God and Devil World

Vol 5 Chapter 535: Japan!

> Yue Zhong came to a small town and saw that the town was full of weeds everywhere. There were all kinds of cars everywhere on the road. There were no smoke on the streets. Only the zombies in the group were in the town. On both sides of the street, there are shop signs written using various hiragana and katakana characters.

Yue Zhong understood his situation: "This is Japan.

Have we drifted so far? ”

Yue Zhong took the town and strode into it. With his degree of reinforcement and combat power at this time, even if he kills thousands of zombies, there is no problem, but it will consume a lot of physical strength.

When Yue Zhongyi stepped into the town, a large number of zombies were immediately attracted by the sounds he made and the smell of human beings. They moved towards this side.

Yue Zhong held a huge black tooth knife and waved it. The huge blade easily smashed the zombies in front of him directly into two pieces. A large number of zombies rushed to his side and he was easily cut into two pieces.

When Yue Zhong walked to the center of the town, suddenly the glass broke, and the speed of both ends was terrible. He suddenly jumped out of the store and rushed toward him.

The huge black knives were made into two cold knives, and the two ends were directly smashed into two pieces, and the blood was splashed. A three-level skill book agile solidification appeared in the hands of Yue Zhong.

The three-level skills book that strengthens the foundation and strengthens the basic physical qualities is the most vulnerable. The powerful aggression skills such as magic inflammation, manipulation of plants, manipulation of ice and snow, atmosphere, etc., only have a small probability of being able to blast out high-variation beasts and zombies.

"Tas borrows the disc! Tas borrows the disc! (Help)"

Just as Yue Zhong waved a black tooth knife to kill those zombies, suddenly an anxious voice came from a supermarket.

"Human? Japanese?" Yue Zhong brow turned to look at the place where the supermarket sounded. I saw it on the second floor of a large supermarket. One hair was bright and black, with a single ponytail and a pair of big eyes. Bright and incomparable, the peaks of the two peaks almost split, and the Japanese girl wearing a female high school student sailor suit shouted for help.

"Can't save? Or save it, there is a local person." Yue Zhong hesitated. This was a big step toward the supermarket.

At the entrance of the supermarket, there were five S2 heads and 12 dozens of ordinary zombies. The zombies immediately rushed over when they saw Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong waved the huge black tooth knife and smashed a few knives. The corpses were immediately cut into several pieces by him.

There are more than a dozen ordinary zombies in the supermarket, and Yue Zhong killed the zombies of the supermarket staff and went to the second floor of the supermarket. One kicked on the door and the second floor of the supermarket. The door is kicked directly.

The Japanese female high school student wearing a sailor suit saw a heavy surprise on her face after seeing Yue Zhong. She bent a 90-degree waist toward Yue Zhong and performed a polite ceremony with great courtesy: "Ali, thank you!"

Yue Zhong took the female high school student in the sailor suit and asked directly: "Do you speak Chinese?"

After listening to Yue Zhong’s words, the female high school student’s face was awkward. Obviously she could not understand Huaxia.

Yue Zhong’s heart sighs slightly. Huaxia is not the world’s largest lingua franca as English. If he has not learned the skills of language specialization, it is very difficult to communicate with the female high school student.

Yue Zhong asked: "I am Yue Zhong! Huaxia Guoren, what is your name?"

The Japanese female high school student said: "My name is Fujisaki! Sakurada High School is a two-year-old student, and I am sixteen years old. Thank you very much for saving me. Yue Jun!"

"How come you are here?" Yue Zhong carefully looked at Fujisaki's eyes and then set his eyes on a Japanese knife next to her. He vaguely felt that the Japanese knife should be a magical system.

Fujisaki Kasumi looked at the eyes of Yue Zhong with his beautiful big eyes and filled with sorrow and worship: "I came to look for food. But one accidentally surrounded by those SZ, 12 zombies, trapped here. Thanks to Yue Jun, you come to save me, otherwise I may be trapped here until I am starving. You are so powerful, you can easily kill so many zombies. It is really amazing."

The habits of the Japanese worshiping the strong have been engraved in their bones. As long as it is strong enough, no matter what monsters or devils will be believed to be gods. As long as they are strong, they will win their respect and worship.

Fujisaki Kasumi sees that Yue Zhong dares to come and go freely among the towns where countless zombies are rampant. Killing the evolutionary zombies is as simple as pinching a cockroach. It can’t help but feel a little bit of a heart. Not to mention Yue Zhong also saved her life directly.

The bridge that heroes save the United States is very old-fashioned, but it has been very popular from ancient times to the present. That's because the success rate of this bridge is too high.

Fujisaki Xiang hesitated to send an invitation to Yue Zhong: "Yue Jun! Please come with me to our gathering place?"

Yue Zhong looked at Fujisaki's hesitant look and guessed that Fujisaki should belong to a small gathering place. That kind of small gathering place can't compete with his horrible existence. Once he initiates, it is a breeze to kill one or two small gathering places.

"Good Yue Zhong agreed with Fujisaki's proposal, although he did not like the Japanese. But in this unfamiliar place, he needs someone to lead him.

"Follow me! I will send you a supermarket as a gift!" Yue Zhong turned and went downstairs.

Fujisaki Xiang walked down the stairs behind Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong pointed to the supermarket and pointed to Fujisaki Xiangdao: "Get it!"

"Thank you!" After Fujisaki Xiang thanked Yue Zhong, he ran to the supermarket very neatly and took out a huge backpack and desperately stuffed various foods into his backpack. After filling the backpack, she was very clever enough to find a cargo cart from the depths of the supermarket. On the cargo cart, there was a lot of supplies, which pushed the goods of the car to the outside. .

"This Fujisaki is quite smart!" Yue Zhong looked at Fujisaki's move and praised it slightly in his heart.

The average person would not have thought of using the supermarket's cargo carts to collect supplies, and using the supermarket's cargo carts to collect supplies, the mobility will inevitably drop a lot. Fujisaki Kasumi is aware that Yue Zhong has a strong fighting power and he dares to use the supermarket's cargo cart to collect supplies.

Soon Fujisaki carried a backpack and the large cargo cart of the supermarket came to Yue Zhong’s side.

"Let's go!" Yue Zhong just took a look at Fujisaki's eyes and turned away. He did not mean to push the large cargo cart for Fujisaki.

Fujisaki was slightly disappointed, then pushed the big cart and followed Yue Zhong and walked outside.

All the way up. Many zombies rushed over to Yue Zhong. Yue Zhong just waved the big knife with him. The zombies were all cut into two pieces by him, and they could not rely on him too close.

"It's so strong!! He is even stronger than the ghost!" Fujisaki Kasumi looked at Yue Zhong and watched the zombies screaming at a close distance.

Under the leadership of Fujisaki, Yue Zhong came to a small village surrounded by mountains.

"Sweet sister!!"

"Sister Xiang, you are back!"

When Fujisaki Kazuyuki returned to the small village, a child from the age of nine to thirteen years old ran out of the village. In addition, two women aged over 30 and three girls between the ages of 16 and 18 came out.

There are a total of fifteen children running out of the village, male and female. Many people are very small, with thin yellow skin and traces of the last days. But they obviously have not been abused. It looks very lively.

At this moment, a girl with freckles and a fat age of about seventeen or eight years old smashed Fujisaki and said loudly: "Sweet! Who is this person? How can you bring a man back? Do you forget? Are men all animals?"

A petite, ordinary look, only a youthful body can be praised, the girl looked at the black tooth knife behind Yue Zhong, and asked a little timid: "Xiang! Who is he?"

There is also a Japanese girl with glasses and a beautiful face, but her face is sharp and sharp. Yue Zhong, the strong man with a huge black tooth knife, is thinking about something.

The Japanese children in the village are also curious to look at Yue Zhong.

Fujisaki Xiang explained to the people in this small gathering place: "He is Yue Zhong, who is a Chinese national. He saved me from being trapped in the supermarket.

These materials are also because of him, I can get it back from the supermarket. ”

The girl with freckled fat was heard by Yue Zhong as a Chinese. She immediately excited and shouted loudly: "What? He is a Chinese national? Damn!! Fujisaki, how can you bring the Chinese people? Come here. Here is Japan~www.readwn.com~ We are Japanese, not the place where you Chinese people come. You get out!"

"Get out!! I don't welcome you here!!"

"Here is Japan, do not welcome Chinese people, get out!! Diaoyu Island is our big Japanese empire!"

Hearing the provocative girl with a freckled figure, the rest of the Japanese kid in the village also snarled in an angry way toward Yue Zhong’s claws.

In Japan, the extreme right-wing forces have been constantly rising. Under the guidance of the Japanese government's connivance and public opinion, many Japanese people in the private sector are full of disgust, anger and hatred towards the Chinese people.

Several Japanese eleven-year-old boys yelled and bent over to pick up the stones and headed for Yue Zhong.

"It’s a group of white-eyed wolves!" Yue Zhong’s face flashed a touch of coldness, and a step forward stepped forward, turning the heavy leg shadows on the body of the five Japanese imps, and kicking the five Japanese little ghosts out of the seven. Eight meters away, everyone spit out a blood. He stepped forward again, licking a slap in the face of the girl with freckled fat, and flew a few fluffy girls with freckled fat and a large mouthful of blood.

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