God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 489: Nangong Ice Cloud!

> A burly man with a gun and a screaming screaming voice! ! Your family is deeply blessed by the boss, and you betray the boss. M is now even the only daughter of the boss, are you still a person? ”

Yan Wentong smirked and said: "Hey! People don't kill themselves! The chicks are too threatening to me. I will never let her live. You will give her to me when I know him, I will help her." After the opening, you will also have a taste."

Bai Yan’s refusal to say: “Impossible! I’m not going to do this kind of ungrateful thing!”

Yan Wentong sneered: "It's a pity. If you are willing to do it with me, my woman is willing to share it."

Since you don't know the current affairs, let me send you a good trip. ”

The two sides clamored for a fierce gun battle.

Bai Yan’s skill is extraordinary. His gunwork is also so great that he can completely suppress dozens of militants who have been rushing across from each other with two pistols. Under his shooting, a militant is directly shot. Fall to the ground.

The rest of the militants feared hiding in the bunker and did not dare to charge, but only in the distance and Bai Yan.

Yan Wentong snarled in the back, "Mom!! All* rushed to Laozi! The person who killed Bai Yan, Lao Tzu rewarded him two beautiful women, thirty pounds of rice, ten pounds of noodles. Who **** soft eggs I will marry him now!"

Under the roar of Yan Wentong, the morale of the dozens of militants was encouraged. They roared and rushed out of the bunker while shooting, and surrounded the past with Bai Yan.

In this end of the world, those who are desperate are the most violent, and as long as there are enough rewards, they can easily let those armed elements go mad.

Although Bai Yan is extraordinary, he is besieged by dozens of armed men armed with rifles, and his subordinates are constantly falling.

Yue Zhong took Xin Jiarou out of the side and shouted in Chinese with a cold voice: "Stop!!"

Dozens of militants armed with rifles saw Yue Zhong and Xin Jiarou standing next to him. Xin Jia soft temperament is weak, with a peerless face wearing a green military uniform, she is even more handsome and beautiful. Those militants have also seen a lot of beautiful women, but as Xin Jiarou has such a peerless beauty, there are not many beautiful women with outstanding temperament.

Yan Wentong saw Yue Zhong and Xin Jiarou flashing a smear in his eyes. The excitement loudly commanded in Vietnamese: "Catch them!! The woman's life is to live!! Men's life and death no matter!"

In this end of the world, beauty is also a scarce resource, not only can be used to vent, but also can be used to reward the subordinates, to win over the subordinates. It can also be used as a high-priced commodity and sold directly for other living materials.

Four people from the militant immediately separated and came to the front of Yue Zhong and Xin Jiarou with a gun.

On the other side, Bai Yan’s brow picks up the loud voice of Huaxia: “Brothers are careful, they are not good things. They want to catch you!! Run away!!”

An armed man pointed his gun at Yue Zhong’s mouth and shouted loudly in Vietnamese: "Huaxia dog, raise your hand!! Otherwise, I will shoot you down!!"

An armed militant looked at the eyes of Xin Jia, who was surrounded by Yue Zhong, and said that "Zhao Ji! That Chinese chick is so beautiful. After I catch it, I don't know if you can cool it!"

Another militant laughed: "How can this level of goods boss let us play?"

The three militants were not smiling in the mouth, and another militant was walking up to Xin Jia soft body and reaching for Xin Jiarou’s chest.

In this end of the world, murder and arson under the broad daylight, robbery of **** is a very common thing. It is also very common for the militant to take advantage of the cheap.

Yue Zhong smashed the orders of the dozens of militants’ brows and wrinkled coldly: “The language is unreasonable. Trouble. Jiarou left the rest of the five lively killers!”

"Yes! Master!"

The Xin Jia, who stood quietly beside Yue Zhong, was in a shape, and if a fast female leopard rushed into the four armed men.

When the knife flashed, the four militants were immediately smashed into several pieces of blood and the internal organs were scattered.

After easily killing four militants, Xin Jiarou, like the same female leopard, rushed toward the militants.

Seeing Xin Jiarou instantly killed four militants, the rest of the militants were shocked, and they immediately turned their guns toward Xin Jiarou's desperate shooting.

Xin Jiarou's speed at this time has reached the speed of 16 people without launching skills. Ordinary people can't lock her movement track. She rushed to make a residual image and flew by the militants. Every time she flew, the head of an armed militant suddenly fell, and the head of a militant was constantly rising from the sky. It’s really awesome.

After Xin Jiarou killed 12 militants in a row, the remaining 23 militants immediately collapsed, and they ran wildly in all directions. These militants are also a group of rabble, and more than one-third of the troops have died, enough to make them completely collapse.

Yan Wentong looked at his subordinates and was actually crushed by Xin Jiarou. The heart was full of horror and turned and fled to other places: "Advanced intensive!!!! How come there are advanced intensifiers here?"

The horrible essays of the senior intensifiers are deeply experienced. The senior intruder in front of him will kill the men he led and he will not continue to arrogate.

At the time of the collapse of Yu Wentong, the ten masters of Yue Zhong’s squad had already arrived. They all shot and did not even launch their skills. They easily killed all the remaining militants and left only five people.

Yan Wentong saw that the subordinates were easily slaughtered by Yue Zhong’s men. He immediately raised his hands and immediately shouted in Huaxia: “Don’t kill me! I surrender! I surrender!!”

Bai Xiaosheng took the remaining five militants to Yue Zhong’s contemptuous road: “With regard to these wastes, it’s really not fun.

Bai Yan and his party were also directly taken over by Yue Zhong’s men.

At this time, Bai Yan and his team left only two men, one woman and three women.

Yue Zhong looked at Bai Yan and his party. Among the crowds, in addition to Bai Yan, there is a young man with a thick eyebrow and a medium-sized, but very burly and strong, about twenty-five years old.

Bai Yan and the young man with big eyes and big eyes are guarding a man who is about 21 years old. He has a black hair like a waterfall, a goose egg face, a slightly thick lips, a plump and **** body, and a skin that wins snow and eyes. It is full of perseverance, a woman with a peerless face.

Bai Yan came to Yue Zhong and said with gratitude: "My name is Bai Yan! This is Wang Tong. This is my family Miss Nangong Bingyun. This gentleman, thank you very much for your help."

Yue Zhong smashed Bai Yan and his eyes and turned to look at Yan Wentong. He took out a desert eagle and pointed his head with an armed militant. It was a shot: "What is their origin? Tell me, if you tell the truth! I can Give you a living path, if you tell lies! This person is your end."


With a gunshot, the arm of the militant was smashed, and the red and white directly spattered the ground.

Seeing that Yue Zhong had killed a militant in such a merciless manner, Bai Yan and Wang Tong both jumped and gave birth to a bad feeling. Apparently in front of them is a fierce **** who loves human life as a mustard. Their little life has completely fallen into the control of the other party. If they are not careful, they are afraid that they will be killed directly by the people in front of them.

Yan Wentong looked at the militant who had been overturned by the skull and scared his legs. He quickly said: "I said!! I said!!"

At this moment, Nangong Ice Cloud took a fragrant wind and walked up to Yue Zhong’s front and stared at Yue Zhong with that pair of crystal-like big eyes: “Don’t bother him! Let me tell you! Excuse me, what do you call this adult?"

Yue Zhong saw Nangong Ice Cloud with a faint look: "My name is Yue Zhong."

"Yue Zhong!! This person is Yue Zhong!!"

Hearing the name of Yue Zhong’s self-reported, Bai Yan, Wang Tong, and Yan Wentong all took a breath of air in their hearts, and looked at Yue Zhong’s eyes and gave birth to a hint of fear.

The name of the tyrant Yue Zhong is extended to the periphery of Vietnam with the defeat of Wu Yanhong~www.readwn.com~ In the area of ​​Hebei, Hanoi, Gaoping, Liangshan, Taiyuan and Haiphong, many forces have heard of Yue Zhong. name. But in a rage, he ordered the killing of 100,000 (proverbs) terrorist survivors of Vietnam.

Seeing that Yue Zhong directly killed a militant without mercy, and there were dozens of super master guards around him, Bai Yan determined the identity of Yue Zhong.

Nangong Ice Cloud carefully and a lot of Yue Zhongyi Yingying smiled and said: "You are the Yue Zhong who defeated the butcher Wu Yanhong and slaughtered 100,000 Vietnamese survivors? It seems that it is not like the rumors."

"I didn't kill 100,000 Vietnamese survivors. At most, I only killed more than a thousand animals." Yue Zhong smiled faintly: "In the rumors, what is my image?"

Nangong Ice Cloud smiled lightly: "eight feet tall, eight feet wide, young nursery teeth, sorrowful evil spirits, three thousand women every day, no women are not happy. Down to nine years old, up to sixty years old women are not Let go, and love to drink human blood, bathe with human blood every day."

Nangong icy like a smile and smiled at the two loli standing next to Yue Zhong, and then smiled meaningfully toward Yue Zhong: "Most of the rumors are fake today. But it seems that some are true. What about it?"

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