God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 504: fracture!

> "You are going quickly. The rest is handed over to me to solve." Yue Zhong pulled out the two-meter-long black tooth knife and shouted loudly toward Chen Yao and his team. He took a knife and light directly to those who were The trees that were blown broke into pieces.

Chen Yao is also the person who has been the leader. She wiped the blood of her mouth and started the direction of the jeep town: "Go!!"

Yue Zhong launched a skill step, holding a black tooth knife against the blizzard, rushing in front of the jeep, transforming the heavy knife and shadowing the giant wood and boulders that were blown over.

In the blizzard, Yue Zhong was very difficult to go forward. The cold wind was cut like a knife on his body. If his body was not strong enough, his blood would be frozen. His physical strength was constantly consumed in the blizzard.

Ning Yuxin looked at Yue Zhong, who was holding a black tooth knife and guarding them before the jeep. His eyes flashed a touch of tenderness. She knows that there are many shortcomings in this man, but at a critical time, he is willing to stand up and shelter his woman from the wind and rain, which is extremely precious in the end of the human collapse. A soft corner of her heart was touched by Yue Zhong. She looked at the heavy back of Yue Zhong, and the beautiful legs were twisted up. She was so wet.

Under the guardian of Yue Zhong, this jeep was very difficult to enter the town. Once inside the town, the impact of the storm will be much lower. The surrounding buildings can block many hurricanes.

Just as Yue Zhong was preparing to enter the town, suddenly a dozen large trees on both sides of the town were blown up by the roots and slammed into the jeep.

If Yue Zhong is one person, he can definitely avoid the hurricane easily. However, at this time, he couldn't avoid it. He could only stand in front of the jeep in front of the jeep. The black knives in his hand turned into a heavy knife and swept away to the dozen or so large landscape trees.

Under the shadow of Yue Zhong, the dozen or so large landscape trees were crushed by him. Just on the way, he smashed a large number of giant trees and boulders that had consumed too much physical strength. For a moment, he was not hit by a tree and slammed into the body, and slammed into the earth.

The next moment, a violent hurricane blew through the hard-growing Yue Zhong with those giant woods like ants blowing into the sky.

"Don't!!!!" Ning Yuxin looked at Yue Zhong, who was blown up by the blizzard, and couldn't help but utter a cry. She had just completely fallen in love with Yue Zhong, and the next moment Yue Zhong was blown away by the blizzard, which was too cruel to her.

Chen Yao’s eyes stunned and he was driven by the blizzard and the sky, and he drove directly toward the town. Chen Yao was a big school flower that was unharmonious, kind and arrogant, but her experience in Vietnam made her mature quickly. She is not an impulsive girl.

Yue Zhong was blown into the sky by the violent hurricane and continually raised, and was blown to a height of 100 meters. On that day, the temperature was extremely cold, even though the physical quality was ten times that of ordinary people, Yue Zhong felt cold.

Under the cold pressure, Yue Zhong had to launch the skill magic, and a layer of faint magical inflammation covered him to provide him with a trace of warmth.

It was only in the blizzard. Yue Zhong’s skill was extremely expensive and at the same time the power was small. The layer of faint magic was just blown out by the blizzard in less than five seconds.

In general, with Chen Yao’s skill in manipulating plants, Yue Zhong’s skill magic is also greatly limited in the blizzard.

In the blizzard, Yue Zhong had put on a ghost tooth mask to cover the whole body, but there was still a cold wind blowing in the gap between his clothes and masks, constantly weakening his body temperature. His hands and feet were almost frozen.

In such a cold, Yue Zhong can only warm up his body with a skill magical fire in five minutes. Otherwise, even if it is as strong as Yue Zhong, it can only be frozen and frozen in the air. A trip to the ice.

Yue Zhong was blown out by the violent hurricane, and the strength of the hurricane slowly stopped.

"Good opportunity!!" Yue Zhong sensed that the force of the hurricane began to subside. He started the skill gravity manipulation, and a powerful gravity ripple shrouded him, his weight doubled.

Yue Zhong’s weight doubled, and he fell from the sky toward the ground like a scale.

After dropping a distance, Yue Zhong once again launched the skill gravity manipulation, which reduced his weight to half. The speed at which he landed continued to slow down. At the time of the rise, Yue Zhong adjusted his weight again and let him fall to the ground.

Yue Zhong’s physical and mental energy consumption today is too much. After using eight gravity manipulation skills, he was exhausted and dropped from the height of 30 meters to the ground.

At the time of landing, Yue Zhong’s legs were on the ground, and a horrible force came from the legs of his land. He folded his legs and let him fracture and fell to the ground.

"Become Zhang Wuji!" After Yue Zhong landed, smiled bitterly, swallowed the life-saving herbal medicine and then gritted his teeth and climbed away with his hands.

It takes a hundred days for the average person to recover completely, and Yue Zhong has the ability to regenerate, and it takes a day for him to fully recover the injury caused by the fracture.

Although the area where Yue Zhong fell is still snowy, it is no longer the blizzard that can easily roll up trees and boulders. It’s just that Yue Zhong didn’t dare to care about it and kept climbing to the distance. At this point he was exhausted and left a good chance to be frozen to death.

The skeleton's virtual flashing skill also has a cooling time, and now Yue Zhong can't summon it.

In the snow, Yue Zhong’s fingers are like hooks, piercing into the earth, crawling forward, and he definitely does not want to die in the snowstorm.

Yue Zhong did not know how long he climbed on the snow, and finally let him see an unknown town, his eyes lit up and remnant physical strength to climb to the town.

The doors and windows of every household in the town were tightly closed, and a pair of indifferent faces looked out to the outside. Indifference looked at Yue Zhong who was crawling on the ground. No one opened the door and let Yue Zhong go in. They are just looking at the disability of Yue Zhong and see if he is a zombie.

In this end of the world, food is very precious, and people in the town are naturally reluctant to let Yue Zhong go in to consume their precious food.

Yue Zhong did not insist on entering the town, he only needs a place to avoid the snow, just let him rest for a night, he is not afraid of anything.

Generally in a small town, there will be abandoned houses, and Yue Zhong’s goal is to abandon the houses.

At this moment, the accident happened. A room was suddenly opened. A young girl stretched out her head and glared at Yue Zhong. In her eyes, she flashed a pity: "Would you like to come in and hide from the snow?"

Yue Zhong looked up and shouted at the girl. In this end of the world, humanity collapsed, food was scarce, and human beings were forced into the desperate situation of human beings. Yue Zhong had discovered many human flesh factories. He does not want to be a delicious person in other populations.

Only Yue Zhong did not see hunger and greed from the girl's eyes. He silently nodded and climbed into the house.

When Yue Zhongyi entered the room, the girl immediately closed the door.

A warmth lingers in this small room, letting Yue Zhong, who continues to be frozen in the blood, breathe a sigh of relief, and the inside of the house and the outside of the house are almost one day. Although it is still very cold for ordinary people in this room, it is a warm place for Yue Zhong, who has nearly ten times the physical fitness of ordinary people.

After entering the room, Yue Zhong silently climbed into a corner and looked at the room with vigilance.

I saw eight children from the age of eleven to fourteen in the room, the girl who opened the door to let him in, a young woman who was about 35 or 6 years old.

The girl who opened the door and let Yue Zhong come in, the skin of the girl was wheat-skinned, and the body was thin. The double peaks were only around the A cup. The appearance was ordinary and ordinary, and even less than the young woman.

Ten people crowded into this small room, and they all looked curiously at Yue Zhong, which looked like a broken leg.

In fact, the fracture of both legs in this last age is basically equivalent to the broken legs. In the end of the world, the doctor is also very difficult to exist. Even if you meet a doctor, if you are not an orthopedic surgeon, it is very difficult to treat a disease like a fracture~www.readwn.com~ This is for you! "A little boy of about 13 years old was dyed with yellow hair, and the little boy with a thin face was holding a small bowl and handing it to Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong took a look at the small bowl and saw only a small bowl of corn porridge filled with water in the small bowl. At the same time, the small bowl also had a smell.

"Thank you! No!" Yue Zhong shook his head and said in a hoarse voice.

The little yellow hair snorted and sipped the bowl of corn porridge and then smiled at Yue Zhong. "Hey! I really don't know how to be good. You Wei shouldn't be disabled. You see how big he is, even with Corn porridge can not be seen.

The pretty young woman browed and screamed at Xiao Huangmao: "Du Qiang, come back. How did I teach you, not to laugh at others with the physical defects of others. This is very rude behavior."

Du Qiang’s brows flashed a sneer and sneered: “I’m not rude?”

"Open the door!! Open the door!! Open the door to Laozi!!" At this moment, there was a roar and angry door knocking outside the door.

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