God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 11: The murderer Wintermore!

> "Ha ha! Idiot!! Now in what age, I still use cavalry to attack the city!!"

"Go home and go to eat milk!! Idiot!!"

"It’s funny, those idiots used the cavalry to attack the fortress. I was the first time I saw such an idiot!"

"The famous Golden Wolf ride is no different!"


Many heroes watching the battle on the high ground watched the cavalry of the Golden Wolf riding directly into the sieve in front of the bunkers. The fear in the eyes swept away and laughed loudly.

Ximengli looked at the golden wolf riding in front of the bunker and flashed a scorn in his eyes: "The name is not true!! These golden wolves ride on the grassland no matter how tyrannical, in front of the bunker in my town of Tianmu is a group to be slaughtered. Lamb!"

The red gangster Huang Xueyu said a fair saying: "The golden wolf rides in the field and is shorter than the siege. The leader of this golden wolf ride is too arrogant. It is really an idiot to use the short attack of the enemy."

Indeed, as Huang Xueyu said, if it is in the wild, the four thousand well-trained Golden Wolf riders can easily smash all the forces in Tianmu Town. However, in the absence of heavy artillery, it is very stupid to use the cavalry to blindly attack the bunker.

"The leader of the Golden Wolf ride will not be so stupid?" Yue Zhong held the rifle constantly and shot a famous golden wolf riding the attacker directly on the ground, but carefully observed the action of the Golden Wolf ride. He has a hunch that the Golden Wolf ride will not be so simple, otherwise there will not be so many Han Chinese gatherings to be attacked by the Golden Wolf.

Yue Zhong’s shooting technique at this time is extremely horrible. He can easily shoot the soldiers of the Golden Wolf from the guns within 500 meters, but they can’t make them headshot.

Wintermore looked at a soldier who was riding a golden wolf and was shot down on the ground, crying and mourning, his eyes raised red and raised a huge mace and shouted loudly: "The Holy Wolf!! Come with me!! Kill those Han dogs! The entire prairie is our great Turkic Empire! Long live the Great Turk Empire!!"

"Long live the Great Turkistan Empire!"

"Long live the Great Turkistan Empire!"


The warriors riding on the Golden Wolf have issued a scream of enthusiasm. They have been brainwashed by Ur, and have become a fanatic of the creation of the Grand Turk Empire. Taking the revival of the Great Turkistan as its own responsibility, it is a glory to think that the war is dead on the battlefield.

In this end of the world, the order collapses and morality is lost. Everyone does not know what will happen tomorrow. In that fear. People are looking for spiritual sustenance. One gang, cults have appeared. The soldiers of the Golden Wolf riding were mostly ordinary Uyghur youths before the end of the world, but under the temptation of Urto, they have become a fanatic of the big Turkic Empire fanatics.

In fact, there is such a presence in the power of Yue Zhong. The youth guards he created were his most fanatical supporters. Willing to fight for him to die. The younger the younger the more the blood, the more modern Chinese people, the group of **** young people throwing their heads and blood, and finally created the Huaxia Kingdom.

From the four thousand Golden Wolf Army, a soldier wearing a golden color and embroidering a fierce one-horned golden wolf robes on his chest. These warriors embroidered with a single-horned golden wolf are the strongest intensifiers of the Golden Wolf ride.

A bullet shot on a St. Wolf riding a warrior like a heavy hammer shot him down on the ground, but after a while, he staggered and stood up. As if the zombies were rushing toward Tianmu Town.

The two hundred sacred wolf riders rushed to the Tianmu town with a gun and rain. They raised their right hand and pointed to the bunker in the town. The thorn ring worn on their hands suddenly flashed a touch of gray. The light, a sharp thorn from the bunker, will pierce the body of the warrior inside the bunker.

Among the bunkers, there was a horrible cry soon, and the firepower of Tianmu Town was much weaker.

When I saw a scene, everyone turned white. The body is shaking. If the bunker was removed by the Golden Wolf, everyone in Tianmu Town had only one dead end.

Yue Zhong looked coldly at the ten gang's strongmen and gave orders: "Ximen Lie, Fei Tu, Zhao Li, Gu Lixian, Huang Xueyu, Mu Tang, Hua Yi, Dong Feng, Zhang Yuanyuan, Ma Buri with you. People come with me and destroy all the invading Golden Wolf rides. Li Guang is acting as a reserve team. Without my orders, you are not allowed to act rashly! Join me and die!"

After the speech, Yue Zhong took a large number of guards and strode toward the battlefield.

Hearing the command of Yue Zhong, the helpers of the top ten gangs flashed a touch of dissatisfaction, but when Yue Zhong had already visited the front line, they could not do anything. They could only bite their teeth and kill them with Yue Zhong.

"Go to death!! Han dog!!"

Yue Zhongyi appeared on the battlefield, and the four wolves riding the black scale horses immediately screamed and held the machete. Like a meteor, he fell to Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong extracted a black knife that was strengthened to a five-level blade and was two meters long. The huge knife instantly crossed the body of the four wolves.

In the next moment, the four people even took the horses and they were smashed into two halves by Yue Zhong. The blood and the internal organs were scattered in the horror of the earth.

After Yue Zhong killed four strong men on the wolf, he went on the throne and walked among the strong wolves. When the knife light flashed, a master of the famous wolf rider was directly cut into two by him!

"It's so strong!! This man dares to come forward and win the position of the Great Han Alliance Alliance. It really has some skills!"

The 12 Guardsmen who followed the body of Yue Zhong saw Yue Zhong killing those sacred wolves as if they were crushing an ant.

However, these 12 masters are the top evolutionists on the grassland, and each level of the reinforcement level is more than fifty-six. They are naturally arrogant and their eyes are higher than the top. Seeing that Yue Zhong slaughtered the warriors who wore the wolves, they all had a sense of competition in their hearts, and they launched an attack on those wolves.

A warrior riding a sacred wolf rushed toward the leather sword with a huge knives like a gust of wind.

"Looking for death!" The sword flashed in the cold, a step forward, a long sword at the waist, such as a poisonous dragon, with a little starlight to the soldier riding the wolf, the soldier of the wolf riding together with the armpit The horse seemed to break into the meat grinder and turned directly into a pile of corpses, which fell to the ground and sprinkled on the ground.

A sword smashed the soldier who was riding the wolf. The sword was still a layer of unstained, and a drop of blood was not dyed on his body.

On the other hand, the giant bear Qin Yu took the three-meter-long mace. Like a human-shaped tank, the mace that weighs five hundred kilograms is like an embroidered needle in his hand. It dances wildly, and a warrior riding a famous wolf is directly smashed into a bolognese.

An ordinary middle-aged woman wearing a black body armor, Pan Ling, took a bronze longbow and continued to bend the archery to shoot a soldier who was riding a wolf from the horse.

"Amitabha! Sin! Sin! Please die!" Pan Sheng, who claimed to be Xiaona, recited the Buddha. On the other hand, as the reincarnation of the King Kong refers to the reincarnation of the black scale horse on the body of the St. Wolf, the horrible boxing force instantly erupted, and the St. Wolf rider and the horse together became a pile of pieces.

The heads of the top ten gangs also brought people to the front line, and they all went into battle and smothered with those wolves. Relying on the deterrent of those bunkers, most of the four thousand golden wolves have not yet rushed into the town of Tianmu. If they are rushed into the town by four thousand golden wolves, all of them will die without a place of burial.

Yue Zhong, they killed at least two hundred golden wolves riding the elite. This kind of casualty has been a major loss for the Golden Wolf ride. Once the city is broken, those golden wolf rides will definitely vent their anger on them. The only result is the massacre!

The heads of the top ten gangs have heard about the many stories of the Golden Wolf, the Mongolian King, and the Manchurian National Slaughter. They don't want to be the bones of the massacre themselves.

The red gang, Huang Xueyu, also entered the battle. His ability was the manipulation of firearms. He held a pair of guns to hide behind the people and continued to shoot. He fired a bullet and smashed a famous wolf. The sacred wolf is wearing a variant leather armor that can resist bullet shooting, but the face has no defense.

At the side of Huang Xueyu, there are 20 masters of red gangs who formed a small group to guard Huang Xueyu, relying on various capabilities to support each other. They destroyed more than a dozen warriors riding on the wolf, but only three of them were killed by the soldiers riding the wolf. They are not rushing, but they are mainly based on safety. Concentrate on the superior forces and destroy the dangerous St. Wolf rides one by one.

Suddenly, Wintermore, who was covered with human blood, held a huge mace with a huge mace. Like the demon god, Huang Xueyu and others snarled in disgust: "Is it yours? Han dogs, you dare to kill My subordinates, today you all have to die here!!"

"Kill him!!" Huang Xue stunned Wintermore, and he had a deep chill in his heart. He shouted loudly, and his hands were shot at the door of Wintermore.

In the hands of a huge mace in the hands of Wintermore, the bullets were blocked. When his mace spread out, there was a bronze mask on his face.

There are also seven masters holding rifles around Huang Xueyu. They shot with guns at Wintermore.

A bullet was shot on the body of Wintermore, and all of them were flew off. The impact of the bullet seemed to be ineffective for Wintermore.

"Go to death!" Wintermore looked at the people and smiled, and launched a skill charge. He went directly to Huang Xueyu and went straight, and the speed is getting more and more. Originally only six people, in just four breaths, his speed soared to the speed of twenty-three.

A senior intruder around Huang Xueyu launched the skill rock wall, and the earth wall appeared in front of Huang Xueyu.

"Broken!" In the hands of Wintermore, a spur of the mace, shattered the earthen wall, and appeared in front of Huang Xueyu's body, laughing, and the huge mace in his hand squatted.

Huang Xueyu’s eyes flashed a desperate moment, and suddenly a light shield rose from his arms, forming an energy light shield in front of him.

Wintermore's mace was banged over the light shield, smashing the energy light shield, and then squatting on the body of Huang Xueyu, turning Huang Xueyu into a pile of meat sauce.

A single blow made Huang Xueyu into a meat sauce, and Wintermore threw a huge mace to the left and right, and the six intensifiers were easily smashed into bolognese.

The gang of red gangs saw a big bang, and they all collapsed in all directions.

At this moment, fifty sacred wolves rushed out from the winter Moore and killed the remaining red gang to help the crowd.

In the eyes of Wintermore, a red glow shone loudly and shouted: "Catch with me!! Kill! Kill!! Kill!! Kill all Han dogs!!"

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

The fifty sacred wolves also shouted loudly.

With a roar, Wintermore returned with the soldiers to the blue gang.

"Don't!!!" The blue gang helped to admire a desperate flash in the eyes of Yuan Yuan. A huge mace slammed on his head and smashed him directly into a meat sauce.

Countless blood spattered over the body of Wintermore, making him look even more ferocious.

"Haha!! The Han dog is really weak! Haha!!" Wintermore was **** standing in the body and laughing wildly, even if it was a humanoid demon.

Wintermore is one of the top evolutionists in the Golden Wolf ride. He is a power and strength dual-evolutionist, and he has mastered all kinds of powerful skills. I don't know how many masters died in his hands. He led the St. Wolf to ride the left and right, and directly smashed the helpers of Chiyang and Yuanyi. Many golden wolves also followed him behind Tianmu Town.

At this time, the battle has entered a white-hot truncation, and every moment there is a golden wolf riding and being killed~www.readwn.com~ At the same time, there are also the death of the Fortress and the top ten gangs.

Under the strong attack of Wintermore, the remaining six gangs were all stunned, and they continued to retreat, and morale fell sharply.

With a wave of darlings, Wintermore was as a hurricane and directly smashed a six-gang gang warrior. Suddenly he was alert and his body twisted, and a light shield was born out of his body and blocked in front of him.


A poisonous scorpion bombarded the light shield and shook the light shield.

Wintermore turned around and looked at the Yue Zhong who was holding the poisonous thorn and watching him coldly.

"It's you!! The **** Han dog, even attacked me! Look at me tore you!!" Wintermore missed a grin, and launched a skill charge toward Yue Zhong, like a humanoid tank rushed toward Yue Zhong.

There are fifty St. Wolf riders alongside Wintermore, who have men and women among the St. Wolf rides, and are the top intensifiers and evolutionists of the Grand Turkistan. They also followed Wintermore, and greeted the twelve masters around Yue Zhong.

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