God and Devil World

Chapter 60: Tong Yan Guo Yu

Wang Guanghu laughed loudly: "Ha ha! Yue Zhong brother, you don't know. The central part of the area is estimated to have fallen. If there is no fall, they will definitely release a stable notice to settle the hearts of the people. More than half a month, except for the Bohai Sea nearby The city survivor base is still releasing broadcasts and calming people's hearts. But the information on the central side has not been transmitted at all, and it is estimated that they have all become zombies."

Wang Guanghu made a promise to recruit: "Yue Zhong, if you come to help me, you are the five grandfathers of Changguang Village! I am in the position of Zhang Xiang, Lei Zhen, Chen Yan, the next time I go out to find survivors, I will let you Pick the three most beautiful women."

Yue Zhong was silent for a while and said slowly: "Tiger brother, sorry. I have to go back to Nanning, my parents are there. I have to go to them. I am afraid I can't help you."

Wang Guanghu’s eyes flashed in the cold, his legs swayed, and he was silent for a while, only to sigh a long sigh: “Where! You are a good man with affection and righteousness. People are aspiring, I am not reluctant to you. I have a request, I hope you can help me out and leave."

Yue Zhong’s eyes condensed and slowly said: “Tiger brother, you said!”

Wang Guanghu smiled at Yue Zhong and said the words that made Yue Zhong very surprised: "I know a arsenal that collects and collects military equipment. I need your help, we will seize the arsenal together."

Yue Zhong thought for a while before continuing to say: "Tiger brother, your firepower is so fierce, can't you still win the arsenal?"

With the firepower of Wang Guanghu, as long as the bullets are sufficient, the ordinary zombies will only be killed. Wang Guanghu opened his mouth to Yue Zhong for help. Obviously things are not that simple.

Wang Guanghu did not conceal, directly said to Yue Zhong: "It is not the opposite! In the arsenal, there are four mutant dogs. The four mutant dogs are too powerful. The last time I folded five brothers did not kill them. This time, I don’t see your brother, you don’t dare to play the idea there.”

"Four percent! The four mutant dogs, if I solved them. I want the arms in the arsenal of 40%!" Yue Zhong thought for a while, said.

Wang Guanghu frowned, Shen Sheng said: "Two percent! Yue Zhong brothers, after taking the arsenal, I can give you two arms in stock."

Yue Zhong shook his head and said: "Tiger brother, I have to take the life to fight with the four variants of the military dog. One accident, my brother and I will die under the dog of the variant. If it is not seen in the tiger brother You are so cool and heroic. I will never ask for the price."

Wang Guanghu stared at Yue Zhong for a while and called to the backyard: "Light rain! You come out!"

One of the skin was white, like a black waterfall-like long hair scattered on the shoulders, with a baby face, choppy chest, and a small, delicate girl walked in a white dress.

Seeing that the girl named Xiao Yu walked in, Lei Zhen and Chen Yan’s eyes all showed a greedy gaze, staring at the chest named Xiao Yu who was not fit for age.

The little girl named Xiao Yu walked in, and the beautiful women who were kneeling at the feet of Wang Guanghu, Lei Zhen and Chen Yan were completely compared. The delicate and pretty face of Xiao Yu’s childishness and her plump figure formed a fascinating charm. It can be called a model of Tong Yan.

Wang Shuang also stared at the chest of the rain.

It is Yue Zhong, and I can't help but see a little rain. In modern society, the nutrition is abundant, the girl develops early, and the little girl with good shape is not without. Lu Wen’s figure is very good among her peers, but she is still inferior to this girl named Xiao Yu.

The girl named Xiao Yu said to Wang Guanghu: "Tiger brother!"

Wang Guanghu pointed to the girl named Xiaoyu and said to Yue Zhong: "Yue Zhong brother, this is Guo Yu, the most beautiful virgin on my hand, now I have given her to you! She is no better than you bring. How many are the difference. The most important thing is that she is obedient. And you know? She used to be the daughter of the mayor of Leijiang City. The virgin daughter of a mayor, the value is far above the 20% elimination of arms, you say? ?"

Listening to Wang Guanghu giving himself as a cargo, Guo Yu’s eyes flashed a humiliation. However, she did not dare to show any dissatisfaction. Wang Guanghu is facing the corporal of Yue Zhong Li Xian, but he is never soft on women. Guo Yu once saw a beautiful woman who violated Wang Guanghu. He was interrupted by four limbs and thrown into the chicken coop. The woman died after two days. She was stunned when she died. There is also a woman who violated Wang Guanghu who was directly alive to feed the zombies. When she saw the woman being bitten by the zombies and biting down the flesh of the body, she did not dare to violate Wang Guanghu. . In the face of Wang Guanghu, the young lady's temper, the princess is sick, and she is completely looking for death.

Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a few times before he smiled: “Okay! Just follow the instructions of Tiger Brother.”

Wang Guanghu also smiled and said to Guo Yu: "Light rain, don't you go to see your new owner?"

Guo Yu took a fragrant wind to the side of Yue Zhong~www.readwn.com~ Yingyingyibai, then squatted in front of Yue Zhong, looked at Yue Zhongdao with those bright big eyes: "I have seen the master! ”

Looking at Guo Yuxi in front of Yue Zhong, Lei Zhen and Chen Yan have flashed a glimpse of their eyes. They have more than four beautiful women in each room, but none of them are so beautiful as Guo Yu, and their body is so good.

"Tong Yan., Yue Zhong really is not a blessing." Wang Shuang, sitting next to Yue Zhong, looked at the beautiful and charming Guo Yu, and his eyes flashed a sizzling heat, and could not help but whisper.

Wang Guanghu looked at Guo Yu, who was next to Yue Zhong, and smiled. "Now it is too late, Yue Zhong brother, you must have a hard time coming from afar. Take a hot bath and rest."

Yue Zhong asked: "Tiger brother, is the water not polluted?"

Bathing is a very wasteful act of water resources. In Leijiang City, only Yue Zhong, Ji Qing Dance, Chi Yang and Lu Wen can bathe. Others are only able to wipe their bodies with water and do not dare to take a bath. After all, no one knows that water pollution is not.

Wang Guanghu explained to Yue Zhong: "We take the living water in the river. The living water in the river will not have any problem after it has been boiled for five minutes. If you drink raw water directly, you may or may not be infected. Something went wrong."

Guo Yu’s body trembled a little, and she knew that in order to reach this conclusion. Wang Guanghu took more than twenty people to experiment, and one of them who drunk raw water was directly infected and mutated into a zombie.

Wang Guanghu saw that Yue Zhong had no doubts and recruited a tall and thin young man to order: "Liu Shui! Take the Yue Zhong brothers and their companions to rest."

Liu Shui nodded and led Yue Zhong and his entourage to go out: "Yes!"

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