God and Devil World

Chapter 64: steamed bread

Wang Guanghu has not many guns and ammunition. The militants he selected were men who were strong and brave and zombie fighting. Among the survivors, there are also some men who dare not fight. They can only dig some wild vegetables and grass roots for food. They are the objects that are ruled by the lowest level.

Yue Zhong looked at the frown of the woman who was drawn with a whip on the ground and asked: "What happened?"

"Yue Zhong!" Chen Si handed the whip to one of his younger brothers. He walked over to Yue Zhong and smiled. "Nothing. This skunk. The hands and feet are not clean. We stole a hoe. We were on the spot." When you catch it, you will be dragged out and let the guys take a good look. If the hands and feet are not clean, what will happen."

At this time, the woman who was curled up on the ground was huddled on the ground by the whip, constantly pleading for help, and the voice was extremely fierce.

The woman standing next to Yue Zhong is extremely intolerable.

Guo Yu and Wang Lan looked at the woman who was curled up on the ground, and there was a touch of fear in her eyes. They don't want to be such poor people.

Zhang Xin, standing next to Yue Zhong, couldn’t help but blurt out and said: "It’s just a gimmick. Is that true?"

Chen Si brows a pick and says to the heart of the fierce heart: "We men talk, what is your woman's mouth, find it?"

Chen Si was extremely murderous, and Zhang Xin was scared by him. He quickly stepped back and did not dare to say anything more.

Chen Si looked at Yue Zhong and taught him the experience of training a woman: "Yue Zhong, you have a good hand. But the ability to adjust a woman is still a little worse. What is the world now? Women, just want to fight. Beat them. Be honest and obedient. Otherwise, we will be killed outside and look for materials to raise them. They are still at home and look upset. One of the women of Laozi is a former VC director. When she was with her, she was not willing to do so. She was so arrogant that she was so proud that she had been pumped a few times and was hungry for a few times. Now she is not obedient to the soles of the feet of the old man. ”

After listening to Chen Si’s method of teaching women to Yue Zhong, the women standing beside Yue Zhong, in addition to Ji Qing Dance, Chen Yao and Lu Wen, the face of the brush has become ugly.

Among this team, Yue Zhong’s force is superb, and Chi Yang is also Yue’s buddy. He wants to become the model of Chen Si. Almost no woman can resist his violation. In the end of the collapse of this order, they really did not know what Yue Zhong would become.

Those girls have been protected by Yue Zhong in the last days, although they all know that the world is mutated and strong. However, I did not expect that the outside world would become so terrible. The darkness hidden in the depths of human beings broke out with the arrival of the last days.

Only Ji Qing Dance and Chen Yao, who had been fighting with Yue Zhong, were not surprised. They had met those crazy mobs in Leijiang City before, knowing that in the last days, many people’s thoughts Start to be distorted, crazy, and abnormal.

Yue Zhong’s silence did not interrupt Chen Si’s interest.

"Send her into the chicken coop!"

"Yes, let her go into the chicken coop!"

An armed man was exhausted and he stopped. The militants on one side clamored.

The women in this Changguang village are divided into five types. The first is that the youngest and most beautiful are divided by the four chiefs and enjoyed as a forbidden. The second type is the woman owned by the various militants. If they make great contributions, they will also receive the woman rewarded by Wang Guanghu. Those women are the private property of these militants, even if the leader is not able to use it. The third type is to pay for Changguang Village to search for wild vegetables, river fresh, chicken, and pigs. These women are able to get a little moldy food to survive. Armed elements cannot easily move these women. The fourth is the wife of the villagers in Changguang Village. Wang Guanghu does not allow the militants to move the women casually, but the villagers in Changguang Village also pay certain wild vegetables and grass as taxes every day. The fifth is a woman in the chicken coop. All the militants are able to arbitrarily abuse and have the lowest status.

At this moment, a man of about 30 years old rushed into the crowd, squatting in front of the militants, and continually bowed to the crowd: "Don't!! No! Grandpa, ask for You are doing well! Don't send my wife to the chicken coop!! I am here to give you a gimmick! She is so hungry to do it! I beg you to let my wife go!"

Chen Si’s eyes flashed in the cold and walked into the crowd. He kicked the man in his thirties with a dish on the ground and said coldly: “The person who steals the thing, the woman’s feed into the chicken nest! The man cut his hands and smashed out of the village. This is the rule set by the tiger brother. There is no rule that is not a square. Big dog, even if you break your head, it is useless."

The big dog squatted and climbed the road. Chen Si was even smashed in front of his body. He took out his forehead and pleaded with pain. "Four brother! Four grandfather, beg you, do it well! Don't send my wife to the chicken coop I promise, she doesn't dare. She doesn't dare anymore~www.readwn.com~ beg you!"

Chen Si directly pointed the 81-type rifle in his hand to the head of the big dog. He said evilly: "Roll! Or die!"

The woman who curled up on the ground said incomparably: "Dog...you are going!"

Each of the militants in Changguang Village is a sly character. Not only does it dare to kill with zombies, but it is also not soft to kill people. The thorns in Changguang Village were all shot by the militants on the spot.

The big dog squatted on the floor and burst into tears: "A Ying... I am sorry for you! Ah Ying...!"

Chen Si cold and cold: "Take away!"

The two militants immediately smirked and walked toward the woman who was curled up on the ground.

This desolate scene gave birth to a chill and sympathy in the hearts of the women. For the first time, the flowers they stayed in the greenhouse saw the cruelty and terrible of the last days.

Ji Qing dance face color change, cold light flashed, double fist clenched, could not help but take a step forward.

Yue Zhong also stepped forward, blocking in front of Ji Qing dance, and said: "Slow!"

Chen Si turned to look at Yue Zhong, his face was apathy: "Yue Zhong, this is the thing inside our Changguang Village. Do you want to interfere?"

The seven militants around Chen Si also placed their hands on the gun and looked at Yue Zhong.

The six militants who followed the Yue Zhong and his entourage were also nervous. They took a few steps back and looked at Yue Zhong as if they were enemies.

Yue Zhong’s courage has spread widely among the people, and those armed elements are jealous of Yue Zhong. However, they still kept restraint and did not aim the gun at Yue Zhong.

The girls around Yue Zhong are afraid of the extreme. If the two sides are in conflict, they are afraid that few people can survive.

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