God and Devil World

Chapter 51: Transfer

As soon as he got out of the bar, Yue Zhong walked along the street all the way to the towering building that was so towering.

"Welcome, I am the receptionist Xiaomei! You have reached the standard level 10 of the first transfer. What kind of career do you want to change to?" Yue Zhongyi walked into the transfer building, one grows Very beautiful woman wearing an OL uniform came to him with a professional smile.

Yue Zhong took a look at the little Mei, and said faintly: "List me the profession I can transfer."

"Yes!" Xiaomei smiled slightly, a little empty, a group of white light flashing, and a stereoscopic projection appeared in front of Yue Zhong.

In that three-dimensional projection, one by one career flashed, let Yue Zhong look at the eyes.

Doctors, soldiers, assassins, maintenance workers, blacksmiths, lawyers, translators, warriors, magicians, warlocks, summoners, animal trainers, hunters, all kinds of real world existence, fantasy world existence are listed above, all kinds of All inclusive.

Yue Zhongyi pointed to the doctor's career, and the stereoscopic projection changed, and the introduction of the doctor's occupation quickly appeared.

“Doctors: Doctors are an indispensable group of people. Pastors can quickly heal various injuries through magic. Doctors use traditional treatments to recover faster than pastors. But doctors can treat viruses through various drugs. The disease, and the development of a variety of new drugs, to achieve large-scale injury, disease treatment. After you become a doctor, you can get a skill: general medical skills."

Yue Zhongyi pointed to the soldier's occupation, and immediately realized the career introduction of the soldier on the stereo projection.

"Soldier introduction: Soldiers are one of the basic combat occupations. They are not comparable to warriors in melee, but they are proficient in the manipulation of hot weapons, and the close combat is not weak. After successful transfer, skills can be obtained: ordinary firearms manipulation. ”

Yue Zhong’s eyes are bright. The skill of manipulating ordinary guns is very good for him. He has not undergone special training and his shooting skills are extremely poor. With this skill, his strength can be greatly improved.

Yue Zhong did not rush to choose a career, but constantly read those professional characteristics.

Every professional success in transfer can get a professional skill, which can make Yue Zhong become a part of that field from ordinary people. Yue Zhong skipped all the auxiliary occupations and directly inquired about the combat occupation.

Auxiliary occupations also have many uses, such as maintenance workers can repair cars. The blacksmith profession can create enchanted weapons. Doctors can treat diseases and develop new drugs. It has a great effect on the team, but the skills given by these professions are hard to compare with the combat profession.

Yue Zhong looked at the careers of many combat departments and felt that they could not match the skills given by the soldiers. The manipulation of the gun can make him more destructive with the stinger. And compared to the warriors, warlocks, and wizards of the magic world, the profession of soldiers can survive better in this real world.

The speed of the mage's casting is too slow, and they will not be killed until they have finished casting. As for the warrior's melee ability, it is indeed above the soldiers. However, a rocket launcher can kill the soldiers.

"Hey, this is!" After Yue Zhong flipped through the second page, he saw a career with a flash of darkness. He pointed at it and immediately appeared in the profession hidden in the black light.

"Hidden occupation: Dark Knight. The fierce knight who manipulates the dark power. After the successful transfer, you will gain skill fear and night reinforcement."

After Yue Zhong glanced at the career introduction of the Dark Knight, he made a decisive choice: "I chose to transfer to the Dark Knight."

Just at the extreme of Yue Zhong’s choice, a black light surrounded by the magical array under his feet, he immediately disappeared from the place, and the next moment appeared in a temple full of magical atmosphere.

A series of dark forces surged from the magical array on the ground and entered the body of Yue Zhong. In his knowledge of the sea, two mysterious runes were once again condensed.

"Secondary skills: Fear. Active skills, launching this mystery, can make the mental power lower than your biological fear of less than 5 points, shake their will to fight. The lower the mental strength, the more susceptible people are affected. The skill can be used for a single target within 200 meters, or the target within 20 square meters of the target can be used without any difference. Launch once and consume 3 points of mental power."

“Secondary skills: dark nights. Passive skills. After learning this skill, you will gain night vision and look farther than the day. At night, your perception will be greatly enhanced, for a dangerous hunch. Also more keen."

After the transfer was completed, the dark power that wandered around Yue Zhong also dissipated.

Yue Zhong looked down at the application of a skill, and then strode toward the center of the temple.

At the center of the temple ~www.readwn.com~ A dark knight wearing an inscribed black and white rune, full of black, exuding a strange black metallic lustrous full body armor stands as if it were a benchmark. The dark knight just stood still, giving a suffocating sense of oppression.

Yue Zhong walked to the dark Knight standing in front of him: "I am Yue Zhong who is newly transferred to become a dark knight. Lord, I hope to be able to purchase the skills to study this profession."

The dark knight stunned Yue Zhong with a cold look, and a three-dimensional projection appeared again. The skills of a dark knight appeared in front of Yue Zhong.

In that stereo projection, there are a total of nine skills. Three of the first-level skills and six of the second-level skills.

Yue Zhong quietly browsed the nine skills, and thought to himself: "It's so expensive!"

Each of the three first-level skills requires three hundred survival points, and that each of the six secondary skills requires a thousand survival points for each skill to be purchased.

Yue Zhong browsed the six secondary skills, and there was a flash of burning in his eyes: "Summon bone beasts, animal training, shadow steps... are good skills!"

The six secondary skills, each one is extremely extraordinary, if Yue Zhong gets it, he can have more than one ability.

When Yue Zhong saw the sixth secondary skill, his eyes lit up, and a quick finger pointed above the skill, paying a thousand points of survival.

The skill in the black projection turned into a black light that fell into the sea of ​​Yue Zhong, and condensed a black rune.

"Secondary skill: fit protection. It can be combined with the undead creatures that you have summoned, and the undead creature will be used as a armor to protect your body. It takes 10 mental strength and 10 physical strength to launch this skill. Duration, 15 minutes. ”

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