God and Devil World

Chapter 62: Night talk

Lei Zhen was the number one hitter of Wang Guanghu when he was in Leijiang City. He was also his confidant and has been following Wang Guanghu.

Zhang Xiang and Chen Yan are the talents that Wang Guanghu recruited among the survivors. Zhang Xiang himself was also the leader of a small gang when he was recruited by Wang Guanghu, and his men also had five or six subordinates.

Chen Si, who blocked the intersection of Yue Zhong and his party, was the cousin of Chen Yan. When Chen Yan was recruited by Wang Guanghu, he also had seven or eight men.

Wang Guanghu does not mind other people talking about his past, so Guo Yucai dared to tell his origins.

Guo Yu was arrested after Wang Guanghu seized power.

Among the survivors, Wang Guanghu has a more interested woman, and this is not a shot for Guo Yu. If Yue Zhong does not appear, Wang Guanghu will also use Guo Yu to recruit other powerful talents.

In addition to Guo Yu, Wang Guanghu has several beautiful virgins in his hands. This is what he specializes in keeping the master. Wang Guanghu himself has played enough virgins, he prefers to enjoy the service of mature women than virgins who do not understand anything.

"This head is really insightful!" Yue Zhong reached out and grasped the full and elastic pair of jade rabbits in the arms of Guo Yu, thinking quietly.

When Guo Yu talked about the origin of Wang Guanghu, he unconsciously has already invested in Yue Zhong’s arms, letting this man scorn himself.

Yue Zhong is just an ordinary man, and he also likes beauty. However, after the end of the world, he has been restraining his own desires. Because of moral constraints, he did not start with the girls he guarded. Guo Yu is full of youthful vitality, beautiful and charming, and was given to him by Wang Guanghu. Moreover, Guo Yu himself did not show too much resistance, and he did not have too much restraint on his own desires.

"Yue Zhong, what are you doing!" Just as Yue Zhong bowed his head and wanted to kiss on the lips of Guo Yu's lips, a petite figure rushed in and yelled at Yue Zhong's anger.

Yue Zhong looked up and found that the petite figure was Lu Wen.

Seeing Lu Wen, Yue Zhong’s heart unconsciously gave birth to a panic, but his face did not change slowly: "How did you come in?"

Lu Wen looked at Yue Zhong, who was holding Guo Yu in the bath. She was angry and aggrieved. Her eyes were red, her eyes were tearful. She seemed to see her husband’s derailed little wife shouting: “Yue Zhong, you are like this. Do it. Can you afford me?"

Yue Zhong said calmly: "Wen Wen, you should go out and wait for me, I have something to tell you."

Lu Wen listened to Yue Zhong’s words, and he left the bathroom with enthusiasm.

"Master, is she your girlfriend?" Guo Yu glanced at Lu Wen, and his eyes flashed. She swears Lu Wen, because she is a woman, why she has to give up her dignity and humility to serve men, and she has to do such shameless things as other women. Lu Wen was able to send a temper to the boys like the princess of the past.

Yue Zhong sighed slightly: "I don't know."

Yue Zhong has always treated Lu Wen as a sister. After Lu Wenwen confessed to him in Leijiang City, he used his gaze to look at Lu Wen. Now, he does not know whether he loves Louis or not. At the time of the transfer to Bohai City, Yue Zhong did not have time to think about those things.

Without thinking and continuing to play with Guo Yu, Yue Zhong washed and walked into the room.

I saw Lu Wen sitting on the bed and seeing Yue Zhong coming over, she immediately turned her head to the side. She is really angry.

Yue Zhong sat opposite Lu Wen, Guo Yu and Wang Lan stood behind him.

Yue Zhong looked at Lu Wen, his eyes filled with love: "Wen Wen, you know that I have always treated you as a sister. Even now, I also regard you as my most loved sister. It is better to be a brother and sister, I Will always take care of you."

As soon as the words came out, Yue Zhong’s heart was loose.

After listening to Yue Zhong’s words, Lu Wen, who was losing his temper, changed his face and rushed to Yue Zhong’s arms and cried: “Yue Zhong brother! I don’t want to be your sister. I want to be your woman. I I know that I am wrong, I will not be jealous and angry in the future, and I will oppose you to interact with other women. You heavy brother, you can't abandon me, now I can only rely on you alone. You don't want me, I don't know how to live. ""

The world changed, and Lu Wen walked all the way to see the cruelty and terribleness of the outside world. Especially when I came to Changguang Village, it was a naked show of the cruelty of the last days. Without the protection of Yue Zhong, she really didn't know how to survive in the cruel end of the world.

Yue Zhong looked at Li Wen, who was crying in the arms and had a rain, and his heart was soft. He patted her back and comforted him: "Okay! Ok! I will not abandon you, Wen Wen. I am just I want to be as good as your sister. And I really are not as good as you think. I am just an ordinary man~www.readwn.com~ It is not worth your favorite."

Looking at Yue Zhong to comfort Lu Wen, Guo Yu and Wang Lan on the other side showed their envious eyes.

Lu Wen is a person who Yue Zhong attaches to, and he will explain to her carefully. As for Guo Yu, he is only attracted by her beauty, and has no special feelings, and will not worry about the other side's thoughts.

In this Changguang village, Wang Guanghu did not look at women at all, but used those women as tools for venting their desires. Among them, Zhang Xiang is more perverted. He likes to torture women and teach women to be like dogs. All women are afraid to fall in Zhang Xiang’s hand. In the last days, it is a kind of happiness to be able to protect and respect a man who is as strong as Yue Zhong.

Lu Wen stared at the daring with the big watery eyes: "But I don't want to be your sister. I really don't want it. Yue Zhong brother, I like you, I love you. I want you to be mine." Man! No one but you."

Before the end of the world, Lu Wen was a bold and enthusiastic new human girl. After the end of the world, without the control of parents, the fear of the future after the world's variability made her bold at this moment. Of course, if it is before the end of the world, even if she likes Yue Zhong, she will not be so bold and enthusiastic.

Yue Zhong holds Lu Wen, remembering that when he was seriously injured, Lu Wen took care of himself. One of his hearts was soft and soft. "Good! Good! Good! From today, you are my girlfriend." ”

Just as Yue Zhong said this sentence, a handsome figure of Yingwu was flashing through his mind.

Lu Wen broke and smiled at Yue Zhongdao: "Hey! Yue Zhong brother, this is what you said! From now on, I am your true girlfriend. No matter how many women you have, they must call my sister!"

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