God and Devil World

Vol 5 Chapter 597: The mutation infects the giant mother!

> The speed of the fourth-order white scale tiger surpasses the third-order lightning. Even if Yue Zhong has undergone various enhancements, it still cannot keep up with its speed.

The fourth-order white scale tiger moved, and Yue Zhong’s dangerous perception jumped to the extreme, and a thick sense of death rushed into his heart. His mind was moving, and a light shield was in front of him.

The fourth-order white-scale tiger was shot on the huge light shield, and the light shield immediately shattered, and the light shield that lost energy fell to the ground.

Yue Major 骇 once again launched another light shield to form a reticle in front of the fourth-order white scale tiger.

The fourth-order white-scale tiger had a right-handed shot, and the mask was shattered again, but it delayed nearly a second.

Within this second, Yue Zhong launched the skill magic inflammation, a group of horrible magic storms that could burn everything from the direction of the four-stage white scale tigers.

In the eyes of the fourth-order white-scale tiger, there was a glimmer of light, and the leap was easy.

Just as the fourth-order white scale tiger was ready to attack again, the fourth-order steel armor suddenly appeared behind it, and a claw was shot on it, directly tearing off a large piece of flesh and blood.

The fourth-order white-scaled tiger made an earth-shattering roar, and the eyes almost spurted out the fire. The claws were shot on the body of the fourth-order steel armor, in the body of the fourth-order steel armor bear. There was a huge scar on it.

In the sky, Xiaoqing flies like a blue meteor, catching Yue Zhong and flapping his wings~~-Update the starting ~~, and flies toward the sky.

The fourth-order white-scale tiger saw this scene, and made a sound of earth-shattering roaring. The unicorn of his forehead was lingering, and a terrible white light skyrocketed toward Yue Zhong and Xiao Qing.

Yue Zhong’s face changed suddenly and the bronze clock was launched. A blue mask shrouded him and Xiao Qing.

The white light from the fourth-order white scale tiger blasted on the blue mask, and the protective cover of the bronze clock was passed through. The white light shot on Yue Zhong’s thigh and directly gasified Yue Zhong’s thigh. Then, through the huge body of Xiaoqing, a large hole was burned, and a large amount of blood ran down from the big hole and sprinkled toward the ground.

When Yue Zhong’s right leg was vaporized by the white beam. A violent pain came from the disappearing leg, almost causing him to faint.

Xiaoqing issued a sorrow, and immediately launched the power of the source. The speed of maneuvering hurricane once again reached the horrible 1.8 Mach, flew in the direction of Ningxi City, and several breaths disappeared.

The fourth-order white-scaled tiger made an earth-shattering roar, but it was nothing to do with Xiaoqing in the sky. It is the hegemon of the land. There is no fear of any existence on the ground, but there is no way to take the creatures in the sky.

Xiao Qingqiang endured the injury and flew to the edge of Xining City and swayed to the ground.

Yue Zhong dragged a leg and jumped from Xiaoqing's back. He saw the huge blood hole above Xiaoqing's abdomen, and he felt distressed and heartbroken. This time he was too risky and underestimated the horror of the fourth-order mutant beast. If there was no Xiaoqing rescue, the ten Yue Zhong would be killed by the fourth-order white scale tiger.

Among the Yokosuka bases, most of the fourth-order mutant beasts that Yue Zhong encountered were fourth-order giant sea beasts, which possessed unmatched power and powerful origin. But they also have a fatal weakness. That is, after they landed, they were far less agile in the sea. Yue Zhong used this weakness to hunt down two weak fourth-order mutant beasts.

However, the fourth-order white-scale tiger is a land-based monster, and the speed of action exceeds the speed of sound. Although not as powerful as the fourth-order mutant sea beast, it is not human being able to resist. This kind of abnormal horror creature is not the existence that Yue Zhong can face positively.

With the strength of Yue Zhong, it is easy to kill the second-order mutant beast, but it will be dangerous to the third-order mutant beast, basically not the fourth-order mutant beast.

Yue Zhong immediately took out a crystal nucleus of a third-order mutant beast from his arms and handed it to Xiaoqing: "Come on!"

After Xiaoqing swallowed the nucleus of the third-order mutant beast, he collapsed into a group and began to quietly recover his body. The third-order mutant beast also has a strong resilience, but Xiaoqing's body is almost penetrated by the light of the fourth-order white scale tiger. The terrible injury also requires a good rest to fully recover.

Yue Zhong took a lot of third-order mutant beast meat and four-stage mutant beast meat from his arms and ate it.

As a large number of high-grade mutant beasts disappeared in Yue Zhong’s mouth, the skills in his body regenerated and his right leg was itchy. Numerous granules surged and a new right leg slowly grew out.

It took a day, and Yue Zhong’s right leg grew out completely. Xiaoqing, who swallowed a large number of third-order mutant beast nucleus, completely recovered the injury.

"I don't know who won the battle between the fourth-order mutant beasts." After Yue Zhong resumed, he jumped on Xiaoqing's back, driving Xiaoqing to fly toward the mountain.

"Good! It seems that the fourth-order white scale tiger won! Immediately turn around and fly in the direction of Ningxi City." Yue Zhong just flew to the mountain near Xiaoqing, and saw a variety of mutant beasts formed in the mountains and plains. Only the mutant beast army came to the mountains. A horrible killing came from the herd and directly locked Yue Zhong.

Xiaoqing is also very afraid of the fourth-order white-scale tiger. It quickly turned around and flapped its wings and flew in the direction of Ningxi City.

Among the herds, the fourth-order white-skinned tiger made an angry roar, and the countless mutant herds turned into a fierce torrent of water flowing in the direction of Ningxi City.

The fourth-order mutant beast is also a fierce beast at the land level, and the fourth-order mutant beast also has the ability to drive the beast. The Tiandi Dibao and its children in the nest were stolen to the anger of the fourth-order white-scale tiger, the tyrant of the mountain, who mobilized countless herds to kill Yue Zhong and destroy Yue Zhong’s ethnic group.

Countless mutant beasts flow in the direction of Yue Zhong as the ocean.

Yue Zhong jumped from Xiaoqing's back and took a phantom locomotive and headed for Ningxi City along the road. He must leave enough smell for those mutant beasts to find.

Yue Zhong came to the entrance of Ningxi City, and a large number of zombies were moved to the side by the **** smell inside the blood lotus bowl in his hand.

Most of the blood contained in the basin is the blood of the second-order and third-order mutant beasts. The blood of those high-order mutant beasts is also a panacea for evolution.

Yue Zhong took a look at the swaying zombies, launched a protective fit, stretched his right hand, shot a bone spur into the ground, and the spur extension took him to a tall building.

The mutant herd that followed the Yue Zhong also rushed over, and a large number of mutant herds rushed into the corpse, tearing the zombies into pieces.

After Yue Zhong launched the joint protection, he moved to the center of Ningxi. He must create an illusion that he is hiding in Ningxi City, and let the fourth-order white scale tiger launch an attack on the center of Ningxi.

Watching Yue Zhong escape, those mutant beasts became violent.

Dozens of large-scale second-order black-scale murderous pigs rushed toward the corpse like a tank and flew directly, crushing countless zombies and charging toward Ningxi City.

The mutant beasts of the giant beasts have launched into the city of Ningxi. Like the road roller, they have killed countless zombies directly.

The sudden attack of the mutant herd angered the corpse rulers in Ningxi City, and a large evolutionary corpse consisting of many evolutionary zombies such as L4, L3, S4, and S3 launched toward the mutant herd. Counterattack.

As the evolutionary corpse joined the battle, the light of the wind blade, the ice cone, the flame, the thunder and the power of the source constantly flashed, numerous zombies, mutant beasts killed each other, and then died.

Mutant beasts are invincible for ordinary zombies, but evolutionary zombies have the ability to threaten their lives.

Yue Zhong walked through the roof of Ningxi City soon. A headhunter type II immediately flew away from the wall, such as the same head gecko generally chasing him against the wall.

From time to time, Yue Zhong stopped his right hand and waved the black tooth knife to directly kill the Hunter II. With his current strength, as long as he was not killed by thousands of hunters II, he was able to kill a **** road.

Yue Zhong fled to the center of Ningxi, but far away from the mutated infection of the giant mother. That existence is too dangerous, Yue Zhong does not want to be attacked by the mutation to infect the giant mother.

All the attacks that the mutation infects the giant mother are unknown ~www.readwn.com~ For Yue Zhong, such existence is the most terrible. If he is not careful, he may fall. In the presence of such a presence, it is very difficult for him to save his life.

The mutation infecting the giant mother seemed to feel the flesh and blood smell moving its huge body and striding in the direction of the mutant herd.

The mutation infects the giant mother body, although it is huge, but the movement is very agile, and the speed can be comparable to Yue Zhong. It strode in a big step, as if a tank would normally step on the foot of the zombie and step on it to become a meat sauce.

The mutant-infected giant mother quickly came to the center of the zombie and mutant beast battlefield. It waved a huge tentacle and shot it hard. The evolutionary zombies flew and hit the side of the wall and smashed and split their brains. It shot the same tentacle with a huge barb on the head of a second-order black-scaled pig with a height of seven meters, directly blasting the head of the second-order black scale.

The mutation infects the head of a giant female snake. It opens and stretches to a height of ten meters. It reveals a sharp tooth that bites on the body of the second-order mutant black scale pig. The first two-order mutated black scale murderous pig bite off, countless blood DC. After a few strokes, the huge second-order black-scale murderous pig was swallowed into the belly, extremely fierce. (To be continued.

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