God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 485: Killing!

The 485th chapter is about to kill!

After Yue Zhong had just fled to a building, suddenly, from the shadow of the building, there was a shadow silently smacked toward him and stabbed his heart.

The ability of the shadow owner to hide his breath was extremely strange and tyrannical. Yue Zhong tried his best to take a step toward it. A dagger with black light opened the third-order variant leather armor he wore.

If Yue Zhong reacted slowly, he became a corpse at this time.

Yue Zhong looked to the side of the side, the cold light flashed in the eyes, and the crocodile saw blade with the waist smashed and slammed the wind to the owner of the shadow.

Just as Yue Zhong was about to smash the shadow master in two, his heart suddenly gave birth to a cold chill, and he leaped to the side with a knife.


Accompanied by a fierce gunshot, Yue Zhong’s original location exploded directly, revealing a fist-sized hole.

"Strong sniper!! Super sniper! It seems that there are many people who stare at me!"

Yue Zhong had just retired to a corner and saw ten men in black rushing to the side.

The ten black men armed with assault rifles saw Yue Zhong, and they rushed to the side while madly shooting at Yue Zhong.

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the fierce light flashed his hands and turned, and two 05-type micro-rushes appeared in his hands. He lifted the two 05-type micro-rushes and madly fired at the ten black men.

In just one face, three men in black were killed by Yue Zhong, and the other seven men in black, although they were shot in the body, obviously wore bulletproof vests like second-order variegated leather. A bullet was shot at the black man's body. They just stepped back and the bullets fell to the ground.

Yue Zhong has just killed three men in black. Suddenly, a height of three meters, the body is bearded with bear hair, and there are many bears in the body. The bears suddenly burst out from a building and rushed toward Yue. The past.

The bear-bearing bear man had a terrible slap in the face and was able to shoot a small car. At the same time, its bear skin is so tough that rifle bullets can't run through its body.

In a tall building, a Vietnamese master who has turned into a jungle ranger, who is short and ugly, and dyed with yellow hair, is aiming at Yue Zhong with a huge bronze bow.

The cliff surrounded by the violent hurricane also flew into the air and looked coldly at the big hand of Yue. The wind blade formed by the hurricane was like a storm and went to Yue Zhong.

The second-order skill of the cliff is the horror of the hurricane, even if it is an armored vehicle, it must be cut off in those storm blades.

Under the many sieges, Yue Zhong was forced into a desperate situation. Although he has already sent out the message, his subordinates have to come over and it will take at least two minutes. The master's fierce battle, the two minutes is enough to decide life and death.

A stock of dangerous premonitions, Yong Yue heavy heart, he knows this time is only as strong as he may fall to here.

In Yue Zhong’s eyes, there was a glimmer of cold light, and behind the blue light flashed, a second-order scorpion spirit appeared out of thin air. The spirit of the green scorpion immediately spurted a large piece of poisonous mist to the seven remaining black men in the remnant.

Under the large smog of poisonous mist, four black men were directly corroded into a pool of pus. The other three black men are obviously agile intensifiers. Their faces have changed greatly. If they avoid the snakes, they will retreat backwards and backwards. This has escaped.

The huge green spirit appeared to block the huge wind blade storm and the jungle ranger's shooting.

The huge wind blade storm hit the huge snake body of the second-order scorpion spirit, and cut the huge snake body out of countless scars.

The jungle ranger's face changed his breath, bent his bow, and a layer of blue light appeared in his arrow. The next moment, the arrow turned into a second light. The great snake body of the spirit of the blue scorpion is like a rocket launcher. The body of the second-order scorpion spirit has a huge blood hole, and almost the second-order scorpion spirit is shot at the waist. Two.

Yue Zhong took advantage of the huge spirit of the Qing dynasty to block everyone from attacking, watching the intensifier who rushed over to become a bear man, his eyes condensed, the fear was instantly launched, and a strong spirit The volatility slammed into the sea of ​​the bear man.

The intruder who turned into a bear man is a forty-six-level senior power-trainer who has a low degree of spiritual reinforcement. After becoming a bear, he gains spiritual strength. Temporary improvement and resistance to mental skills have not been able to withstand the impact of Yue Zhong fear.

The intensifier who became a bear man was caught in the illusion of fear. Yue Zhong took a knife and smashed the head of the bear man strengthener and splashed blood.

Yue Zhong smashed the intensifier who became a bear man. After his body, a huge wind blade directly squatted in the second-order green spirit, directly directing the second-order green spirit. Cut off, turned into countless optoelectronics disappeared in this world.

At almost the same time, from a small alley, a short Vietnamese master suddenly launched a second-order gravity maneuvering skill toward Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong’s body was suddenly overwhelmed by eight times the weight of gravity. If it wasn’t for Yue Zhong, there would be nearly nine people’s strength. Under eight times of gravity, it’s hard to walk.

Even if Yue Zhong has the power of eight people, his speed of action will drop from the speed of twenty people to the speed of three people becoming slow, and each action will consume eight times more energy than before.

The void at the top of Yue Zhong suddenly split open, and a sharp spur from the void came to the Vietnamese master with second-order gravity manipulation skills.

The Vietnamese master with second-order gravity maneuvering skills was shocked and immediately dissipated the gravity manipulation skills shrouded in Yue Zhong’s body. Then he reacted to his body and jumped hard, jumping like a rocket to the building. , to avoid the sharp bone spurs will kill.

The gravity maneuvering skill is a powerful skill that limits the speed of the melee system, but the defensiveness is much worse.

When Yue Zhong’s gravity bond was lifted, he quickly pulled out the poisonous thorns and waved at the Vietnamese master with second-order gravity maneuvering skills.

On the other hand, the intensifier who became a jungle ranger also quickly bowed and bowed to Yue Zhong.

A strong sense of the heart of Yongge, if he killed the second-level gravity manipulative Vietnamese master, he himself will be attacked at the same time.

This is the advantage of the siege, even if one person is not strong enough, but several people alternately help each other, that is, several weak and strong people can also join hands to kill a master.

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a glimmer of light, and he held the stinger quickly and aimed at the Vietnamese master who had second-order gravity manipulation skills.


With a gunshot, the head of the Vietnamese master with second-order gravity maneuvering skills burst open, and the red and white spattered the ground.

"Good guy!"

The man who turned into a jungle ranger flashed a touch of cold light and launched a skill bursting arrow with a blue-colored arrow directly rushing toward Yue Zhong.

The arrow is like a ray of light with a terrible speed and unmatched power to the Yue heavy bang, the power of this arrow can rival the small caliber rocket launcher, even the armor of the infantry fighting vehicle can run through, the speed is even more Lian Yuezhong can't avoid it.

Seeing that the bursting arrow is about to pass Yue Zhong through, the bronze bell of Yue Zhong’s body flies out, and a blue shield is in front of Yue Zhong’s body.

The bursting arrow slammed into the blue shield, and the bang blew directly, and the blue shield shrouded, letting the blue shield faint.

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, a flash of light flashed his hand toward the Vietnamese master who turned into a jungle ranger.

The Vietnamese master who turned into a jungle ranger to strengthen the level of 56, suddenly gave birth to a cold fear.


A poisonous bullet hit the head of the Vietnamese master who turned into a jungle ranger.

A huge earth wall suddenly emerged from the position of the jungle ranger, blocking the shooting track of the stinger bullet, which smashed into the huge earth wall and blasted a small hole.

Yue Zhong saw it and jumped back into an alley without looking back. Even if he is strong and powerful, he will only avoid the edge of the combination of many powerful players. www.readwn.com~ Otherwise, even if he is strong, he may have fallen.

"Li Wei! Thank you very much!" The Vietnamese master Wang Li, who became a jungle ranger, was undecided and bowed to a Vietnamese expert. It was just that Li Wei launched his skills to save his life. If it wasn’t for Li Wei, he was already dead.

The speed of Yue Zhong is far beyond the imagination of Wang Li. The one that was just changed is that Wang Li himself is inevitable.

Li Wei nodded slightly and looked worriedly at the other side. At this time, there was a fierce gun battle.

A large number of Yue Zhong’s men are coming to this side. Once these assassins are encircled, no matter how strong they are, there is only one dead road.

Yue Zhong stepped into the alley step by step, and jumped out of his back silently like a lightning bolt to him.

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the cold flashes and launches two skills of gravity manipulation and fear. Under the action of gravity manipulation and fear, the figure stagnate for a moment, and behind Yue Zhong’s, a sharp bone spurt bursts instantly. Shooting out, the head running through the figure nailed the strong man who jumped out of the shadow directly to the wall.

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