played a good role in the cannon fodder and attracted most of the firepower of the heavenly kingdom.

After Alex received the report, it became a little anxious: "Damn! These Vietnamese monkeys are really difficult. It really has some skills."

After two days of fighting, the Vietnamese army that Alex had wiped out had already reached nearly 10,000 people, but still did not win the city of Lang Son. Nearly half of his own troops have killed and injured more than seven hundred people. This gave Alex a hint of resignation. After all, he had only 1,300 soldiers left in his hands.

In the two days of fierce fighting, the damage of the war was more than 30%, and the morale of the soldiers of the heavenly kingdoms began to fall. They are people, not machines, after all. The offensive side is much more laborious than the defensive side.

However, at this time, Alex is already riding a tiger. If Wu Yanhong and Chen Shengyong are not completely destroyed, then after Wu Yanhong recovers, the **** of heaven will be difficult.

The gods of heaven are powerful and spread all over the world. Have the most elite warriors, the most advanced technology, intelligence. But they also have short boards. Their base camp is in Europe and their core strength is also in Europe. In this end of the world, it is too much for them to mobilize the forces that the big forces need to support the Vietnamese branch.

Moreover, the Kingdom of Heaven is in a foreign country, and it is too difficult to add troops that can be trusted. This time, the Vietnamese branch of the Kingdom of Heaven used the first legion to attack the city of Lang Son, if the war failed. Then the situation in North Vietnam will be directly smashed and will no longer be controlled by the Kingdom of Heaven.

On the other hand, if the Heavenly Kingdom can control the survivors of the two regions of Liangshan and Taiyuan, they will gradually build a stable base in North Vietnam. You can peep into Guangxi, or use this as a base to peep into Vietnam.

On a high ground, Alex looked at the city of Lang Son with a sigh of perseverance: "Keep another day! They should have reached the limit. I can't back down, only victory. I can only win!"

In the city of Lang Son, Chen Shengyong stunned Wu Yanhong and asked him, "What should I do? Lao Wu, can you still hold it?"

At this time, Wu Yanhong was full of burnt marks on his face, and there was a lot of wounds on his face. The whole person looked very languid. Today's battle, Wu Yanhong alone killed more than 80 Heavenly Kingdom Warriors, destroyed three tanks, the means of hot. However, he was also bombarded with several rifle grenades, and a large-caliber shell exploded in a place ten meters away from him. If it weren't for his steel armor, it was already a dead body.

Wu Yanhong flashed a chill in his eyes: "Take it!! Those white pigs want my life! Not so simple!!"

Chen Shengyong said directly to Wu Yanhong: "Old Wu! How many troops can you get? My troops are almost going to be lighted!"

Wu Yanhong stunned Chen Shengyong with a faint look: "I immediately let you add two thousand troops!"

Wu Yanhong knows that Chen Shengyong still holds a battalion's elite life and death and refuses to dispatch. That infantry battalion is the heart of Chen Shengyong, and it is also the capital of Chen Shengyong. Chen Shengyong will never be so easy to move.

As for Chen Shengyong's other troops, it was very fierce in those two days. Therefore, Wu Yanhong’s replenishment for Chen Shengyong is also very refreshing.

There are more than 130,000 survivors in the city of Lang Son. If Wu Yanhong disregards all the arrogance, he can also pull out a large army of 80,000 people. Of course, the army of 80,000 people is the ragtag of the cold weapon. With the huge population resources as the backing, Wu Yanhong was able to add two thousand subordinates to Chen Shengyong.

Chen Shengyong hesitated and suggested to Wu Yanhong: "Old Wu! Otherwise, how about we withdraw?"

The two days of the death war made Chen Shengyong see the terrible fighting power of the Heavenly Kingdom troops. The six elite infantry battalions in his hands only worked for two days, leaving only one elite infantry battalion. Of course, this is also related to the three infantry battalions being disabled by Wu Yanhong.

Even so, Chen Shengyong and Wu Yanhong joined forces to fight the same battle with the Heavenly Kingdom. Chen Shengyong is very clear that in the city of Lang Son, Wu Yanhong has only one elite infantry battalion in his hand. The rest are all recruits who have no combat experience.

If not all of the recruits have been brainwashed by extreme nationalism, the battle is very tenacious. Chen Shengyong and Wu Yanhong have already collapsed.

Wu Yanhong’s eyes flashed loudly and shouted: “No!! We must be here! Even if it’s a fight, it’s absolutely impossible to hand over Lang Son to those white pigs. We Vietnamese would rather stand Die, not willing to live!!"

Chen Shengyong flashed a strange singer in his eyes: "Good! I will fight with you to the end."

On this night, Wu Yanhong personally took three sneak attacks on the position of the Kingdom of Heaven, and once again killed 32 warriors of the Kingdom of Heaven.

However, as more than 80 Vietnamese recruits who attracted the cannon fodder of the paradise of the gods and fifteen fighters who had more than 20 levels of intensification, they died.

Wu Yanhong’s night attack made Alex full of anger. The next morning, Heaven’s Kingdom of God immediately launched a stormy attack on Lang Son City.

A large number of artillery shells opened to the city of Lang Son. This time, the **** of heaven did not care about the casualties of civilians. There were many people in that place, and where their gunfire went.

The armed helicopters in the sky are also constantly launching a burning bomb in the city of Lang Son, killing and killing a large number of Vietnamese survivors.

The Heavenly Kingdom Warriors who entered the city of Lang Son were also cruelly killing all the objects they saw. Both men and women, young and old, as long as they are humans, they will shoot and kill.

Alex this time made up his mind to attack the city of Lang Son, and his troops in the paradise of the gods must capture the city of Lang Son.

Wu Yanhong and Chen Shengyong took the resistance of the soldiers, and a group of **** Vietnamese youths were sent to the battlefield and turned into cannon fodder and a body.

In the corner of the battlefield, Wu Yanhong wore a layer of steel armor with a thickness of ten centimeters, as if the steel warriors usually shuttled through the battlefield. He slammed out with a punch and slammed the head of a soldier in a heavenly kingdom.

The soldiers of the four heavenly kingdoms came round and took a submachine gun and fired at Wu Yanhong. A large number of bullets shot on Wu Yanhong's body and then flew away.

Wu Yanhong glanced at the soldiers of the four heavenly kingdoms. With a big hand wave, a sharp and incomparable steel bar burst from the buildings on both sides and pierced the heads of the four heavenly kingdom warriors directly into their heads. Through.

Wu Yanhong, who killed five Heavenly Kingdom warriors, took a breath and gave him a breath. If he didn't use his ability, it would be hard not to kill the soldiers of the heavenly kingdom.

Just when Wu Yanhong just took a breath, ~www.readwn.com~ a dangerous feeling flooded his heart, and he leaped to the side.

The earth cracked, and a sharp thorn stabbed from where he had stood.

boom! !

Accompanied by a gunshot, Wu Yanhong, who jumped to the side, was directly exploded by a large-caliber sniper bomb with a strong sniper skill. The hard-burning Wu Yanhong’s left shoulder covered steel burst and his left shoulder bone Also directly smashed.

"They finally started!!" Wu Yanhong's face flashed a touch of pale heart and gave birth to a realization.

After Wu Yanhong was severely broken by the left shoulder, one turned into a werewolf, and two melee intensifiers who turned into leopards rushed straight toward him.

On the other hand, a spiritual master is directly attacking Wu Yanhong.

In a building, a blond man stared coldly at an rpg and aimed at Wu Yanhong.


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