God and Devil World

Vol 4 Chapter 525: The sword refers to Yanzhou!

> Yue Zhong's skill magic inflammation has been upgraded to the second order, and he can feel a terrible magical inflammation when he feels free to move. If he spends the same amount of mental power, the magical inflammation is more than twice as powerful as his magical fire at +4.

At this time in the city of Guining, the order has been restored, and there are busy people everywhere, almost no one can be seen. The city roared in the city, and countless workers entered the factory to manufacture all military materials such as clothes, weapons, cans, and food.

All the survivors of the entire city have already started, and become a screw on the war machine to play their own role.

In the busy city of Guining, a faint worry permeated the survivors. Many survivors have already known that Yue Zhong’s mobilization of the army is outside and the zombies are fighting. This war is related to the future of the entire city of Guining.

If Yue Zhong wins, his prestige will be higher and higher. And once he fails, he is defeated, then countless cows and ghosts will jump out and bite him.

Yue Zhong’s prestige in Guining is indeed very high, but he also has many hidden enemies. At the same time, in his army, some people are waiting for his failure.

In a private house, five men gathered together and secretly negotiated.

A middle-aged man said: "There are more than two million zombies in the city of Binqi, and there are more than three million zombies in Yanzhou. There are nearly six million zombies on both sides. He has only more than 10,000 troops in his hands. How can this be played?"

A young evolutionary smiled coldly: "Hey! Yue Zhong, this idiot, he thought that his troops had the luck to defeat more than one million zombies last time. It was invincible. He was too arrogant. The last time he was able to beat The corpse was just a lucky one. This time he didn't have such good luck."

A burly dark-skinned man sneered: "It's just like this! As long as he is defeated, we will start immediately. By then, the whole city of Guining! The whole of Guangxi is our bag!"

In one corner of Guining City, a small group gathered together to carefully discuss the opportunity to wait for the return of Yue Zhong.

At this time, the city of Guining was operated like a heavy bucket by Yue Zhong, and there was no chance for the small forces to make a difference. But as long as Yue Zhong loses. They have a chance to fight back Yue Zhong.

A warrior galloped into the city of Guining with a motorcycle, and brought an explosive news: "The leader of Yue Zhong has already taken the soldiers to recover the city of Binqi. The entire city of Binqi has been completely occupied by our army."

"Long live Yue Zhong!!"

“Great!! We have regained a city!”


This explosive news echoed throughout the city of Guining, and countless survivors sent out a huge cheer from the heart.

Regaining the meaning of a city, a large number of materials in the city before the end of the world will fall into the hands of Yue Zhong. These survivors will live a better life because they have acquired a lot of materials before the end of the world, and the future is more promising.

At the same time, Yue Zhong has the ability to capture a city, which indicates that he is also capable of capturing the second and third cities. This makes the survivors in the city of Guining full of expectations and hopes for the leader of Yue Zhong.

"Damn, he actually recovered the city of Binzi!"

"How can he be so easy to recover in Binqi, which has two million zombies? Is he still a person?"


When I heard Yue Zhong regain the news of Binqi City, those hearts and minds that were distracted suddenly burst into a desperate moment. They did not know that the main body of the zombies in the city of Binqi had been blown by the blizzard by more than half. Upon hearing Yue Zhong regained the city of Binqi. There was a lack of power and despair in their hearts.

If Yue Zhong has been so successful, Yue Zhong’s rule will be more and more stable. No one can shake his dominance. The forces hidden in the ordinary survivors have no day to come.

As time went by, a main force stationed only in various places was also transferred to the city of Binqi by Yue Zhong. An elite division of more than 10,000 people gathered in the city of Binzi.

This elite division with more than 10,000 people is not the ones who are casually drawn. Each of them has experience in war. Killed people, saw blood, and killed zombies.

This elite force is the master of Yuezhong’s grasp of most of Guangxi and Vietnam, and 100,000 zombies can easily be cleaned.

In a conference hall, many battalions and heads gathered together. Yue Zhong sat on the main seat and presided over the meeting.

Yue Zhong slammed Hu Yi and asked directly: "This time I called everyone to come over, it is for the upcoming Yanzhou campaign. Hu Yi, do you have the strength of the first battalion in Guining?"

Hu Yi’s first battalion, as a mechanized infantry battalion, was also a sharp knife battalion under Yue Zhong’s squad, and successively captured Jixian. Capture the battle of Binqi City, the battle intensity is not small. Human warriors are not zombies. They will also be tired and tired, and they will not continue to fight like zombies.

Hu Yi's face is confident and confident: "Yes!! Our first camp is willing to be the pioneer to win Yanzhou for the leader!"

After constant practice and edification. The first battalion of Hu Yi commander has been extremely tyrannical. At the same time, the first battalion has actually been expanded into a strengthening camp with a thousand soldiers. This is the source of Hu Yi’s confidence.

Chai Zicang loudly said: "The first battalion captured the city of Binqi, and it should be a break. The leader, our fifth battalion in Guining City is willing to be a pioneer and win the Yanzhou for you."

Chen Shenggang is also very active in asking for the war: "The leader! Our eighth battalion has not caught any beatings, the bones are almost loose! Let us be the pioneer of the eighth camp, and lay down Yanzhou for you!"

"The leader!! Our ninth battalion packs Yanzhou!"


A battalion commander actively asked Yue Zhong to ask for the battle.

Yue Zhong’s first heavy military power, as long as there is military merit, can be promoted, expanded, and replenished with troops and weapons. Many battalion commanders and heads of the team know that Hu Yi, as the main force in the city of Binqi, has determined to expand the troops after the Yanzhou campaign. After this Yanzhou campaign, I don’t know how many heads will be there, the brigade commander or even the division commander.

Therefore, everyone in the major forces is striving to gain the opportunity to fight for their own future and their own future.

"This army is so prosperous!" In the conference hall, Chen Shengyong looked at the envious thoughts of those who were eager to become pioneers.

In this end of the world, many large forces have countless small forces inside, and those small forces are secretly from each other. When they are out of the task, they always think about how to preserve their strength, and they are afraid of it. When Yue Zhong was in Vietnam, that was the way in Huaxing. It was Chen Shengyong’s original power. There were also many hills that met the tasks explained above, and they both thought about how to preserve their strength.

Yue Zhong looked at the people and fought bravely in the eyes of a flash of gratification and issued a series of orders: "Good! This battle first battalion, fourth battalion, eighth battalion, ninth battalion is the pioneer of the main attack on Yanzhou. The fifth battalion Shouqi Mountain, the eleventh battalion guards Zhushan, the third group of Liangshan Guards Heshan, and the other departments serve as reserve teams. Waiting for orders!"

Yue Zhong looked around in a circle very seriously: "This battle! We can only win without fail!"

"Yes!" There was a sound of uniformity in the conference hall.

After receiving the order from Yue Zhong, a single unit was moved and galloped toward the intended target.

Yue Zhong went directly to the command center and asked an officer: "How is the situation now?"

The officer immediately called out a screen: "Yes! The leader! There are countless small zombies moving in the direction of Yanzhou. Please see!"

Yue Zhong looked at the screen and frowned.

In that screen, a corpse is moving in the direction of Yanzhou. Those corpses are the main zombies of Binqi and Yanzhou, which were blown away by the blizzard.

There are tens of thousands of corpses, and more than 100,000 are going to Yanzhou. Once those corpses are completely flooded into Yanzhou, Yanzhou will gather more than three million zombies and become difficult to break. Fortress.

Yue Zhong now has only 10,000 troops, weapons and ammunition are all lacking. If you want to attack the Yanzhou with three million zombies and gather together, it is simply a dream.

It is for this reason that Yue Zhong had to mobilize the main force to attack Yanzhou and want to preempt the corpse in Yanzhou. However, due to the attacking of Binqi City and the rest of the troops, it took 9 days. In Yanzhou, more than 400,000 evolutionary zombies have been gathered at this time, and the number of zombies is tens of thousands and 100,000 per day. The speed is increasing.

The officer pointed to the screen and explained to Yue Zhong: "According to the current situation! In another three days~www.readwn.com~ These three corpses will enter Yanzhou. Once these three corpses enter Yanzhou In the city, the number of zombies in Yanzhou will exceed one million."

Yue Zhong looked at the screen and thought: "You must take down Yanzhou City within three days, and at least kill the Z-type evolution zombies within Yanzhou."

After Yue Quan handed over the command, he left the command center and walked out. Suddenly, Yue Zhong’s heart gave birth to a strange touch. He looked up and saw a huge second-order green feather eagle flying from afar. At the second-order Qingyu Eagle, he followed a large transport plane and a helicopter gunship.

"Xiaoqing!" Yue Zhong saw that the second-order green feather eagle flashed a touch of joy, and immediately ordered a loud voice: "No fire!!"

Under the command of Yue Zhong, all the weapons of the air were not fired, and the giant bird and two planes landed on the ground.

Xiaoqingyi immediately landed on the landing, and the relatives leaned over to Yue Zhong and used his forehead to look at Yue Zhong.

"Good! Good! This is for you!" Yue Zhong saw Xiaoqing's face flashed a touch of joy and threw a bunch of second-order crystal nucleus and third-order crystal nucleus to Xiaoqing. (To be continued.)

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