God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 522: Good opportunity!

> Chapter 522! Good opportunity!

"Magic! Capital! If you can take one, it would be better." Yue Zhong sighed in his heart and thought some unwillingly.

In the hands of Yue Zhong, there are two drawings, one is the drawing of the energy converter, and the other is the drawing of the laser gun. If the super-technical equipment in these two drawings can be manufactured, Yue Zhong’s power will grow dramatically.

However, the technological heritage of Guangxi is really a little worse. It is far less than the developed provinces of the capital, the capital, and the coastal areas. It is almost impossible to make those equipment too difficult.

According to the current state of science and technology development of Yue Zhong, if you want to slowly climb the technology tree from scratch, it will take at least 15 years to have a chance to make a laser gun.

However, after the elimination of the Greater China Alliance and the Wanxiong Association, Yue Zhong’s gains were not small. Not only did he gain 170,000 survivors, he also acquired a submarine wall that could defend against nuclear bomb attacks.

This underground Great Wall is extremely spacious and accessible, with a capacity of up to 300,000 survivors. At the same time, there is a small arsenal in the underground Great Wall. With that small arsenal, as long as there are enough workers and materials, it can produce 80,000 rounds of bullets every month. In that arsenal, eight months of production data were hoarded, which meant that 800,000 rounds of ammunition could be produced before the material was exhausted.

"The leader! The corpse in the direction of Binqi City and Yanzhou has changed. The main corpse has been blown away by the blizzard. Please do so in the next step." In Yue Zhong, the reorganization of the Greater China Alliance and the Wanxiong Remnant At that time, Wei Ningguo was somewhat excited to report his findings to Yue Zhong.

"What! Send the photo immediately." Yue Zhong’s eyes lit up and ordered directly.


Soon there was a photo on the underground Great Wall. In that photo, the city of Binqi was shown. The original corpse of the two cities in Yanzhou disappeared, and the restoration was not restored.

After Yue Zhong took control of Guining City, there were also some unmanned reconnaissance planes left by the end of the world. It was the unmanned reconnaissance plane that detected the intelligence of Binqi City and Yanzhou City.

Yue Zhong quickly ordered the order: "Good!! Good!! Pass my order! Adjust the second group of Liangshan, the third group. Guining sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh Camp, the troops of the scum camp came to Yangxian County."

Originally, the two major cities of Binqi City and Yanzhou City had more than five million zombies. This huge corpse is important to be able to defeat it without knowing how much it will cost.

However, the sudden blizzard swept away a large number of ordinary zombies, giving Yue Zhong an excellent opportunity. Let him put two cities in his hands.

If there is no blizzard, Yue Zhong must exhaust his mind and gradually eat away the corpses in the two big cities.

"Yes!" Wei Ningguo said with excitement.

Under the command of Yue Zhong, a single unit began to move and gathered in the direction of Yangxian.

Numerous guns, ammunition, and grain were also shipped to Yangxian. In addition to a large car, there were countless survivors holding wooden carts to help transport food and transport military uniforms. equipment.

There are a lot of cars in the force of Yue Zhong, but the oil is too precious. In contrast, manpower is relatively cheap, so the logistics department has organized many survivors to transport food and other supplies.

If there is sufficient energy, Yue Zhong can use tools such as cars and large trucks to transport supplies, but now he has to use human resources.

This war is directly related to the future situation in Guangxi. If Yue Zhong cannot take Yanzhou. In the absence of ammunition replenishment, once he encounters a large-scale corpse shock, the entire city of Guining may collapse. Once the city of Guining collapses, Yue’s important desire to fight against the gods of heaven will be more than a hundred times more difficult than it is now. This battle can only win without defeat.

When the sixth battalion unit of Guining City came to Yangxian County, Yue Zhong handed over the defense of Yangxian County to the troops of the sixth battalion. He took the second and third battalions, and the newly-constructed Yunzi song was just formed. The first battalion of Yangxian County in two days was in the direction of Jixian.

Yue Zhong must take advantage of this rainbow-ridden opportunity that the zombies are blown away by the snowstorm. Binqi City, Yanzhou is in the hands. Those zombies are only scraped by the storm, not necessarily dead. They will be brought together if they don't die. He must take advantage of this opportunity to occupy two cities.

After winning these two cities, Yue Zhong’s own strength will not only undergo earth-shaking changes, but his power will also be greatly improved. In the future, as long as there is sufficient raw materials, ammunition will continue to be replenished, and he will no longer have to worry about ammunition.

Moreover, the Yanzhou arsenal is in the hands, and Yue Zhong’s power is truly a military enterprise. The small arsenal of the Great Wall and the arsenal of Lang Son City are not worth mentioning at all compared to the large arsenal owned by Yanzhou. With his own military strength enterprise, Yue Zhong was able to make weapons better. Otherwise, even if he has a more advanced weapon drawing, it is just a piece of waste paper.

Yue Zhong quickly led the soldiers to stab in the direction of Binqi City like a sword. The first unit was the first armored battalion led by Hu Yi.

Yue Zhong’s troops had just arrived in Binqi City. A group of 50,000 tens of thousands of cadres who were all l1, s1, l2, and s2 rushed toward Hu Yi’s armored battalion.

Most of the blown away by the blizzard were low-level ordinary zombies and some evolutionary zombies. However, most of the evolutionary zombies remain.

"Cannon!! Shelling!!" Faced with an evolutionary corpse of up to 50,000, Hu Yi shouted with excitement.

A tank suddenly fired, and a shell landed in the evolutionary corpse, directly smashing the evolutionary corpse.

In the machine guns guarded around the tank, the on-board machine guns of the infantry fighting vehicles also fired fierce fire tongues.

The horrible metal bullets directly smashed large corpses directly onto the ground.

Yue Zhong personally commanded the second battalion of the soldiers to carry out the **** armor battalion around the armored battalion. Yue Quan, who is in charge of the overall command, handed it over to Zhang Xue forget, Zheng Minghe and many staff members.

Zhang Xue forgets that he was a military officer before the end of the world. He followed Du Shanxiong and played several wars. The ability to command large-scale operations is much stronger than that of Yue Zhong, who is born in the semi-hanger.

Moreover, Yue Zhong is in the city of Guining. He did not use the power to bully the male and female, and he did not do evil, but he was determined to make efforts to restore the order before the end of the world. At the same time, the forces continued to expand, and Vietnam was beaten down. This made Zhang Xue forget to start to be convinced by Yue Zhong and would like to really play for Yue Zhong.

Among the temporary headquarters, many of the staff and subordinates were confessed by Yue Zhong, and Zhang Xue forgets and other commanders are unable to make a command against Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong held a black tooth knife on the battlefield and slashed the evolutionary zombies that had been shot down on the ground by the armored battalion.

At the side of Yue Zhong, Ning Yuxin, Xin Jiarou, Mu Xiangling, Xue Ning, and Nangong Bingyun, all wearing a military uniform, each have their own size and beauty. The five of them are also constantly killing the zombies who fell to the ground. In order to use the evolution of the magic system, you must kill the zombies. These beautiful women are not willing to stay at home as a vase, comfortably live a safe life, but hope to continue to evolve.

After the end of the world, if you want to live well, either you are a strong person or you are attached to a strong person. Although Ning Yuxin’s daughters are attached to Yue Zhong, they also want to become stronger and control their own destiny. Otherwise, Yue Zhong will die and their future will become dark.

A large number of evolutionary zombies were directly killed by armored battalions. Suddenly, the corpse was one point, and more than eighty different levels of swallowing jumped out of the corpse, facing the tank, machine gun, and infantry fighting vehicle. Go straight.

In addition, a number of 400, l3, s3 is also directly rushed to the second battalion of Yue Zhong commander as a sharp arrow.

"Not good!" Yue Zhong looked at those l3, s3, devourers who were galloping and changed their faces. Those zombies are the elite of the zombies. A l3 can destroy an elite company without heavy weapons. The machine guns are ineffective against them. Such a horrible existence absolutely has the power to destroy the second elite battalion.

"Get rid of them! Lightning, white bones!" Yue Zhong directly directed the l3, s3 group and one finger directly.

Upon receiving the order of Yue Zhong, the lightning directly turned into a streamer and rushed toward those l3. Lightning started at full speed~www.readwn.com~ The speed surpassed the speed of sound. All the way up, the head of a head l3 was easily degraded, and the headless body fell to the ground.

The bones also rushed into the s3 group, and a large number of s3 rushed to the side of the bones and bite on it. The white bone bursts out of the bone blade and the bones are splashed. Numerous s3 are directly twisted into pieces.

"Tian Hao! You come to guard them!" Yue Zhong left the order and jumped directly toward the devourers.

Tian Hao, the evolutionary of the agile power double attribute, stepped forward to replace Yue Zhong’s guardian Ning Yuxin. He is also a great tycoon. After Yue Zhong gave him a set of magical system equipment and a set of third-order mutant animal skins, his strength has tripled. As long as he does not encounter the siege of a high-level zombie group, he is fully capable of guarding Ning Yuxin's daughters.

In the face of those devourers, the armored battalion was fully fired, and the cannons that had not been fired on the infantry fighting vehicles were also madly spit out with fierce fire tongues.

A head devourer was directly smashed by the cannon and the tank's artillery. However, their speed is too fast. There are still many devourers who jump directly onto an infantry fighting vehicle, tearing open the armor of those infantry fighting vehicles, and spraying out poison gas to directly poison the soldiers inside into zombies. .

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