God and Devil World

Vol 5 Chapter 560: A high heavenly 4 demon!

> A hair flare rose to the sky and the dark night was brightly lit. The majority of the five hundred arbiters and judges were forced to become soldiers in the profession through the demon system. *. Although they only have 500 people, they have a terrible fighting power. Everyone has the skill of manipulating the weapon. In the dark night, the combat power is still very impressive and the hit rate is extremely high.

Five thousand Japanese soldiers wearing the self-defense military uniforms attacked the heavenly kingdom with ten times of strength. The five hundred elite wars were completely suppressed by the heavenly kingdom. Almost one face was killed by more than 300 people. The rest of the people were suppressed, and every time a Japanese soldier was killed.

Yue Zhong looked at the soldiers of the five hundred heavenly kingdoms and actually suppressed a thousand Japanese soldiers to fight in the heart: "Good!! How the troops of the Heavenly Kingdom of God have reached this point. Yes, they must be transferred. They changed jobs in the novice village. That is to say, in the paradise of the European side, the **** country has mastered a novice village of the gods and devils system."

The Japanese soldiers who wear self-defense uniforms are less powerful than the ones that are heavily swayed by Yue Zhong. They are also the elite fighters that Yue Zhong has seen extremely tyrannical. They can compete with the elites of Wu Yanhong in Vietnam. The use of ten times the force to besiege the kingdom of heaven was actually crushed, which made Yue Zhong truly see the terrible of the intensive soldiers after the transfer to become a soldier.

In the sky, the cobra and the Ninja armed helicopter that suddenly smashed destroyed five Tiger-type helicopters with fierce firepower.

The remaining seventeen-armed helicopter gunships returned to God and turned around and killed the cobra and the Ninja helicopter gunship.

The seventeen-armed helicopter gunships are almost half the number of Japanese unidentified armed helicopter guns that suddenly broke out, but their drivers have shown terrible fighting qualities, and they have made all kinds of subtle cooperation. A armed helicopter that was unidentified by Japan was destroyed one by one.

In the sky, from time to time, a group of beautiful sparks flashed, and a huge group of fireballs fell from the sky, which was the trace of a helicopter gunship being destroyed.

Most of the helicopter gunships that were shot down were helicopters belonging to unidentified armed forces in Japan, and several Tiger helicopter gunships were directly shot down by Japanese armed forces.

Although he suffered a little setback when he was attacked, the elite arm of the heavenly kingdom relied on tyrannical combat quality and sophisticated equipment to gradually recover the battle.

At the same time, the heavenly kingdom of the wild wolves group is also retracing. []. Once those paradise gods return to the team. They completely reversed the situation and can be attacked by the defenders.

Yue Zhong looked at the distant side of the paradise of the gods of the country by relying on his own violent combat power: "It’s terrible! The demon system novice village. I must master one."

In the novice village of the magical system, Yue Zhong currently only knows that there is one in Leijiang City. He learned from the captives of the gods of heaven that there is also a novice village in the European headquarters of the Kingdom of Heaven. not long ago. Just got in the hands of the European headquarters.

It is the novice village that masters the magic system of the European headquarters, and those arbiters and judges will have such tyrannical combat power. Five hundred people contend with the Japanese army of 5,000 and formed a complete suppression of the Japanese army.

On a hill that was completely covered in darkness, stood quietly with three men, one woman and four women. The four men exuded a sturdy atmosphere. Twenty meters behind them, they stood respectfully standing for 36 men wearing Japanese ancient gods and 12 women wearing witch costumes.

The man is two meters tall, burly like a bear, and his eyes are like electricity. Short hair, face, hands and scars on the hands of the brave man looked at the situation under the burning eyes, excited and said: "Good! Not the most powerful power paradise in Europe. Can even contend with our high Tianyuan five with five hundred people Thousands of great troops."

This brawny man is one of the six ghosts of Gao Tianyuan. He is a three-attribute evolutionary force, agility, and strength. He has a level of enhancement of up to 69, and has a second-class skill to transform into a dragon. Once, one person destroyed a gathering place where the number of people surpassed 3,000 survivors, and the two self-defense fighters were eliminated by one person. The fighting power was terrible.

One is ordinary. Ordinary, yellow-haired, Japanese non-mainstream young man holding an eagle sniper gun at about 21 years old watching the tiger-armed helicopter in the sky licking his lips: "The **** of heaven is indeed very strong. If it is on the power. We are not his opponents in Gao Tianyuan. But here is Japan, they are stronger, and the troops that are put on us in Japan are limited. Let us give them a lesson today, let them know that Japan is our big and the nation. Japan. Ying Sheng, do it! Kill them! Let them see the true power of our Gao Tianyuan!"

This Japanese non-mainstream young man with an eagle sniper rifle is one of the six ghosts of Gao Tianyuan, the gun ghost Jinchuan Xiangma. He is a dual-economist of the spirit and agility, with a level of reinforcement of up to 64. Has the skills of second-order sniper specialization, second-order sniper. He can be said to be Gao Tianyuan's strongest sniper. With the help of the eagle sniper rifle, he can shoot a tank three kilometers away. Many of the enemy of Gao Tianyuan died under his gun.

One wears glasses and has short blonde hair. Handsome, dressed in a suit, the young man who looked very serious and silently nodded and ordered: "Hands! Plan to destroy them."

This blond young man with glasses is one of the six ghosts of Gao Tianyuan. He is a spiritual, agile, and energetic three-evolutionary evolution with a level of reinforcement of up to 67, with skill second-order air manipulation.

Kanzaki Yingsheng reached the order. The ghosts of the four Gao Tianyuan were separated from each other with 12 subordinates scattered to the sides.

Jinchuan Xiangma soon came to a high ground. He aimed at a tiger-type helicopter gunship in the sky, and a cold smile triggered the trigger to launch a second-order sniper with a skill: "Go to death! Dregs!"

A streamer shot from the eagle sniper rifle through a tiger-type gunship and then made an earth-shattering explosion that smashed the tiger-type gunship into countless pieces.

Instead of hitting the tank of the Tiger helicopter, it hit the body of the armed helicopter and burst it. If it is about power, in the hands of Jin Chuan Xiang Ma's second-order sniper guns, the sniper rifle's bursting power has surpassed the rocket's power.

A single blow destroyed a tiger-type armed helicopter. Jinchuan Xiang Ma Xuan flashed and disappeared from the place.

In the next moment, countless rockets were shot in this area, but even Jin Mao’s hair did not hurt one.

The tyrannical ghost is not broken, but the skill is turned into a dragon. In a moment, he becomes a body covered with black scales, dragging a dragon tail, and his hands grow up to a length of more than ten centimeters. Dragons with incomparable claws.

After the evil horse does not break into a dragon, it is like a devil who directly rushes into the elite arm of the heavenly kingdom. After he became a dragon man, the speed reached the end of the horror of twenty-four people, and the speed has already surpassed the second-order lightning.

However, Rao is a very abnormal metamorphosis of the evil horse. Under the more than 400 elite coverage shots of the Heavenly Kingdom, there are still some bullets on him. It was only those bullets that were shot on him but they were flew up and couldn’t hurt him.

A few of the breaths between the evil horses rushed into the elite armed station of the heavenly kingdom. His huge claws slammed on the head of a soldier and directly flew the soldier's head.

In less than ten seconds, a row of Heavenly Kingdom rulings in the forefront position was slaughtered by a sinister horse.

boom! boom!

Suddenly a mortar was completely shrouded in the position where the evil horse was not broken. More than one hundred soldiers gave up the suppression of the Japanese soldiers, and used the grenade to attack the evil horse without breaking the madness. The explosion of numerous grenades and mortars completely shrouded the area and completely swallowed the evil horses.

The smoke has not yet dissipated, and the evil horse does not break like a sharp arrow and rushes out of the smoke. It jumps into the position of the Heavenly Kingdom Warrior and shoots it with the hands of the devil. The flight was not affected by the explosion.

The evil horse was indeed shattered by the explosion, and was also directly hit by the left hand by a grenade, but his body strength was extremely high. And after turning into a dragon man, the defensive power was greatly improved. Even if it was hit by a grenade, it was only that his left hand was black and very painful and did not cause him real harm.

Under the mad attack of evil horses, the heavenly kingdom of the gods began to collapse, and the defense line they constructed was torn open by the evil horse.

Twelve high-level gods with a level of intensiveness above the 40th level launched a crazy attack against the other units of the heavenly kingdom after the evil horse was not broken. www.readwn.com~ Under the display of their various skills, one The soldiers of the famous heavenly kingdom were directly killed.

"Long live the high heaven!"

"Long live the Great Japanese Empire!"

“Gao Tianyuan is old!”


The Japanese soldiers behind the strong have also spurred the slogan to attack the troops of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The evil horse is not broken as the main force of attacking the enemy. The empty ghost, Kawasaki Yuki, is silently killing the strongman of the heavenly kingdom with a force with various abilities.

The judges of many heavenly kingdoms have just fired their skills and were bombarded with the air, or they were stabbed in the heart by a poisonous arrow. There is hardly any play.

This time, the elite troops who came to encircle the heavens of the gods shared the four ghosts of Gao Tianyuan. The last ghost is a woman who bears the ghost palace.

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