God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 616: Guild Wars White Armor!

> The first to start was the 122mm self-propelled artillery in Manchuria. The ten 122mm self-propelled artillery pieces fired artillery shells and slammed into the town of Tianmu.

boom! boom! !

The sound of the explosion continued, and a shell of artillery shells exploded in the town of Tianmu. The place where the shells fell, everything was blown up and shattered.

Yue Zhong had already organized the survivors in the town of Tianmu, but under the cover of the artillery bombing, many survivors and armed men were still killed and wounded.

Under the bombardment of the artillery, the morale of Tianmu Town was low. If not everyone knew that the town had been broken, then Manchuria would certainly order the town, and they would definitely crash and flee.

Li Guang came to Yue Zhong’s side and said: “This way it won’t work!! The leader! They must solve their heavy artillery!!”

Li Guang stared at Yue Zhong with a look of perseverance: "The leader, let me bring people to solve their heavy artillery units! Even if Laozi is dead, it will definitely destroy the manchurian dog's heavy artillery and die!"

Li Guang is not a man who ignores life and death. At the beginning, he was threatened with death by Yue Zhong, and his forcible income fell. However, in the face of such a strong attack on the Manchurian Empire, he knows that the attacking heavy artillery unit of the Manchurian Empire is a nine-death life. He is still willing to do it because he is **** and is a good man of the Han family.

The sword stood up: "I am going with you!!"

The sword is arrogant, proud to the extreme, and a bit of ambition, but he also has the blood of the young people. Seeing Li Guang’s proposal to carry out the most difficult and dangerous task, he stood up in his heart.

"I am willing to go!"

"I am going with you!"


A **** man of a famous Han family stood up and flashed in the eyes of the brilliance. They were ready to die.

There is never a **** man among the Han people. What is lacking is only a leader who can let them play for it.

Yue Zhong infects these men with his own iron fist and his predecessor style. In such a desperate situation, the blood in their bodies broke out.

Yue Zhong glared at Li Guang and those **** men's eyes flashed a touch of comfort and Shen Sheng: "No! Li Guang, you are here to temporarily replace me to command. I am going to destroy the ten self-propelled artillery. My task for you is, come back to me. Before, you must stick to the town of Tianmu, and definitely can't let him fall into the hands of Xuanzhen. Do you understand?"

Li was shocked and dissuaded: "The leader! No! The task is too dangerous. If you have three long and two short. What should we do?"

Many swordsmen and other Chinese masters looked at Yue Zhong and were also very surprised. Generally speaking, as the supreme commander, they will stand in the safest place to command the battle. Most of Ximeng Lie also fought under the command, hiding themselves in the guardianship.

At present, the position of the leader of the Yue Major League is temporarily recognized by the group, and he is fully capable of mobilizing the master to protect himself. Hiding in the safest place to give orders. Even if Sword One recognized Yue Zhong in the previous battle, he would never violate Yue Zhong’s order at this time.

Under such circumstances, Yue Zhong had to take the initiative to complete the arduous task of the nine deaths and deaths, so that they were both surprised and moved, and the blood in the body boiled. Morale is great.

Of course, there are also sober people who see that this is very inappropriate. Once Yue Zhong is killed, this Tianmu Town is only afraid to fall apart immediately. It is just like the collapse of the 4th and 8th Flags of the country after the country was smashed by Wintermore.

Yue Zhong stared at Li Guangshen: "No need to say more. I have decided! Execute the order! I will give it to you in Tianmu Town. Before I come back, you must die for me if you die." Here."

Li Guangsheng said: "Yes! The leader!"

Yue Zhong is pointing to a corner: "Tiangong Sakura, you take the sword and they assist Li Guangjian in the town of Tianmu."

The dark corner was twisted, and Tiangong Sakura came out silently and nodded to Yue.

After the completion of the account, Yue Zhong's figure flashed. I rushed out from Tianmu Town.

Yue Zhong just stepped out of Tianmu Town and felt that 20 eyes in the distance locked him. His body shape flashed and disappeared from the place.

boom! boom! boom!

Twenty dozens of sniper bullets were staggered in the position where Yue Zhong stood.


Yue Zhong immediately launched a joint protection. There is a layer of bone Kay outside, and at the same time, the skills are moved, and the speed exceeds the speed of 30 people, such as the same phantom rushing toward the direction of the Manchurian Empire.

In the center of the Manchurian Empire, a burly man like a bear, his hands are thick, his eyes are like a bell, his face is full of beards, and a strong-faced man stares at Yue Zhong’s eyes with a hint of cold light. This bearded, brazen man is the top evolutionary fighter in the Manchurian Empire. He commanded the white armor of the strongest master group of the Manchurian Empire!

The White Armed Forces of the Manchurian Empire are like the special battle camps of Yue Zhong. The St. Wolf rider in the Golden Wolf ride is generally composed of the most elite intensifiers. The white armor is like a sacred wolf. It is composed of intensifiers with a level of strengthening above 30. The combat power is extremely strong.

The bucket used a whip to make a heavy voice to Yue Zhong. "Too win! Take your army and horses and give me the head of that person!"

Tusheng is one of the six major military units in the White Armed Forces, and has commanded eighty-eight white armored soldiers. Tusheng is also a senior evolutionist with a level of up to 63.

"Yes! Adult!" Tusheng shouted loudly and then led the eightty-eight white armored soldiers to ride on the black scale horse as if with a sharp arrow rushed toward Yue Zhong.

"The master is coming!" Tusheng and others moved, and Yue Zhong’s heart gave birth to a warning sign. He turned his stinger into his hand.

Yue Zhong glanced at the white armor of the white armor who was galloping and galloped into a phantom to open six shots.

Six poisonous spurs blasted on the body of the white armor. Six white armored soldiers were directly blasted from the ground and they were blown to death.

Those white armored soldiers were wearing rebound vests made of third-order mutant animals, and even the stinger bullets were not shot, but their physical strength was not enough to make the impact of the stinger bullets. The huge impact brought by it shocked the bones and died.

Only the evolutionary of such strengths as Wintermore is able to withstand the firing of the cannons by relying on the leather armor of the third-order mutant beast. Even if the other people's leather armor can block the bombardment of the cannon, their own body will be directly killed by the huge impact.

Yue Zhong’s eyes were cold and his hand waved, and he quickly inserted six bullets into the stinger, and pulled the trigger again toward the white armor.

Six rounds of bullets banged again on the body of six white armored forces and killed six white armored forces directly from the ground and shattered the bones.

In less than ten seconds, twelve white armored soldiers were killed by Yue Zhong, and the white armored soldiers were stunned and angry.

A number of long-range attacks such as fireballs, ice cones, wind blades, air cannons, bullets, flying knives, darts, bows, stones, marbles, etc., like a heavy rain, poured toward Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong's figure is like a ghost, and almost all the skills have been flashed by him. Only two bows and arrows fly at the same speed as other skills, but they are chasing them toward Yue Zhong.

That is the three-level skill navigation arrow that shoots out the necessary skills. Once the shot is absolutely going to hit the target, the only weakness is that although they can automatically chase the enemy, the speed is not comparable to other powerful powers, but also in the power. Can't compare with the powerful arrow skills such as Burst Arrow, Fire Arrow, Thunderbolt, and Lightning Bolt.

Yue Zhong took out the black tooth knife and smashed the two navigation arrows easily. He flashed, and the stinger of his right hand once again fired six shots at the White Armed Forces. He once again flew six white armies from immediately.

Tu Sheng looked at Yue Zhong’s stinger with the stinger and slaughtered the soldiers in the eyes of the white armor. There was a faint fear in the eyes: “Good!! The horrible movement speed, the tempting shooting technique, the tyrannical weapon. This guy is really a monster, no wonder the fight will Let me bring my troops to encircle him. This guy is really terrible."

Looking at Yue Zhong’s use of ghostly speed and tyrannical pricking pistols to fly kites, while killing the white armies, they flashed a dignified command toward the artillery position. “Ming Shuwu, Wu Tiandao, both of you Leading the headquarters of the troops and horses immediately went to the artillery position to defend. And Sheng Quan, Ji Wen, and more wash you three with this unit to fight with me to kill the guy."

"Yes! Adult!"

The five majors of the White Armed Army were all loud and vocal, and then went with their own troops.

The scorpion himself also rushed over to Yue Zhong with three major capitals and three hundred and sixty intensifiers. www.readwn.com~ 鳌 已经 has deeply felt the danger of Yue Zhong, he wants to use the thunder to force Yue Zhong This threat is removed.

Strong as Yue Zhong can not resist the elite of the Bai Manjun, the great Manchurian Empire. He no longer entangled with the figure, the speed climbed to the extreme, and ran toward the artillery position of the Manchurian Empire in order to surpass the horror of the black scale horse.

The black scale horse with twice the speed of the ordinary horse was actually opened by Yue Zhong, and everyone who saw the elite of the white armor was stunned.

Two minutes later, Yue Zhong rushed to a place three kilometers away from the Damanchu artillery position. Instead of continuing to charge, he took out the five-level treasure eagle II anti-equipment sniper.

Yue Zhong took out the eagle 隼 II anti-equipment sniper and pulled the trigger to a 122 self-propelled artillery. A ray of light came from the anti-equipment sniper. It shot on a self-propelled artillery and broke through the armor of the self-propelled artillery. Come, a loud bang blasted the self-propelled artillery into a crush.

Yue Zhong quickly adjusted the shooting for ten seconds and then a beam of light shot again to destroy a self-propelled artillery.

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