God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 502: Roadblocker!

"You?" Yue Zhong's eyes condensed on the body of Nangong Ice Cloud for a while.

Nangong Ice Cloud also stood up to show her energetic and **** beautiful body in front of Yue Zhong. For power, she will not hesitate to give her body.

Yue Zhong saw the deep ambition from the eyes of Nangong Ice Cloud and he directly refused: "You can't! Maybe you are very capable. But your qualifications and merits are not enough."

Chen Yao became the leader of the Vietnamese region, because she was the oldest person who followed Yue Zhong to Vietnam. And Chen Yao has made a lot of merits in order to maintain the troops left by Yue Zhong. Gan Tao and Pan Jinyong, the Vietnamese generals, are more willing to support Chen Yao.

Of course, with Yue Zhong’s position in his power, it is not impossible to force the appointment of Nangong Ice Cloud as the leader of the Vietnamese region, but he did not intend to do so.

Nangong Ice Cloud was able to integrate the two hundred Vietnamese survivors into a usable force in a short period of time. The ability is really not weak, very few women can be as decisive and intelligent as her. Even Chen Yao can't compare her with her decisiveness.

However, in this world, the people who have the ability to go, Yue Zhong is not familiar with Nangong Ice Cloud, he is not willing to help her up.

For Yue Zhong, those who have the ability to use it, but the most important thing is that the subordinates should be sufficiently loyal. Otherwise, the foundation he laid down is only afraid that he will be picked up by others.

In the eyes of Nangong Ice Cloud, a bitter bitterness fell back to Chen Yao’s back: "Yes!"

Yue Zhong thought for a while and directly suggested to Ming Jiajia: "Jia Jia! How are you as the leader of the Vietnamese government?"

Ming Jiajia has been following Yue Zhong from Vietnam to fight in Guangxi. He has experienced almost every battle and is highly prestigious among the Chinese survivors rescued by Yue Zhong. She is guarding Vietnam and few people have objections.

Ming Jiajia looked up and looked at Yue Zhongyi with the bright eyes. "If it is the owner's command! I must listen and keep it for you. However, what I hope most is with you." Beside, give your tea a handful of water."

If you become the leader of a regional guard, then Ming Jiajia can not follow Yue Zhong. She must stay in Vietnam to manage this area. People have their own aspirations. Compared with becoming the leader of one party, Ming Jiajia prefers to stay in Yue Zhong as a little maid of Yue Zhong.

Nangong Ice Cloud looked at the little Lolita Ming Jia who was lying in Yue Zhong’s arms and flashed a sigh of relief. She took the initiative to ask for power, but the little girl easily gained the power of the great, which made her feel uncomfortable.

Yue Zhong touched the small head of Ming Jiajia: "Then you are now guarding this year. After one year, I will adjust others to replace you."

Yue Zhong has already made a series of basic policies. As long as Ming Jiajia implements and maintains his well-established policies, there will be basically no big problems in Vietnam.

At this time, on the North Vietnamese side, Yue Zhong is already the biggest force, and he is still able to obtain supplies from Guangxi. The Yuexing Club trapped in the gap between the zombies and Taiyuan City is simply not comparable.

Ming Jiajia softly responded: "Well!"

Chen Yao asked for a moment and said, "Would you like to go back to Guangxi?"

"Well! I want to go back to Guangxi to investigate the upcoming Yanzhou campaign!" Yue focused.

Yanzhou is a heavy industrial city in Guangxi, where it has the largest steel mill and arsenal in Guangxi. If it is able to recover Yanzhou, Yue Zhong’s troops will have the ability to manufacture artillery shells and bullets on a large scale. Therefore, Yue Zhong’s next goal of the entire force was placed on the recovery of Yanzhou.

The number of zombies in the direction of Yanzhou is more than three million. At the same time, between Binning City and Yanzhou, there is also a city of Binqi. In the city of Binqi, there are also more than two million zombies. It is not that simple to recover Yanzhou.

Chen Yao said with a strong face: "I am going to Guangxi with you!"

Yue Zhong smashed Chen Yao for a moment and nodded slightly: "Good!"

Nangong Ice Cloud also stepped forward in the beautiful stage, flashing a strange light: "Please let me go to Guangxi, I want to fight for you!"

Nangong Ice Cloud is a very smart woman. It is time for the old order to be shattered and the new order to be established. Only by making enough contributions during this period will she be able to become a new vested interest class when the new country is established.

"Good!" Yue Zhong smashed Nangong Ice Cloud and immediately agreed with her request. This woman is very ambitious and capable, but as long as he is, this woman can't turn the sky.

In the snow, a military jeep, an infantry fighting vehicle, a tanker, a bus, and a fleet of ten Hummers were driving on the road.

Suddenly, three survivors jumped out of the snow on one side, and they squatted on the ground and flashed a desperate look.

The military jeep headed down and stopped. From the military jeep, Yue Zhong, Chen Yao, Xin Jiarou and Ning Yuxin were removed.

Yue Zhong looked at the three survivors who couldn't get up in the ground and frowned slightly: "Who are you?"

"This sir! I beg you to save us! Please!! If you don't save us, I would rather die here." The survivor squatted on the ground and yelled at Yue Zhong.

"You want to die. I can fulfill you. Don't take death to threaten me!" Yue Zhong looked upset. He took out a pistol and fired a shot directly in front of the survivor.

boom! A bullet shot directly in front of the survivor and blew a small hole.

Looking at Yue Zhong's strength, the three survivors looked at Yue Zhong with a trembling and timid look, and did not dare to move.

Yue Zhong coldly overlooked the three survivors and said coldly: "What happened? Speak well!"

The head of a middle-aged survivor screamed and screamed: "Adults, we are all survivors of Binqi City. We have been hiding around here and struggled to survive. But a few days ago, a group of villains broke into our gathering. We burned and looted. We managed to escape and ask the adults to save us. Our family is still gathering in the land! As long as you save us, we are willing to do the horse for you. ""

Yue Zhongyi knew what happened. It is common for the gathering place to be broken in this end of the world. The big forces generally swallow small forces to expand.

Yue Zhong’s eyes glazed coldly on the faces of the three survivors. Under his sharp eyes, a survivor could not withstand the pressure and slowly lowered his head.

Yue Zhong looked in the direction of the three survivors, only to see that the area was covered with snow. After the snow, there are a few mountains shrouded in snow, and a house is built not far from the foot of the mountain.

Yue Zhong made a gesture, Bai Xiaosheng, Li Shimin and the two of them immediately like the arrow of the string, each with five masters leaping in that direction.

After Li Shimin's constant killing, his fighting potential has been completely excavated. He has become a terrible master, even if a child is standing in front of him with a knife, he will kill one of the swords without mercy. The bursting arrow skill he manipulated can destroy an armored vehicle with an arrow within five hundred meters, and the combat power is amazing.

Seeing ten soldiers leaping into the distance, the middle-aged survivor who cried in tears and cried out to the villain atrocities changed his face slightly, and fell into uneasiness.

In the economic forest of that house, there are two hundred armed men armed with swords and sticks. They watched only ten people touched them, and they looked at each other.

One of the skin was dark, and there was a white tiger on the hand. The short-skinned man asked another brawny, shaved head, and said: "What to do, boss, don't move?"

The bald-headed man was greedily looking at Bai Xiaosheng and Li Shimin’s single soldier’s hands in the hands of a single soldier’s combat equipment flashed a greedy road: “Do it!! Kill them, we will withdraw directly!”

The 10 soldiers of Bai Xiaosheng and Li Shimin are basically armed to each other. Each person is equipped with a 05-type miniature submachine gun, a Raven combat suit, 6 grenades, six clips, a replica Tang knife, and a Mitsubishi army thorn. Second-order mutant animal skin, complete set of **** magic system basic equipment. Under the bonus of that good equipment, each of them has more than doubled their combat power.

The bald-headed man had two hundred men, but he had eighteen rifles, sixteen pistols and two hundred bullets in his hand. Most people use cold weapons to see such equipment and they are naturally jealous.

Bai Xiaosheng and Li Shimin have rich experience in combat. They carefully sneaked and searched for enemies around them. www.readwn.com~ Finally, under the guidance of an intensive person with biosensory skills, they came to the woods where the militants sneaked.

When Bai Xiaosheng approached the forest, he immediately launched the second-order high-speed movement of his skills. His speed surpassed the second-order lightning. As a ghost, he broke into the woods, and his sword flashed. The head of an armed militant was immediately slashed by him. under.

A blow killed the head of an armed militant. Bai Xiaosheng flashed his gun and his gunshots continued. A militant was directly screened after he had not had time to react.

The bald-headed man looked at Bai Xiaosheng and easily killed more than 20 under his face. The cold sweat DC shouted loudly: "Hands!! Kill them!! Kill them and we have a way to live!!"

Under the screaming scream of the bald man, the militants armed with cold weapons rushed to Bai Xiaosheng.

Only one shot was heard, and the armed men armed with cold weapons immediately fell to the ground like raindrops.

"Stop! Or die!" Just as the bald man gave birth to a running heart, a sharp blade fell over his neck, and a small, cold voice came from behind him.

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