God and Devil World

Vol 5 Chapter 595: Recruiting 1!

> Yue Zhong brows a pick, and his eyes flashed a touch of surprise: "Oh! Is there a novice village in the vicinity of the demon system? Where is it?"

The novice village of the magical system can only be preserved after the first month of the world's variability. In addition to Leijiang City, Yue Zhong only knows that in the paradise of the European side, the **** god country has mastered a magical system novice village, and uses that The Magical System Novice Village has trained a large number of intensifiers with the profession of soldiers.

As long as the ordinary people are trained as intensifiers with a level of 10 or higher and then transferred to become soldiers, they can acquire an elite warrior with the skills of gun manipulation. Those elite intruder warriors are much stronger than ordinary soldiers. In Japan, the elite troops of Heavenly Kingdom defeated Gao Tianyuan's elite 5,000 people, and Yue Zhong Impression's 595th chapter was recruited to list one! Extremely profound.

If Yue Zhong can master a novice village of the demon system, he will be able to cultivate a large number of masters who have become a soldier. In addition to being transferred to become a soldier, the Demon system also has a variety of occupations that allow Yue Zhong to cultivate a variety of talents.

The first thing that Yue Zhong originally planned to return to China was to take Leijiang City to take the lead. I just didn't think that in this city of Ninggang, I could get the news of the magical system novice village.

Listed a slight smile: "Ningxi City! There is a novice village in the Ningxi City. I used to transfer jobs with some friends."

Yue Zhong brows a wrinkle: "Ningxi City, there should be a lot of zombies over there?"

Ningxi City is a city located 50 kilometers west of Fangning Port. Before the end of the world, the city had a population of more than one million.

After the end of the world, every city has a large number of zombies, and the number of zombies is at least 500,000. Such a large-scale corpse cannot be defeated without elite troops.

Yue Zhong forcibly compiled the survivors of 5,000 anti-ning ports. He was not arrogant enough to use the five thousand survivors to destroy the corpse of Ningxi City. It is to add the 595th chapter of the list to list the first one! The troops are not working either.

Listed a faint road: "Well! Ningxi City has a huge corpse on the other side, and hundreds of thousands of zombies on the Ninggang side are also moving in the direction of Ningxi City. The number of corpses gathered in that direction is estimated. More than two million."

"Two million?" Yue Zhong heard the figure brows in the heart of the calculation.

Once the number of zombies exceeds one million, it will be very difficult to eliminate them. Even if Yue Zhong’s forces want to eliminate a million corpses, they have to pay a small price.

However, Yanzhou was one of the heavy industrial cities before the end of the world. After adding a large number of workers, it showed great productivity, and a large amount of ammunition was continuously produced. At the same time, during the time when Yue Zhong disappeared, three other arsenals before the end of the world were discovered. In Guangxi, Yue Zhong already has the ability and reserve to annihilate a million zombies.

Yue Zhong pointed out with a touch of pressure: "I appreciate you very much. List one, are you interested in doing it with me?"

At this time, the number of survivors under Yue Zhong’s possession exceeded one million, and the number of elite troops exceeded 20,000.

Listed that although the personal strength is tyrannical, in the eyes of Yue Zhong, it is just a common existence of a bandit. If the soldiers do not have soldiers, they must have no arms in the arms. The only thing that can make Yue Zhong value is his personal strength.

In this last age. The strength of a person is very small. Even if he is to strengthen the level of 81, Yue Zhong has no ability to deal with hundreds of thousands of zombies. Only an army formed by a combination of human elites will be able to eliminate zombies and rebuild order.

When I heard He Zhongzhong’s hesitation, he asked: “If I work with you, what can I get?”

At this time, the name of the tyrant Yue Zhong of Guangxi has been known by many people with the enemies of the broadcast and Yue Zhong defeating. It is also stated that the presence of Zhong Yuezhong in Guining City was also known from the mouth of a survivor who survived.

Yue Zhong’s masters are like a cloud, and the number of elite troops is more than 20,000. The huge power is not at all a list of the grass team that can be compared. When I heard Yue Zhong’s solicitation, I couldn’t help but give birth to a heart of trust, but this one must also look at Yue Zhong’s offer price.

Yue Zhong directly threw out a major battalion commander to draw a list: "If you come over with me, I can give you a real master battalion commander. Of course, you have to give everything to Tianyang." Come out. As for you and your brother's private property, women can keep it."

Yue Zhong has become a force at this time. The position of any of the battalion commanders is very valuable, but it is the officer who really masters the army. And if Yue Zhong is in the future, then everyone can become a founding father. In the future, the prosperity of Ronghua will be inexhaustible.

Many natural evolutionists in Guining City have joined the military and played for the military. Many of them are just the ranks of lieutenant and captain. The rank of a major is very valuable.

Listed a message in the heart. After he was ambitious to pull up the gang of the day, he felt a little hard. There are also countless things to be annoyed by a gang. The various forces in the gang are intriguing, and the gangs need to be appeased. Many rations need to be solved.

As soon as the Tianyang Gang was expanded to 7,000, there was some inability to expand. The rations that are consumed every day to help the public have a headache. Many of the food in the anti-ning port has been moldy, and the food that can support 7,000 gangs in his hands is only three months left. Once he was forced to leave the city of Fangning, he was afraid to have to abandon thousands of gangs to save food.

List one is a person who is enthusiastic and famous. He opened his own conditions: "Head, how about giving me a lieutenant colonel? I am a dual-evolutionist, and the level of reinforcement is as high as 63. As long as you give me the head of the lieutenant colonel who is the real person. I am willing to work for you. Tianyang will give you all to me. These two beautiful and beautiful virgins, I will also give you."

Yue Zhong mouth reveals a smile: "Yes!"

Yue Zhong, with a head of office, recruited a dual-evolutionary evolver to work for him, which made him very satisfied. He was able to so easily recruit the list because his power was already huge. And the order is built, and the elites are like the clouds, and they will give birth to a heart. If Yue Zhong is a lonely man, even if he strengthens the level up to 100, he will not choose to rely on him.

"Thank you for your leadership! No! Thank you, the head!!" The list was very excited and said incoherently. When he was an adult, he wanted to be an official. It was just that the country was very strict. He had a small civil servant who had no background and could not even be a civil servant. Now Yue Zhong actually let him become the head of the Lieutenant Colonel, and he was excited to the extreme.

We must know that the heroes among the Chinese people want to be officials. From the ancient times to the present, the number of heroes recruited by the court is countless. Yue Zhong has built a new order in Guining City, which is equivalent to the re-establishment of a regime. It clearly shows that he can't resist Yue Zhong's army. He chose to rely on Yue Zhong, hoping to build a meritorious service and then enjoy the glory.

As soon as he calmed down from the excitement, he shouted to the two beautiful beauty around him: "Xie Jingyun, Wang Lucu, haven't you seen your new owner?"

For the enthusiasm of the rich and powerful, the beauty is not very tempting to him. Compared with women, power is what men are most eager to pursue. Before the end of the world, many people gave their wives and daughters to the Shangguan for the sake of their official and progress. Xie Jingyun, Wang Lucu and Lie Ming had no relatives, and he gave these two beautiful women to Yue Zhong. He also had no psychological obstacles.

"(Xie Jingyun, Wang Lucu) met the master!" Xie Jingyun and Wang Ruruo flashed a touch of helplessness and bitterness in the eyes of the two women with a pleasing smile toward Yue Zhong.

A chaotic world is not as good as a Taiping dog. Xie Jingyun and the two women are also very clear that the world has changed. They are no longer the arrogant women who are sought after by others. If you don't bow to reality, you will be treated with cruelty.

"Well!" Yue Zhong faintly swept Xie Jingyun and Wang Ruru. The two women did not stay too much in their bodies, but pointed out one thing: "You are doing with me, Tianyang is afraid that someone is not willing. You What are you going to do?"

A little smile, the handsome face has been smothered: "You can rest assured that the head, you will handle it properly. Those who do not want to do with you, I will let him not see the sun of tomorrow."

It is said that a pair of Yue Zhong looks very good talk, but in the end of the world can create a gang like Tianyang, he is also not good. The reason why he talks to Yue Zhong is that Yue Zhong’s strength is too strong and his power is too strong. He can’t resist at all.

Listed as one is also a resolutely popular person ~www.readwn.com~ He quickly summoned many leaders of Tianyang to announce his decision.

The leader of Tianyang Gang suddenly lost his mind. Not everyone is as enthusiastic as it is to be listed. Some of the leaders only thought about eating a large bowl of meat and drinking, and casually playing a woman's gang life. I heard that I have to rely on Yue Zhong to oppose it.

After arranging the killing of eight opposing leaders in a row, the strongest is to integrate Tianyang Gang and rely on Yue Zhong. And with Yue Zhong to carry out the reorganization of the troops.

It is stated that one by one relies on Yue Zhong, and there is no power in the entire anti-Ning port to withstand the union of the two. Those big and small gangs are not fleeing here, they are immediately relying on Yue Zhong. Anti-Ning Kong Port soon fell into the control of Yue Zhong.

At night, Yue Zhong rode on Xiaoqing's back and flew in the direction of Ningxi City.

The elite army in the direction of Guining City has started to dispatch according to Yue Zhong’s orders. The march is very smooth, and all the way to destroy 300,000 zombies blocked on the road, stationed in Qingxian County, 50 miles away from Xining City.

Yue Zhong took the initiative to come to Ningxi City to investigate and explore the reality of Ningxi City. (To be continued.

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