God and Devil World

Vol 6 Chapter 655: Sudden dyeing conditions!

> In the heavy camp of Yue Zhongjun, Yue Zhonghuai holds the silver cream stuck to him, standing on his two sides, Bai Xiaosheng and Ji Qingwu, two top evolutionists. The murderer of Tiangong Sakura is hidden in the dark. Twenty levels of reinforcement are above forty, and advanced evolutionists who have experienced countless battles are on either side.

Surrounded by the many masters, Yue Zhong stared at the handsome face below, and the extraordinary Mongolian king suddenly dyed his eyes like a sinking voice: "It’s so courageous! It’s a Mongolian king’s sudden dyeing. You dare to be alone. It’s amazing that one person came to my camp. You are not afraid that I will kill you now? If you die, the entire Mongolian army will fall apart and there will be no power to resist me."

When Yue Zhong’s words came out, all the strong men in the big camp were physically tight, and they fixed their eyes on the body that was suddenly dyed.

Silver Cream also has a pair of eyes like a knife, and the small fist that is dyed and powdered is tightly held. Once Yue Zhong has an order, she will rush to the head that will suddenly be dyed.

I suddenly said that Yue Zhong was not humble and said: "I have ordered it when I came. If I die, all the materials of the Golden King will be burned. If Yue Zhong wants a broken gold court, then you Hands-on!"

Suddenly dyed as a generation of Xiong Xiong, even if it was forced by Yue Zhong to a desperate situation, still not diminishing, and did not sway for the sake of survival.

"Good! You are a man." Yue Zhong looked at the Mongolian king and suddenly flashed a touch of appreciation.

Many people cannot remain calm under the threat of death. Those who are officials are even more afraid of death. Suddenly, as the Mongolian king dared to risk his life, he came to Yue’s major battalion like the Longtan Tiger Cave, which made Yue Zhong very admire.

Yue Zhong overbearing directly said: "Slightly dyed, I want the gold king court to completely shun me. The voice on the prairie is only one person. Open your conditions."

Yue Zhong’s chips in the hands of the victors are far more numerous than the ones. Only the victor can speak to the loser in this high-pitched tone.

Suddenly, I’m staring at Yue Zhong’s word and said: “If I surrender you, how are you going to arrange me? Give me a glass of poisonous wine, or let me quietly evaporate?”

Such as the sudden amount of dyeing itself is not only the top evolutionary, but also the hegemony on the grassland, the myriad of the old man is a very unstable factor. Many overlords will not tolerate such existence to live in their own power. Basically, they all adopt the same strategy and squander the roots.

Yue Zhong stared at the flickering voice: "I won't kill you, I will transfer you and your family to Vietnam. You will never be allowed to go back to the prairie. You just have to stay in Vietnam, I will Let you sit in a rich family and live forever. As long as you are not enemies with me, I will not kill you. If you jump out and fight against me again, I will destroy your nine people. How?"

Suddenly dyed on the grassland, the prestige is too much, the old part is too much, Yue Zhong is not willing to let such an unstable factor stay in the grassland. If he doesn't want to kill him, Yue Zhong can only exile him far away, so that he can no longer contact the old department. Of course, the best way is to directly kill the amount of money.

Suddenly, I was caught in silence. He also knows that this is the best way.

Suddenly, I’m staring at Yue Zhongdao: “If I want to stay on the prairie, what would you do to me?”

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, there is a cold light: "I will kill you now. Even if the Golden King is in chaos, I will not let you leave here alive."

An outstanding leader can make a force grow rapidly. Suddenly, the amount of dyeing is such an excellent existence, Yue Zhong is absolutely not allowed to live and leave here. Otherwise there will be countless troubles on the prairie.

Suddenly, I was able to feel the determination of Yue Zhong from the words of Yue Zhong. If he insists on staying, Yue Zhong will definitely kill him without mercy.

Suddenly, the eyes flashed in the eyes and hesitated for a while. Shen Sheng said: "I led the Golden King to vote for you. Fight for you, how? There are many forces on the prairie, I am willing to bring soldiers to conquer them for you. ”

"Oh?" Yue Zhong’s eyes flashed a glimpse of an accident, and he did not think that he would vote for him. He fell into meditation.

If you really want to rely on Yue Zhong, then Yue Zhong will get a terrible power. Suddenly dyed this unit is the elite army above the grassland. Everyone is a heroic warrior. Whether it is against humans. Still dealing with the zombie army, this is a tyrannical force.

The reason why the army that was suddenly dyed was defeated this time was not that they were not heroic, but that they lacked the air force. The lack of air superiority in modern warfare is a terrible thing. Especially in the field, the lack of the Air Force can only be defeated in the wilderness without any bunker, otherwise it will only be annihilated.

If there were no 30 armed helicopters, Yue Zhong’s army would do its best. At the same time, it can only be defeated by the Mongolian army in the field, and it will never win so easily.

The reason why Yue Zhong was hesitant was because his army had very few troops. In fact, there were less than 5,000 troops in the real elite. This force is very difficult for the troops to suppress the tens of thousands of Mongolian troops. With a little carelessness, his troops may even be annexed by the Mongolian army.

"I know that you are worried that my troops are too much to control. But you can rest assured. Modern warfare is equipped with equipment and logistics. It is impossible for a unit without logistics to carry out continuous fighting. If I vote for you, The materials of the entire Golden King are in your hands. As long as you seize the logistics, we can't resist you. And our family and relatives are in your grasp, they are the best weapon to restrain us."

"If you are worried that we have too many Mongolian troops. You can split our army and supplement the Han people. You can also carry out disarmament and reduce the number of Mongolian troops. In addition, there are hundreds of thousands of ethnic groups in this golden king court. Slave, once you liberate them, they are the cornerstone of your rule. You can choose the Han people from among them to form an army. In this way, the number of Han Chinese troops can even surpass our Mongolians very quickly. The power of the Han people is endless. I can bring troops to fight for you, defeat them, and bring their people to you to expand your power. Under such a virtuous circle, the Han people’s combat power will only become stronger and stronger. So you don't have to worry that I will betray you." Fudged to Yue Zhongyu and talked about the facts.

Yue Zhong stared at the amount of money and slowed down: "Why would you surrender me to work for me?"

Generally, the general power leaders have the mind that they are not the first ones. Even if it is defeated and captured, it will not be so easy to rely on. Yue Zhong felt a bit confused about the sudden approval of his sudden approval for his effectiveness.

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed through the eyes and looked straight at Yue Zhongdao: "I was a rich family before the end of the world. I have no life goals, just enjoyment everywhere. After the end of the world, I lived a wonderful life. Now, I can no longer live that plain and ordinary life. If there is no power, I will suffocate and die."

Some people like to live a quiet and peaceful life. Some people like to live a life of great power. Before the end of the world, many officials were most likely to die after a period of retirement. That was because they lost the power they had in their hands and were very uncomfortable with that life.

Suddenly, I don’t want to bury my skills in a small donkey in Vietnam, and spend my life peacefully. Even if he is going to die, he will die in a magnificent way, and he will die on the most fierce battlefield.

Yue Zhong looked at the amount of money for a while before making up his mind: "Good! I promise you! As long as you trust me, I can let you lead again on the grassland. But all the personnel appointments you have must be fully obeyed. My order. If you defy one my command, then don't blame me for being ruthless. How? You still have to lead?"

As Hu Jinshen said, as long as Yue Zhong masters the logistics, he will not be able to get anywhere. After all, if a unit is armed with a sabre and cannot even eat enough, it is basically impossible to win a hand-held assault rifle and have a tank of aircraft.

Suddenly dyed a single knee and sighed in front of Yue Zhong’s body: “I will die for the leader!”

Suddenly, the dyeing was also a character. When he decided to play for Yue Zhong, he completely put down the Mongolian king's shelf and completely regarded himself as the subordinate of Yue Zhong.

Yue Zhong slammed his hand and sighed slowly: "All the killers in the Golden King, killing the Han people and the animals of other ethnic groups ~www.readwn.com~ I will not let go. You understand?"

Suddenly dyed a cold face: "Yes! The leader! I will take the scum for the leader and directly decapitate the crowd."

Yue Zhong dyed the amount to the amount: "You go back! Let me bring the materials inside out. Let my people accept it."

"Yes! The leader!" I suddenly left the room.

After the dyeing and retreating, Bai Xiaosheng couldn’t help but ask: "The leader! Do you really want to use that guy? That guy is not simple. His ambition is very big. If we are not careful, he may retort at any time. we."

Yue Zhong slowly said: "Yes! He is a double-edged sword. If it can be used well, he will be our sharpest blade, but once we are weak, we are afraid to bite us first. he."

Bai Xiaosheng asked some questions: "Are you still answering him?"

In the eyes of Yue Zhong, the flash of light flashed slowly: "We must now quickly integrate all the forces. We must take the capital within a year. Otherwise, things are not good." (To be continued.)

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