God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 496: Yuexing will attack!

>. The forty-sixth chapter of the Yuexing will attack!

After listening to the explanation of Antre, the hearts of many leaders of Yuexing will be relieved. They all know that the gods of the gods have been slashed by Yue Zhongyu, and they are very hurt, so it is normal to hate Yue Zhong. And they think that free trade is what Antri is going to belong to.

However, the free trade will be equally needed. If they can trade with the gods to buy food and arms, then they will be able to develop quickly in this end.

After listening to the explanation of Antre, the princes struggled for the ownership of those arms. In this end of the world, strength is the last word. Qian Mingsheng is the leader of the Yuexing Association. It is because the armed forces in his hands are the most tyrannical in the Yuexing Association.

Yao Lihua's brow slightly wrinkled and felt that something was wrong, but he remained silent.

Antre's face with a smile is a sneer: "A bunch of idiots, please die for us!"

The gods did not say that the arms they promised were quickly sent to the hands of the Yuexing Association.

The Yuexing Club, which won the arms, also adjusted its deployment and mobilized the army to march in the direction of Taiyuan City.

It is also a last resort for Yuexing to be so urgent. The pressure on eating and drinking of 280,000 people is too great. They are now experiencing difficulties in maintaining the food supply of their immediate units, and they can only sustain for up to one month. They only have two choices, one is to get a lot of food from Yue Zhong through the means of trading. Another means is to defeat Yue Zhong and capture everything from Yue Zhong. Otherwise, Yue Zhong does not need to do it, they will collapse on their own because of the exhaustion of food.

On the road leading to Taiyuan City in Hanoi, three soldiers were hidden in a hidden forest to monitor the road.

A soldier glanced at the road and took out a half of the canned hand from his arms and handed it to the first soldier who looked very fierce and looked fierce: "Squad leader, do you want a bite?"

The squad leader saw the canned eyes lit up and took the can to reach out and grabbed a piece of meat directly into the mouth: "Second-order canned! Pharaoh, you can do a lot of good things!"

The second-order can is a special item made by the second-order mutant beast. Shu. Ordinary survivors are simply not eligible to eat. The second-stage canned supplement is extremely useful, and the cannedness of the ordinary warrior is extremely fast.

Pharaoh cried incomparably: "Squad leader! Squad leader! Leave me a little! Leave me a little. I will use it to change a woman to play."

The squad leader smiled and laughed at the second-order canned food. He smacked his mouth and said: "Get it! Look at your virtue! This canned me! I will help you find a woman. Follow the leader, woman. What? I have three Vietnamese women now. You want, I will send you one, as long as you can feed her."

Lao Wang’s heart was moving: “Really?”

The squad leader showed off with some triumph: "That is of course!! In the city of Lang Son City, Laozi personally killed three Vietnamese animals. After the merits, I gave three Vietnamese women to me. But if I don't pay high I really can't live the three women."

In this end of the world, wars are frequent, the ratio of men and women is seriously out of balance, and Yue Zhong himself is also standing upright, allowing the existence of a polygamy system.

Lao Wang is looking at his squad leader with envious eyes. He also wants to have a hot and cold woman to accompany him.

Another soldier screamed: "Squad leader, there is a situation!!"

"What's the situation?" The squad leader, who was originally proud of showing off, put away the smug face, and the body was tight, as the cheetah held his breath and sneaked in the direction of the prey.

The squad leader saw the army marching in the direction of Taiyuan on a road. His heart sucked a cold air: "Good guy!"

Judging from the number of the army, the army has more than 70,000 troops. This may not be a problem for the corpse, but for humans, it is a terrible army.

The squad leader silently retired into the jungle and took out a walkie-talkie to report the information he found to Taiyuan. Shu.

"Don't dare to march in this weather, their courage is really big!" Yue Zhong sighed in his heart after receiving the news, and immediately responded.

All the survivors in Taiyuan City were rushed into the room, and a simple fortification was built. A famous soldier entered a fire point, and the artillery also began to wait for Yue Zhong’s order.

The entire city of Taiyuan is like a war weapon, and it is waiting to show fierce fangs.

The speed of the coalition march of the Yuexing Association was very slow, and it took another full day to march before Taiyuan City.

Qian Mingsheng will be the first tie of the six people in Yuexing. He will look at Taiyuan City quietly near a command post.

The wooden bear looked at Taiyuan’s eyes and flashed a sizzling scream: “President! I want to be a pioneer!!”

"No! Let the foreign camp come on!!" Qian Mingsheng shook his head and refused.

Soon from the army of the Yuexing Association, a unit was rushed toward the Huaxing Club.

"Don't shoot!! I am Chinese!!"

"Help me!! Don't shoot!! Don't kill me!!"

"Please, please! Don't shoot! I am Chinese!!"


The soldiers in the foreign camp were all ragged, and the Chinese people who were stunned, there were men and women, old and young. They rushed in the direction of Taiyuan City with a machete. They have been forced to go beyond the road, and behind them are the troops of the Vietnam Army. As soon as they stop, they have only one dead end.

At the same time, there are many masters of the Yuexing Association in the foreign camp. As long as they are rushed into Yue Zhong’s position by those who are more promising, they will be able to kill and kill the soldiers of Yue Zhong.

Although the firepower of Yuexinghui is weak, they have cultivated a group of masters in the hard conditions of hunting mutant animals, and the number of those masters is still quite a lot.

Qian Mingsheng looked at the direction of Taiyuan City and sneered in the distance: "This trick, see how you deal with it!"

Wrap the people of other countries, and then use the people of other countries to attack the city. This is a common trick used by ancient Genghis Khan. This trick is very cruel and the difference is equally effective. Once that country can't help killing the people, the Mongolians who are hidden among the people will take the opportunity to attack the city. Many cities have been attacked by such means.

After the end of the world, the order collapsed. The connection between the state and the country is no longer, the earth is no longer a global village, but is fragmented into isolated individuals as if before the rise of the Great Navigation Age. In that corner, in order to compete for living space and materials, what means humans dare to use, and what means will be used.

Looking at the Chinese people who rushed over here, the Chinese soldiers in Taiyuan City couldn’t help but feel soft, those people are their compatriots.

Yue Zhong saw a big bang and said: "It is the Chinese people who immediately squat down!"

At the end of Yue Zhong, a fortifier with sound wave transmission skills is about to spread the words of Yue Zhong to the battlefield.

"Your Majesty!!"

"All under the arm!"

"Hurry down!!"

The Chinese soldiers in Taiyuan City shouted loudly, and they vaguely knew the orders that their leaders would next issue.

Under the voice of Yue Zhong, some Chinese people chose to kneel down, some Chinese people were hesitant, and some Chinese people continued to rush toward Taiyuan City - those behind them. People are really terrible.

"Open fire!" Yue Zhong looked at the eyes of more than 2,000 Chinese people who rushed toward the direction of Taiyuan City, flashing a cold cold channel.

Yue Zhong’s prestige in the military has reached an incredible level. Under his command, even though many Chinese soldiers can’t bear it, one of the firepower points in Taiyuan City is still vomiting fierce fire tongue.

Under the fierce fire tongue, many of the Chinese survivors who had rushed together were torn apart by the fierce fire tongue together with the Vietnamese masters who were among them.

Under the fierce firepower, the Chinese survivors woke up, and they squatted on the ground, as if they were dead.

The fierce firepower covered the sweeping round, and in the shooting world, there was no living person standing. The surviving Vietnamese masters and the Chinese survivors squatted on the ground and did not dare to move.

"A good guy! It's a tyrant!" Qian Mingsheng looked at the foreign camp in his hand and was so easily defeated that he had a sneak hunch. However, at this time, the arrow had to be sent on the string. If the army was unable to return, it would be less than ten days, and the more they would rise, they would collapse because of the food.

"Wood bear! You first attack a round!" Qian Mingsheng ordered the wooden bear around him.

"Yes! The president!" The bear was very refreshed and promised ~www.readwn.com~ Soon a 6,000-person force was separated from the Yuexing Club. This 6,000-strong force is the recruited by the Muzi. He originally had only 1,300 direct members. However, he was only showing the tone of recruiting, and easily recruited 4,700 people. If he didn't have enough food, it would not be a problem to recruit 10,000 people.

The wooden bear loudly encouraged the morale: "Brothers!! In that Taiyuan city, there is Yue Zhong, the butcher who killed our 100,000 compatriots in Vietnam, the villain! Now is the time for our revenge. I now declare that no matter Who was the first to break into Taiyuan City, I will give him a set of magical system equipment, hand to take him to upgrade to level 30 or above, and reward him a thousand pounds of rice, five beautiful women, official level three. In addition to this In addition, after taking down Taiyuan City, relax the military for three days."




Inspired by the bears, the 5,000-strong warrior’s red-eyed layer of squadrons rushed toward the direction of Taiyuan City.


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