God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 512: Shangguan ice and snow!

Official ice and snow reveals a cold and cold ruthlessness: "Let Ding Mei go and kill them!"

In the eyes of Guan Xuexue, those men are the source of all evil, the things that pigs and dogs are not as good. She did not look at the men at all.

A cold road in the heart of Yunchu Chu: "Yes!"

Zhu Xiong slammed the official ice and snow and glanced at the same thing: "This woman is really a madman, it is a metamorphosis."

On the battlefield, a woman with a number of 500 people dressed in white sès was under the leadership of Nading, holding a copy of the Tang knife and rushing into the rebellious male xìng survivors. Killing.

Each of the women wearing white sè warriors is a fortifier with a level of reinforcement at level 20. Ding Mei is an evolutionist who strengthens the level at level 50, and enters the ordinary male xìng survivors. In the middle, it is as easy as a tiger to enter the flock to kill the rebellious male xìng survivors.

"The insurgents are dead!!" Ding Mei is like a gorgeous demon who harvests human life. The body of xìng feels like a streamer that bursts into the crowd. When it passes, a knife flashes, and a large piece of blood splashes. Under the knife, a famous male xìng survivor was directly smashed into two pieces, extremely fierce.

Ding Mei was originally the gang of the phoenix gang. She has a superb skill and a gorgeous face. Once this is awesome, no one can stop her, and her speed is extremely abnormal, even though it is the top of the county. The sniper could not lock her position.

Under the murderous Ding Mei led the rush, the rebellious male xìng survivors army completely collapsed. A large number of male xìng survivors cried and fled in all directions, and then were killed by the female soldiers of the Ice Palace, miserable.

"It's stupid!" Yue Zhong hides in a corner of Yangxian County and looks at the women in the Ice Palace who are screaming at the brows of those men who are surviving.

Although the extreme policies in the Ice Palace can be gathered into the hearts of many women who have been hurt by men and men in the last days, they have directly abandoned the interests of the most powerful men. Now it is the rebellion that led to the survivors of men. For Yue Zhong, the practice of the Ice Palace is really stupid.

At the same time, this also allows Yue Zhong to see through the real strength of the Ice Palace, and the core strength of the Ice Palace is also a number of women who have a higher level of reinforcement. In addition, they don't even have a lot of guns, which shows that the strength of the ice palace is weak. Update

"Good! Good! Good! I really didn't expect it! It turns out that this ice palace is just a foreign goods." Zhu Xiongba looked at the ice and snow palace female warriors who were chasing the male xìng survivors and sneered in the hands. One button.

Suddenly, the Wanxionghui fighter who was attacking Yangxian suddenly turned his gun and turned the muzzle to the female warriors of those ice and snow palaces.

In the crazy sweeping shè, a female soldier with a strong temperament was directly smashed into the pool by bullets.

Almost at the same time, the Wanxiong warriors fired an attack at the ice-cold warrior who was still moving, in the dense rain. More than a hundred female soldiers in the Ice Palace were directly killed and wounded.

"It’s a man who kills those stinky women who are squatting."

"killing the stinky woman!! Everyone is against them!!"

"Stop those sluts!! Join us and you will be able to get the real zìyóu, become a real man, a good man!"


The soldiers of the Wanxionghui attacked and shouted loudly.

The men who were used as slaves and cattle and horses by the Ice Palace were provoked. Everyone was furious and turned into a ferocious person cháo to counterattack the ice palace. They were arbitrarily driven by the Ice and Snow Palace as a cow and horse. They have accumulated infinite anger and dissatisfaction in their hearts. At this critical time, all of them broke out. It was like a flood of invincibility. The female warrior who shredded countless ice palaces.

"Zhu Xiongba! What do you mean?" Guan Bingxue looked at her ice-snow palace female warrior and was attacked. The face was covered with a layer of frost and cold, and Zhu Xiong was overwhelmed with a terrible killing.

Eight of the intensive grades in the forty-level master stood next to Zhu Xiongba's cold and cold ice.

Zhu Xiongba retired to the master who strengthened the level in the 40th level and laughed loudly: "Ha ha ha! I mean, today, the Ice Palace and the Greater China Alliance will all disappear together, all of which will be included in our Wanxiong Club. Among them is part of our Wanxiong Association. Guan Bingxue, if you know the time, you will immediately kneel down. Let the Ice Palace surrender and swear to be my woman. I will love you very much. Otherwise, once you are caught by me I will be humiliated by the slaves you have become the lowest."

At this time, Wan Xiong will attack strongly. With the rebellion of the ice and snow palace male xìng survivors, the power of the Ice Palace is like an avalanche.

Many ice and snow palace women xìng strong have just formed a formation, they were fired by the soldiers of the Wanxionghui. Although there are many strong players in the Ice Palace, they launched skills to kill a lot of Wanxiong warriors, but they were quickly killed directly by the Master of Wanxiong.

In the face of the crisis, Guan Bingxue did not have a slight panic of fluctuations but a cold analysis. It was like a peerless ice sculpture without feeling: "Without our ice palace, how can you Wanxiong attack the lower Yangxian? Even if you Defeating our Ice Palace, I will be so badly hurt that I can't swallow Yangxian."

Zhu Xiongba stared at Guan Bingxue's excitement. When he thought of the glamorous beauty of Guan Bingxue, he would mourn in his jealousy. His whole body was full of shudder and excitement: "Ha ha!! You said nothing wrong! We Wanxiong It would have been very difficult to swallow your Ice and Snow Palace and Yangxian. But we have the heavens and the gods help each other. The Heavenly Kingdom has provided us with sufficient weapons. Your Ice Palace and the Greater China Alliance will be destroyed here today. Drop it."

As if the words of Zhu Xiongba echoed in general, accompanied by a sound of a propeller, ten Tiger-type armed helicopters flew over the sky and joined the battle group.

The ten tiger-type armed helicopters madly shove the guns like a raindrop on the ground. A famous woman in the ice palace was directly smashed by the cannon and turned into a **** fog.

"That is a gunship!!"

"How can Wan Xiong have such weapons!!"

"It's finished!! This is finished!"


Looking at the ten tiger-armed helicopters in the sky, the strong people in Yangxian and the Ice Palace have changed dramatically, and the morale of the troops has also fallen to the limit.

There are no air defense weapons such as anti-aircraft missiles in Yangxian County and the Ice and Snow Palace. The bullets of the rifle do not wear tiger-type helicopter gunships. Even the large-caliber sniper rifle bullets of the anti-equipment can hardly damage the armed helicopter.

The official ice and snow smashed the ten armed helicopters flying in the sky, and there was no change in the face. There was one more book in the hand: "As long as you kill you, everything will end!"

Zhu Xiongba is also a hegemon, Xiongxiong. When he sees the official face of the official ice and snow, he turns back and goes crazy: "Give me! Kill her!!"

The eight masters who were surrounded by Zhu Xiongba rushed out of the six and jumped toward the official ice.

Among the six masters, one is an agile evolutionary person. He is almost within a second, and spans a distance of thirteen meters. He appears in front of the official ice and snow. A dagger is like a poisonous snake. The abdomen is stabbed.

The agile evolutionary knives are fast and poisonous. The speed of the slamming moment is terrible. Even the ordinary 60-level intensifiers are stabbed with a knife.

"Frozen!" Official ice and snow eyes coldly opened the six-level treasure of the hands of the bronze ice and snow, from the ice and snow rushed out a white sè ice light toward the agile evolver, directly to freeze the agile evolver It became an ice cube and it was annihilated.

The official ice snow smashed Zhu Xiongba, and the jade feet were a little bit. If the fairy was generally rushed to Zhu Xiongba with a terror speed of fifteen times the speed of ordinary people.

"Go to death! Deaf!" A strong man with a huge mace in his height of two meters slammed into the official ice and snow. If he was shackled, even a low-level second-order mutant beast would be smashed. hurt.

The ice and snow in the hands of the official ice snow flashed again, and the ice was directly frozen into ice.

The other two masters became a leopard~www.readwn.com~ A turned into a werewolf, with a terrible power and speed directly rushed toward the official ice.

Official ice and snow calm and waveless hands in the snow and light flashed two frozen air hit the two masters themselves to freeze the two masters into ice.

Seeing the strength of the official ice and snow is so horrible, the people will be frozen in an instant, the other two masters are afraid of life, they want to escape, but they just moved, two frozen air directly hit their body and they were directly frozen into ice .

Guan Bingxue is not a qualified leader, but she is able to create a survivor of tens of thousands of people in the Ice Palace, completely relying on her terrible strength and the six-level treasures in her hands. Guan Bingxue is an agile, jīng god, three geniuses of physical genius, three genus xìng evolvers, the level of reinforcement is up to fifty-eight, and has the second-order skill ice and snow, mastering the ability to improve the power of ice and snow. Bronze ice and snow, almost no one in the same class is her opponent, the low-level intensifier can't resist her to freeze.

"It's amazing!! This woman is very powerful!" Zhu Xiong swears in his heart. He has already thought that the official ice is very powerful, but he did not think that her strength is so abnormal. Six forty-level intensifiers can't stop her. a blow. To be continued. .

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