God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 609: Union Conference!

> Among the hundreds of dragons and snakes mixed together, Yue Zhong discovered twelve people. His instincts felt that the twelve people were somewhat different from others.

"Who is that person?" Yue Zhong pointed to a white shirt, a long sword across the waist, a sword eyebrow star, a fascinating, arrogant, young man about twenty-two years old asked Li Guang Road.

Yue Zhong, who uses the sword, is still very rare to see. Most of the people use the knife and the imitation Tang knife that the magic system bursts out. Of course, many weapons such as swords, hooks, spears, guns, and cymbals often burst out. However, the low-level demon system equipment that exploded in Guangxi and Hunan is mainly a copy of the Tang knife.

Li Guang glanced over to the other side: "That is the sword of the sword son. It is said that he once killed a L3 with a sword and a gun. The melee is invincible, the six hundred and ninety-nine league conference! The sword is absolutely good, no one can He beat him in melee. People who are enemies with him are basically dead. Of course, although he is very proud but not stupid, he basically has not provoked too much power. He did not expect him to come."

"What about that person?" Yue Zhong looked at a man with a three-meter-long giant steel hammer, wearing a sleeveless bust warrior suit, revealing a large black chest hair, burly body, scars everywhere, big mouthful The big man with the barbecue asked Li Guang.

Li Guangdao: "The man is a giant bear Qin Qin! It has a terrible strange power. It is said that the giant steel hammer in his hand has exceeded 500 kilograms. He can easily flatten an L2 with a hammer, which is also a difficult role."

Just when Li Guangwei Yue Zhong explained the venues that made Yue Zhong pay attention to the strong. Ten strong men came to sit down on the high platform of the venue.

The position above the high platform of the venue was specially prepared for the major leaders of the Han people. Only the big power leaders whose survivors surpassed a thousand were eligible to sit in that position.

This time, the top ten gangs participating in the Nangong Lie organization alliance were Tianuanjiao, Chiyangjiao, Yuanyijiao, Tianmujiao, Red Gang, Lanbang, Jinwobang, Liyangbang, Pink Gang, and Qingzhu Bang.

The Sixty-Nineth Chapter Alliance Conference of the Top Ten Gangs! The helpers of the eight gangs are male, and the helpers of Pink Gang and Qingzhu are female. Yue Zhong looked at the pink helper and the green bamboo helper.

The helper of Pink Gang is a common look. The figure is flat, but the middle-aged woman with her eyes shining with wisdom. The helper of the Qingzhu Gang is a middle-aged woman with a height of one meter nine, a body full of muscles, a thicker waist than a bucket, a fierce face, a fierce flash in her eyes, and a pockmark. Not all female gang gangs are as beautiful as Ding Mei and Shangguan Bingxue.

A suit in a pen. The hair was bright and the instrument was stunned. The middle-aged man with a faint majesty said to Zhu Xiong with a kind smile. "Welcome everyone to attend this event. I am the organizer of this conference. Helping Ximen Lie. I am very happy to meet everyone here."

As soon as Simone appeared, a strange spiritual fluctuation was overwhelming at the venue. Everyone was unconsciously quiet and did not continue to argue.

Yue Zhong instigated the mental fluctuations and speculated that Ximengli used a small means: "spiritual fluctuations. This is someone who uses the spirit of the skills. This Ximeng Lie seems to have a hand."

After Simon’s words were completed, the other gangs of the top ten gangs began a brief self-introduction, letting the following men realize them.

"Everyone listens to me! Now on the grassland. The golden wolf ride of the Turkic Empire, the Golden King of the Mongolian King, and the Eight-Flag Army of Manchuria make our Han people a pig. Our Han Chinese gathering place has been broken every day. The gathering place was broken. All the men in it will be killed, and the women and children will be the slaves of the **** animals, let them bully and insult. They will even be killed by the perverts among them. Then go on, the whole The grasslands will become the hunting grounds for the animals, and the Han Chinese are the lowest and lower prey."

"We Han people are hardworking, kind, and brave. It is no worse than their Turks, Mongols, and Manchus. We also have **** warriors. Powerful heroes. The reason why we fall to this point is because we are now It is a loose sand. As long as we unite, we can definitely become the biggest force in the grassland, and beat those Turks, Mongols, and Manchus to the foot."

"Because of this, I am here to propose the creation of the Great Han Alliance. Collect the power of all the Han Chinese on the grassland to destroy those Turks, Mongols, Manchurians. Thank you!" Ximen Lie was very loud on the high platform. Road.

After Simon’s words were finished, the applause sounded like a thunder.

The basic national policy of the Turkic Empire, the Mongolian King, and the Manchuria are all kind to their people. Bring people of other nationalities to act as slaves and let their own people live a better life. Such a policy can strengthen the cohesiveness of the nation. At the same time, because they are shocked by other peoples as slaves, their cohesiveness and sense of identity will continue to increase.

However, such a policy is to let other nations endure endless suffering, and no one wants to be a slave to others. In particular, many modern people have received higher education, and no one is willing to be a slave. Those slaves were made by violence.

The small forces of the Han Chinese who were on the grassland thought that their gathering place had been broken, and they would become sorrowful in the hearts of the slaves of the three major forces. This is the main reason why they actively responded to the Union Assembly of the Simon Group.

Zhao Jinglei heard that Ximen Lie’s words of extreme nationalism were extremely wrinkled and sighed: “Why do you want to eliminate Turks, Mongols, and Manchus? Are you not all Chinese people? Why are you killing each other?”

Yue Zhong stunned that day, really, Zhao Jinglei looked faintly: "It's very simple! Everyone wants to live, live better, no one wants to be a slave to others. For those who can't speak in words, only use cannons and bayonets. Come talk to them. If you don't kill them, they will kill you. You can only talk about peace if you become a presence above them. Turkic Empire, Mongolian King, Manchuria want to kill us, we will kill them. It’s such a simple matter, don’t think too complicated for him.”

Yue Zhong does not like to kill people at home and in the country. However, if someone blocks his way forward, he will never be soft. As long as it is an enemy, he will be wiped out, no matter which ethnic group. Even if the Han people are blocking him in front of him, he will kill him as a Han, and he will not be soft.

Few people objected, and the proposal to create the Great Han Alliance was passed. All the gangs and forces agreed to join the Dahan Alliance.

In fact, before coming here, everyone already knows what is going on. Those who are willing to participate are those who are willing to join the Great Han Alliance and warm up. The Han Chinese who are not interested in the Alliance will not send people here.

A man shouted loudly: "Ximen is the master of the squad, and the wise man is martial. He leads the Lieyang to fight in the first line of fighting the three forces. He has the experience of fighting the three forces. I propose to let the Ximen helper become our big man. The Alliance's ally leads us to eliminate the three forces, unify the prairie, and regain the nation in the future, creating a new China!!"

"Ximen helps the wise and martial arts, I propose that Ximen will be the ally of our Dahan Alliance."

"No!! I propose that the red gang's gang, Huang Xueyu, is the ally of our Dahan Alliance. Huang gang is a scholar of heaven and earth. Before the end of the world, he was a government official at the department level. He has rich experience in organization and management. He is the ally of our Dahan Alliance, our Dahan The alliance will be able to thrive and continue to develop rapidly."

"Hey!! Huang Xuexuan, there are dozens of women in the old color embryo. He is lying on the woman's belly every day. How can I have the energy to manage the Dahan League? I propose to let the Golden Wolf help the animal husbandry as the lord of the Dahan Alliance. Young and promising, energetic, extraordinary and energetic, as long as he is the helper of our Dahan Alliance, the Jedi can make our Dahan Alliance grow and develop, and destroy the three forces in one fell swoop."


In addition to the ally of the Great Han Alliance, the following suddenly became a group, and the dozens of gangs of the gangs had jumped out and recommended their master.

The top ten gang leaders on the high platform were silently watching the chaos below.

The swordsman’s skin sword came out in a big step and said: “Everyone is quiet!!”

The sound of Pi Jianyi was not big, but with a strange power, it was completely suppressing the voice of the riots above the venue.

The eyes of the people are concentrated on the body of Pi Jianyi.

The sword is proud and proud: "In this prairie, the weak meat is strong. The lord of the Great Han Alliance thinks that it should be served by the strongest martial arts person. I propose to win the battle~www.readwn.com~ by Wugong People come to be the ally of the Great Han Alliance!"

"I agree! It’s better to win the game!"

"I agree!!"


The strong ones who have been hunting the mutant beasts to improve their level of reinforcement have responded with enthusiasm.

A big man stood up and shook his head and retorted: "I oppose, what ages are now, and what kind of competition is better. The strength of personal strength is no match for the strength of the collective. I propose that the number of survivors will be the most powerful." The ally of our Great Han Alliance!"


On the top of the venue, there was a mess for the position of the lord, and countless people were vying for it. That is the leader of the big forces who control the lives and deaths of tens of thousands of people. No one can humbly give the position of the lord to others.

Yue Zhong is watching on the side of the cold, he knows that a lone ranger like Pi Jian is definitely not the leader of the Dahan League. The leader of the Great Han Alliance can only be produced in the top ten gangs.

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