God and Devil World

Vol 5 Chapter 583: Indonesia!

> "Five-order mutant beast!! Turn your head and withdraw!" Yue Zhong heard the sharp whistling sound that contained a strong pressure, and could not help but change his face and loudly ordered.

The fifth-order mutant beast has earth-shaking power. If the giant beast-type fifth-order mutant beast has more than one large aircraft carrier per head, this monster is almost invincible in the ocean, as long as they are willing, easy I was able to overturn the battleship that Yue Zhong took.

The little man who was hugged by Yue Zhong in his arms also shook his body and shivered. The fifth-order mutant beast is the hegemon of the sea. Their family is only mastering the two ends. It is the strength of one family to master both ends. This kind of beast is not at all controlled by her.

Zhao Tiangang quickly provoked the warship to turn around and madly fleeing in the other direction. The horsepower of the battleship was driven to the maximum.

After the whistling whistle came, a fierce wave of violent waves was shot toward the film, and the battleship was picked up and then dropped.

Yue Zhong jumped on Xiaoqing's back and flew into the sky and looked into the distance.

I saw flashing lights in the distance, icebergs smashing, storms, the sea surface rolling, a hundred meters high waves rising from the sea surface, spreading toward the surrounding, completely concealing everything in the battle center.

In the sky, Yue Zhong did not see the battle between the two fifth-order mutant beasts in the center of the storm, but saw that the center of the storm was moving toward the battleship he was riding.

Yue Zhong suddenly changed his face and shouted loudly through the intercom: "Left. Turn left!!"

Among the warships, Zhao Tiangang and others did not care so much that the warship was trying to escape in the direction of the left.

Yue Zhong’s two groups of storms staring at the distance in the sky prayed that the goal of the two fifth-order mutant beasts was not the battleship.

If it is on land, Yue Zhong can still be one or two with the fifth-order mutant beast. In the ocean, he was simply unable to strike. Even with a marine mask, he had no resistance until he faced the fierceness of the fifth-order mutant beast.

Fortunately, the two fifth-order mutant beasts apparently did not put the battleship in their eyes. The huge storm almost wiped the battleship.

The huge storm, even though it was rubbing against the warship, still caused the wind and waves of the sky, and a big wave hit the battleship, almost knocking over the warship. Fortunately, the warship was not the crystallization of human science and technology before the end of the world, even if it was sustained under the huge wind and waves, it did not sink.

The huge storm passed, and Yue Zhong was relieved. However, at this time they have deviated from the waterway by more than one hundred nautical miles.

Suddenly there was a surge above the sea, and a huge tentacle shot from the depths of the sea and swept toward the battleship. Attempt to pull the battleship into the sea.

"The seventy-seven mutant beasts: the third-order mutant king squid."

Yue Zhong looked at the huge tentacle sticking out from the bottom of the sea and immediately took out the electromagnetic gun and directly shot at the big king squid.

A hot electric light bombed the tentacle directly into the two tentacles on the tentacles of the third-order mutant king squid. A blue electric photon surrounds the body of the third-order mutant king squid, giving it a numbness and a stagnation.

The third-order mutant king squid body was so stagnation, Zhao Tiangang and his team above the battleship immediately reacted. The dense array defense system above the battleship began to fire. Numerous organs and guns interweaved to form a horrible fire net toward the third-order mutant king. The tentacles above the squid sea slammed.

Under the attack of the dense array defense system, the tentacles of the third-order mutant king squid were directly bombarded with two tentacles and even banged.

The ship-borne torpedo on the battleship also began to launch and blasted the third-order mutant king squid on the body of the third-order mutant king squid deep in the ocean. The **** fog of the big group of large groups emerged from the body of the king squid and directly dyed the red in the offshore.

The big king squid was smothered by the torpedo and flew into the deep sea.

Yue Zhong looked at the tentacle of the big king squid scattered above the sea, and his eyes flashed a regret. If it is on land, a seriously injured third-order mutant beast is the best target for hunting, but above the ocean. A seriously injured third-order mutant beast is not something that Yue Zhong can handle.

Yue Zhong just returned to the command room, Zhao Tiangang said with a very ugly face: "The leader! In some cases, the four giant beasts are moving to the side. There is a smaller body than the aircraft carrier, it is estimated to be a fourth-order Mutant sea beast."

Yue Zhong’s brow wrinkled Zhao Tiangang’s glance: “I’ll evade immediately.”

Zhao Tiangang explained his difficulties to Yue Zhong: "But the leader, we have already deviated too far from the route. Avoiding the four marine beasts will make us deviate more from the main channel. The oil on this battleship is not enough for us. After circumventing the four marine beasts, I returned to Shizuoka Prefecture after a big circle. In this way, we must choose an island to park."

Yue Zhong decisively ordered: "Then find an island that might find oil."

The fourth-order mutant sea beast has almost no suspicious rivals in the ocean. This battleship in the hands of Yue Zhong has the ability to damage the fourth-order mutant sea beast. However, the fourth-order mutant sea beast has the power to directly upset and sink the warship. Yue Zhong does not want to sink the battleship that is hard to get.

Zhao Tiangang received a heavy order from Yue Zhong’s command: "Yes!"

The huge warship quickly turned around under the command of Zhao Tiangang and drove towards the deep sea.

There are countless huge fierce sea beasts in the ocean. However, before the end of the world, this warship was the flagship equipment of the US Seventh Fleet. It has the most advanced radar scanning system. It often detects the change of large-scale mutant sea beasts. The direction of the voyage was immediately adjusted.

The warship is heading for a continent.

Yue Zhong looked at the strange land and asked Zhao Tiangang to the side: "Where is this?"

Zhao Tiangang came to Yue Zhong to report: "This is Indonesia."

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a touch of disgust: “It’s actually here.”

Indonesia is a Southeast Asian country with a Tuhua tradition. In the modern age. Every time a Chinese who lives in the local time will be slaughtered by the local natives as pigs and sheep. The male is killed, the female is raped, and the child is dressed as a pig and sheep and is usually grilled on the flame. The local natives did not have any humanity, and the murderousness reached the extreme. It is almost comparable to the Japanese army of the Nanjing Massacre and the Germans of the Nazi era.

In modern times in 1998, a large-scale Tuhua movement took place in Indonesia. Thousands of Chinese are killed like pigs and dogs, and their possessions are occupied. It is the toy that children have been cut off and turned into a child. At the time of his studies, Yue Zhong had seen some photos of Indonesian Tuhua, and the brutality of those Indonesian natives was almost vivid.

Yue Zhong saw him. He saw a small boat drifting from the land to the sea. On the small boat stood a ragged survivor. Every ragged survivor was cut off with a knife. The right hand, blood and direct flow, has been flowing into the sea.

The smell of the blood quickly attracted the mutant beasts in the ocean, and the sea surface rolled for a while, and the three- or four-meter marine mutant beasts bit their mouths and bit the survivors of the ragged to survive those who survived. The person directly bite off the body.

boom! boom! !

At this moment, the small boat suddenly exploded, and the horrible explosion blew the surrounding marine mutant beast to the body and turned the belly.

An electric fishing boat came from above the land. A group of ragged clothes, survivors of the dead gray, threw a large net, and directly smashed a mutant sea beast in the ocean.

On the electric fishing boat, seven or eight armed men armed with rifles laughed and said something loudly.


An armed person directly blasted the head of a survivor with a gun. The survivors flashed a horror in their eyes and acted a little faster. The rest of the militants were laughing at the side.

Yue Zhong looked at the brow of the brow, took out a roll of tape and sealed her mouth in the glamour of the proud and beautiful little mermaid, then put on a marine mask and swam toward the electric fishing boat.

When Yue Zhong puts on the marine mask and enters the water, he feels like he has become a fish. He can easily navigate the water and move forward. At the same time, under the reinforcement of the marine mask, he was able to see the scales of a slap-sized fish outside the two nautical miles.

Yue Zhong easily swam around the electric fishing boat and suddenly jumped out of the sea. He jumped over and jumped on the electric fishing boat~www.readwn.com~ a fist hit the face of an armed militant, ten people When the giant force broke out, the head of the militant was smashed and died directly.

The militants were screaming in a terrible story, picking up the rifle in their hand and pointing to Yue Zhong was a crazy sweep.

Yue Zhong found out the crocodile saw blade at the waist, and his body shape flashed. He easily avoided the attacks of the militants, and then took a smear of ice and knife to directly fly the heads of those armed elements.

Between just a few breaths, the militants above the electric fishing boat were killed by Yue Zhong.

In the process, more than a dozen survivors who were responsible for fishing on the fishing boat were indifferent and watched the fears that occurred in everything that happened here.

The survivors who saw Yue Zhong killed the ship’s militants were stunned on the ground and waited for Yue’s trial.

Yue Zhong looked at the survivor who was lying on the ground and asked a brow in Huaxia. "Who do you understand Chinese?"

Those survivors who don’t dare to speak when they tremble. (To be continued.)

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