God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 653: Defeat the Mongolian army!

> The situation is extremely detrimental to the Mongolian army. Once all the tanks are completely destroyed by armed helicopters in the sky, the Mongolian army has no power to resist the charge of the Yuejun tanks in this plain.

"For the Great Mongol Empire, charge!!"

"For the Great Mongol Empire, charge!!"


With a screaming sound, the Mongolian cavalry in the two wings made a scream of screaming and rushed toward the armored forces of Yue Jun.

Those Mongolian cavalry were originally used as the motive force. After waiting for Yue Jun to be defeated by the armored units of the Mongolian army, they came out to pursue the use of the expansion. However, the armored forces of the Mongolian army are now suffering a devastating blow. They also have to use the flesh and blood to attack the armored units of Yuejun as a cavalry.

The on-board machine guns of more than 100 machine guns on both sides of the Yuejun armored forces spewed out fierce fire tongues. The dense bombs shot on the Mongolian cavalry and shot the Mongolian cavalry on the ground.

"Go to hell!!" A Mongolian cavalry rushed into the range of a hundred meters from an armored vehicle with a rocket launcher. He turned over and pulled off the rocket launcher on his back and aimed the remote armored vehicle to trigger the trigger.

When the fire flashed, the armored vehicle was blown up and shattered.

Those Mongolian cavalry are fierce and fierce. They all know that today's war is related to the struggle of the two nations for hegemony over the grasslands. If they are defeated, Yue Zhong will never let go of these villains who have contaminated the blood of various ethnic groups.

These Mongolian cavalry are very embarrassing, and their hands are also contaminated with the blood of many people. They know that they have no retreat, so they are very fierce.

However, countless war cases have proved that flesh and blood and courage are unable to overcome the formation of the steel torrent. Although the Mongolian cavalry was heroic, it was still torn into a corpse in the strong forest rain of the machine gun.

The 10,000 cavalry that launched the two wings at the time of the formation of the firepower net in the more than one hundred machine guns was just like a flash in the pan, and was smashed and broken. The result of their 10,000 people was only destroyed by some warriors and sixteen machine guns of Yue Jun.

After the 30 armed helicopters in the sky destroyed the forty-eight Mongolian tanks, the machine guns roared and tore an infantry fighting vehicle and a machine gun torn.

Armed helicopters are tanks and nemesis of many ground armored vehicles. Among the 30 armed helicopters, 20 Thunder fighters are even more terrible by relying on the advanced technology created by the advanced technology after the end of the world. Although there are only 30 armed helicopters, their true combat power is comparable to that of seventy armed helicopters.

That kind of horrible air force is awesome. The lower machine gun was easily torn and shattered by a cannon like a toy. The 30 armed helicopters rushed straight toward the direction of the Chinese army.

Suddenly, I saw that the 30 armed helicopters flew to the Mongolian army and changed their faces. It seems that when they were ten years old, they usually issued a retreat order: "Through my orders! All the troops dispersed to the Golden Crown." !!"

Under the order of the sudden dyeing, the huge Mongolian army collapsed. Turned into countless small units, and went away in all directions.

There are a large number of horses in the army, and almost everyone has a horse. This escape is really fast and fast.

The Mongolian army fled like this, and the armored units also fled, unable to withstand the attack of Yue Jun. Yue Jun cut through the remaining armored forces of the Mongolian army. Destroy those armored forces completely.

The Mongolian army left a large amount of food, ammunition and other materials into the hands of Yue Zhong. It is precisely because of the drag of these materials that the retreat of the Mongolian army with a large number of black scale horses is so slow.

Otherwise, the Mongolian army can completely escape by horse riding overnight, and Yue Zhong has no good way to stop them.

Leaving an infantry battalion to guard the vast amount of material left by the Mongolian army, Li Guang divided the troops into five crazy Mongolian troops that cleared the grassland. However, the effect was minimal. He took people everywhere to hunt and killed only the Mongolian army of more than 2,000 people.

Yue Zhong defeated the main force of the Mongolian army, and then turned back and attacked the wolf and the blood eagle.

The Mongolian warriors who were riding on the wolf and riding on the blood eagle were all cavalry. When they saw the situation, they immediately collapsed and became the cavalry of 20 thousands of people who fled in all directions.

The grassland is too broad, it is a paradise for cavalry. Yue Zhong’s armored forces only wiped out a thousand cavalry wolves, and the blood eagle’s soldiers had escaped.

Li Guang came to Yue Zhong’s face with a happy smile: “These **** guys. Like a mouse, they flee in a dozen. The leader! What should we do now?”

The main force of the Mongolian army was defeated, and everyone understood that the entire prairie had changed its owner. From now on they will be the first force in the grasslands. Where the enemy passes, all enemies will not be bowed and will be destroyed. Therefore, all the officers have a happy smile on their faces, and they work harder.

In Yue Zhong’s eyes, a glimmer of light flashed slowly: “Golden King Court, as long as they attack the Golden King Court, they will become dogs of funeral, it is difficult to threaten us.”

If the Mongolian cavalry is swaying over the grasslands, it is difficult to be annihilated. If they are tempted to fight guerrilla warfare with Yue Zhong, it will be very difficult to destroy them.

The only flaws of these Mongolian cavalry that come and go like the wind are their nest, the Golden King. In the Golden King Court, there were a large number of grain, livestock, and slaves seized by the Mongol Empire. In this end of the world, where supplies are scarce, it is very difficult to obtain supplies. For those Mongolian cavalry who want constant war, the only place where they receive supplies is the Golden King.

Once the Golden King Court was smashed, the Mongolian cavalry would be starved to death after being slain over the grassland for a period of time, not being eaten by the mutant beast.

It is stated that the reason why they were able to attack the Mongol Empire, the Manchurian Empire, and the Turkic Empire in the grassland was completely supported by Yue Zhong. Constantly provide food, ammunition, horses, and weapons. Otherwise, they will not be able to support for too long and will be annihilated by the army of the Mongol Empire.

Yue Zhong slammed Li Guangyi and said: "Li Guang, do you have any strength in the Changsheng Army?"

Li Guang’s eyes flashed a touch of joy and loud voice: “Yes!! We always win the army with full strength!!”

At this moment, Situ, who was silent and silent, also tried to say: "The leader! Our Tianwei army also has full strength! Willing to be the leader of the leader, destroy the enemy!!"

The King of the Prairie King is the hegemon of the grassland and the enemy that Yue Zhongjun must defeat. Li Guang took the Tianwei Army to resist the Manchurian army, and the main force had already made great contributions. In the future, it will become the first major force under the command of Yue Zhong. Situ also felt the crisis and hoped that the ideals would make them the first-class main force.

There must be a first-rate main battle unit, a second-line unit, a miscellaneous army, a garrison, and a reserve unit in a country. The first-rate main battle force is definitely the object of the military's favorite care. All kinds of advanced equipment and all kinds of materials will be inclined to the first-class main battle units.

Those second-rate, miscellaneous, garrison, and reserve forces are naturally not valued. There are few opportunities to go to the battlefield, there are few opportunities for merit, and the supply of materials will be few.

No arrogant force will be willing to be a second-rate force. Situ will be a soldier and hope that the troops he will bring out will become the first-class main battle force in the new forces.

Yue Zhong had some surprises and Situ had a look. He knew that Situ did not like civil war. Although he obeyed his orders, he had his own insistence. He intends to use the Tianwei army of Situ as a second-rate force, responsible for public security operations and clearing zombies. In this way, it will not violate the persistence and principles of Situ.

Yue Zhong stared at Situ and said: "Do you have a military service? This war is very important and must be completely obeyed. Situ does, maybe there will be some phenomena that you don't want to see."

This time Yue Zhong must break through the gold king court to eliminate the power of the Mongolian king, and he will use whatever means to win.

Situ heard the words and silenced.

Yue Zhong did not look at Situ, but directed to Li Guangdao: "Chang Shengjun, come with me! Let us destroy the Golden King!"

Li Guang’s eyes are filled with excitement and burning radiance: “Yes! The leader!! We are always willing to be the sword in your hands and kill all the enemies in front of you!”

After the speech, Li Guangxuan left here after Yue Zhong. ~www.readwn.com~ Situ looked at the back of Yue Zhong’s back and said, and finally sighed heavily. He vaguely guessed that their Tianwei army was afraid of becoming a second-rate or even a third-rate force under the command of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong did not rest directly to lead the tree monster army, a thousand elite cavalry, Li Guang commander's mechanized unit, such as the same sword, generally went straight to the gold king court.

All the way up, it was very smooth, they barely encountered any decent resistance. Only a few scattered cavalry appeared, and the cavalry were killed by the masters of the Changsheng Army.

Almost immediately after the sudden dyeing and leading a thousand subordinates to escape to the Golden King Court, Yue Zhong’s foot was killed outside the golden king’s court.

Yue Zhong summoned the cold and cold commander of the ambassador who used to work for the Manchurian Empire: "Da Zhongzhong! You are going to persuade me to drop the amount of money. Let him put down his weapon and surrender unconditionally. So I can put him alive. Otherwise I immediately After launching the offense, breaking his king's court, destroying his nine people. I only give him an hour to consider the time. This is the order!"

Yan Dazhong’s body was a soft bone on the ground: “The slaves follow the instructions!!”

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