God and Devil World

Vol 5 Chapter 543: valley!

> Jingda Jingzi squatted in front of Yue Zhong’s body and pleaded: "Master, please give orders to let them stop. Otherwise they will be killed."

Yue Zhong looked at the command of the ruthlessness of Takeda’s true silence in the murder of other Japanese people: "Stop!"

For a moment, Yue Zhong wanted to let Takeda really kill all the surviving Japanese survivors here. Anyway, the Japanese killed the Japanese, and he did not have any guilt. However, he saw that after the two survivors of the Japanese survivor, Lori, the heart flashed a bit into the heart.

Takeda really shouted: "The adults have orders, stop!"

"Hey! Wow, Marseille (understand)!" Hearing the message of Takeda's true intentions, the six intensifiers were still trying to catch the knife, watching the rest of the Japanese survivors look like pigs and sheep.

The nature of the Japanese worshiping the strong has been engraved in their bones. The tyrannical character of Yue Zhong can be compared with the strong one at the level of ghosts and gods in Gao Tianyuan. Takeda really wants them to surrender to Yue Zhong and pays attention to Yue Zhong, completely obeying Yue Zhong’s orders.

Japan is also a country with a high level of hierarchy. No matter in the company, school, society, or society, the lower class must obey the upper class. Otherwise it will be difficult to survive in society.

Most of Honda’s mobs were social youths, and they did not focus on Yue Zhong. They wanted to resist and escape the **** of Yue Zhong, and they would not listen to Yue Zhong’s orders.

Under the threat of death, the more than one hundred Japanese survivors were shaking and watching Yue Zhong did not know how the Chinese would deal with them. The dialogue between Yue Zhong and Takeda's true intentions is to use Huaxia language to let them know the identity of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong came to the leader of Japan and asked: "What is your name?"

In the role of Yue Zhong, Takeda really acts as a translator and translated his question to the Japanese leader.

Yue Zhong is to let others come to him. Instead of him to accommodate others. Takeda really wants to surrender the strength of the seven high-class servants who are not the strongest, but he is to let Takeda really want to be the leader of the squad, just because he will speak Chinese.

The Japanese leader said in front of Yue Zhong in Japanese: "Adult, my name is Guiming and I. I am willing to bring people to loyalty to you. Please also take it in!"

A young Japanese shouted angrily: "And a leader! He is a Chinese dog, how do you kneel down to the Chinese dog!"

Yue Zhong took the young Japanese and looked cold and cold: "Cut!"

"Hey!" Takeda really took a step forward and fell down. The young Japanese's head fell, and a blood rushed to the sky. The young body fell directly on the ground.

Seeing this **** scene, all the survivors were horrified, their bodies were trembling, and their hearts were full of fear.

Yue Zhong was not a good-tempered person. After coming to Japan. He is rejected everywhere. This caused him to be in a bad mood and only wanted to kill.

Gui Ming and Yi Yi shivered in front of Yue Zhong, fearing that Yue Zhong would order him to be killed. He has already seen that even if more than one hundred survivors rushed up, it could not be Yue Zhong’s opponent.

Yue Zhong smashed Gui Ming and one by one cold and cold: "My name is Yue Zhong, I will accept you. Now take me to your nest."

At this time, it is close to the evening, and Yue Zhong also needs a place to rest for a good night. It is too dangerous in the forest and it is not suitable for overnight.

Guiming and I stood up and respected and bent a 90-degree waist to pay a courtesy to Yue: "Hey!!"

Under the leadership of Guiming and Yi. Yue Zhong came to a three-ring mountain with only one entrance, surrounded by a small valley surrounded by greenery.

Before the end of the world, this small valley was a private land of a rich man, with a huge villa like a city full of wind and wind. Around the large, windy villa is a shack that has just been built.

Before the huge zephyr villa was Guiming and Yi and his confidant, where the woman lived. The spartan cabins are the place where ordinary warriors and their slaves plunder.

The slave thing looks like an ancient exclusive. In fact, modernity also exists. Before the end of the world, there were many slaves in the war-torn regions of Africa.

After the end of the world, the original order collapsed. Before the new order was established, all kinds of monsters and monsters ran out. Slaves are not unusual.

It was the forces created by Yue Zhong who also had the existence of slaves. Most of those slaves were produced when he and Wu Yanhong, the Vietnamese extremist nationals, fought. He captured a large number of Vietnamese survivors as slaves to avenge Wu Yanhong’s slaughter of the Chinese, and some of the losers who were hostile to him were also slaves.

More than 400 survivors gathered in the small valley, and Yue Zhong and his entourage entered the small valley. Those survivors have come out and watched Yue Zhong and his party far away.

Yue Zhong looked at the survivors and saw that the Japanese survivors were also thin and thin. Malnourished, thin body. It seems like a gust of wind can blow down.

Yue Zhong looked at the Japanese survivors who had yellow skinny and thin skin. There was some subtle happiness in the eyes of a stranger: "This is not comparable to my Guining city!"

Yue Zhong has built a new order in both the cities of Guining and Bohai. As long as he does not die, the food is not exhausted, and the new order he has built will not collapse. A place where order is established is of course stronger than Guiming and the creation of such a small fish.

"Welcome back, master!!" Guiming Heyi and Yue Zhong have just stepped into the big villa. Six beautiful women in the age of 18 to 25 wearing kimonos bowed to the respect of both of them. .

A woman of about twenty-five years old is full-bodied, and there is a beautiful woman at the corner of her mouth. It seems that a beautiful woman who can pinch out the water with a pinch leads Guiming and Yihe Yuezhong to a vast hall of the villa. Among them.

Gui Minghe always ordered the beautiful woman to order: "Ya Zi, from today, the adult Yue Zhong is our leader. You must listen to the orders of the adults in the future. Now go to Bai Xue and Ma Mei to serve the adults. ”

Yazi respectfully responded and then retired: "Yes!"

Guiming and always showed a strange smile to Yue Zhong: "Adult, Masako is the steward of this villa. Her mastery is to adjust the woman. No matter what kind of woman, after her training, she will become awkward, Obedient and sensible."

"Oh!" Yue Zhong casually responded with a sentence.

Soon, Masako entered the hall with two beautiful Japanese girls wearing kimonos with a fragrant wind. The two Japanese girls had a cute baby face, their legs were thin and long, their skin was white, and a pair of popped milk almost broke out. She had a sweet smile on her lips and looked cute and bright. Another Japanese girl is a melon face, the skin is white as jade, the waist is hip-slung, and the chest is only B cup, but the appearance is exquisite, it is like a big-eyed girl who comes out of the manga.

Masako introduced to Yue Zhong: "Master! This is Sakurai Shirayuki, this one is Amano Asami. Bai Xue, Ma Mei, they have not touched a man, or a virgin. Bai Xue, Ma Mei, came over to see the master!"

Sakurai Shirayuki and Amano Asami are the props that are reserved for the strong, or for the strong. There are dozens of beautiful women in his hands, but the beautiful virgins are only left with Sakurai Shirayuki and Amano Asami.

The Japanese girl with the big-breasted baby face is Sakurai Shirayuki, and the beautiful girl who looks like a man with a big-eyed look is a wilderness.

"I have seen the master!" Sakurai Shiraishi and Amano Asami's two beautiful girls stepped forward in front of Yue Zhong’s body.

Yue Zhong faintly said: "Get up!"

There are also a lot of beautiful beauty that Yue Zhong has seen.

Sakurai Shiraishi and Amano Asami both had a sweet smile on their faces and sat on both sides of Yue Zhong, carefully helping Yue Zhong massage.

"Damn!" Jingtian Jingzi looked at the two eyes of Sakurai Sakurai and Nagano Asami, who were sitting on both sides of Yuezhong, faintly flashed a touch of unwillingness.

Gui Ming and Yue Zhong, who were looked at by Sakurai Shirayuki and Amano Asuka, asked carefully: "Adult, what are your plans for the next step?"

"Xiema County. I am going to the evil horse county." Yue Zhong leaned on the sofa and said lightly.

Sitting on the left side of Yue Zhong, Sakurai Shiray carefully took Yue Zhong’s big hand into her proud double peak.

Yue Zhong used force to pinch, a slippery and moving, full of elastic feeling immediately came from his hand.

That Sakurai is covered with a layer of blush on the white snow, but it is still supple. Like a cat, it helps the Yue to squat. www.readwn.com~ Guiming and Yiwen’s eyes are bright and excited: "Xiema County Adults, you really have great ambitions. Shimadzu Shima of the evil horse county has more than 10,000 hegemons. You have to kill him and replace it. It is really amazing!"

Now in Japan, as in the original Warring States period, there are large and small separatist forces everywhere. The crowds are eager to become the masters of Japan. Gui Minghe thought that Yue Zhong also wanted to be one of the Japanese hegemons.

In this end of the world, the big fist is the boss, and the strength of Yue Zhong is enough to become a hegemon. After Yue Zhong became the hegemon, Gui Ming and Yi may also become a big name.

Yue Zhong saw that Guiming and Yi were so excited and did not reveal that he just wanted to use the radio station in Xima County. He just said a faint smile and an inscrutable look: "I want evil horse county, what good idea do you have?"

Hearing Yue Zhong’s question, Gui Ming and Yi went into contemplation. The Shimadzu family in the evil horse county was strong and strong. He used to be a small ant and could not shake the other side. Now Yue Zhong asked, he was embarrassed.

(PS: 3 tomorrow!) (To be continued.)

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