God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 481: The fruit of victory changes hands!

... The 481th chapter of the victory fruit changed hands!

In order to support the military operations of the Vietnamese branch, the spy satellite controlled by the Kingdom of Heaven has placed great attention on this area of ​​Vietnam. .+?(.+bsp;\s*

Yue Zhong also knows that the gods of heaven control the satellites, and this is very careful to mobilize troops from the direction of Tianxin County, lurking into the jungle through the night.

At this time, Yue Zhongyi launched a raid when the real situation was like a thunder. Although Dandong tried his best to organize the troops to resist on the spot, but the battalion unit he had left had already left the fortifications, and the fierce battle for two days was very exhausting, at that time five times. Under the siege of the troops, it only supported for 30 minutes. The simple line of defense was defeated and the whole unit collapsed completely.

"Damn bastard! The **** of the Military Intelligence Bureau!!" Dandong looked at the troops that flowed in from all directions like tides.

And the heavenly kingdom warrior who was directly torn by the abilities of his abilities, his face became hesitant and hesitated for a moment and immediately ordered: "Submission, we surrendered."

A white flag rises from the battalion of that heavenly kingdom, which means that the battalion has completely lost its will to surrender to Yue Zhong.

At this time there were more than 150 soldiers in the Kingdom of Heaven. European traditions are different from Asia. As long as the European side finds that the fighting continues without any meaning, it will surrender on its own initiative. Of course, their will to fight is also very tenacious, and the fighting power is also very strong, but they have different ideas from the wars of the Asian army.

Yue Zhong attacked more than 400 people in a camp of Heavenly Kingdom with 2,500 troops in five battalions, killing more than 200 people and killing more than 100 people. This is also the result of Yue Zhong’s personal shot. It can be seen how powerful the power of the heavenly kingdom is.

Yue Zhong quickly sent people to bundle the Danish soldiers who had surrendered to the battalion of Dandong, and then mobilized the main force of the troops to launch an attack in the direction of Lang Son City.

At this time, the remnant main force of the First Army of the Kingdom of Heaven in the Kingdom of Heaven is not burning or looting in the city of Lang Son, or consuming energy on the woman's body. Yue Zhong’s troops pierced into their hearts like a sharp knife, destroying the warriors of those heavenly kingdoms.

"How could this be? Damn yellow-skinned monkey!! Damn Yue Zhong!!" In the city of Lang Son, Alex, the head of the Vietnam branch of the Paradise Gods, looked at the ruined situation and his eyes were red and gnashing.

A staff member hurriedly persuaded: "Hello, please, please withdraw immediately. We will not withdraw. We are afraid that we will all be destroyed!"

At this time, the whole gunfire in the city of Lang Son was loud, and the soldiers of the heavenly kingdoms did not surrender or were directly shot. The warriors of these heavenly kingdoms are organized into an elite army, but without organization, they can't resist the crushing of the great army of Yue.

There are also no shortage of masters in the Kingdom of Heaven, but under the siege of their masters five times, they saw the plane fleeing quickly, and when they saw the machine slow, they became a body.

Alex gnawed his teeth and cried: "Remove!! Damn yellow-skinned monkey!! Everything I remember today!! I will never let you go, Yue Zhong!!"

Under the orders of Alex, in the city of Lang Son, the remnants of the Heavenly Kingdom of God collapsed and fled in all directions.

The angry Vietnamese were shot, and many Vietnamese masters spontaneously hunted the remnants of those paradise gods. A warrior of the gods of heaven was killed by the Vietnamese masters. The Vietnamese masters who spontaneously organized themselves encountered Yue Zhong’s troops, and if they did not drop, they were directly suppressed by suppression.

The soldiers of the heavenly kingdoms struggled to escape and eventually Alex only broke out with twenty masters.

Alex, the head of the Vietnamese branch of the Kingdom of Heaven, is also an agile evolutionary person. Therefore, it is easy to break out.

After Yue Zhong’s strong annihilation of the remnants of the Heavenly Kingdom, he continued to attack the city of Lang Son.

At this time, in the city of Lang Son, the troops of the established system were almost completely eliminated. However, Wu Yanhong and Chen Shengyong are also rare heroes. They actually carried more than 2,600 soldiers directly to a very defensive construction.

There are a lot of bunkers and gun eyes everywhere in the fort, which constitutes an extremely complex fire point. The best way to break through such fortifications is to shoot heavy artillery to flatten those fortifications.

After Yue Zhong led the troops into the city of Lang Son, he did not immediately attack the fortifications of Wu Yanhong and Chen Shengyong. Instead, after sending troops to hold the way out of Wu Yanhong and Chen Shengyong, they sent troops to clear the army of the great Vietnamese Imperial Army within the city of Lang Son.

The Vietnamese in the city of Lang Son are disgusted with the troops of the Kingdom of Heaven, and they do not like the troops of Yue Zhong. No matter which army is, it is an aggressor for the Vietnam Army. Therefore, the reactionary forces in the city of Lang Son are also endless.

Yue Zhong’s shots against the Vietnamese who jumped out against him directly sent troops to suppress and kill the mountain of blood flowing into the city. More than 400 Vietnamese youths who jumped out of the country were directly shocked by his local shooting. Vietnamese.

Under the threat of bayonets and cannons, the whole of Lang Son City gradually recovered its calmness, but all the Vietnamese survivors in the city of Lang Son were waiting for Yue Zhong’s trial.

Yue Zhong directly announced that Langshan City will use military control to temporarily control the city of Lang Son City.

All Vietnamese survivors were forced to squash in their rooms, and once the Vietnamese survivors walked outside, the military could directly kill them. Under this rigorous military control order, all Vietnamese survivors’ contacts were cut off, and they were only able to huddle at home and wait for subsequent orders.

A soldier from Dandong was brought to Yue Zhong’s side. When he met, he immediately said: “I asked for the corresponding treatment of prisoners of war!! I am an officer! I demand that I be treated and respected according to international practice.”

According to international practice, officers such as Dandong are captured. Nor will it be abused. Huaxia has always had a tradition of preferential treatment. It’s just that Yue Zhonglian’s jealousy of killing the prisoners has been done. The treatment of Dandong’s prisoners is not much better. The treatment of those prisoners is worse than the prisoners in the scum camp. The prisoners in the scum camp can at least eat enough, while the captives drink the porridge and a small corn nest that can only sustain life every day.

Dandong was drinking the kind of porridge that was visible at the end of the day. His stomach began to protest. When he thought of his future, his heart was cold.

Yue Zhong took a look at Dandong: "Take your people to rely on me and do things for me. I can let you have peace of mind and get the respect you deserve."

The warriors of those paradise gods are all amazing and powerful, and they are proficient in the manipulation of various artillery pieces. They are all talents that Yue Zhong needs.

In the eyes of Dandong, the light flashed and tried to say: "Mr. Yue Zhong. We are just your captives. There is no obligation to work for you. We are willing to pay ransom to buy our personal freedom. How are you going to see?"

Yue Zhong said quietly: "Then you are staying in the captive camp. Our captive camp is treated like that. Wait until your heavenly kingdom raises enough ransom to say it. Right, we don't have idlers here, It’s the captives who have to work. You have to be mentally prepared.”

When Dandong heard that Yue was important, the captives of the captives suddenly became numb. The food at the captive camp was so bad that it could not even eat enough. Once you have to do heavy physical work, your body will quickly kneel down. A glimpse of the body in this last world means that they have only one dead end.

Dandong made a choice very quickly and said to Yue Zhonggong: "I am willing to lead the subordinates to work for you!!"

Yue Zhong was very satisfied and gave the order directly to Dandong: "Very good. Bring me the Linyang District with your troops."

Linyang District is the area where Wu Yanhong and Chen Shengyong are both contracted.

Most of Yue Zhong’s troops were strong intensifiers and there were no artillery. The ability to attack is relatively weak. After Dandong joined Yue Zhong with the artillery unit of the Heavenly Kingdom, he filled his short board.

At the time of Yue Zhong’s order, an officer came to his front and reported: “The leader! Chen Shengyong sent people to see.”

Yue Zhong’s heart was moving: “Oh! Let him come over!”

A 32-year-old man of average size, the average man came to Yue Zhong and said with a look: "Hello!! Yue Zhong leader!! I am Li Minglong very happy to know you."

Yue Zhong slammed Li Ming and asked him to open the door and ask: "What does Chen Shengyong have to tell me?"

At this time, Yue Zhong had mastered the general trend. The entire city of Lang Son was basically in his hands. He did not want to go around with Li Minglong.

Li Mingzhong saw that Yue Zhong did not tell him some nonsense nonsense and said directly: "The Eagle King is willing to take the lead to you~www.readwn.com~ completely obey your command and assist you in controlling the whole of Lang Son City and Taiyuan City. !"

Yue Zhong heard the words in his heart.

At this time, there were more than 40,000 survivors of the death of the city of Lang Son in Vietnam. There are still 110,000 Vietnamese survivors in the city of Lang Son. At the same time, Yue Zhong also knows that there are tens of thousands of Vietnamese survivors in Taiyuan.

If Chen Shengyong, a local native, is willing to rely on Yue Zhong, then Yue Zhong will be able to better control the hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese survivors.

Yue Zhong did not say anything: "What conditions does he have?"

Li Ming hesitated a moment and looked directly at Yue Zhong in Huaxia. "The Eagle King hopes that you can show your mercy. Don't kill too many innocent Vietnamese."

Wu Yanhong’s amnesty kills many Chinese people. Yue Zhong is also not a good person. In Luocun Town, there are more than 4,000 Vietnamese survivors who have been retaliated by him. The old nest of this national extremist in Lang Son City fell into the hands of Yue Zhong, and Chen Shengyong worried that Yue Zhong would directly kill the entire Vietnamese people in the city of Lang Son. m! .

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