God and Devil World

Vol 5 Chapter 556: Destroy the fighters!

> Chapter 566 destroys fighters!

The explosion of the cluster bomb was extremely broad, and it was as inevitable as Yue Zhong. He opened a defensive light shield in the first time.

In the huge explosion of the cluster bomb, the light shield was torn into countless spots for only two seconds. At the time of the collapse of the Light Shield, Yue Zhong once again condensed two magical spears and shot them on two Thunder fighters. They ran through the two Thunder fighters and killed the drivers inside.

The two Thunder fighters were killed and they swayed to the ground.

At the moment when the defense light shield collapsed, Yue Zhong once again opened another defensive light shield to resist the bombing of the cluster bomb. He instantly condensed two magical spears and slammed the two flames into two Thunder fighters. He burned the Thunder fighter again and shot the Thunder.

The four Thunder fighters were destroyed by Yue Zhong in five seconds, and he also spent all the power of two defensive light shields.

The last remaining Thunder fighter saw his companion destroyed one by one, and finally gave birth to a hint of fear, and turned his direction and fled to the distance.

"Give me down!" Yue Zhong once again condensed a magical spear and slammed it. A stream of light blew over the main propeller of the Thunder fighter, and the main propeller was melted and twisted.

When the main propeller of the Thunder fighter was twisted, it lost its balance and fell from the sky to the ground.

Yue Zhong looked at the last Thunder fighter plane, and he was relieved for a long time. The pressure that the Thunder fighter gave him was too great. Fortunately, this time he faced only a team of 12 Thunder fighters. If he faced a thunder fighter of 36 squadrons, he would be as strong as him. If he did not escape, he would only have a dead end.

Yue Zhong’s strength is constantly improving, and now pistols and rifles cannot threaten him. However, the crystallization of human intelligence such as rockets, heavy artillery, machine guns and missiles, heavy weapons of war still pose a great threat to him.

Looking at a thunder fighter plane falling in the sky, the survivors in Sakura Town cheered up insanely.

The Thunder fighter is like a **** of death that spreads the life of the harvester. It is an explosion and a flame. Under their attack, the entire Sakurada town almost collapsed, with ruins and burning flames everywhere.

More than 2,000 survivors died under the attack of the Thunder fighters, mainly under the intensive bombing of the cluster bomb.

Even if the Thunder fighters were all shot down, the Sakurada town was still shrouded in a raging fire, naturally letting those Japanese survivors hate the Thunder fighter.

Shimadzu Mui Nea also showed great strength. She soon organized a violent attack by the intensifiers belonging to the Shimadzu family to attack the Heavenly Kingdom Warriors who landed from the sky.

The arbitrators and judges of one heavenly kingdom of heaven were directly arrested or killed or captured.

At the same time, a force consisting of elite warriors entered the town of Sakurada to suppress the survivors who took the opportunity to launch the riots, killing the rioters who took the opportunity to launch the riots.

Just when the situation was just stable, from the sky, four Thunder fighters flew again.

The Shimazu family's soldiers looked at the four Thunder fighters flying over the sky. Everyone turned a lot of people and actually lost their weapons and fled.

In the town of Sakurada, the originally stable people began to turmoil again, and a large number of survivors fled outside Sakurada Town. The Thunder fighter is like a **** of death that spreads death. There are only four, and there is power to destroy this town. Although the town has a master who can destroy the Thunder fighters, the ordinary townspeople are still afraid of being killed by the Thunder fighter.

Yue Zhong looked at the four Thunder fighters flying from the sky. His face was slightly changed. The two defensive light shields he had in his hands had been consumed. Only the bronze clock was left to defend the baby. To destroy the four thunders. The fighters themselves will also be in danger.

"Wait a minute, four? Is it far away from them?" Yue Zhong looked at the four Thunder fighters flying in the sky and moved to the most conspicuous position on the wall of Sakura. There is also a bronze bell in his hand that can withstand a Thunder fighter attack enough to support him to take a chance.

After a hurricane blew, after the four Thunder fighters, a blue-winged eagle that was able to appear as a myth in the wingspan flew out. Just a shot of the wings, it flew at a speed beyond the speed of sound. Above the city wall.

This blue-eyed giant eagle flying out like a myth is Xiaoqing. At this time, Xiaoqing has been promoted to a level of eight-level mutant beasts up to eighty levels under a large amount of resources.

Xiaoqingyi landed on the wall and immediately used his head to sharpen Yue Zhong to express relatives. As the first mutant animal to be surrendered by Yue Zhong, it was cultivated from Yue Zhong as a third-order mutant beast. As for other mutant beasts, it is closer to Yue Zhong.

"What about the Qing dance sister?" He jumped from Xiaoqing's back and asked him to meet Yue Zhong.

"She was seriously injured and received medical treatment there." Yue Zhong pointed to the biological armor on his back and said something to the distance, and then asked: "How come you are now."

Yue Zhong knew that they had set off from Guangxi 14 days ago, but they have only appeared until now, which made him somewhat surprised.

"Don't mention it! On the road, I met a group of sky mutants. It took so much time to avoid them. Give me the Qing dance sister. I will protect her." He said in a narrative and then stared at it. Yue Zhong asked him for the biological armor on his back.

In fact, long-distance flights across the ocean are far more difficult than those far away. They have encountered several waves of sky-based mutant beasts. If the Thunder fighters are extremely defensive, they also have a third-order as one of the sky hegemons. The mutant beast Xiaoqing guards, they have long been killed.

Moreover, the one-stop limit flight distance of the Thunder fighter is 2000 kilometers. In order to fly to Japan, the Thunder fighters have unloaded many equipments, and many spaces have been used to place fuel. If it is attacked midway, I am afraid that it will explode directly. Extremely dangerous.

Yue Zhong hesitated a bit or handed the biological armor carrying the Ji Qing dance on his back to the distant.

The four Thunder fighters in the sky stopped, and a master with a level of more than forty grades was removed from the inside. The leader was Bai Xiaosheng.

The militia of the Shimadzu family looked at a famous war camp master who had stepped down from the Thunder fighters, and they all had a sigh of fear in their eyes. The special combat battalion who walked down from the Thunder fighters was dressed outside.

Inside, wearing a high-grade mutant beast, carrying a sniper rifle, an assault rifle, various grenade, a waist to prevent the Tang knife, and a helmet are armed to the teeth. They exude a fierce temper from their bodies, which is the sigh of breath that they have cultivated through battles.

Bai Xiaosheng came to Yue Zhong and smiled and smiled at Yue Zhong’s military ceremony: “Yue Boda! Bai Xiaosheng came to report!”

Bai Xiaosheng went to Yue Yue for a military ceremony and then revealed his nature and cheeked and said to Yue Zhong: "Boss, I heard that Japanese beauty is very gentle. Give me more points!! Haha!"

"Do you have so many women?" Yue Zhong stunned Bai Xiaosheng and looked a little silent.

Bai Xiaosheng is not good at this person, but he likes beauty. He followed Yue Zhong and experienced many battles. All his exploits were used to ask for beauty, and as long as it was a beautiful woman. In addition, he is also a senior cadre under Yue Zhong, and many women have posted it, which has allowed him to build a large harem of more than 100 people.

Bai Xiaosheng also sighed: "There are more troubles for women! The consumption of materials is too great."

Bai Xiaosheng's harem has more than a hundred beautiful women. These women are consuming his material rations. If he is not a senior cadre of Yue Zhong, he will not be able to live. Even so, he is very hard to raise a hundred beautiful women.

Bai Xiaosheng hesitated a bit of heart and said: "Okay! This time, I will only have five Japanese girls. I can't afford it any more."

"That depends on your performance." Yue Zhong did not continue to entangle this topic with Bai Xiaosheng but asked with a dignified look: "When are you coming, are the corpses moving to this side?"

Bai Xiaosheng also said to Yue Zhong with a look of awkwardness: "Yes! Boss, when we came, we saw a large number of zombies moving towards this side. For up to four hours, the corpse will arrive here. I think we are adding food, After the oil, it should be evacuated immediately. The fortifications here are not enough to withstand the corpse at that level."

At this time, Sakurada Town has just been attacked by Heavenly Kingdom. www.readwn.com~ There are flames everywhere, and many fortifications have been destroyed by Thunder fighters. At the same time, more than 2,000 people died under the air raids of the Thunder fighters, and more than 3,000 people fled from Sakura Town to the outside.

Although there are more than 15,000 survivors left in Sakura Town, the only fighters who can really fight are only a thousand. More than 100 Chinese survivors and Bai Xiaosheng, who have been trained by Yue Zhong, have included these reinforcements.

More than a thousand people have to deal with hundreds of thousands of zombies without fortifications. Without prior preparation and without sufficient ammunition support, it is impossible. The most important point is that Yue Zhong did not have a reason to fight. Here is Japan, not Huaxia, even if the gathering place is broken, he just needs to leave those Chinese survivors.

Yue Zhong found Shimazu Mui Nai and said to her: "The corpse of the evil horse county is moving towards this side, Sakurada Town can't stand it. Follow me, Mui Ne and I go back to China."

Shimazu Mina was screaming in front of Yue Zhong’s body and pleading: "I am not able to leave other people to go with you. They are all trusting that our Shimadzu family will entrust their lives to me." People. If I leave, the survivors of Sakurada Town will die at least half. I beg you and save them. I know that you are superb and you must have a way to save them."

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