God and Devil World

Vol 5 Chapter 564: Defeated 2 Army!

Chapter 564

Defeated the two armies!

As soon as the Thunder fighters flew into the battlefield, they immediately began to launch cluster bombs and incendiary bombs in the area where the Gaotianyuan people were located. Almost in the meantime, within a few square miles, the sound of the explosion continued, the smoke and the dust rolled, the fire was shining, the earth was shaking, and countless Japanese troops were blown up and crushed, or turned into a fireball.

The Gao Tianyuan troops, which had been fighting for two hours, have been very exhausted and have reached the limit. They were bombarded by cluster bombs, and their morale finally collapsed completely and began to flee.

Kanzaki Hideki looked at the retreating Gao Tianyuan soldiers and sighed with a long sigh: "The trend has gone!! Not broken, retreat!!"

At this time, Gao Tianyuan had no means of dealing with helicopters. The six helicopters in the sky were able to suppress the high Tianyuan troops below. Even if Kanzaki Yingsheng and Evil Ma are not broken, the personal strength of these two Japanese ghosts and gods will not be able to recover the battle.

At the same time, there is still a little bit of evil horses. The dragon man's transformation at this time has ended. He is only half the combat power in the heyday. If he continues to fight, he will be in danger of falling.

The skills of the transformation system can make people gain powerful strength in a short time, but after the transformation, those who strengthen the body will have a weak time. In the weak time, their combat power is only half of the heyday.

After the evil horse did not break the order, the body flashed like a cheetah, and fell into the darkness and fled to the distant wolf.

The evil horse does not break this high and high in the invincible Gao Tianyuan ghosts and throws all the men to escape, let the morale of the Gao Tianyuan soldiers plummet. All the Japanese soldiers lost their war, and madly fled in all directions in the explosion.

"Offensive!! Attack! Destroy them!!"

The commander of the Kingdom of Heaven was keenly aware of the collapse of the Japanese army. He quickly pursued a chase with the remnants of the Kingdom of Heaven. If they do not destroy the Japanese troops belonging to Gao Tianyuan, they will become a stumbling block to the Japanese Legion of the Kingdom of Heaven in the future. Therefore, they must launch a pursuit and take advantage of this great opportunity to smash and even annihilate this powerful Japanese army.

Under the pursuit of the elite warriors of the Kingdom of Heaven, a large number of Japanese soldiers suffered heavy casualties, and countless descendants.

"Hands!" At the time when the heavenly kingdom was chasing the Japanese army, Yue Zhong coldly ordered.

Under the command of Yue Zhong, the four Thunder fighters suddenly turned around and fired air-to-air missiles at the two tiger-armed helicopters remaining in the sky.


The two Tiger-type armed helicopters did not react, and they were completely destroyed by the four Thunder fighters and turned into two groups of fireballs falling from the sky.

"What happened?" Looking at the two Tiger-type gunships in the sky were destroyed, and all the soldiers of the Heavenly Kingdom had a question mark in their hearts.

In the next moment, the Thunder fighters, which were originally regarded as the killer and the final trump card by the Kingdom of Heaven, began to throw up the cluster bombs against the elite of the heavenly kingdom and the high heavens.

On the battlefield, the sound of the explosion was endless. Countless Heavenly Kingdoms and the soldiers of Gaotianyuan were killed and burned. Countless soldiers in the entire battlefield center died in the indiscriminate bombing of the Thunder.

Jonas, the commander of the First Corps of Heaven in the Kingdom of Heaven, murmured, "How could this be? How could this be? Are they not our friendly?"

The elite troops of the Kingdom of Heaven rushed out of the bunker to pursue the Japanese army, which was able to defeat the Japanese army and capture most of the people. However, under the mad bombing of the Thunder fighters, a large number of heavenly kingdoms were killed by the elite, and the entire battlefield center was shrouded in blasphemy. Countless soldiers mourned inside, and then burned to death, like **** on earth.

Under such terrorist attacks, the elites of the Kingdom of Heaven were also bombed and defeated, and they fled and fled, unable to form a formed unit.

At this time, Yue Zhong took seven hundred men to kill from the side, and madly attacked the Japanese army and the paradise of the heavenly kingdom that escaped from the battle center.

At this time, the Japanese army and the gods of heaven have already exhausted to the extreme, and the morale has also dropped to the freezing point. On the other hand, although the troops led by Yue Zhong are mostly rabble, but morale is like a rainbow, fierce to the extreme, like a hungry wolf will kill those squadrons and oysters.

The fierce battle lasted for two hours, and it calmed down on the battlefield. Yue Zhong actually captured more than 2,000 heavenly gods and Japanese troops. There are still many heavenly kingdoms and the Japanese army's squadrons who have escaped into the woods and disappeared.

After defeating the troops of Heavenly Kingdom and Gao Tianyuan, Yue Zhong continued to attack the city established by the attacking wolf group.

At this time, many places in the city still burned with a blazing flame, and there were chaos and riots that were violently violent.

Most of the main force of the wolf group in that city has been annihilated by the elite troops of the heavenly kingdom, but there is still a part of the city.

Numerous fortifications were built in a villa area, and among the fortifications, an elite unit of the wolf group was stationed with a gun. If any force does not have heavy weapons, it will definitely cost a lot to attack the villa area.

Yue Zhong smashed the villa area and slowly ordered it directly: "Fukui is not, you are going there to persuade the wolf group to surrender to me. If it is successful, I will remember you."

Fukui had no news and changed his face. He was stunned in front of Yue Zhong’s body. "The grown-up is forgiving! The grown-up is forgiving! The wild wolf group kills people without blinking. They will kill me!"

Yue Zhong smashed Fukui without a murderous murder: "The wild wolf group will kill, can I not? This is the order, the military order is like a mountain, the army is defying the army, and it is dead!"

Fukui had no help but hard to ask the scalp: "Yes! I understand. Just ask what conditions do you offer?"

"Let them surrender unconditionally. I will guarantee that their lives will not be violated."

Yue Zhong can destroy the defense of this villa area by letting the Thunder fighters in the sky throw a cluster bomb. The conditions under which he has such a card are naturally demanding.

"Yes! I understand!"

Fukui did not bite his teeth and held a white flag and walked toward the stronghold of the wolf group.

The two soldiers quickly stepped out of the stronghold and brought Fukui to the top of a wild wolf group and Jing Xinyan.

And Jing Xinyan holding a sharp-edged sword with a sharp edge, and staring at Fukui with no murderous words: "Who are you?"

Fukui did not look at the murderous and Jing Xinyan’s pale voice and trembled and said: "I am Fukui. I am the messenger sent by Yue Zhong, the leader of the army outside."

Although Fukui is not burly and majestic, he can easily kill ordinary zombies, but he is essentially a coward who is afraid of death. At this time, he was really afraid of the extreme in the wolf group, for fear that he would be killed by Jing Xinyan if he was not careful.

And Jing Xinyan frowned: "Yue Zhong? He is a Chinese?"

Fukui did not exaggerate the strength of Yue Zhong under the threat of death: "Yes! He is a Chinese, but his majesty has three thousand elite fighters. There are also twenty armed helicopters. Heaven God and Gao Tianyuan The elite troops were defeated by him. The six ghosts of Gao Tianyuan were also killed by him and captured one. Gao Tianyuan’s Ninja Ghost Sakura has now become the captive of our Yue Zhong leader.

"You see the armed helicopters in the sky are his men. Those armed helicopters are called Thunder fighters, which are war weapons made of the most advanced technology. Each has the power to destroy a city, in those armed helicopters. It is loaded with earth-bombing bombs, incendiary bombs, and cluster bombs. Once you resist, he will order the **** bombs to be placed in this area. At that time, you will all die. Seeing that they are also Japanese. I tried my best to dissuade the great people of Yue, so that he did not let him throw the deadly bombs. And I also volunteered to act as a messenger to come and contact you." Fukui has no exaggeration of the strength of Yue Zhong and keeps on his face. Put on the gold. I hope that I can escape from the hands of Jing Xinyan.

The strength of Yue Zhong is stronger, and Fukui will not be safer. Fukui is not clear about this. This is a powerful exaggeration of Yue Zhong’s powerful power.

Hearing the words of Fukui’s nothing, and Jing Xinyan’s unchanging heart, he burst into a wave of turbulence: “Sure enough, Gao Tianyuan was defeated by them! Even the ghosts and gods have become their captives.”

And Jing Xinyan is not an ordinary wolf group high-level ~www.readwn.com~ but the second in the wolf group. Master the great power. He knows the intelligence that many ordinary team members don't know. Gao Tianyuan designed the ambush of the heavenly kingdom. He also knew that Yue Zhong’s army could break into this wild wolf city. He could imagine how terrible the strength of Yue Zhong.

The four Thunder fighters in the sky are the fierce weapons of the latest war weapons developed by the Heavenly Kingdom. Under their attack, the fortification of the Wolf Group is that the tofu is generally pushed down.

And Jing Xinyan grabbed the clothes of Fukui’s clothes and said: "What conditions did Yue Zhong open?"

Fukui had no intention to know that the top of the wolf group had already surrendered. He quickly said with the same care: "Yue major people let you surrender unconditionally. He will guarantee that your personal safety will not be infringed."

"On this point? Is there any benefit?" and Jing Xinyan brows and continues to ask. Seeing such harsh conditions, he already believed in the sincerity of Yue Zhong’s persuasion, but he also hoped to get more benefits.

Fukui had no eyes and turned his mind to the heart of the lotus. He continued to persuade: "Yin Yan, the great man is a great man who has merits and rewards, and rewards and punishments. As long as you make meritorious deeds for Yue, he absolutely Will reward you with you."

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