God and Devil World

Vol 5 Chapter 600: The giant egg in the mother!

> Yue’s loud voice: “Focus the fire, attack it on the head!!”

Eight Thunder fighters in the sky shot the most powerful anti-tank missiles. One anti-tank missile and rocket bomb madly rushed toward the head of the mutant giant carrier. The guns were also launched constantly. The mutation infects the giant mother in an attempt to weaken the resilience of the mutant to the giant mother.

An anti-tank missile and a rocket bombarded the head of the mutated infected giant body, and the tentacles that held the head of the head exploded and splattered.

The fourth long-distance squad that had already been on the high platform had also pulled the trigger to launch the skills. The ray of light directly hit the head of the mutant infected giant mother, and blasted its tentacles, Ludi. Six hundred chapters of the giant eggs in the mother! Out of its ugly head.

Just when the mutation infects the giant mother's tentacles and breaks the skull, Yue Zhong will spend 80 mental strengths and 20 physical strength to condense the magical spears. The magical spear is directly stabbed like a meteor. The mutation invaded the giant mother's head and exploded, turning it into a flame burning its head.

Under the burning of the magical inflammation, the mutated infection of the giant mother's head was spurted by the spurs of the black smoke, and a large piece of flesh and blood was burned to ash by the magic. It couldn't help but scream a sorrow, but it didn't die, and the head tissue was still regenerating.

Yue Zhong did not dare to give the time when the mutation infected the giant mother. He condensed a huge magical spear and shot it again toward the mutant infected giant mother.

The magical spear, like a meteor, blasted on the head of the mutated infected giant mother and exploded again to turn it into a flame, burning the tissue that was regenerated from the mutant giant body into ash.

On the other hand, Baihe also launched a skill sniper with a stream of light and blasted directly on the head of the mutated infected giant mother, directly blasting the mutated infection of the giant mother body, and the giant egg in the sixth hundred chapters of the mother! Have to smash.

A ray of light came from afar, and the head of the mutated infection of the giant mother was drenched with blood and swelled.

The mutation infecting the giant mother finally couldn’t resist the transfer of the body and leaped to the distance to escape.

The speed of the mutation infecting the giant mother is extremely terrifying. As soon as it moved, Baihe and others could not lock its head.

The rockets and anti-tank missiles fired by the eight Thunder fighters in the sky were mostly bombarded around the body of the mutant infected giant body and could not hit its head.

"Damn! I can't let it escape!" Yue Zhong looked at the mutant in the escape and the giant female brow wrinkled tightly.

The mutant infected giant mother appeared to be scarred and even the head was bombarded. However, Yue Zhong is very clear, just give it a little time, this horrible monster can quickly recover. It will be even more difficult to kill it at that time.

Yue Zhong has already consumed more than one hundred and sixty points of mental power at this time. Eight Thunder fighters in the sky have also poured countless rockets and missiles on the body of the mutant infected giant.

If it is impossible to eliminate this mutation in a short time to infect the giant mother, Yue Zhong can only bring people to retreat.

Otherwise, this mutation infects the giant mother into the first division of Yue Zhong, and may be able to destroy the elite first division of Yue Zhong with one's own strength.

Yue Zhong took out the individual soldier's electromagnetic gun and pulled the trigger to the mutant infected giant mother. An electromagnetic bomb was bombarded on the head of the mutant infected giant mother. The mutation infects the giant mother's head and blasts a large hole.

The individual soldier's electromagnetic gun is huge in power, and the same consumption is also extremely terrifying. The ordinary crystal nucleus can only support the electromagnetic gun and will be broken when it is fired. The nucleus of the second-order mutant beast can support the electromagnetic gun to release and launch ten shots to break. The nucleus of the third-order mutant beast is capable of supporting the single-armed electromagnetic gun to fire a hundred shots.

Yue Zhong is using the crystal nucleus of the third-order mutant beast as the energy to bombard the head of the mutant infected giant mother. After he launched the skill step, the agile has surpassed the mutation-infected giant mother, and his shooting skills are superb. Ten rounds of shells blasted its head out of a big hole above the head of the giant infected body.

The mutant infected giant mother was continuously bombarded by Yue Zhong, and the head continued to explode a large piece of blood. After escaping more than three hundred meters, it was bombarded by more than a dozen rockets. Finally crashed down on the ground.

The mutated infection of the giant mother has just stopped fleeing, and the ray of strong sniper skills directly hits its head and bursts its head.

Yue Zhong flew to Xiaoqing and flew to the mutated infected giant mother. The individual soldier's electromagnetic gun continued to blast a wave of electromagnetic bombardment on the head of the mutant infected giant mother.

Yue Zhong has been smashing two precious third-order crystal nucleuses. The mutation that infects the giant mother body has crashed into the ground, and a large group of glory has not entered his body.

“Congratulations, upgrade to level 82 and get two points for free distribution.”

The big group of Lingguang did not enter the body of Yue Zhong, and a sound of a pleasant voice sounded in his mind. He was a long sigh of relief. This horrible monster is finally dead.

In order to eliminate this mutation, the giant parent is infected. The various rockets and missiles in the eight Thunder fighters were consumed. Yue Zhong also consumed a lot of mental power. Two precious third-order crystal nucleuses also used elite evolutionary forces and heavy artillery units. Infected giant mother to kill.

The lack of any force, Yue Zhong, is not necessarily able to kill this mutation in a giant mother. The resilience of this monster is really terrible.

Next to the huge body that mutated to infect the giant mother. Dropped a skill book, a thousand living coins.

Yue Zhong landed on the ground and caught the skill book and the blue treasure box in his hand.

"Third-order skills: high-speed regeneration. After learning this skill, you will have the ability to reproduce the beauty of the mutant beast. Learning this skill requires 400 points of vitality, and the second-order skill regeneration is strengthened three times. Learning this skill will consume three skill points. ”

"The third-order skill is actually a third-order skill. Unfortunately, it is not the third-order skill of the combat class. But it is not bad." Yue Zhong thought that the third-order skill book income storage ring slightly regretted.

After eliminating the mutation that infected the giant mother, Xiaoqing immediately rushed to the body of the mutant infected giant body and licked its body.

The flesh and blood of the advanced mutant beast is the nutrient of zombie evolution. The body of the same high-level zombie is also the nutrient of the evolution of the mutant beast. The two sides are the relationship of hunting each other.

"Hey, what is this?" Yue Zhong saw that Xiao Qing swallowed the mutated infection of the giant mother body and did not care. Suddenly, his face changed slightly and came to the front of the mutant infected giant body.

The abdomen, which has a huge bulge in the giant body of the mutated infection, has been torn by the sharp claws of Xiaoqing. It reveals a giant egg inscribed in it, engraved with mysterious runes and countless pipes. The constant ray of the giant egg inscribed with the strange runes is a singular singularity.

After Yue Zhong launched the protective fit and then armed with the marine mask, he carefully stepped into the body of the mutant infected giant mother, and cut off the pipe connecting the giant egg to the giant egg. Pulled out from the body of the mutant infected giant mother.

Yue Zhong looked at the giant egg in front of the size of a person who was obviously bred, and the light in his eyes was uncertain.

At this time, the giant egg was very fragile, and Yue Zhong could destroy it with a single blow, but he was somewhat reluctant to destroy the giant egg. After all, if you can tame the creatures in the giant eggs, it will be a huge boost for him. And if the creature in the giant egg is a horrible monster like a mutant infected giant mother, then it is also a huge disaster for him.

Just as Yue Zhong hesitated, he screamed, the giant egg inscribed with the mysterious rune was broken, and numerous mucus splashed. The creatures inside rushed toward Yue Zhong like a hurricane.

Yue Zhong had almost no reaction and was thrown onto the body by the creature in the giant egg. His face was stunned and he was scared to face bloodless. He has always strengthened his agility, and he has always been proud of his speed. Even in the face of the fourth-order white scale tiger, he can support two moves. However, he was actually thrown on the body by the creature in the egg, and even the reaction could not be done, which made him fear to the extreme.

Yue Zhong wants to directly launch the skill magic inflammation to kill the creatures on his body, but he just saw the creature lying on him ~www.readwn.com~ immediately no action.

The creature that lingers on Yue Zhong is a long-haired silver hair. The limbs are very slender and can be broken with a little force. The skin is white and jade, and the facial features are exquisite. A pair of silver eyes are as beautiful as if they can inhale the soul. Among them, it seems that only 11-year-old girl* is a little girl.

The little girl crouched in the arms of Yue Zhong, and stretched out the pink tongue and groaned over Yue Zhong’s ocean mask, while screaming and giving a smile.

"The advanced wisdom variant has a terrible evolutionary potential and a humanistic wisdom."

Yue Zhong looked at the silver hair* The beautiful girl's scalp was numb: "What is going on? This kind of thing is actually bred in the body of this monster. Is she human or zombie?"

Yue Zhong has killed countless zombies but has not seen a zombie gestating a giant egg. The giant egg will also give birth to a beautiful little girl.

Yue Zhong tried to put the beautiful silver-haired girl down from his arms, but he just put down the silver-haired girl, and when she moved, she jumped to Yue Zhong’s body, and Gege Jiao smiled and sticks to the extreme. (To be continued) RQ

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